Star Odyssey Chapter 5383: Your choice


After a moment of silence, the four masters suspended their search, but there was indeed no trace: “I thought he would retreat, but I didn’t expect that he took Mi Master away with serious injuries. Human beings, each one is stupider than the last.”

“So we can solve Xiangcheng?”

“Hongshuang can go back to ancient times. This is how humans threaten us. If Hongshuang doesn’t leave there for a day, we won’t stay together for a day.”

“Resolving two hidden dangers at once will not only completely end the huge plan, but also prevent Lu Yin from threatening our transformation and reconstruction. Xiangsiyu, it seems that they have not taken away much of the good fortune in this chaotic era.”

“If it weren’t for the existence of traitors in human beings, the great plan would have succeeded, and we would have been doomed.”

“Don’t underestimate humans.”

“But this time humanity is really doomed, but I think we still have to find Mi Master, even if his body is there. And if Lu Yin is not dead, he will still threaten us to transform and rebuild. Don’t forget how strong his resilience is.”

“Not bad.”

“The only troublesome thing is that it is even harder to find. I used to rely on the passage of time to find it, but the battle just happened on the river of time, and the traces were erased. I can no longer look for it based on the past.”

“Then search the entire universe. While searching, we can also recover.”

On the other side, Lu Yin fell to a technologically civilized planet with Master Mi in his arms.

As they fell and crashed into the planet city, the entire city suddenly blared alarms, and countless strange-looking creatures surrounded them and shouted something.

Lu Yin didn’t pay attention to them, but looked at Master Mi.

Master Mi’s energy was like a thread, and the extremely powerful blow from the four masters brought him to the verge of death. Even the masters were unbearable to bear that blow, let alone Master Mi.

“Senior, senior?” Lu Yin hurriedly treated Mi Master and directly penetrated the green light spot to help him practice the Nirvana Tree Technique.

Master Mi opened his eyes, all his flesh and blood were burning, his pupils were turning, bloodshot threads were stuck together, and they might fall off at any time: “No, it’s a waste of energy, I can’t live.”

Lu Yin gritted his teeth. He was seriously injured, but he recovered visibly under the Nirvana Tree Technique. “Senior, I will definitely save you.”

A ray of light descended from the surrounding area, coming from the technological power of this planet. These rays of light turned into a mesh to capture Lu Yin and Mi Master.

But as Lu Yin’s consciousness swept over him, all the creatures on the planet fell into coma.

Countless controlled machines exploded, and the planet fell into chaos.

Mi Zhu’s white-bone arms grasped Lu Yin tightly, his pupils stared at him, and he trembled: “Civilization or individuals, which one is more important?”

Lu Yin looked into Master Mi’s eyes and didn’t know what to say for a moment.

Is this the time to ask this question?

“Answer me, which is more important, civilization or individuals?” Mi Zhu asked with all his strength, hoarse.

Lu Yin replied hoarsely: “Civilization is the most important thing.”

Master Mi smiled, his bones sticking to his flesh and blood, and he gave a pleased smile: “Just understand, I gave you a choice, but if you choose this path, don’t blame me, child.”

Lu Yin is confused, what does it mean?

In the back, the door opened wide, and a figure walked out slowly, looking at Lu Yin with a smile: “We meet again, the master of the chess piece.”

Lu Yin stared blankly at Wang Wen who walked out of the door, then lowered his head to look at Master Mi, confused.

What’s going on?

Why does Wang Wen appear here?

He was puzzled before. Wang Wenming clearly said that he did not know where Master Mi was, but when the four masters were looking for Master Mi, he immediately told Lu Yin the location of Master Mi.

Lu Yin believed that Wang Wen didn’t know before, because Mi Zhu couldn’t tell anyone his location if he wanted to successfully break through.

But how did Wang Wen know that at that time?

What’s going on at this moment?

His expression changed.

In front of me, the Mi Master is still dying and has not changed at all. This person is definitely the Mi Master. He has the strength, the breath, and everything he has is the Mi Master.

“Are you confused? Then, shall I answer the question, or will Mi Master do it yourself?” Wang Wen asked with a smile as he looked at Mi Master who was lying on the ground and could die at any time.

Lu Yin looked at Master Mi again.

Master Mi’s pupils turned and he stared at Lu Yin: “Civilization or individuals, which one is more important? If you say it is civilization, then respect your own choice and give me everything you have. I can break through and lead human civilization. Going forward, this is the real final step of the great plan.”

“Replace the power of the old era with the power of the expansion era, and the breakthroughr is me.”

Lu Yin’s eyes were shocked and he looked at Master Mi blankly, thinking he heard wrongly.

“The real final step in the big plan is replacement?”

Master Mi’s voice became weaker and weaker: “If it is not replaced, how can it be rebuilt?”

Lu Yin looked at Master Mi as if it was the first day he met him.

He is no stranger to Master Mi, whether it is the high-spirited man who once awakened the silence, created the Nine Bases, or the old man who was oppressed, sealed, and hunched by the vicissitudes of life, he is no stranger.

So I never thought something like this would happen. And in that battle just now, it was not fake that Master Mi fought to the death, so he was confused.

Is it possible for a person to have two faces?

At this moment, he felt an unprecedented sense of strangeness towards Master Mi.

It was like meeting this person for the first time.

Mi Zhu kept looking at Lu Yin, his eyes dull and lifeless, “I gave you a choice, child, and I let you go. As long as you leave, you will not be replaced. But you didn’t leave. You and I will always have to Someone goes beyond the Lord.”

“Instead of waiting for the unknown you, it is better to follow the plan and let me reach the sky smoothly.”

“You yourself have said that civilization and individuals are the most important thing.”

Lu Yin stared at Mi Master, then looked at Wang Wen, many things were easily solved: “The last step of the big plan is to replace, so this was planned from the beginning. The ninth base was defeated, and the power of the era was expanded until it was pushed to the end. One step was replaced.”

“It is not easy to complete the previous plans, but you have back-ups at every step. Even if I don’t threaten the Lord to encircle and kill the Lord and come to the era of disorder, there will be Wang Wen’s back-ups at countless time points.”

“Similarly, if you want to successfully replace me who has reached the dominant level of combat power, you must severely injure me.”

“The replacement is for the masters to see, so senior, you must die too.”

“So, the person who snitched to the master.” He finally stared at Mi Master: “You arranged it.”

Mi Zhu did not deny it.

Wang Wen was calm.

This is the complete plan.

Nine-base defeat, the power of the era of expansion, the time node, the advent of the era of disorder. Although this step is difficult, if you complete it, the last step will naturally be the breakthrough.

No matter what kind of plan, there is no way to completely kill the master.

The master cannot be killed, they cannot do it.

Then even if the era of disorder comes, the master will still exist.

How to hide yourself and successfully break through in an era where the master is the formidable enemy? Do you want the masters to not threaten you at all?

There is only one way, death.

Take the initiative to expose the big plan, and then die, so that the masters will think that you have killed the master. In this way, the masters will not be afraid of you.

Otherwise, if the Mi Master breaks through at any time or anywhere, he may be found and surrounded by the Master. Because Mi Master is not even at the level of domination, even if he breaks through, it is impossible to surpass several dominations in one fell swoop, and the possibility of being surrounded and killed is extremely high.

So Master Mi must die.

Using Lu Yin’s power to become a new Mi Master can infinitely reduce the possibility of being found and surrounded by the masters.

They also don’t believe that if the masters want to transform and rebuild, they really can’t detect the threat of Mi Lord. The masters of time must search all over the past and present, and they will transform and rebuild when they are absolutely sure of safety. They didn’t dare to bet whether they would be discovered, and the initiative had to be in their own hands.

One of Mi Zhu’s pupils fell off and stuck to the ground with blood. His voice became weaker and he could die at any time: “It is unkind and unjust to treat a younger generation who is carrying the burden of civilization to move forward. So you really had a choice. If it hadn’t been for you If you force yourself to stay and fight against the master, you won’t get to this point. If you want to leave, no one can stop you.”

Wang Wen smiled, with mockery in his eyes. choose? Where does the choice come from? If he left at that time, he would no longer be Lu Yin.

Lu Yin also smiled, full of sadness. For the first time, he was betrayed by a senior who truly recognized him and was willing to sacrifice his life to save him.

This feeling is really strange.

He has seen too many seniors die fighting for civilization, including Great Heavenly Lord, Huizu and others who died fighting against the Eternals during the Tianyuan Universe era, Blood Pagoda Shangyu, Master Kudeng and others who died fighting during the Three Universe era, There are also seniors Zhu Ling, senior physiognomy, etc. who recently died fighting against the master.

There are too many predecessors of mankind who are fighting on the front line and will never regret it.

And this first bastion holder, who has always been regarded as a spiritual symbol, actually calculated against himself from the beginning.

Lu Yin has always been wary of Wang Wen, but he has never been wary of Mi Zhu.

He thought there was no need to be defensive.

Mi Master’s voice came out again: “I know I can’t help you, so I will only use your power and will not touch your life.”

“Which is more important, civilization or individuals, this is your answer.”

Lu Yin’s voice was dry: “If I answer, personally, what will you do?”

Master Mi did not speak.

Wang Wen spoke: “Then it will be easier for him to attack you. It is better to attack a selfish person than to attack a selfless person with no psychological burden.”

Lu Yin nodded: “So no matter what I answer, it is wrong.” He looked at Wang Wen: “From the moment you told me the location of Mi Master, my ending was doomed.”

Wang Wen was helpless: “There is no way, someone has to sacrifice. You did a good job, Chess Master, really, you did a really good job. It’s a pity that you guarded against me, but not against him.”

“The arrival of the era of disorder was accomplished by you. I didn’t use my backup skills at all, so I couldn’t even raise conditions.”

“But the better you perform, the more likely you will be able to fulfill Master Mi.”

“By the way, let me say something.” He looked at Master Mi: “If you don’t take his life, I will, because the real last step has changed. I need to use his body to exchange for the real trust of the four masters. Let them transform and rebuild with peace of mind and strive for more opportunities.”

“After all, if Lu Yin doesn’t solve it for a day, they won’t be able to transform and rebuild in peace for a day.”

Master Mi sighed: “Is it really going to come to this?”

Wang Wen smiled: “You’ve already done this, why bother pretending, Master Mi, wasn’t this your original plan?”

Mi Zhu’s remaining pupil stared at Wang Wen, took a deep look, and said nothing.


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