Star Odyssey Chapter 5378: Jian Qi Identity


Lu Xiaoxuan paused and did not move.

“Lord Lu?” There was another cry, followed by a wave of suffocating pain.

His name is not Lu Xiaoxuan, his name is Lu Yin.

“Master Lu, is this okay?” The voice came from Jiang Qi.

How can we not be prepared to face off against the master of cause and effect? Lu Yin’s biggest pain point in the relationship between cause and effect is Xiaoxuan. This child is illusory, but his emotions are real.

If given the choice, he would be willing to indulge in that happy family and accompany his children to grow up.

If Shengshang wants to deal with him, this is the easiest.

Under normal circumstances, there is nothing that can be done if Xiao Xiaoxuan’s pain point is caught, because Shengshang is in Dianjiangtai Hell, and they are in close contact with each other, and there is no way to stop Shengshang from doing anything.

There is one person in Kexiang City, General Qi.

Jiang Qi’s existence became Lu Yin’s only way to protect himself.

He left a mark of cause and effect, one on Xiao Xiaoxuan and the other on Jiang Qi.

When he sees Xiao Xiaoxuan, Jiang Qi can break the cause and effect, allowing him to see clearly the illusion and return to reality.

Although this reality was accompanied by severe pain and made it difficult for him to breathe, reality is reality.

He is Lu Yin.

Under the starry sky, Lu Yin opened his eyes, and the law of cause and effect suddenly turned into a broken world and poured into the Diantai Hell. In the Diantai Hell, Sheng Shang screamed, and the life chart rose into the sky to hold up this piece of land. The broken world, this is a world of cause and effect, coming from both Lu Yin and Shengshang.

However, what Lu Yin saw was his cause and effect, and only Shengshang’s cause and effect could be seen by itself.

Whoever takes the initiative can control that world.

Originally, Shengshang controlled the world and wanted to use Xiao Xiaoxuan to sink Lu Yin forever. However, Lu Yin used Jiang Qi to wake up, shattered the world of cause and effect that belonged to him and Shengshang, and took the opportunity to bombard him. Pay tribute to the Holy Spirit.

The life chart is shattered, the Holy Sage is everywhere, and the cause and effect soars to the sky, shaking the broken cause and effect world.

But far away, Xiangcheng trembled and saw a pair of eyes. The pupils changed, sometimes one pupil, sometimes nine pupils. They were the Eyes of Holy Sorrow.

The moment those eyes saw Jiang Qi, they were shocked and blurted out: “My cause and effect?”


Spitting out Qi Qi’s blood, those eyes were like the power of heaven. He thought he would be crushed to death, but at the critical moment, another force of cause and effect shook those eyes away.

With a bang, Lu Yin suddenly felt that the whole world was turning upside down. He could not hear anything. Only the sound of a crack was extremely clear, and it was clearly transmitted into his mind. Along with the picture, it was, the **** in Dianjiangtai. cracking.

He looked up and saw Sheng Shang rushing out and looking at Lu Yin. Both of them vomited blood.

Lu Yin stepped back step by step, and with a wave of his hand, he clicked on Jiangtai Hell to disappear.

Sheng Shang also retreated, his pupils flashing continuously, full of bloodshot eyes, his whole body was unstable, and he was obviously suffering from huge trauma.

They looked at each other, neither of them spoke, feeling how badly they had been hurt.

In the distance, the Lord of Life stepped forward immediately, “Holy Death?”

Shengrou also hurriedly approached.

Sheng Shang breathed heavily, his eyes dropped, and he saw scarlet red, dripping from the corner of his mouth. The causal loss was too great. From the beginning, it integrated its own causality into Lu Yin’s causal heaven, creating a person who was enough to be controlled by it. world of cause and effect.

As for how much karma needs to be incorporated, it all depends on how much karma Lu Yin has.

So, it suffered a huge loss.

Lu Yin was shocked by the majesty of the heaven and earth of cause and effect, so much so that when the world of cause and effect was shattered, the loss of cause and effect could no longer be easily compensated.

However, the loss to this human being is not small.

Lu Yin’s loss is indeed not small. The whole **** has been torn apart. If it cannot be repaired, he may not be able to increase the cause and effect through this method in the future. It can be said that the loss is huge.

But there is no other way. Fighting with the master, it is already good to be like this. At least it is not completely destroyed, and there is still hope of repair.

As for the law of cause and effect, the losses are also huge.

The world that was integrated into the cause and effect by Sheng Shang was completely shattered. He lost as much as the cause and effect that Sheng Shang lost.

The Heavenly Way of Cause and Effect suddenly shrunk to one-tenth of its original size.

If calculated numerically, it is not even one hundred.

It used to be nearly a thousand, after all, Hong Shuang’s cause and effect and Shengshang’s own cause and effect were added.

“Father, how are you?” Shengrou asked.

Sheng Shang stared at Lu Yin: “I admire that human beings can increase the cause and effect to such an extent at the non-dominance level. I can’t even think about it. When I broke through the **** level, I didn’t have that much cause and effect. I really I’m curious how you did it.”

Lu Yin wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and smiled weakly: “I also admire that you actually forcibly merged the cause and effect of two different beings’ cultivation. You are worthy of being a master, and you have seen through the nature of cause and effect.”

Sheng Shang exhaled: “It’s a pity that after this battle, you not only lost the means to increase the cause and effect, but the original cause and effect also suffered a huge loss. I guessed it right, it will be difficult for you to make achievements in the cause and effect from now on.”

Lu Yin shrugged: “It doesn’t matter.”

The Holy Spirit said no more: “The promise has been fulfilled, I hope you will not come to me again.”

Lu Yin made a gesture of invitation.

Sheng Shang left, taking Sheng Rou with him.

The Lord of Life is also gone.

And the Lord of Time has also disappeared, which means that the Lord of Time has also left.

After they all disappeared, Lu Yin couldn’t help but cough up blood again.

This duel is not as dangerous as before. If you are not careful, you will completely sink. Fortunately, there are seven generals.

Sage must want to know how he escaped from sinking, but he knows that asking is in vain.

It will take a long time for the current Shengshang to completely recover. This time should be enough for Mi Master to practice, or for the ancestor to complete the inheritance of the power of consciousness dominance.

In front of Lu Yin, the Dianjiangtai Hell appeared again. He looked at it in trance and murmured to himself: “I’m sorry, you accompany me through life and death, but I can’t protect you. But I will find a way to repair you.”

After finishing speaking, put away your point and return to Xiangcheng.

Delaying the recovery speed of the four masters with another heavy injury from Shengshang is already the limit of what Lu Yin can do. After all, unless Shengshang completely recovers, he will not transform and rebuild with other masters. They all lose.

Even if he finds a reason to attack other masters at this moment, even if he injures other masters, the recovery speed of his injuries will not be much longer than that of the Holy Spirit. It makes no sense.

So in the following time, both the four masters and he tended to calm down.

The original plan to have human cultivators coordinate to guard the Ancient City of Time has not yet been completed. It is not that Lu Yin is unwilling, but that the master did not urge it, presumably because he does not want to be involved with Xiangcheng.

After all, Lu Yin has done so many things. Compared with the superiority of the four masters, he is a little too gregarious. He is so gregarious that he is willing to argue with Shengrou and others and do everything himself.

Who can bear this?

In the past, no matter what happened, the masters under the master would be dispatched, and the outside world did not need to face the master. But now, Lu Yin is equivalent to the master, doing everything by himself, so that the outside world does not dare to have contact with human civilization. .

I was afraid that a conflict would arise and Lu Yin would be drawn out.

In this way, time passes slowly in this peaceful day.

I don’t know if it’s because he’s not used to peace or what, but Lu Yin always feels that time passes too slowly.

Perhaps it is the illusion of time that arises from the fact that he hopes for an early breakthrough from Mi Master, but does not want the recovery from the Four Masters.

Lu Wan has broken through the realm of immortality.

In fact, with Lu Huan’s talent, he could have achieved eternal life long ago, but since Lu Yin taught him that lesson, he has completely changed. Both his personality and perseverance are very comparable to others. Since then, he has helped Lu Yin do many things, but his desire for immortality has always been suppressed. He has to wait for the most suitable opportunity to break through and seek the most suitable opportunity.

Now that he has made a breakthrough, he has reached the third echelon of human civilization.

The second echelon is naturally the most powerful ones from Qinglian Shangyu and the others.

The first echelon is Lu Yin.

Being able to break through the realm of immortality is the beginning of Fang Cun’s cultivation. Lu Yin believes that the next path for him will not be difficult. He hopes to reach the Three Laws or even become stronger. After all, this is a new era.

Time continues to pass.

More than a thousand years have passed since the duel between Lu Yin and Shengmao. Infinite Empire finally succeeded in creating the fifteen-ring energy. Although the fifteen-ring ring energy only corresponds to the level of surviving hardships, it is ring energy, which means it can be produced in batches. It is equivalent to saying that human civilization can now use fifteen-ring ring energy to mass-produce mechas that can withstand suffering and destructive power.

This has been quite difficult.

You must know that there were no strong people in the Immortal Realm in the Tianyuan Universe, and there were very few people who were even in the Beginning Realm.

Ascending to the beginning, overcoming hardships, and gaining eternal life.

Even now these nine words are still timeless.

The mecha that can withstand suffering and destructive power will never be weak wherever it is placed.

It is already quite difficult for a cultivator to reach the level of overcoming suffering.

It is extremely rare to mass-produce combat mechas that can survive hardships. If one can go one step further and reach the level of destructive power of the sixteenth ring and eternal realm, it will mean that the Infinite Empire has become a new technological fishing civilization.

Only technological fishing civilization can create the destructive power of immortality.

The most terrifying thing about technological civilization is that as long as there are enough materials, it can be manufactured in batches. Once the technology that has trapped civilization breaks through, it will be a real transformation, and it will be an extremely fast transformation.

Lu Yin personally went to the Infinite Empire and rewarded him, hoping that they could develop sixteen-ring energy as soon as possible.

This expectation makes the current emperor of the Infinite Empire feel bitter. He will definitely not see this day.

Time continues to pass.

Hundreds of years have passed again.

Lu Yin was sitting on the mountain behind Tianshang Sect. In front of him was General Qi.

Originally, he could not clearly see Jiang Qi even with his current level of cultivation. He is obviously a very weak person, but he can actually shake the dominance level power.

It wasn’t until the duel with Sheng Shang that he saw Jiang Qi clearly.

Jiang Qi is actually the cause and effect of Shengshang.

How to say it? To put it simply, the birth of Jiang Qi comes from a complete cause and effect, just like when Gu Yuan was imprisoned, it was just because of a cause and effect.

A period of cause and effect can be power, process, or even life.

Although Lu Yin doesn’t know how to turn a piece of cause and effect into life, and he is still a human being, Jiang Qi is this piece of cause and effect, a cause and effect that belongs to the master of cause and effect.


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