Star Odyssey Chapter 5377: Satisfaction


Lu Yin did not deny it and said: “I’m afraid that you will all recover and cause trouble for me.”

The Master of Life shook his head: “If there is a threat of going against the past, we will never trouble you.”

“Yes, but I don’t like to control my destiny in other people’s hands.” Lu Yin said, looking into the distance: “Shengshang, why don’t you come out?”

A huge sound echoed across the starry sky.

The Holy Spirit appeared, his eyes downcast.

Lu Yin smiled when he saw it: “I came to you to fulfill my promise, don’t forget it.”

Sheng Shang’s tone was heavy: “I haven’t forgotten, I will definitely fulfill my promise, but.”

“That’s good, let’s get started, go in.” Lu Yin waved his hand and clicked on the platform **** to appear, staring at Shengshang.

Besides, Shengrou stayed away and stared at Lu Yin bitterly.

The Master of Life looked towards Dianjiangtai Hell. This person’s behavior was impeccable and no one could say anything.

The memory of the Three Laws has been sealed, causing the main loss to be beyond imagination. Everything that happens now is a continuation of previous events. The losses are mounting.

Sheng Shang slowly approached Jiangtai Hell and looked at Lu Yin: “Do you really want me to go in?”

Lu Yin smiled lightly: “You can also try to break your promise, I can’t force you.”

Shengshang said: “As a master, once you agree, you will not break it. But as I said before, there are disadvantages in increasing the cause and effect in this way. This disadvantage is enough to bury your power of cause and effect. I can tell you How about fixing the shortcomings in exchange for a promise? ”

Lu Yin glanced at the Master of Life: “Didn’t he hear the conversation we just had?”

Sheng Shang said in a deep voice: “I know you want to delay the speed of my recovery, but there is no point in doing so, because you can’t delay it forever, and we will eventually fully recover. You keep trying to delay us What is the purpose of recovery? Is there anyone in your human civilization trying to reach our level or even surpass our level? ”

Lu Yin’s heart sank. It was easy to see problems if he was too purposeful.

All of these masters are very smart, otherwise they would not be able to come up with the three laws.

He knew that his actions would easily make them think of this.

On the surface, he remained calm, with a smile on his face: “You will attack me once you recover, and even if you don’t, I will not be able to threaten you. Someone told me this.”

“The beginning of time.” The voice of the master of time descends independently of the long river of time.

Lu Yin raised his head: “Living for a long time is really useful. You know too much, so it reminds me.”

Sheng Shang and the Master of Life looked at each other and saw the heaviness in each other’s eyes.

“Since we have mentioned this, we might as well make it clear.” The Master of Life looked at Lu Yin: “In the new era, if we want to go further, we must correct the wrong path. I must have told you at the beginning. There is only one way, that is Transformation and reconstruction.”

“And our transformation and rebuilding means that our cultivation is completely weakened and our combat power is gone. What will happen to you then?”

Lu Yin interfaced: “That’s why I have to delay your recovery. In order to ensure that I will not threaten you after transformation and reconstruction, you will definitely kill me. Even if the threat of anti-ancient is still there, you will definitely find a way to fight it.” I can’t even think of a way to eliminate the ancient threat. If I can do it, you can do it too, and I will never underestimate you.”

Sheng Shang said: “You have your goals, and we also have our concerns, but you are also one-fifth of the universe today, so there is no need to fight each other.”

“So we can make an agreement here. When we transform and rebuild, you must also be ensured that you will not threaten our lives. As long as this agreement is there, we will not threaten you whenever we recover, and you You should also cultivate, because you are not on the wrong path at this moment, whether it is unlimited life or domination, you are not on these two wrong paths. In fact, you need more time to cultivate than us.”

Lu Yin let out a deep breath: “You are right, but this agreement is not good for me. If you want me to be unable to threaten you who are undergoing transformation and reconstruction, what should you do? Beat me half to death? Seal me? Or make me lose my cultivation? ? I don’t want to do anything.”

The voice of the Lord of Time descended: “So you would rather compete with us, find ways to delay our recovery speed, so as to ensure temporary safety, and practice at an extremely slow time?”

Lu Yin nodded: “That’s it for the time being.”


Lu Yin smiled: “But it works.”

“Don’t you want to go further?”

“So I am also practicing, just a little slower. You can’t blame me for this. Your transformation and reconstruction forced me to do this.”

“If there is a way to ensure that you have no losses and will not threaten us after transformation and reconstruction, would you be willing?”

“It depends on what can be done.”


Lu Yin raised his eyes: “Threaten me with human civilization?”

None of the three masters spoke.

Lu Yin sneered: “Are you willing to bet?”

Still silent, this method is impossible, the masters value themselves, they will not bet on Lu Yin’s emphasis on human civilization, because in their eyes, the stakes are not equal.

They believe that human civilization is not qualified to be equal to them.

Lu Yin glanced at them one by one: “It seems that he has no idea, so there is no need to talk nonsense, Shengshang, go in.”

Sheng Shang and Lu Yin looked at each other: “It’s okay to go in, but can you bear the consequences?”

Lu Yin’s eyes were cold.

Sheng Shang continued: “I am the master of cause and effect, and I have the strongest control over cause and effect. If anything happens when you enter there, don’t blame me.”

Lu Yin made a gesture of invitation.

He has thought about this. Rather than letting Shengshang fulfill his promise, it is more like a duel, a duel of cause and effect.

How is it possible to delay and dominate the recovery speed without loss?

What he is doing now is to exchange one for one.

Exchange your own injuries for Holy Death’s recovery progress.

Seeing Lu Yin’s resolute attitude, Shengshang no longer hesitated, approached the general hell, and then entered.

In the distance, Shengrou’s eyes widened, but she didn’t expect her father to actually go in. It looked at Lu Yin, is this human being so confident that he can compete with his father on the road of cause and effect?

At the moment when Shengshang entered the Jiangtai Hell, the law of cause and effect erupted uncontrollably, as if he had become conscious.

Lu Yin’s eyes widened suddenly, he clenched his fist and forcibly controlled the law of cause and effect.

At this moment, the cause and effect increased, and it increased at an indescribable speed.

The entrance of the Holy Spirit is no longer based on how long it lives or what experiences it has had to increase its cause and effect, but it itself represents cause and effect, possessing unimaginable majestic cause and effect.

This leads to the uncontrollable cause and effect.

It’s like pouring a sea into a river.

So in the end is this a sea or a river?

The surge in causality is only the first step.

Lu Yin slowly closed his eyes, not afraid of sneak attacks by the other three masters, because the threat of Nigu existed. What’s more, he doesn’t only have the power of cause and effect.

At this moment, the showdown really begins.

Inside and outside the Dianjiangtai Hell, the heavenly law of cause and effect suddenly pressed down. Inside, the life chart soared into the sky. The two forces of cause and effect collided, directly roaring the Dianjiangtai Hell. The void around the Dianjiangtai Hell shattered and spread close. In all directions.

Shengrou kept retreating.

The Master of Life also retreated. Naturally, the power that spread out could not harm it, but there was no need to bear it.

Two causes and effects are fighting against each other.

Lu Yin knew that Sheng Shang’s cause and effect was not trivial, but Sheng Shang didn’t know that Lu Yin’s cause and effect heaven was so majestic that it didn’t expect it. He had clearly experienced the duel before and felt the power of Lu Yin’s cause and effect. In a short period of time, Why has it increased so much?

These increased karma naturally come from Hongshuang. He approached Hongshuang before coming here, and Hongshuang was willing to enter the **** of the general platform to increase karma for him. Of course, more comes from the Holy Death itself.

When it enters the Jiangtai Hell, it is adding cause and effect to the heavenly way of cause and effect.

So part of the cause and effect of this moment and it comes from it itself.

The two forces of cause and effect continued to clash. Lu Yin’s mouth was bleeding, the heaven and earth roared, the universe was overturned, and the life chart was shaking. Sheng Shang couldn’t help but want to use the Qi of Qian and Earth, but that would be a duel with Lu Yin. Lu Yin That means you can use other forces unscrupulously.

It’s bad for it.

In a real battle, Lu Yin was definitely no match for it, but in that case, its injury would not be light, and it would really be delayed by Lu Yin.

It’s still a showdown of cause and effect.

However, the duel between cause and effect is not limited to the majesty of cause and effect, but also lies in the understanding of cause and effect.

Human beings, let’s fall into karma.

The fluctuations of causality swept across the starry sky and included Lu Yin.

The cause and effect of Shengshang is pervasive and constantly integrated into the heavenly way of cause and effect. These are not the causes and effects of the addition of Dianjiangtai Hell, but the cause and effect of Shengshang itself. It integrates its own cause and effect into the heaven of cause and effect, and even inserts the life chart into the heaven of cause and effect.

Lu Yin’s Karma and Heavenly Law cannot be stopped at all.

Tao sword has no effect in front of the horoscope.

In the end, the two strands of cause and effect merge.

Lu Yin’s expression kept changing, gradually turning pale, and the blood stains flowing from the corners of his mouth became more glaring.

And Shengshang was squatting in the Diantai Hell, his eyes suddenly opened, looking at Lu Yin through the Diantai Hell, human beings, let’s perish.


The baby’s cry is like the rising sun that awakens the night, soothing the man’s uneasy heart.

He rushed in quickly.

“Congratulations, sir. Congratulations, sir. Mother and child are safe.” The midwife came over holding the child.

But the man walked straight to the bed and grabbed the woman’s hand distressedly: “Sister Xi, how are you?”

The woman lying on the bed looked pale and smiled at the man: “Brother Xiaoxuan, I want to take a look at the child.”

The man then reacted, turned around, took the baby from the midwife, and placed it gently on the bedside.

The woman smiled. Although it was sick, it was more beautiful than ever.

The child seemed to feel his mother’s smile, and gradually stopped crying and fell asleep peacefully.

Others quit.

There is only a family of three in the room.

His name is Lu Xiaoxuan, her name is Long Xi, and his name is Xiao Xiaoxuan, and he is their child.

Happiness is actually very simple, as long as the family stays together and is free from illness and disaster.

Lu Xiaoxuan had never been so satisfied. Watching his wife and children playing, he felt a tranquility that he had never experienced before.

He longs to live like this forever and never change.


Never change.

A crack suddenly appeared in the sky, dividing the entire world into two.

Lu Xiaoxuan looked up and saw the sky falling apart. He hurriedly hugged his wife and children and ran away.

At this time, a familiar voice came: “Master Lu.”


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