Star Odyssey Chapter 5375: Absolutely safe


Lu Yin left.

He knew what the Holy Spirit would say, nothing more. These masters themselves could be considered enemies. If there were no human beings as the enemy, they would be competing with each other in the new era of disorder.

Once anyone goes one step further, the other three will be unlucky.

So Lu Yin used his cognition to interfere with Shengshang, and Shengshang didn’t want the other three to have an easy time.

First of all, the Lord of Life is very close.

Among the six masters, the master of life helped him a lot.

Had it not been for a decisive battle with it, Lu Yin would not have been forced to continuously break through, fuse, and step into the dominant power level step by step.

The mother tree also collapsed due to the decisive battle with it.

That time was the closest he came to death after breaking through the realm of immortality.

The life master’s hatred for Lu Yin can be regarded as the greatest. This hatred contains various emotions such as regret and unwillingness.

It could have killed Lu Yin, but was scared away by Lu Yin.

And its secret cooperation with the Death Lord was also exposed by Lu Yin, causing great losses.

Now that Lu Yin is sitting in front of him like no one else, he wants to slap him to death.

“How did you find me?”

“The Holy Spirit said it.”

“What are you going to do?” The Master of Life was not surprised or angry. If Lu Yin found it, it would also betray Shengshang’s location, which was normal.

Lu Yin’s eyes flickered. To be honest, regarding life, the Lord of Death had the least understanding of what he had carved on the wall of the ancient city. Even if he didn’t, he didn’t know whether it was because of his cooperation with the Lord of Life or for some other reason.

In other words, life and death are opposites, and the understanding of life is also the understanding of death.

“I have found the true masters of life.” Lu Yin said, since there is nothing to know, then use another way to interfere.

There are thirty-six figures in the immortal star map of the master of life. These figures are not fake, but are connected by the immortal star map somewhere in the universe. As long as those thirty-six living beings do not die, the Immortal Star Chart will never be destroyed, and the vitality of the life master will never disappear.

And those thirty-six creatures are actually the real life masters. As for the life masters of the inner and outer heavens, they are just creatures that were once unbounded. The rumors about the unbounded world were all released by the life masters. Use this to use the thirty-six life masters as a trump card.

In other words, as long as the thirty-six true life masters are found and controlled or killed, the life master’s vitality will no longer be endless, and the immortal star map will collapse, causing it to suffer the greatest loss. of combat power.

The master of life looked sharply: “You found it? Where is it?”

Lu Yin said: “I found it, but I didn’t do anything. After all, I am one-fifth of the age, and I have no intention of taking the initiative to stir up trouble.”

The master of life sneered: “Did you really find it?”

Lu Yin said: “You don’t have to believe it. By the way, there is another thing to tell you. I have a very deep understanding of the path of death. It seems that life and death are in opposition. Does this mean that I can understand the path of death? To gain an understanding of life? ”

“Is this the basis for your cooperation with the Lord of Death? Because you are too similar.”

The Master of Life stared at Lu Yin: “What exactly do you want to say?”

Lu Yin smiled and said, “It’s nothing, I just came to tell you something.” After that, he left.

If it doesn’t affect cognition, it affects mentality.

Whether it is the thirty-six creatures or the knowledge of death, it is enough to make the master of life shake his muscles and bones.

It has more issues to consider.

On the same spot, the Master of Life watched Lu Yin leave with a heavy heart.

It doesn’t care about the thirty-six creatures. This human being didn’t find them at all. He was just fooling him.

But the understanding of death is different.

Death is the opposite of life. If you know death, you will also know life.

Lu Yin was right.

Seeing Lu Yin disappear, its eyes were profound.

The last one is Xiangsiyu.

Lu Yin himself has no way to interfere with Xiang Siyu’s cognition. He has no understanding of the practice of luck. Fortunately, the Lord of Death has been thinking about it for a long time, but he doesn’t know if it is useful.

Soon after, Lu Yin found the location that Shengshang told him.

Acacia Rain is not here.

Are you leaving? The other three masters would definitely not tell her in advance. They hoped that Xiang Siyu would also be cognitively disturbed, so she would leave by herself.

Forget it, now that she’s gone, it’s hard to find her.

She doesn’t care about the Luck Master Clan at all. She created this family, and now they are all alone. If they want to find her, they have to either use Hongtai or wait for her to show up.

And the red platform of Yun Tan was broken.

Lu Yin lost his only way to proactively find Xiang Siyu.

Return to Xiangcheng.

Hun Ji came and brought other people, who looked at Lu Yin one by one.

Lu Yin said: “Don’t worry, I didn’t do anything, I just communicated with them and exchanged knowledge.”

Everyone was relieved.

It took a lot of effort to reach the current situation. All we need to do is break through with peace of mind. It is really not the time to fight against the masters.

To be honest, after so many years of hiding, everyone is tired.

Lu Yin himself was tired.

Everyone left, and only Hunji remained.

“Are you really just going to communicate?”

“Of course, otherwise what else do you think I can do? Kill them?”

“Then, did they vomit blood?” When the six masters communicated with Mi Master, Mi Master vomited blood. They forbade Mi Master from cultivating their power and made Mi Master grow old all of a sudden. This impression was too deep.

Lu Yin shook his head: “I can’t defeat any master in a duel. How can I make them vomit blood? But there is plenty of time. Take your time. If I can’t avenge Mi Master, I will wait for him to break through and solve it himself.”

Hun Ji said excitedly: “Let Master Mi solve the problem himself. You have done enough. I believe he will be able to break through.”

Lu Yin nodded. The six powers that were blocked by the six masters were able to practice to the extent that the master was afraid of them and wanted to destroy them. You can imagine how talented Master Mi was in cultivating the master.

Breakthrough, it should be no problem.

The big plan failed, but it still reached the final step.

This step is related to the foundation of human success and failure.

Of course Lu Yin himself wanted to make a breakthrough, but he was really tired and wanted to take a break. Carrying the burden of human civilization often left him breathless, and he also wanted someone to share the burden.

As long as the Mi Master breaks through, nothing will be a problem.

In the blink of an eye, hundreds of years passed. On this day, Lu Yin suddenly thought of one thing. How could the four masters break through?

The Lord is the most powerful force in the previous era, just like the unlimited life in the previous era. But since unlimited life was wrong in the previous era, the Lord is also wrong in the current era of disorder. of.

If you make mistakes, you must correct them, otherwise you will not be able to continue practicing.

He didn’t care about this, because he was not the master and did not go the wrong way, but the masters did. So how to correct it in this situation?

Lu Yin thought of the Grand Palace Master. The Grand Palace Master got rid of the wrong path of unlimited life and started walking again, but it was at the cost of his own complete decline. What about the four masters? What should they do?

What they do will directly determine the future situation of the universe.

If the masters cannot take the right path, in this era they can only be the masters forever, then they will definitely go crazy and try their best to attack those who can surpass them, such as themselves.

If the masters can take the right path, how they take this path will also determine their next move.

So if you want to determine the next move of the masters, just watch how they go.

But the four masters will never tell themselves, they must also be discussing how to proceed, and no matter what the outcome is, they will never get the news.

Thinking of this, Lu Yin suddenly became uneasy. He felt that his previous thinking was too simple. He thought that it would be enough to come to the era, and that he could cultivate smoothly and peacefully. However, the prerequisite for cultivating peacefully is that the four masters must first be reassured. If they don’t have If you can’t break through the direction of the road ahead, you will never allow yourself to feel at ease.

Soon after, Lu Yin asked the God of Death to contact Wang Wen. He ignored this, but Wang Wen, or Mr. Zi Zi who made the big plan, would not ignore it. He would definitely consider all the circumstances.

In the mirror of time, Wang Wen’s mouth curved: “Oh? Have you thought about it? I thought victory blinded your eyes, making you unable to think of the darkness hidden under the light. Chess Master, you are more rational than I thought. .”

Lu Yin looked at Wang Wen: “In your eyes, am I very impulsive?”

Wang Wen smiled and said: “Of course not, it’s just that the failure of the huge plan and your efforts to turn the tide can easily make people inflated. You have defeated Mr. Zi Zi and the five masters’ strategies. The three laws and the huge plan are all in your hands. This is something I never expected. I originally thought I would be the one to successfully carry out the big plan.”

“You have the right to be arrogant after doing such a thing.”

Lu Yin narrowed his eyes: “So you are indeed not just a backup of fate, but there are many creatures who have left many time points in the past years.”

Wang Wen praised: “It’s amazing that you even thought of this. So you should also think of how much you ruined my plan.”

Lu Yin said: “Stop talking nonsense, the matter has come to this, you will not be without countermeasures.”

Wang Wen smiled: “Let me tell you.” Next to him, Shi Chu was dragged out. As the oldest living creature of the Time Master family, it knew too much and thought too much. .

The Grand Palace Master has survived for a long time and has figured out a way to dominate. Although he is constantly weakening at this time, his thoughts are becoming more and more profound.

Shi Chu looked at Lu Yin: “It is not easy for those masters to take the right path in the new era. Their only way is to transform and rebuild. This is the secret of the three laws.”

“It’s just that the purpose of hiding the truth in the past was to lock down the times, but now the purpose of hiding the truth is to give them a way to survive.”

Lu Yin stared at it: “Transformation and reconstruction?”

Shichu nodded: “That is, come back after death.”

Lu Yin’s eyes widened: “Will they do that?”

“Of course not, if there is a choice. But they have no choice, otherwise why must they lock the era? The universe is endless, and as a master, there are no enemies. In this case, why bother to start a new era, why give A chance for other creatures?” Shichu said: “But since the era is irreversible, they must make a choice. Only by transformation and reconstruction can they take the right path. After all, they have become masters. If they want to achieve this again, The level is still okay.”

“Of course, the premise is that it is absolutely safe.”


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