Star Odyssey Chapter 5373: Communication


However, because he had communicated with the six masters, Master Mi knew very well that he could not win, so he came up with a huge plan.

Only by breaking through a new era can we in turn suppress the main path.

Master Mi has ever had the most humiliating experience. The darker this experience is, the harder it will be in his heart, so the first step in his plan is to defeat the Nine Bases.

Only if Ninth Base is defeated can he be given time to implement his plan.

No life is the same.

Happiness is the same, but suffering is different.

Lu Yin didn’t know if he would be able to carry out his huge plan if he were the Master of Mi, after what he had experienced. But it’s useless even if you don’t want to execute it. Ninth Base will inevitably collapse and no one can stop it. The big plan only speeds up the process.

From before being sealed by the Master to after, Mi Master looked completely different.

Lu Yin saw the scene of Master Mi enlightening the silence in the past years. At that time, Master Mi had light in his eyes and was full of yearning for the future.

Sealing the power of cultivation means sealing the future.

“Actually, there’s far more than that.” Hun Ji’s voice sounded, “Ever since the six masters banned Master Mi from practicing the six powers, some strong men from the masters have been coming to the ninth base to provoke, and some even named him to challenge him. If the Mi Lord doesn’t pick up the fight, they will make trouble for others.”

“After a battle, you will either die or be disabled.”

“These are what I heard from others after I woke up.”

“Not only did they block Master Mi’s way of cultivating the six powers, they also continued to force him to take action again and again, blocking the front of the ninth base again and again…”

Lu Yin listened quietly. In that era, no one worried about Mi Zhu. Apart from Mi Zhu, there was no strong person who could deal with the Lord.

The other base owners have not yet developed invincible skills, and they are helpless in the face of the main deprivation of the six forces.

He just listened. Huan Ji talked for a long time, and Lu Yin listened for a long time.

After finishing speaking, Lu Yin left.

“Where are you going?” Hun Ji asked subconsciously.

Lu Yin said calmly: “For Master Mi, let’s vent your anger.” After saying that, he disappeared.

Hun Ji was shocked: “No, don’t be impulsive.”

However, Lu Yin had already left, and it was a little annoyed, as it shouldn’t have said it at this time.

Now is not the time to fall out with the master.

The era of disorder is coming. Lu Yin only needs to practice slowly and make further progress before the master returns to his peak. This will ensure the foothold of human civilization. This is a sure thing. But now it would be troublesome if he fell out with the master.

Thinking about it, it hurriedly looked for someone else.

Hunji thinks too much. Lu Yin is not an impulsive person. He has indeed been impulsive before, but after living for so long, he has long passed the age of impulsiveness.

He just wanted to communicate with the master.

The kind that can’t wait.

The first thing to look for is the Lord of Time, which is located in the Ancient City of Time.

Seeing Lu Yin’s arrival, the Lord of Time was a little confused. What was he doing here?

“See you soon, are you free? Let’s talk.” Lu Yin said directly as he entered the ancient city of Time.

The Lord of Time was even more confused: “Communicate? What are you communicating about?”

Lu Yin approached it step by step.

It immediately became alert, “Lu Yin, what are you going to do?”

Lu Yin came to the opposite side of it: “Nothing, let’s talk about the use of time.”

The eyes of the Lord of Time are even more wary, and it is not stupid. What use of time should be communicated at this time? This is asking for trouble.

“I’m not free.”

“I’m free.”

“Lu Yin, we have already reached an agreement not to interfere with each other. You are already one fifth.”

“Don’t be so sensitive. I just suddenly had an insight into the use of time and want to talk to you. You say this as if I’m looking for trouble.”

The Lord of Time stared at Lu Yin: “Why don’t you go find Shengshang and the others?”

Lu Yin said angrily: “We have said that we are exchanging years. Are they better than you in using the years together?”

The Lord of Time looked deeply at Lu Yin: “I want to recover. Come back when I recover.”

Lu Yin was dissatisfied: “Then I will wait here for you to recover.”

“Humans, don’t go too far.”

“Did I attack you or arrest your father? Where is too much?”

The Lord of Time was furious. His father was originally bewitched by Wang Wen to attack him, but he was eventually killed by him using the method of sealing the years.

When Lu Yin said this, he immediately felt uncomfortable.

But it can’t do anything to Lu Yin.

Seeing that Lu Yin had no intention of leaving, he was quite helpless and could only suppress his anger: “Okay, you say.”

Lu Yin smiled and sat cross-legged in front of the Master of Time, just as the Master of Time once faced Master Mi, “All time is reflected in traces. This is your understanding of time.”


“What if I can’t see the trace clearly?”

“Impossible, as long as it has experienced changes over time, there must be traces.”

“So there are no visible traces?”


“Then if I condense the cause and effect into an entity and place it here, and there is no trace of the cause and effect, then has the cause and effect experienced changes over the years?”

The Lord of Time said indifferently: “You can’t see clearly, others can, as long as the result is the same.”

“On the other hand, if no one in the universe can see the traces clearly, does it mean that time is illusory to the entire universe?”

The Lord of Time was startled: “Who told you such a deviant idea? As long as there have been changes over time, there must be traces. If you can’t see it, there must be other creatures who can see it. Each creature sees it differently. ”

“Assuming that all living things cannot see, can we use this assumption as a premise to conceive the laws of the universe? For example, outside of time?”

“It’s not that there is no time outside of time, but that time is marked by oneself. Except for oneself who can see the traces, no other living being can see it.”

“Then when you die, is there another universe outside this time? Is this time an illusory universe? After all, for all living beings except you, there is no trace of change outside this time, but the universe does not exist The years without any trace of change are inherently contradictory. ”

“Of course not, this.” At this point, it suddenly paused, its eyes flickering, outside time, the illusory universe, the changes of traces, it stared at Lu Yin: “Why do you think of this?”

Of course it is because of the written records in the Ancient City of the Lord of Death.

There is a text recording the use of the law of time, and underneath there are also doubts about the Lord of Death.

Although the Death Lord does not practice the method of time, it understands the Lord of Time, and combines the use of time by the Lord of Time with the use of time by the civilization of that text, leading to a series of guesses.

These guesses are all master-level cognition.

The purpose of Lu Yin coming here is to communicate with the master with master level cognition.

To disgust them.

He is not afraid that these cognitions will improve the master’s cultivation realm and help them break through, because everything he said is negative.

Just like now he is outside of negative time.

He knows how the Lord of Time uses and understands time, so what he wants to communicate is to deny the Lord of Time’s understanding, make it confusing, make it disgusting, delay its cultivation progress, and speak out for Master Mi.

Once upon a time, the six masters used their hands to communicate with Mi Master and injured Mi Master. Now of course he can’t use his hands, but he can’t use his mouth either.

After all, these are the doubts of the Lord of Death.

Only the master can kill the master. Similarly, only the master’s cognition can disrupt the master’s cognition.

The Lord of Time is all in bad shape now.

Its cognition is not easily disturbed, but Lu Yin’s conjectures keep appearing, one after another, and each conjecture challenges its cognition.

It really couldn’t figure out how Lu Yin could think of so many things.

It felt like what I was facing was not Lu Yin, but an old guy who had survived for a long time, challenging its understanding and cognition with his understanding of the years.

Soon after, Lu Yin left.

No matter what the outcome is, it is so disgusting that time will dominate it.

This is just an outburst. In the future, whoever has the ability will make this guy experience the feeling of being banned from practicing for many years.

In the ancient city of Time, the Lord of Time did not stop Lu Yin from leaving.

Its eyes were downcast, and it was clear that Lu Yin was deliberately disgusting it and wanted to use cognition to delay its recovery.

But so what? Do you really think that just thinking about some random guesses can disrupt its thoughts? Too naive.

Continue recovery.

But not long after, it opened its eyes. As long as the years change, traces must exist. But if all the creatures in the universe cannot see the changes in traces, does it mean that the traces do not exist in the first place? Have the years passed by? If not, what kind of years do you feel?

What the hell, why are you thinking about this?

It gritted its teeth and raised its head angrily. Where did this human being come up with these speculations?

Lu Yin left the Ancient City of Time and looked for Shengshang next.

None of these guys can even think of running away.

The Lord of Death studied so many methods of using the power of civilizations in the ancient city, which involved all the power of the six major masters, leaving a lot of speculations. Now leave it all to them.

The inner and outer world is being rebuilt, but not with great intensity.

The masters did not show up to help, but only ordered that the living creatures from the original seventy-two realms should return to rebuild the inner and outer heavens.

Many creatures don’t care, wishing to stay as far away as possible. Only some creatures have returned, and those who are looking for the resources left behind in the seventy-two realms at the roots of the mother tree are helping to rebuild.

Especially the four big turtles, they are destined to be inseparable from the mother tree, and they are indispensable for rebuilding the inner and outer sky.

As long as the master fully recovers, the speed of reconstruction will accelerate.

Lu Yin is looking for Shengshang.

It’s strange. I thought this guy would be in a certain ancient city of time, but I didn’t expect that he wasn’t there, including the Master of Life and Xiangsiyu. Only one Lord of Time remains in the last ancient city of Time.

But it is not difficult to find the Holy Spirit.

Because Shengrou is here.

Lu Yin teleported and appeared in front of Shengrou, who was directing the creatures to rebuild the inner and outer heavens.

Ever since the Lord of Karma was first surrounded and killed by Xiang Siyu and the others and escaped from the Inner and Outer Heavenly Queen, the life of the Lord of Karma has been difficult. Later, the Karma Reunion Realm was completely destroyed, resulting in the death of all the creatures of the Lord of Karma there. Now the surviving Karma There are very few creatures in the Dominator clan, and they all stay in the Ancient City of Time.

Those creatures of the Karma Master clan cannot leave because they have to guard the ancient city of time, so only Shengrou is still in charge of the outside world.

But its qualifications are enough. It can be regarded as the strongest of the cause and effect path after Shengshang. Even if it is the highest generation of the cause and effect master family, it is comparable to the old guy at the beginning. It is also stronger than Not as good as Shengrou.



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