Star Odyssey Chapter 5372: The darkness of suppression


Lu Yin hurriedly entered.

He is not afraid of entering the past and being noticed by the Lord of Time. Not every time he peeks into the past, he will be discovered. As long as it’s far enough away.

This time he was far away, because Hunji was also far away.

Of course, being far away doesn’t mean that you can’t see or hear. Hun Ji can definitely hear what happened, but Lu Yin has already passed through the years and can’t hear anything.

He stood in the distance and watched calmly.

The Master of Mi and the Master of Time were face to face and they didn’t know what they were talking about. After a while, they actually fought. The scope was not large and it was not intense. They seemed to be arguing about something. This exchange made Hun Ji straighten up and grin.

Lu Yin saw it and knew that what was happening was definitely not good for Master Mi.

If they were communicating with each other, it wouldn’t be like this.

After a simple fight, Mi Zhu retreated step by step. With each step he took, dazzling blood flowed from the corner of his mouth, flowing down the corner of his mouth and dripping to the ground. The Lord of Time on the opposite side flicked his tail, with a smile in his eyes. He didn’t know what he said, and he left after a while.

After leaving, Master Mi vomited out a mouthful of blood, squatted on the ground, and coughed violently.

Hunji hurried over.

Lu Yin also approached and saw traces of time around them. What was going on?

Master Mi waved his hand to Hun Ji, turned around and left. His back looked very tired, not as calm as when Lu Yin first saw him.

Lu Yin withdrew from the years and looked at Hun Ji: “What happened when the Master of Mi and the Master of Time fought?”

Hun Ji looked up at him and sighed deeply: “Since you saw it, why did you ask me?”

“I don’t know the details, I don’t dare to get too close.”

“They exchanged their understanding of the years.”

Lu Yin was surprised: “Exchange your understanding of time? What do you mean? Master Mi is good at the method of time?”

“Not good at it.”

“Then why did the Lord of Time communicate with him about his understanding of time?”

Hun Ji sneered, with hatred in his eyes, but more of helplessness: “Because it is the master, it can communicate whatever it wants. If the master cannot respond, you have to suffer the consequences. This is the authority of the master. ”

Lu Yin was puzzled: “What kind of consequences?”

He thought of the scene when he saw Mishu vomiting blood in the past years, but the fight was not too intense, but the way Mishu looked when he left meant that it was not simple.

Hun Ji looked at Lu Yin: “Forbidden, years of practice.”

Lu Yin’s eyes narrowed, “What did you say?”

Hun Ji took a deep breath, his tone was low and depressed, full of anger: “Ban Mi Master, practice for years. This is the price of communicating with each other.”

“This is what the Lord of Time proposed, Tianwei.”

Lu Yin slowly clenched his fist and banned the years of cultivation. This is unreasonable.

In life, you can practice whatever you want. Why should others decide?

Hunji said in a deep voice: “When the Lord of Time came here, he wanted to directly communicate with Master Mi about the method of time. Master Mi once said that he was not good at using time, but the Lord of Time didn’t listen at all, and said that only communication can do it. Improve cognition, and only cognition is the way to gain mastery.”

“It sounds like a good thing, but it ends with a sentence. It will help Mishu improve its understanding of time. But if Mishu cannot help it improve its understanding, then it means that the communication is not equal, and it means that Mishu does not want to If you help it, it will prohibit Master Mi from cultivating the power of time. This is called fairness.”

At this point, it sneered: “It’s ridiculous. Facing the Lord of Time, who uses time to achieve the ultimate combat power in the universe, how can Master Mi help it improve its cognition? It’s just an excuse. It can use communication Injuring Master Mi will also prevent Master Mi from cultivating the power of time, killing two birds with one stone.”

“What a shame, Master Mi’s understanding and use of time are completely incomparable to Master of Time. As you can see, Master Mi was not only injured, but he was also not allowed to practice the law of time from now on. There were left in his body The mark of the Lord of Time will be discovered once practiced, and the consequence of discovery will be the annihilation of the human race.”

Lu Yin narrowed his eyes, and the scene of Master Mi vomiting blood and leaving appeared in his mind.

This is actually the case, no wonder Hunji can’t explain it clearly. If you don’t watch this scene, you won’t feel the helplessness and sadness at all.

Mizu is very strong, but no matter how strong he is, as long as he is not the master, it is impossible to win over Shijian, especially when Shijian actually wants to exchange his understanding of the years with him. It is ridiculous, let alone Mizu, even if he is also the master. Holy mourning and lovesickness rain, they are unable to communicate.

The masters each have their own strengths, so how can they help each other improve their knowledge in the other’s field?

This is the excuse Shimi deliberately made.

“Why did Shi Jian do this? If he really wanted to attack humans, he would just hit them directly. Why must he do this to Mi Master?” Lu Yin was puzzled.

Hunji said bitterly: “I don’t know either, just ask them.”

Lu Yin suddenly thought of a possibility, Your Majesty. I see that they were once so suppressed by His Majesty that they could not hold their heads up. Could it be that because Your Majesty is also a human being, they bear all this humiliation on Nine Bases?

It’s not impossible.

“Except for Tokimi, who else has treated Mishu like this?”


Lu Yin’s expression changed: “All? Six masters?”

Hunji closed his eyes and nodded silently.

Lu Yin clenched his fists, and in his mind, the staggering figure of Master Mi appeared again. This happened six times.

He didn’t expect that the master of consciousness would do this.


Your Majesty suppresses a few of them, such as Shi Jianjian, but is not the master of them all. That is not just Your Majesty’s fault.

But why do they do that?


“Do you still want to watch?” Hun Ji asked.

Lu Yin said expressionlessly: “Look.”

He dragged out the years again, looking for scenes from the past. Not long after, he saw it, it was Shengshang.

Still in the same place, Hun Ji looked from a distance, his eyes full of anger and murderous intent, wanting to rush over, while Master Mi kept coughing up blood. Opposite him, Sheng Shang had a smile on his lips, which was communicating cause and effect.

The blood dripped to the ground, like bright red plum blossoms, so dazzling.

Lu Yin looked into the distance, the smile in Shengshang’s eyes contrasted so strongly with the gradually fading figure of Master Mi.

Mi Zhu can’t do it, and he can’t do it either.

No matter how confident he is, it is impossible for him to exchange their respective powers with the six masters. If this scene happens to him, he will also end up like this.

It’s not that the Mi Lord is too weak, but that the Lord is too strong.

Although the master of this moment lacks the long time from the ninth base period to the present, it has existed for too long, and it is indeed the peak state.

Lu Yin has never really faced off against a master at his peak.

Sheng Shang left, and the blood on the earth was stained red. Master Mi stood up and left.

Hunji shouted twice, and Master Mi waved his hand with his back to it.

Lu Yin quits the years and comes back again.

This time it’s the rain of lovesickness.

She deprived Master Mi of his qualifications to practice luck.

In fact, Master Mi has not practiced luck at all. The reason why Xiang Siyu can practice luck is all because of the Zhuobao Hongtai. Without the Hongtai, she would not have been able to reach this stage.

Without the red platform, it is impossible for Master Mi to practice the method of luck.

It can only be said that she deprived Master Mi of his luck.

There are more and more blood-stained plum blossoms on the earth.

The Master of Life deprived Master Mi of his qualifications to cultivate his vitality, causing Master Mi’s body to become visibly old.

The Lord of Death deprived Master Mi of his qualification to practice death.

The master of consciousness has deprived Master Mi of the qualification to cultivate consciousness.

Lu Yin did not expect that the consciousness master would also take action.

The six masters, without exception, all communicated with Mi Master. To put it nicely, it was communication, but to say it worse, they came here to suppress Mi Master and deprive Mi Master of the qualification to cultivate these six powers.

Looking at the universe, these six forces cover almost everything.

Of course, there are other powers, but many powers are derived from these six powers.

The prohibition on cultivating these six powers not only led to the decline of Master Mi’s cultivation, but also restricted his ascending path.

That’s right, it means restricting the ascending passage. Like the Grand Palace Master, Mi Master is equivalent to being sealed.

Not only a physical seal, but also a spiritual seal.

From the outside to the inside, it is completely sealed.

Lu Yin watched as Master Mi became haggard day by day. He was completely different from the first time he saw him. Now he was like an old man, with a hunched back, disappearing step by step from Hun Ji’s sight.

After withdrawing from the years, Lu Yin felt heavy, as if there was a big stone pressing down on him.

Hunji didn’t say anything. He recalled those years, heavy, humiliating, and unwilling.

At that time, it didn’t even dare to roar.

The glory of the ninth base cannot cover up the darkness suppressed by the Lord.

“As Lord Mi was sealed again and again, more and more creatures entered the ninth base together with the Lord. Those creatures became more and more unscrupulous, and there were many people in the dark who were deliberately suppressed, oppressed their self-esteem, and even fell to their knees. In front of the Lord.” Hun Ji whispered, there was a lot of darkness that even the lowest level people couldn’t see.

“At that time, it was impossible to resist. The Lord controlled six forces together, fought with them, and was counterattacked by the power at any time.”

“You should have experienced the backlash of time, the deprivation of cause and effect, and the harvest of death. That period was actually the darkest era of Nine Bases.”

“On the surface, geniuses were born one after another, but more and more people were suppressed.”

“That’s why the invincible technique was created later.”

Lu Yin was puzzled: “Why are you present every time Mi Master is sealed?”

Hun Ji sighed heavily: “Because he wanted me to collect the corpse. He said that there is no guarantee that I can survive every time I face the master.”

“The six powers are forbidden to practice, so what does Master Mi practice?”

“I don’t know. The six masters have all come here and will not come again. They are relieved, so I haven’t seen Mi Master for a long time. I don’t even know what the reason for the Nine Bases War is. “Opened.”

“The war has begun, what is the state of Mi Master?”

Hunji thought for a while: “Very strong.”

Lu Yin raised his eyebrows: “Very strong?”

Hunji nodded, “Better than any time I saw him.”

Lu Yin understood, maybe it was because Master Mi took a different path, did not know what he had practiced, and reached the top again, and the masters of the nine bases appeared one after another and created invincible skills, which made the masters completely fearful and determined to destroy them. Nine bases.

They see the infinite possibilities of humanity.


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