Star Odyssey Chapter 5371: Mi Zhu


Exiting the years, Lu Yin picked up a weapon again and looked at the past.

This time, the extremely talented prodigy was defeated and suppressed by the Death Lord clan. He resisted again and again, and oppressed him again and again. He still did not kill him, but put him back on the ninth base. However, he was defeated again and again. The torture of the soul again and again made that genius dim and depressed.

One, two, three…

Lu Yin watched each of the human elites being deliberately targeted and tortured. He knew that the purpose of the Death Alliance was to suppress human courage in the same way as the human elites, so that human civilization could see their powerlessness in the face of the Master Alliance.

As time goes by, more and more people dare not look directly at the Lord.

More and more people are groveling.

Ninth base was powerless during that period. The Lord One can harvest years, cause and effect, death, life and even luck, and controls almost everything covered by life in the entire universe. No one is powerless in the face of the Lord One’s backlash against various forces.

No matter how talented you are, it is useless.

Perhaps it is because of this that the major base owners of the ninth base create invincible skills to get rid of the control of the main base.

But it was too late by then. From the time when the Lord came into contact with Ninth Base to the outbreak of the Ninth Base War, there were long years in between. During this period, under the deliberate control of the Lord, countless people bent down. Kneeling before the Lord, countless people admitted from the bottom of their hearts that they were not as good as the Lord.

They regard the Lord as God.

This was the master’s method before the Nine Bases War.

Lu Yin exhaled heavily. The Jiulei era was more difficult than he thought. He originally thought that after seeing the past of Ares Pan and Zhu Ling, he could see the glory of Jiulai. In fact, there were glories and there were also dark.

Both Pan and Zhu Ling are the most outstanding figures in Ninth Base.

Even the Lord can’t suppress it.

But under them, there are more people who are suppressed and bullied by the Lord, and more people are controlled by the Lord and cannot resist.

This is the true ninth base era.

Countless heroes have been born, which fascinate future generations, but there is also unimaginable shame and darkness.

There are countless weapons, and quite a few of them come from human civilization. You can imagine how cruelly the Death Alliance suppressed humans during that period. This is just the Death Alliance. He has not forgotten to see other masters in the past. A family of creatures.

Since death is like this, other creatures of the dominant clan must also be like this.

Those times were not so easy.

Human beings are not so pure and only have themselves.

After walking out of the sea of ​​silence, Lu Yin returned to Xiangcheng and directly found Hunji.

At this moment, Hun Ji is taking Jianyu to travel through the starry sky. Xiangcheng contains several universes, and traveling through the starry sky is a way to relax.

Seeing Lu Yin suddenly come to look for him, Hun Ji was confused: “Is something wrong?”

Jianyu straightened up. It was much smaller than Hunji, but its appearance was very similar: “Hey, familiar person.”

Lu Yin looked at Huan Ji and said, “Let’s talk.”

Hunji nodded. Then, he knocked the cheap fish unconscious.

Lu Yin…

“I didn’t say it couldn’t listen.”

“I thought I couldn’t listen, but forget it. It’s okay to give the child more beatings to keep him strong.”

Lu Yin said no more and looked at Huan Ji: “How long have you been in contact with the Lord during the Nine Bases era?”

Hun Ji thought for a while: “There was a time when I slept a lot. I don’t know. You should ask Chang Chu, Gu Yuan and the others.”

Lu Yin said: “I want to use you to see the past of Master Mi.”

Hun Ji was surprised: “Me? Looking past?”

Lu Yin nodded.

Hunji nodded: “Okay, how to do it?”

“How much contact have you had with Master Mi?”

“How do you say this? It’s not too much to say more, it’s not too much to say too little. The years are too long and I can’t explain it clearly.”

“Is there any privacy that cannot be seen?”

“What I’m saying is that we are not the same species, so just look at it as you like.”

“Thank you.”

“Wait a minute.” Hun Ji suddenly remembered something and was a little confused.

Lu Yin looked at it: “Inconvenient?”

“It’s not me, it’s Master Mi.”

“Mi Lord?”

“Hey, he has a terrible past.”

“What do you mean?” What Lu Yin wanted to see was Mi Zhu. He had seen Pan, Zhu Ling and other top beings in the ninth base, and had also seen the past of a group of elites in the middle. Now he wanted to know what happened during that period. As the first man on the ninth base, what Mi Zhu is doing will directly affect the subsequent development.

In the end, the decisive battle between the master and the nine bases must be related to Mi Zhu.

The basis for formulating the huge plan is to learn the three laws through the decisive battle with the Lord of Death. Before that, Mr. Zi Zai understood the changes of the times. So what was the Lord thinking when formulating the huge plan?

Hun Ji looked at Lu Yin: “I want to ask you a question.”

“If, listen clearly, I am talking about what if, what would you do if you were bullied now?”

Lu Yin frowned: “Oppressed? Who?”

“No matter who it is, for example, just those few masters.”

“They dare not.”

“Don’t say that, I’m better than you.”

“But they just don’t dare.”

“Okay, but what if? I mean if.”

Lu Yin didn’t know how to answer because the situation was different. The reason why he said that those masters did not dare to bully him was because of the threat of Nigu, and also because those few knew what kind of character he was, that he was the kind of person who would fight to the death, and had deep plans, so they were worried.

But if the situation, personality, or even person were changed, would they still be like this?

If nothing else, if other people are now in charge of human civilization, Hongshuang may not be so effective against the threat of anti-ancient times.

“You want to tell me that Master Mi was once oppressed by the Lord?”

Hun Ji quickly said: “It’s not bullying, it’s not that exaggerated, but I don’t know how to put it.”

“Then I’ll see for myself.”

“Would this be a disservice to Master Mi?”

Lu Yin looked at Huan Ji seriously: “Will Master Mi mind if I see his past?”

Hunji thought for a while: “Probably not.”

“Senior, I used you to step into the years, so what I see is what you, senior, see.”

“After all, we are different species. In the eyes of Master Mi, I may just be.” Huan Ji didn’t say the next words, but he could guess it.

Lu Yin smiled at Hun Ji: “Senior is a member of my human civilization. He was before and will be in the future, nothing else. Master Mi must think so too.”

Hun Ji gritted his teeth and sighed: “It’s up to you. Anyway, it’s you who makes the decision now.” At this point, it looked at Lu Yin seriously: “If Lord Mi comes back and asks about this one day, you have to say yes Forcing me.”

Lu Yin nodded: “Okay, thank you, senior.”

“Force, where can I thank you? Don’t let it slip.”


With a wave of his hand, the gray years fell softly on Hun Ji, and Lu Yin dragged out countless years of the past.

What he was looking for was the past related to Mishu, so he kept pulling the years back. Most of these years passed by in silence, and all he could see was the bottom of the sea or the deep underground.

Lu Yin searched for a long time before finding Mi Master.

Take a step forward, enter the years, look up again, he saw Mi Zhu.

Mi Zhu, similar to what he imagined, is a middle-aged man with a bookish aura and a vicissitudes of life. His soft facial features seemed so approachable to a man who had experienced the vicissitudes of time, and his eyes gave Lu Yin a brightness that he couldn’t look into.

That is a pair of justice that has seen through the vicissitudes of time, but I have never changed.

Lu Yin never thought that he would be unwilling to look into a pair of eyes.

It seems that under the gaze of those eyes, everything he has done is invisible. His right and his wrong are all so clear, as clear as black and white.

The longer I live, the clearer I become that there is no absolute black and white in the universe, and most of it is gray.

But in Master Mi’s eyes, Lu Yin saw only clear black and white pupils, without a trace of gray. Full of magnanimity and pride.

Obviously those eyes were not looking at him, but Lu Yin felt like he was being looked through the years.

Has Master Mi seen him?

He doesn’t know.

Wang Wen has seen it, looking through the endless years and looking towards the ever-changing future.

What about Master Mi?

He seems unwilling to look to the future.

Although his eyes are clear and thorough, they only look at the time and space where he is, and everything he cares about.

Mizu, how does it compare with your current self? Lu Yin couldn’t deduce. But it should not be any worse than the current self, because Mi Zhu severely damaged the Death Lord in his peak period and beat the Death Lord to half a disability. Only then was he taken advantage of by the Velvet Civilization, making the Death Lord completely afraid to return to the main line.

In terms of strength, Lu Yin doesn’t know how he compares to Mi Master.

In terms of magnanimity, Lu Yin did not dare to say that he had never done anything wrong, but Mi Zhu gave him the feeling that he had never done anything wrong.

This is a very clean person.

He saw Mi Master for the first time. Seeing this can almost be regarded as the oldest existence of mankind.

Within the years, Master Mi looked in the direction of Lu Yin. Lu Yin slowly turned his head. Behind him, Hun Ji shook his head and said something unknown, causing Master Mi to laugh.

Immediately afterwards Mi Zhu left.

Lu Yin withdrew from the years and continued to search. He wanted to see more of Mi Master and see what Mi Master had experienced, which even Hun Ji couldn’t explain clearly.

I saw Mishu again. Hunji’s existence with Mishu has not been long, mainly because Hunji has lived for too long and spent most of the time sleeping, resulting in very little contact with Mishu. But that’s fine. The scenes of the passing years are all dark, which means that Huanji is sleeping. It’s easy to pick out those scenes that are not dark.

Enter the years.

Looking around, the mountains are roaring and the tsunami is roaring, and I don’t know what is happening.

Although Lu Yin couldn’t hear the sound, he could see countless people reveling and shouting around him.

Soon, he knew.

It turned out to be the Nine Baseball Combine.

The Nine Bases were not complete from the beginning, but many scattered human civilizations gathered and united step by step, and finally formed the Nine Bases.

This was a long, long time ago. After all, ninth base has existed for a long time. At this time, the leader of the ninth base has not yet been determined.

The one who united the ninth base was naturally Mi Zhu. Hun Ji was staying not far away. Lu Yin appeared next to Hun Ji. He looked into the distance and saw Mi Zhu.

He glanced at the cheering crowd again, then exited the years and continued to search.

Another scene of time passing by. This time, he saw Mi Master and also saw the Lord of Time.


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