Star Odyssey Chapter 5358: Fight your life


In the face of changing times, it is not important for one person to control destiny over time. What is important is that if Lu Yin does not take action now, then someone else will.

It is the master of time.

Lu Yin guessed that when Destiny went with him to master the long river of time and was seen, it might lead to such a thing, but he didn’t expect it to be so fast.

“How many time points are left for seniors?”

“More is a lot, but when the Lord of Time takes action, it won’t last long.”

Lu Yin’s eyes were heavy and he asked the God of Death to contact Wang Wen again.

“The Lord of Time has noticed the time node and is erasing it. The worst has happened. If there is no way to stop it, the great plan will inevitably fail.”

Wang Wen looked at Lu Yin seriously: “Master Chessman, I repeat myself, I can’t find Master Mi and Mr. Zizi, and I can’t contact them proactively, so I can’t do anything about the current situation. If the great plan really fails, Yes, let’s do it again.”

“This is the only way I can think of to survive as long as possible under the long-term pursuit of the five masters and at the same time break into the time node again.”

Lu Yin stared at Wang Wen, looking deeply at him.

Wang Wen’s eyes did not flinch at all.

In the end, Lu Yin ended the conversation and said nothing more. The matter was at this point, and there was no way to fight against the master.

Being forced to this point, no matter how you look at it, your grand plan should fail.

He looked at Death and Destiny: “Seniors, do you think Wang Wen can do anything?”

Destiny said: “If it is aimed at dominating the current method, there is definitely nothing we can do.”

Death Interface: “Unless he had expected this step and made preparations in advance.”

Lu Yin looked at him: “What are you preparing for?”

The God of Death looked at Destiny and said, “She is not the only one.”

Destiny nodded: “The only way to solve the current predicament is this. This step was anticipated in advance, and I was only a time node on the surface. The time node needed in the era of expansion does not necessarily have to be me, it can also be someone else. , or even Wang Wen himself.”

Lu Yin narrowed his eyes. Yes, fate left time nodes. Wang Wen himself could also leave time nodes, or even more. In the dark, he could also let other creatures leave time nodes.

Destiny is just the most special one, because she bears the heavy responsibility of dealing with the Lord of Time.

In fact, if he did not participate in dealing with the Lord of Time, Wang Wen could arrange many creatures and leave many time nodes, just as fate arranged.

The God of Death said: “Actually, it is useless even if Lord Mi and Mr. Zizi come out at this moment. They are also not the opponents of the five masters, so I prefer that Wang Wen has been prepared for a long time. There are a lot of things that you and I don’t know about.” Time node, he will take it out after the master thinks that Niuniu has been completely eradicated.”

Destiny frowned: “I’ve told you many times, don’t call me Niuniu.”

The God of Death is very serious: “Don’t worry about these details.”

Destiny was about to scold him but was interrupted by Lu Yin: “Then why doesn’t he take it out now?”

The God of Death said: “Maybe the price is not enough.”

Lu Yin’s eyes flashed. This price was definitely not from him, because he was the only one who could master the power beyond the master level. In the era of expansion, he needed to take action. How could he negotiate terms with himself.

If it’s not yourself, then who is the person you’re talking about?

Mi Zhu, or Mr. Zi Zi.

The great plan has given Wang Wen favorable conditions. Assuming that this great plan is true from beginning to end, without a trace of lies, then what Wang Wen will get is freedom in the new era. He can practice and ignore the nine-year-old plan. With all kinds of hatred in the base, one can even keep climbing up until he becomes as strong as Mi Lord.

This is the condition that Lord Mi and Mr. Zizai agree to for Wang Wen to cooperate with their big plan.

This condition is quite generous.

But now it seems that the big plan is about to fail. Even if Master Mi and Mr. Zizi come out, they can’t change the overall situation. Then Wang Wen, who has the only way to break the situation, can impose more conditions.

He doesn’t care about the time point when the five masters erase their destiny. He can care nothing now.

Is that so?

No one can be sure.

No one can see through Wang Wen’s heart.

Destiny gritted his teeth: “If our guess is true, and this Wang Wen is using the only way to break the situation to impose conditions on Master Mi, then this condition must be something that Master Mi has not agreed to before. Even if Wang Wen needs to implement a huge plan, he has not agreed to the conditions. ”

“What would be such a condition?”

The God of Death looked at Lu Yin: “We don’t know Mi Master, but we have all seen the death of our ancestors in Jiulei. I walked past Jiuli and saw countless respected seniors. I believe in Mi Master and Zizuo. The same goes for Mr. ”

Destiny agreed: “If Mizu and the others were not that kind of people, they would not be able to bring out that kind of ninth base.”

Lu Yin’s mind flashed through the Ninth Base ancestors, from the Red Lotus Tomb and Pan who died in the Ninth Base War to Zhu Ling and Xiangxue who died peacefully due to the master of life, etc., each of the Ninth Base seniors Everyone died for the sake of human civilization. Whether it was revenge or the continuation of civilization, they had only one purpose.

Mi Zhu will not be an exception.

He took a deep breath: “If we take all our assumptions seriously for the time being, then the enemies we have to face now are not only the five masters, but also Wang Wen. This Wang Wen may have proposed something that the Mi Master cannot accept. Condition, what we have to do is to make this condition not true.”

The God of Death frowned: “The only possibility is to make the big plan succeed.”

“We can’t stop the master.” Destiny said.

Lu Yin’s eyes were deep: “There is a way that I can try. It didn’t work before because I didn’t want to take the risk of disturbing that senior. Now, I can’t do it without disturbing him.”

“Every party is forcing us, so let’s risk our lives with them.”

Mastering the long river of time, the master of time uses the calculation of cause and effect to constantly find and erase the time nodes left by fate.

A few inches away, Wang Wen sat quietly, looking at the stars in the distance, as if seeing a vast long river, the corners of his mouth curled up, it’s fast, it’s fast.

And Lu Yin appeared in the chaotic distance, arriving at the direction of the eternal consciousness.

At this moment, the ancestor is inside.

The purpose of his coming here is to take advantage of Yitianque – to enter the years.

No one will tell him the true location of the last ancient city of time, not even the five masters, but they are the only ones who know it. Apart from them, the only way Lu Yin can think of is to establish the sixth master, the one who formulated the three laws. One of them – the master of consciousness.

The master of consciousness is missing, and it is also impossible to tell him his location. Even the dominant power of consciousness has remained.

So the master of consciousness is missing, how to determine the other masters?

What is the only way that they can never find the master of consciousness? That is the last ancient city of time, and there is no power left by the dominance of consciousness.

The reason why the three laws are established is because there is an ancient city in the long river of time that only the six masters know. Whoever takes action against whom, the power left by the masters in that ancient city of time may go upstream and completely reverse the current. antiquity.

This means that no matter how different the external forces of the six masters are, the result is that the six masters will rule the universe, and there will be no shortage of them.

Now that the master of consciousness has completely disappeared, it means that the power it left behind in that ancient city of time has also disappeared.

What Lu Yin has to do now is to pass through Yi Tian Que, enter the years, check the past dominated by consciousness, and see where it has gone, and it is possible to find the last ancient city of time.

The past years dominated by consciousness will never be erased. As a master, unless willing, the time master who is also a master should not be able to erase its traces.

This is the only thing Lu Yin can do now.

If it fails, we can only wait for news from Wang Wen.

He didn’t want to put his hope in Wang Wen.

“Huh? Pillar?”

“Senior, how’s it going?”

“It’s okay, is there something wrong with you?”

“Nothing, senior, continue.”

“Okay, I’ll do it as soon as possible.”

“Senior, don’t worry, everything outside is controllable.” After Lu Yin finished speaking, without waiting for the ancestor’s reply, he moved his finger, the void shook, and the Yitian Palace appeared. The ancestor’s body was in the Yitian Palace, and he looked at Lu Yin with his eyes open.

At the same time, he also saw the God of Death and Destiny beside Lu Yin.

Lu Yin brought them here specially. Among the three realms and six realms, they were the only ones who never showed up. Now that he has returned, of course he has to meet the ancestor, and let the ancestor’s heart be relieved.

“Chu Heizi? Niuniu?” The ancestor was excited.

Death and Destiny faced the ancestor and bowed deeply: “Master.”

The ancestor nodded: “Okay, okay, okay, you two are back, great.”

Destiny’s eyes turned red: “Master, I have made you worry.”

The God of Death looked calm, but his body under the black robe was trembling slightly. No matter how suppressed, human emotions could never subside.

How long has it been since he was reunited with his ancestor?

Can’t remember clearly.

After living outside for so long, what I miss most are my brothers and master. The coldness of death cannot replace the warmth of memories. Now, everything is worth it.

The ancestor laughed: “You two children are indeed the most worried for me, but it will be good to come back. It will be good to come back.”

The greatest happiness in the world is that loved ones will always be there. No matter how separated they are, they will be reunited in the end.

The ancestors, the three realms and the six realms, all are missing.

This is great.

Sending the God of Death and Destiny back to Xiangcheng, Lu Yin asked the ancestor to continue practicing while he walked towards Yi Tianque.

The Yi Tian Que, which was inaccessible on the precipice of the consciousness universe, is now here in a few steps. I raise my hand to touch it. The gray years are passing by, and I am entering the years. “Master of consciousness, junior Lu Yin, I long to see you.” traces.”

“I still hope you will make it happen.”

Of the six masters, only the master of consciousness is the most special, not the power, but the mind. It pursues truth, goodness and beauty, longs for peace and stability in the universe, and hopes that every living being will have the best life.

This desire is full of naivety, even stupidity.

But it is undeniable that light can shine on certain creatures precisely because of the existence of such creatures. It doesn’t matter if these lights are big or small.

There are always some creatures who are warmed.


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