Star Odyssey Chapter 5354: A type of person


Lu Yin looked at Wang Wen: “What about me?”


“Do I have a fantasy flaw?”

Wang Wen laughed loudly: “Chess Master, are you kidding me? The highest level that can be locked by fantasy flaws is to be equal to me. I can lock eternity in a realm of immortality with one law, and the highest level is three laws. The realm of eternal life is the same as my realm.”

“But Taoist Chess Piece, your combat power has already surpassed mine.”

“You asked me if I have any fantasy flaws? Do you think of yourself too low, or do you think of me too high?”

Lu Yin calmly said: “No one will underestimate you. If you say that you gave the master a fantasy defect, I will believe it.”

Wang Wen sighed: “This is the benefit of living a long time. After a long time, I can lay out a little bit of tricks to make you so afraid. In fact, you think highly of me. There are many things I can’t do.”

“As long as I say a word, you will believe me completely.”

Lu Yin raised his eyebrows: “Tell me and listen.”

Wang Wen looked at Lu Yin seriously: “If I can block your upper limit, how will you expand the era?”

Lu Yin was startled, then took a deep look at Wang Wen, and no longer struggled with this issue.

Yes, if Wang Wen can lock him with fantasy flaws, it will be equivalent to locking this era, because he wants to expand the era, break the three laws, and usher in disorder. If Wang Wen had this ability, it would be equivalent to surpassing the three laws alone, which is impossible.

He had forgotten this.

Wang Wen smiled faintly: “Master Chessman, I’m glad you think highly of me, but the means I have left behind over the years have been completely used up since the words “Uncovering the Big Plan”, and I have besieged and killed the master again and again. How many ways can I stay after playing games with you again and again?”

“Actually, if our roles were reversed and you lived longer than me, I believe you would have no fewer means than me.”

“We are actually the same kind of people.”

Lu Yin did not deny it. He was extremely sophisticated and ruthless, and was not a pure cultivator. Although this kind of character is disliked by many people, he is just like this and there is nothing he can do about it.

He and Wang Wen are really the same kind of people.

Entering the ancient city of Time again, Lu Yin found that Eternal was extremely emotional.

He has dealt with eternity too many times. The only true **** used to be aloof. Even if he was later knocked down, he always remained mysterious and remained calm even in the face of death.

But at this moment, he was really excited.

“Just forget about Wang Wen.” A few simple words made Yongheng widen his eyes and become a little embarrassed: “What did you say?”

Lu Yin repeated: “Forget Wang Wen.”

Eternal looked at him blankly: “You are kidding me.”

“We are not friends, there is no need to joke with you.”

“Is it that simple?”

“It’s that simple.”

Eternal smiles bitterly, his voice full of loneliness, stepping back step by step, looking at the long river of time flowing, his eyes are a little lost: “I have done so many things, but in the end it is so simple.”

“I have long thought that maybe I could just forget Wang Wen, but I didn’t believe it was so simple time and time again, and I denied myself time and time again.”

“I didn’t expect it to be that simple.”

Lu Yin found that Yongheng was a bit pitiful. His life had been controlled by Wang Wen, and the only way to finally release the control was this simple. Perhaps he had thought of this method from the beginning, but he was unwilling to do it until now.

This feeling is like a clown.

Lu Yin is gone, his deal with Eternity is over, and what will happen to Eternity in the future has nothing to do with him. If he appeared on the battlefield to be his enemy, he would not be lenient, and the blood feud in Tianyuan Universe had just been completely resolved.

If you want to use the Bone Xun and Death Pearl to understand death, the biggest trouble is not the understanding itself, but the owner of death.

Last time, the Bone Xun was crushed by the Lord of Death as soon as it was taken out, which proves that the Lord of Death can completely control the Bone Xun within a certain range, and this range is even very large.

Then if he still practices in Xiangcheng this time, the Lord of Death may find him. If the Lord of Death is not sure of finding him and crushes the bone again, he will be unable to do anything. So if you want to understand death and avoid the Lord of Death, there is a more suitable place, the chaotic distance.

The main power there is still filling.

But it is also the place where the ancestor inherits the power of consciousness dominance, and he cannot disturb the ancestor no matter what.

After thinking about it, Lu Yin suddenly returned to the Ancient City of Time and appeared in front of Eternity.

Eternal Life was stunned: “Is there anything else?”

“Protect the law for me, I want to practice.” Lu Yin said calmly.

Eternal thought he heard wrongly, what did he hear? Lu Yin, let him protect the law?

How could such a thing happen?

Even if they are not enemies, they are definitely not friends. How did this guy figure it out?

No matter how Eternity responded, Lu Yin went into seclusion and stayed at the bottom of this ancient city, with Eternity outside.

Eternal face was speechless, not knowing what to say.

He even wanted to go to the Lord and report it to the Lord. There was a little impulse, of course, but he suppressed it immediately. He was really a snitch, and he died before he could get out of here.

What is this Lu Yin thinking?

Lu Yin’s idea was simple. Since he couldn’t comprehend death at a distance of just an inch, he should comprehend it in the ancient city of time.

Unless the Lord of Death comes to this ancient city of time, it will be difficult for it to detect the Bone Xun and Death Pearl due to the difference in time and space. After all, the Lord of Time is filled with the power of time, and the one who is most sensitive to this place is the Lord of Time. However, the Lord of Time cannot sense the Bone Xun and the Death Bead.

He was caught in the middle just like Eternity was used by the Lord of Death to deal with Wang Wen, but it happened to help him. The main purpose was to exploit a loophole.

As for whether Yongheng would tip off the news, he didn’t dare.

No matter how smart he is, his strength is there.

If you dare to move, you will die.

He is now even doubting whether Lu Yin deliberately gave him the opportunity to tip off the information, and then used this reason to kill him. Therefore, the person who is most worried about Lu Yin being exposed at the moment is not Lu Yin himself, but him.

In this way, Lu Yin can cultivate in this ancient city with peace of mind.

And Yongheng stayed underground in fear. Once Lu Yin was exposed, he would be unlucky.

Has been used by the Lord of Death to catch Wang Wen, and now he is colluding with Lu Yin. Once exposed, he will be dead.

It must not be exposed.

Time passes and hundreds of years pass.

There was an urging sound from the tower of the ancient city.

“Do you understand that the newcomer has not come up yet? Do you really think you are here to enjoy the blessing?”

“Swap with me.”

“Hurry up.”

Eternal is here to guard the ancient city of the years, not to practice. He stayed down there for hundreds of years without moving. It was really too much and made other creatures dissatisfied.

He had no choice but to go up.

As soon as he leaves, other creatures may come here, and they may find Lu Yin.

In desperation, he used the most effective and direct method. He vomited blood here, and it was everywhere. It was very disgusting. Of course, avoiding Lu Yin’s training place was equivalent to using blood to fight against the enemy. Lu Yin’s retreat place was circled before he went up.

Not long after, a creature came down. This creature stayed at the bottom to rest when there was no need to deal with the Anti-Ancient One. It is the same now. It was the creature that urged eternity just now.

However, when I came to the underground, I saw blood everywhere, and I was disgusted. I wanted to change places.

What happened to that guy?

Although these blood stains can be erased, I still feel uncomfortable in my heart.

In this way, Lu Yin’s side became quiet.

Hundreds of years have passed again.

During this period, Yongheng went up and down many times. Every time he went up, he had the urge to tell the truth, but he was suppressed every time. As time went by, he himself forgot that Lu Yin was down there. Not only did he have to forget Wang Wen, he also wanted to forget Lu Yin.

Try to prevent Lu Yin from being implicated after what happened here is exposed.

In the blink of an eye, a thousand years have passed.

Thousands of years have passed since Lu Yin practiced in seclusion in this ancient city of time. He suddenly opened his eyes, and as far as he could see, mirrors of death were scattered around the ancient city of time and space. That represents the dead creatures.

Not much, but not much.

He smelled death and felt the state of death.

More, catch death.

It is a kind of cold power, which has nothing to do with temperature, but a feeling. At the moment of grasping death, everything in the entire universe seems to have stopped, and nothing exists.

The universe was created for you. When you die, the universe ceases to exist.

That’s what it feels like.

In his hands, the Bone Xun and Death Silence Pearl released death. Lu Yin did not suppress it specifically. He felt like he had an epiphany and had no intention of suppressing it at all.

The dark death is like a monster, crawling out of the ground and rushing toward the entire ancient city of time.

Eternity happens to be guarding one direction on the city at this moment.

As the screams came from below, his expression changed drastically, “Not good, Lu Yin.”

Looking down.

Darkness soared into the sky, shattering most of the ancient city of Time, covering the top of the Yangtze River, and covering the sky and the sun.

This darkness brought endless coldness. The moment it appeared, the Lord of Time and the Lord of Death in the last ancient city of time stood up at the same time and rushed out without hesitation.

The other masters were not so sensitive here, but they quickly sensed the power of death.

The only person in today’s universe who can release this kind of death is the Lord of Death, but the Lord of Life, but the Lord of Life needs to simulate death and is not that sensitive to the state of death, so who is it?

The master of time moves the fastest, traveling through the years and arriving in the blink of an eye.

At a glance, the Ancient City of Time was shattered from the inside out, and the creatures who guarded the Ancient City of Time fled in shock. Fortunately, none of them died.

The Lord of Time stares into the darkness.

Lu Yin walked out, raised his head, and looked at the Master of Time.

“It’s you again?” The Lord of Time shouted angrily, and took action directly, not to kill Lu Yin, but just to stop him and prepare for the next siege.

The five masters have been working together to figure out how to break the three laws for a long time, and they still have no clue. Now that Lu Yin appears, as long as they kill him, there is nothing to do.

The original years directly surround the surrounding area.

Gray filled the air, and countless rulers of time emerged from the past. At the same time, cubes appeared around them, outside of time.

“Old guy, there’s no need to make such a big noise as soon as you strike.” Lu Yin waved his hand casually, and black flames went towards each cube. These black flames come from the fusion of Shenji Transformation and several dominant-level powers, and when they collide with the cube, they directly burn it into nothingness.

The Lord of Time finally realized what the Lord of Death meant when he said that Lu Yin surpassed them in nature.

With considerable strength, Lu Yin overwhelmed it.


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