Star Odyssey Chapter 5343: Just beat it away


These twelve colors of divine power are distinguished by color, and each contains an endless spread that can directly reach the cornerstone of **** power. This also leads to the fact that from the beginning, this divine power does not conflict with domination-level power.

That’s why it is possible to fuse later. Although it is unimaginably difficult to fuse dominator power, at least it is possible.

If the divine power did not contain these ant-like powers compared to the dominant power, this fusion would never be successful and would not be feasible at all.

Lu Yin watched in trance. The creator of the divine power had considered this step from the beginning.

This is also one of the foundations of the great plan.

Divine power can be fused with Dead Silence to form the basis for the future fusion of Dominator-level power. It can also be fused with activity and other powers second only to Dominator Level. Divine power is a necessary condition, but Dead Silence power is not a necessary condition.

The reason why I want to fuse the power of death is because I cultivated the power of death at that time, and went to the universe of death to absorb the power of death, and with the help of thousands of tricks, it was just right.

Dispersing the black flames in his palm, Lu Yin pondered for a moment and continued to integrate the power of time.

Now that the obstacle is gone, the next step is a matter of time.

As for why it was difficult to integrate consciousness before, firstly, he did not see the nature of consciousness clearly, and secondly, consciousness does not seem to be a unique power of the Lord. The more common it is, the more difficult it is.

Perhaps consciousness is the most difficult thing to integrate with master-level power.

However, it is not necessarily necessary to integrate consciousness.

It should be enough to fuse a few dominant-level powers.

Time continues to pass, and the Lord of Time is still investigating what Lu Yin wants to do, but there are only a few people who know the truth, and Lu Yin can erase the traces of time, causing its investigation to always be fruitless.

What Lu Yin cares about most is Xiangsiyu, for fear that Xiangsiyu will be found through luck.

It’s okay for her to do it herself, so she won’t be afraid of her, but she is afraid that if she finds Xiangcheng, she won’t take action. Instead, she will locate Xiangcheng in some way, so that Xiangcheng can’t escape even if he teleports, and attracts The other masters are the most terrifying.

So Ancestor Lu Yuan teleports very frequently, and Xiangcheng will not stay in one place for long.

In the blink of an eye, five hundred years have passed.

Five hundred years is not a long time, but it is enough for Lu Yin. He has integrated a lot of power of years into the black flame, so that the beating thirteenth color is not under the other twelve colors, continue If it increases, its light will surpass the other twelve colors.

With the increased power of time, the power of the black flame was not enhanced as much as Lu Yin expected. It was definitely enhanced, but less than expected.

“Is this the power that can expand the era after fusion?” God of Death, fate depends on the black flame beating in Lu Yin’s palm. As a person involved in the huge plan, Lu Yin will naturally let them see it, but it doesn’t matter whether others see it or not. , this power cannot be copied, and it only belongs to Lu Yin alone, and will not help others.

“It doesn’t seem to have improved much compared to before. I thought it would be a qualitative transformation.” Destiny said.

The **** of death shook his head: “Qualitative transformation is not enough. Don’t forget, this power is to expand the era. In today’s era, the essence of dominant power has reached its peak. What this power increases is not its power, but its essence. Yes Represents the essence of power that can transcend the dominance level.”

“Even if the power of an era reaches its peak, even if we find the essence of power beyond it, it will never exceed it too much, otherwise the era will be completely expanded.”

Lu Yin also thought of this: “So either I break through the Dominion or come to the era of disorder, otherwise the limit of my power is reached.”

The God of Death looked at him: “What reaches the peak is the nature of your strength, not your combat power.”

Destiny Memories: “In the Nine Bases War, Hong Potian, with his strength that had just broken through the immortal realm, wiped out a fishing civilization with one punch. This kind of thing is unbelievable even now. But it did happen, he The limit of combat power is higher than anyone else.”

“If this record is equally extrapolated to you now, it is equivalent to killing the five major masters with one punch.”

“Do you think your fighting strength is at its peak?”

Lu Yin was speechless, “Can we still make such an equal calculation?”

Death also looks at fate strangely.

Destiny takes it for granted: “How big the universe is, how big the power can be. Combat power is not limited by the times, only the essence of power is limited.”

“The masters have actually been increasing their combat power, but their vision is limited to the realm. It is impossible to undergo a major transformation without transcending the master level. But you are different, you are not a master.”

“You have the possibility to kill the master in a non-dominated realm.”

The God of Death muttered: “That won’t kill the five masters with one punch.”

Destiny rolled her eyes at him: “I’ll just give you a metaphor.”

“You can’t fight like this.”

“Do you have any opinions?”

“No, just hit him as you like. Just hit him as you like. He was quite gentle before.”

Destiny glared at him bitterly.

Lu Yin coughed: “What, the two seniors, now that they have seen it, the junior will continue to integrate other dominant powers.”

Destiny asks: “What will you integrate next?”

“The power of cause and effect.” Lu Yin did not hesitate.

He is familiar with the power of cause and effect as well as the power of time.

The power of time is due to fighting against the Lord of Time several times, enlightenment, and using the original time of the Lord of Time to increase the flow of time, so that the control of time has increased dramatically in a short period of time. The power of cause and effect is what he is best at, and the hells in Dijiangtai have been increasing. Now he doesn’t even know how big the law of cause and effect is.

Since the power of time can be integrated smoothly, the power of cause and effect is no exception.

Lu Yin has seen through the nature of cause and effect. Cause and effect and time have two sides. You can strike cause and effect in the years, and you can also search for the years in the cause and effect. This is the origin of entering the years.

Sure enough, it is extremely easy to integrate the power of cause and effect, easier than integrating the power of time.

In just four hundred years, it has integrated the power of cause and effect that is equivalent to the power of time.

Looking at the fourteenth color beating in the black flame, Lu Yin exhaled. It was still strengthening, but still not changing.

Although the enhancement was less than what he expected, the black flames at this moment were still better than before. If he fought against the masters again, not to mention being suppressed in terms of power level, it would be good if he did not suppress those masters in turn.

By integrating the two dominant forces, we can try to expand the era and see the reactions of those dominants.

Thinking about it, Lu Yin found his destiny, and then went with his destiny to control the long river of time, looking for the time node, and then broke into the black flame.

The next moment when a wisp of black flame penetrated the time node, in the ancient city of time, the master of cause and effect and the master of life opened their eyes and looked at each other: “This uneasiness is getting stronger and stronger. How can it be so strong? It’s like being… What’s the matter?”

“I feel as if I am distanced from my surroundings.”

“Why is this happening?”

“Where’s Shi Jian?”

“It’ll be back soon.”

Just after saying this, the Lord of Time returned: “You have felt it too.”

“It must be that human Lu Yin. What exactly did he do that you haven’t found out yet?”

“The traces of time have been erased. This person’s understanding of time is extremely high, surpassing all living things except me, and it is impossible to detect it.”

“Xiangsiyu didn’t find Xiangcheng either?”

“She said that Xiangcheng has been moving around with high frequency, just to guard against her.”

“Where is the Lord of Death?”

“It is still looking for death in the Sea of ​​Silence.”

“We can’t delay any longer, we must find Lu Yin and human civilization.”

“Let’s go out too, don’t waste time.”

“It’s hateful that I have been delayed by that Lu Yin for so long, otherwise we will definitely be able to fully recover.”

Mastering the long river of time, Lu Yin’s wisp of black flame made several masters uneasy at the same time, but he himself experienced another feeling, a kind of, how should I say? It feels like the living space suddenly becomes larger.

The universe is infinitely large, and the ruler cannot see the boundaries.

It is no exaggeration to say that even if he keeps teleporting and teleports forever, he still doesn’t know if he can find the boundary of the universe.

But such a large-scale universe could not give him the sense of freedom of expanding space just now.

It is a feeling of breathing in the thirst-quenching wind.

It is a kind of pleasure to travel through mountains, rivers and rivers.

That’s what it feels like in the era of expansion?

He immediately left the Lord of Time.

“Don’t continue?”

“It’s not necessary. I have to hurry up. The reaction caused by this force is much greater than I thought.”

“Have the masters noticed it?”

“I have feelings, and they have feelings even more, because they are the ones in the restricted era.”

“Then you shouldn’t try.”

“On the contrary, we should try.” Lu Yin said with a smile: “We must make them uneasy and unable to concentrate on their cultivation, so that they have no time to make up for their previous losses. Only in this way can we have a chance to survive, otherwise they will completely recover once , any one can kill me.”

Destiny looked deeply at Lu Yin: “You look like Chu Heizi, I even doubt whether you are his descendant.”

Lu Yin was speechless: “My surname is Lu.”

“The fertile soil is naughty, and the first black child is black.”

“It’s okay to say this in front of Patriarch Lu Yuan.”

The news Lu Yin brought back was very exciting. He directly said that there was a way to deal with the master.

But the pressure on Ancestor Lu Yuan has also increased.

He asked Ancestor Lu Yuan to continue to increase the frequency of teleportation.

Ancestor Lu Yuan was speechless for a while: “It’s already fast enough. If it goes any further, I won’t even have time to drink tea. And aren’t you afraid that if you teleport too much, you might just hit those masters?”

Lu Yin is confident: “The five masters will definitely search for each other. It doesn’t matter if they meet one, they will just beat him away.”

Ancestor Lu Yuan laughed: “Okay, domineering, these are the people of my Lu family, hahahaha.”

“I always feel like it doesn’t look like it.”

“It doesn’t look like it.”

Death and Destiny spoke at the same time, their voices were low, but they were heard.

The angry Ancestor Lu Yuan immediately chased them to fight.

Next, vitality.

In fact, so far, Lu Yin can see through the four essences of master-level power, namely time, cause and effect, life and death. It is these four that can be integrated into other creatures who practice this kind of power through the six points of the dice.

Time and cause and effect have been successfully integrated.

What remains is life and death.


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