Star Odyssey Chapter 5340: Balance


The God of Death’s voice was dry, completely different from the voice of a storyteller: “If the strength is unreasonable, think about Niu Niu. She can deal with the master of time outside a fixed time. She and I disappeared at almost the same time. She has been comprehending the time. With the power of the Lord, I also left the Tianyuan Universe and went to the Death Universe to practice.”

“That dead clone must have been very strong.”

“But I have never stopped practicing. How long has it been since I practiced in the Tianshang Sect to now? It has been a long time, so it is reasonable to have this strength.”

Lu Yin stared at the God of Death, “You have plotted against me.”

The God of Death graciously said: “Will breaking the frame of the universe attract the attention of the ancient city of time? There is no way, if I don’t do it, the Lord of Death will come out, because your unification of the inner and outer heavens really makes it uneasy, and the master of luck. , do you think they will give you time to practice?”

“Wang Wen cannot say that you are out of control at this point. You practice too fast and move too fast. Those two masters will not give you time.”

Lu Yin originally wanted to mention the huge plan that the God of Death told him last time he met him. In Wang Wen’s words, he had not revealed the memory of the huge plan at that time. How could the God of Death know about it in advance? But he didn’t ask in front of Wang Wen.

“The most important point is that you probably want to know how I got involved in the big plan.” The God of Death said.

Lu Yin looked at him.

The God of Death smiled stiffly: “I was able to escape from the Tianyuan Universe because I had the light of Master Qingcao, Mijin Shangyu. Later, because I was practicing death energy, I was inadvertently brought into the Death Universe, and then I met Niu Niu. Yes, she took me through the past and present, and saw all the nine bases.”

“At this glance, I was targeted.”

“Niu Niu was arranged by Wang Wen to execute the second step of his huge plan. Naturally, I was also targeted by him. Instead of the storyteller, I was arranged by him to work under Qianji Guiyan, while keeping an eye on Qianji. Playing tricks, doing something for him, that is, seizing the beginning of time.”

Qianji Guiyan rolled his eyes: “The real story is that I arranged a long time ago to develop the forces of the countercurrent camp. They worked hard without complaining, and no one knew about their death in the end.”

Lu Yin understood, this was only reasonable, otherwise the life of the God of Death would not match the storyteller.

Wang Wen got rid of the storyteller and asked him to disguise himself and monitor Qian Ji’s tricks.

“The God of Death revealed his identity to make you believe all this.” Wang Wendao.

Qianji Qiyan said: “It doesn’t matter whether you believe it or not. Just do it. Anyway, what you are asked to do will not harm you, but will be good for you.”

No matter what Wang Wen and Qian Jigui said, Lu Yin just looked at the God of Death.

The God of Death had an expressionless face and didn’t seem to want to speak.

Wang Wen looked at the God of Death: “It’s your turn to speak.”

The God of Death looked at Lu Yin and said, “I’ll go to Xiangcheng to tell you.”

Lu Yin raised his eyebrows, then nodded: “Okay.”


#Every time verification appears, please do not use incognito mode!

Not only do they not believe in Wang Wen and the others, they also do not believe in the God of Death seen in the Mirror of Time. He only believed in the **** of death who had contacted him through the palm that saved him.

To prove that the God of Death is real or fake, one question is enough.

The Mirror of Time disappears.

The God of Death left a coordinate for Lu Yin and asked Lu Yin to pick him up.

Lu Yin is not afraid of being surrounded and killed at this moment. Wang Wen and the others do not have the strength now. You know, even the Death Lord and the others have made it clear that they cannot stop Lu Yin from teleporting away, let alone others.

The most important thing now is whether what Wang Wen and the others said is true.

If true, this grand plan is the only way to break through the current desperate situation.

Lu Yin kept teleporting, and the dark starry sky became unfamiliar again and again, with changes coming from far away. He didn’t know how many times he saw the God of Death.

Death turned to look at him.

“Where are Wang Wen and the others?” Lu Yin asked.

The God of Death said: “If you leave, they won’t dare to face you.”

Lu Yin nodded: “No surprise, then, I would like to ask a question, senior, are you willing to answer it?”

“The reason why I know about physiognomy is because I and that clone were killed by physiognomy. When Ignorance killed the major masters, I happened to encounter him.” Lu Yin didn’t need to ask, he replied directly.

Lu Yin exhaled and saluted slowly: “Junior Lu Yin, senior Death God, it’s been a long time.”

The eyes of the God of Death may seem calm, but if you look closely, you will find that they are unspeakably complicated.

He didn’t know how to answer the sentence, which he hadn’t heard for a long time.

Since the Tianshang Sect era and left from the eternal attack, he has never gone back, never returned to his familiar homeland. The only old friend I have ever reunited with is fate.

“Lu Yin, thank you.”

Lu Yin was puzzled: “Senior, what do you mean?”

The God of Death said in a low voice: “When that clone met you, it was at that moment that I remembered that I was still a human being. Before that, I had not been in contact with people in the Tianyuan Universe for so long that I even forgot that I was a human being, not a human being. A ball of dead power.”

“It was you who made me find the feeling I once knew.”

“Thank you.”

Lu Yin didn’t know how to answer and felt heavy.

It can be heard that there is a sense of distance in the words of the God of Death, and he wants to return to the Tianyuan Universe, but neither the clone nor the storyteller can do it. Survive numbly in the starry sky, numbly work for Wang Wen and Qianji Guiyan.

Such a big time span,

Everyone does this.

“Senior, it’s over, you can come back.” Lu Yin said.

The God of Death forced a smile and said, “You probably still have questions.”

Lu Yin nodded: “Senior, why did you remind me?”

“A big plan?”


“I’m afraid you will be deceived by Wang Wen.”

Lu Yin understood: “So what Wang Wen said was false. He knew the big plan from the beginning to the end.”

The God of Death shook his head: “This should not happen. Even the Lord has a way of concealing the truth from the sky. It is unrealistic to deceive the Lord into carrying out his huge plan through the ages. However, he knew about the huge plan earlier than he said. ”

“Why did he hide the time?”

“Maybe I’m not hiding it from you.”

Lu Yin looked at the God of Death, and an idea flashed in his mind: “To Mi Master?”

The God of Death’s eyes were deep: “It is possible that the formulation of the great plan came from Master Mi and Mr. Zi Zai, so the time when Wang Wen revealed the memory of the great plan must have been confirmed, and the opportunity was when he heard the three laws.”

“But if he can reveal this memory in advance, it means that he has abilities beyond the control of Master Mi and Mr. Zi Zi.”

“He is unwilling to expose this ability.”

Lu Yin was puzzled: “How did senior know that?”

The God of Death can know the great plan and remind himself not to be deceived by Wang Wen. That is either to confirm the great plan through Wang Wen, or to confirm that Wang Wen has uncovered the memory of the great plan.

How did he do it?

“If I said Qianji Guiyan told me, would you believe it?” Death asked.

Lu Yin was surprised: “Thousands of tricks? Does it also know the complete plan?”

In the previous conversation, there were some things that I should not have known about.

The God of Death said in a deep voice: “Their situation is very complicated. Wang Wen and Qian Jiyan are not easy to deal with. Anyway, you have to be careful about them. All I can do is tell you everything I know, but I can Knowing also comes from them.”

“So I don’t know if they leaked some things intentionally or for other purposes.”

“Lu Yin, our generation is very clear-minded. After all, we were born in the Tianshang Sect period. At that time, we had the master in front of us and were carefree. So as much as we enjoyed at that time, we would have to endure as much hardship later on. ”

“And many thinking habits can never be changed.”

“You still need to think about it.”

Lu Yin thought it made sense when he heard it, but when he thought about it again, something was wrong. It seemed like he was praising him, but at the same time, he seemed to be hurting him. It was impossible to tell the difference for a while.

#Every time verification appears, please do not use incognito mode!

It was only then that he remembered that the God of Death had an obvious characteristic – a sinister character.

He was the one who proposed to knock the Great Heavenly Lord’s sap off, and he also left all kinds of provocative and irritating words in the mirage.

“Take me to see my old friends, I miss them too.” The God of Death sighed.

Lu Yin said: “I will leave immediately. Before that, I still need to confirm whether the big plan Wang Wen and the others mentioned is really feasible?”

The God of Death said: “I don’t know what the outcome will be, but this seems to be the only way. Qianji Guiyan has a good saying, no matter what the outcome is, at least there will be no harm to you in the process.”

Lu Yin understood.

“The process is very simple. Use the fusion of divine power and death as a template to try to fuse the power of each master. If the fusion is successful, the possibility of expansion will increase by one point. When you think you can, let Niuniu take you to stay. By releasing this power at various points in time, we can try to expand the era.” Death continued.

Lu Yin took him away and returned to Xiangcheng.

The big plan is really simple. As long as it can be integrated with power that is infinitely close to the dominance level, it can be used as a template to fuse the true dominance level power, and then fill in the past years.

But it seems simple, but no one has been able to succeed in this step for countless years.

His success relies on both talent and luck.

If he were asked to do it again, he really wasn’t sure he could do it.

Trying to integrate the power of the master will really not harm you. If you succeed, you can try to expand the era. If you fail, forget it.

The big plan is not an absolutely successful plan, but a method that uses civilization as a bet.

It is also the only way to fight back.

It’s just that this method sacrifices too much.

At this time, he suddenly remembered Uncle Jiang’s words.

If the changes of the times can be controlled artificially, how can there be balance?

This is not determined by the era itself, but by people. Therefore, the current era is locked, so we have a huge plan to deal with the locked current era.

Whether it is the three laws or the great plan, it seems that the universe is used as a medium for some kind of competition, but in fact it is also a duel between living beings.

And balance is truly revealed.

Without Xiangsi Yu, the Death Lords and the others besieged the Lord of Cause and Effect. The five Lords joined forces and it would be difficult for the outside world to shake them no matter what. But in the end, it was themselves that were shaken. In this balance, one side was the invincible power of the Lord, and the other was The greed that dominates itself.

No matter how smart the master is in formulating the three laws, in the end he has a huge plan to balance them.

Is this the balance of changing times?


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