Star Odyssey Chapter 5337: A big plan


Lu Yin’s eyes narrowed. Of course he had heard of the big plan. Although he had only heard it once, he had indeed heard it before, in the God of Death.

The last time he contacted the God of Death, the God of Death told him two things. One was that the brown color was unknown and it was physiognomy, and the second and more important thing was the big plan.

However, there are only these four words, and the rest are gone.

Wang Wen smiled and said: “It seems that I have heard it before. Can you tell me where you heard it?”.??.??

“Stop talking nonsense.” Lu Yin was impatient.

Wang Wen nodded: “Okay, then, no matter how much you know, I have to say it again. This huge plan comes from Mr. Zizai.”

Lu Yin was shocked, “Mr. Zizai in the Ninth Base Era?”

“Oh? It doesn’t seem clear, but do you know these four words? Then I said it in vain.” Wang Wen clasped his hands behind his back: “Yes, that is Mr. Zi Zi, as long as you have been in contact with him You have to admire this guy, a smart guy who makes you feel like an idiot.”

Lu Yin stopped interrupting, Mr. Zi Zai, he has heard this many times.

One of the people that Patriarch Shan admires the most.

A symbol of the nine-base era.

Wang Wen’s voice came out, very soft, but with the weight of history: “The formulation of huge plans comes from the three laws. You heard it right, your ancestors knew the three laws during the Ninth Base Period. That’s why a huge plan emerged.”

“I actually didn’t know this before.”

“How should I put it? The three laws of the masters are hidden from the sky in order to deceive the universe. There is also such a great plan in order to deceive the masters.”

“If I knew the whole big plan and the three laws from the beginning, the plan to deal with the master would not be like this. There must be traces. Once the traces appear, the master knows that I have already understood the three laws and the big plan will be successful. The possibility will be infinitely reduced.”

“So don’t take me too seriously. Before Shi Chu was captured, I didn’t know the three laws. The moment the three laws were known to me, it was the moment I knew the big plan at the same time.”

Lu Yin didn’t believe it, yes, he absolutely didn’t believe it, because the God of Death told him the big plan in advance.

Even the God of Death knows it, but Wang Wenliang doesn’t know anything.

This guy is telling lies.

Wang Wen continued: “The Three Laws are the most effective way for several masters to lock the era, but the era is locked like a gear being stuck. They use the Three Laws as a tool to jam the gear, but as long as the gear If it’s big enough, the tool will still be broken, so the corresponding thing is to keep enlarging the gear.”

“The gears represent the era, and the power at the limit of the era is the master. But if there are living beings who can cultivate their power to the level of expanding the master’s power, will it be possible?

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It means that the era has been expanded. ”

“Once the era is expanded and the gears become larger, the force will also become larger, and the three laws will naturally break down.”

“Do you understand?”

Lu Yin frowned, “I don’t understand.”

Wang Wen thought for a while: “I don’t understand normality. This is an ideological confrontation. Just like why the era of disorder will come, because the master of destiny discovered that history has commonalities, the universe needs balance, and it also needs to constantly seek breakthroughs , why did she make this discovery? One of the basic reasons for this discovery is to treat the universe as a potential that is bound to change, or as a living thing.”

“Since she can treat the universe as a living thing, so can we.”

“The three laws have locked this creature, and the creature cannot resist. We will strengthen this creature and let it break the chains that lock it. It’s that simple.”

Lu Yin stared at Wang Wen: “Is it possible?”

“It’s very unrealistic, right? It feels elusive and unclear. But this is the fundamental reason why Mr. Zi Zai made a huge plan. It is to use the universe itself to fight against the power that locks the era, because in addition to this There is no other way to break the three laws.” Wang Wen asked.

Lu Yin felt heavy and unexpected.

When he was sure that suppressing the power of the five major masters could not drag out the era of disorder, he gave up. It is simply impossible to break the three laws.

Don’t talk about him, even if four of the five masters want to break the three laws, they can’t do it. The remaining one can completely reverse the past, and it must have the power and possibility to reverse the past.

Human beings and creatures cannot be cracked.

Wang Wen said slowly: “I am willing to believe Mr. Zizi, even though he and I are half enemies.”

Lu Yin raised his eyes: “Why would I tell you Mr. Zizi’s big plan?”

Wang Wendao: “Don’t be so hostile to me. I’m just looking for a balance to survive between the main line and the ninth base. If I can help the ninth base destroy the main line, I will be very happy. After all, I am also a human being. Na.”

“Just like how you were willing to help the leader destroy the ninth base together?” Lu Yin said calmly.

Wang Wen smiled: “Yes, I was sincere at that time, and I am sincere now. By the way, by the way, the first step of the big plan is a nine-base defeat.”

Lu Yin’s eyes narrowed: “What did you say?”

Wang Wendao: “Nine bases are immortal, how to disintegrate the main one from the inside? If you want to bully

To deceive a living being, you have to deceive yourself, so a big plan is just like the three laws, and you need to hide it. ”

“I can responsibly say that I sincerely want to destroy the Nine Bases. But if the Nine Bases have a way to use their great plan to deal with the Lord, I will also sincerely help you.”

“Master Chess Piece, don’t look at me like this. Mr. Zi Zi is much smarter than you. He knows that without my help, the big plan cannot be implemented, because no one can help him deal with the master from within.”

At this point, he stretched out two fingers: “In this grand plan, I have two roles.”

“First, keep an eye on the master to prevent them from finding the master.”

“Second, force out the full strength of the main force and force out the three laws.”

“I have accomplished both of these two simple functions. Without me, first of all, Mi Master will not be able to practice with peace of mind and wait for the change of the times. Secondly, even if the great plan can expand the era, it will be false if it cannot deal with the Master. Only if you can completely deal with the Overlord and force out all the power of the Overlord can you implement the great plan. Otherwise, the Lord will not need to use the three laws to lock down the era. The Overlord itself can make you despair.”

Lu Yin interrupted Wang Wen: “Master Mi? Do you know where Master Mi is?”

Wang Wen shook his head: “I don’t know, but Lord, don’t even think about knowing. Anyway, Lord Mi is still alive, and I know his purpose. He neither breaks through Lord nor seeks revenge with Lord, just to wait for the next era. Break through, step into a higher level with the power of the new era, and surpass the six masters in one fell swoop.”

“To be honest, I also want to do this, but compared to the Mi Lord, I am really far behind. There is no way, that old guy is terrifyingly strong, and he can beat the Death Lord half to death at the non-dominance level, by the way, Zi Zi The reason why Sir knows the Three Laws is because the Lord of Nine Bases fought against the Lord of Death, and the Lord of Death revealed his memory.”

Lu Yin stared at Wang Wen: “Mr. Zizi knows that times have changed?”

Breaking the three laws is not to kill the master, but to change the era.

Mr. Zi Zai proposed a huge plan to deal with the three laws. The goal is also very obvious, because a new era is coming. Just like Wang Wen said, Mi Zhu is waiting for the new era to come and make a breakthrough.

Wang Wen nodded: “That Mr. Zi Zi is smarter than Xiang Siyu. Xiang Siyu used his dominant strength to travel the universe with countless doom bodies and read all of history, and then he determined the change of the times.”

“But I don’t know how this guy can see clearly.”

“When he sees clearly that the times will change, it will be impossible for Mi Zhu to break through the masters. Of course, this is my guess. Only by breaking through in the new era can he surpass the six major masters. Otherwise, at that time, the nine bases would be the most Become the seventh master

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Together, but unable to transcend in one fell swoop. ”

Lu Yin frowned, is that so? But in this case, how to count the countless people who died on the ninth base? If this is the case, it means that Mizu and Mr. Zizai have given up on everyone in that era of Nine Bases. Because the Mi Master can clearly break through the Dominator and make the nine-base war of destruction disappear into the invisible, making it impossible to start the war at all. But he didn’t break through.


Wang Wen looked at Lu Yin: “Master Chessman, sometimes people are not so soft-hearted. After all, life is an infinite cycle. When one dies, a new one will be born.”

“You have carried too much. In fact, it is just you who has carried it. Civilization does not need to carry it.”

Lu Yin looked at Wang Wen calmly: “Continue.”

Wang Wen smiled and said: “The first step of a huge plan is to defeat the ninth base.”

“The second step is to find a time node that can expand the era. The era is not the present, but refers to the years throughout history, so destiny has been doing this kind of thing.”

Lu Yin asked: “Didn’t you know the big plan before?”

Wang Wen said calmly: “That doesn’t prevent me from knowing what I should do.”

Lu Yin didn’t speak anymore.

Wang Wen continued: “The third step is to determine the power that can expand the era.”

“The fourth step is to expand the power at the time node and completely shatter the era blockade.”

“The fifth step, which is the last step, is for the Lord of Mi to break through in the new era. After his breakthrough, he may also be a Lord, and his strength is equivalent to those of those Lords. But because he breaks through in the new era, he carries great fortune and The limits of the future are different. At least we can go further than those masters.”

“Xiangsiyu believes that breaking the framework of the universe and killing the master will bring the great fortune of the era of disorder. This statement is correct, but it is still far behind the creatures that can break through in the era of disorder.”

“After all, their dominant level may be the wrong power in the new era of disorder, and it is not easy to correct this power. It is enough to consume the great fortune they carry.”

“In comparison, Master Mi is much simpler. He can be regarded as a cultivator in the new era of disorder. And he is the first cultivator.”

Lu Yin was shocked, is this a big plan?

If this plan is really implemented, the Lord and the three laws will be nothing but clouds.

Mi Lord can definitely crush the Lord together in the new era of disorder and take charge of an era.

This is the wisdom of Mr. Zi Zi.

The nine-base rout was actually the first step. What kind of courage is needed to formulate this strategy that spans two eras?


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