Star Odyssey Chapter 5334: Two camps


The master of life said in a low voice: “Human beings, no matter what you say, you can’t change the final result. I don’t know if you have asked about the three laws. If not, you will be desperate. If so, you should know more about the era of disorder. It’s completely gone, it’s meaningless what you said.”

The Lord of Cause and Effect looked at the Lord of Life: “Three Laws?”

Lu Yin shook his head: “Compared to me, it seems that the three of you joining forces are more disturbing. When the three of you join forces, two camps are forced to appear in the universe today. One is you, and the second is the master of cause and effect. Unite me, Xiang Siyu, Wang Wen and others, otherwise we will not be able to compete with you.”

“So when the era of disorder comes, the one who can really inherit the great fortune is one of our two camps.”

The Lord of Cause and Effect is increasingly certain that the Lord of Life and the Lord of Death have reached an agreement behind their backs.

Two camps?

The voice of the Lord of Death became deeper and deeper: “It is useless to talk more, it is better to let the Holy Spirit reveal the memory than anything else.”

The Lord of Life was helpless: “I will leave that human being to you first, without any worries, let him truly appreciate the absolute control of the Lord. As for the Holy Spirit, leave it to me, and wait until the human being is dealt with.”

The Lord of Death agreed: “It’s difficult for me to prevent that human being from escaping, but it doesn’t matter, whether he escapes or dies, he will always crawl under us.”

“Have you recovered from your injury in the ninth base era?” Lu Yin mocked.

The Lord of Death shouted coldly: “Come and try.”

The dark bamboo forest spreads, filling the starry sky in an instant, heading towards Lu Yin.

Lu Yin raised his hand and struck out with a palm, shattering the bamboo forest in front of him, but more bamboo forests approached.

Small bamboo forest, life or death.

The battle technique of the Lord of Death uses the vitality of bamboo to contain the death of silence, and uses the breath of evil to become the nutrients of the small bamboo forest. Each additional bamboo doubles the killing power. It stands to reason that this is an extremely terrifying killing. Cut down on combat power.

But any combat skill has its limit, and the limit of this combat skill is the dominance level.

When Lu Yin stepped into the dominant level of combat power, the threat of this combat skill plummeted. The reason why Lu Yin is afraid of the current small bamboo forest is because its nutrients not only contain the aura of malaria, but also the power of death.

Death is a state, but the Lord of Death can capture it and turn it into strength.

Lu Yin seemed to see that every piece of bamboo represented a kind of death, and he constantly wanted to bring the state of death back.

Bang bang bang bang

Continuous bombardment, the power shattered the bamboo forest, and the Lord of Death approached head-on. In the darkness, under the depths, like a monster crawling out of the Nine Netherworld, it came covered in absolute darkness.

Black flames burned on Lu Yin’s body, and he struck out with a palm.

Colliding with darkness.


A lifetime of soft sounds, flames scattered in all directions, twelve colors of divine power beating, burning the void, and the darkness continued to increase with pressure that suffocated Lu Yin. In the darkness, death beads rotated, death beads Still behind

#Every time verification appears, please do not use incognito mode!

There was a bone xun, with its claws bent, jumping towards Lu Yin.

Lu Yin raised his arm, split his palm power into nine parts, merged them in an instant, and shot out with a single palm.

The bone xun was hit by a palm. Strangely, it did not fly backwards, but instead swayed in the air as if it was stuck by something.

Looking at this scene, Lu Yin’s heart sank. Not good, he is in a state of death.

The way Gu Xun moves is to jump to death. The purpose of its approach is not to attack Lu Yin, but to transfer the state of death. Lu Yin’s palm hit Gu Xun, and similarly, it also hit the invisible death.

Death, clear.

Just like a mirror connecting the entire universe and the sky, it connects small distances.

The endless mirror reflected the endless darkness. For the first time, Lu Yin saw the death state of the entire universe.

This is different from the power of the master of life simulating death and pulling death. This is the natural state of death from the universe. There is no power to pull it out, only self-cultivation.

The Lord of Death is the only creature that can clearly see this kind of death.

The back of Lu Yin’s hand touched the mirror, and darkness swept across the mirror, dragging Lu Yin toward death.

The majestic energy of life surges out, activity corresponds to silence, and life corresponds to death.

The mirror surface is visibly broken to the naked eye.

Behind the dead master, the bone xun kept beating. Every time it beat, it dragged the surrounding mirror of death towards the dead master. Lu Yin continued to increase his vitality, trying to get rid of death.

The two forces are pulling invisibly, and it is difficult for outsiders to understand. The only thing that can be seen is that the void of the universe is split with the Death Lord and Lu Yin as the center.

This kind of split is not torn apart, but the universe seems to be divided into two and continues to expand.

Like a broken canyon.

On the other side, the Master of Life and the Master of Cause and Effect are also fighting fiercely. The magnitude is far greater than that between Lu Yin and the Master of Death, but the level of danger is the same.

If Lu Yin was completely dragged away by the state of death and was forcibly assigned to the state of death, then he might really be dead.

In this state, Lu Yin thought about it. If the state of life was given to a dead creature, he had no answer as to whether that creature would be alive or dead.

Perhaps only the Lord of Death and the Lord of Life have the answer.

“You didn’t teleport away.” The Death Lord’s voice was filled with surprise, his eyes staring at Lu Yin from the darkness.

Lu Yin looked at it: “No need, you can’t kill me yet.”

The Lord of Death laughed, the laughter was low and terrifying: “Have you ever truly faced off against a master at his peak?”

“No.” Lu Yin didn’t hesitate

Yu replied.

No matter which master he is, the ones he faces are all injured.

After a duel with the Death Lord, the Death Lord was still injured due to the ninth base injury and was besieged by Wang Wen and the others.

Xiang Siyu made a sneak attack, and then joined forces with Wang Wen and the others, but he ran away without even making a move.

The Lord of Time was attacked by Wang Wen and others, consuming the original years. Later, his power was restricted in the decisive battle in the ancient city of years.

The Master of Life was injured by Xiangxue and Baise, and then he fought with one of them, which was considered the peak duel. However, the life force that the Master of Life is best at did not come into play at all. The function of the life force is not to attack, but to drag. He Even if you can be evenly matched with the master of life, you still can’t win because you can’t hold off.

The only one who has never had a real duel is the Master of Karma.

Darkness surged around the Death Lord: “Then I will let you see the combat power that I only had when I was at my peak, and let you clearly understand what the gap is.” After saying that, the darkness suddenly dissipated and turned into countless forms. Dark lines spread toward the perimeter.

Lu Yin’s pupils shrank, the target of these dark lines was the mirror of death.

Each dark line connected to a mirror of death, and then under his shocked gaze, those mirrors of death condensed in an instant, converging all the mirrors of death within a huge range and condensing into a hand.

A mirror-like hand was swallowed by the Lord of Death.

Lu Yin’s hair stood on end, and the indescribable sense of crisis made him feel cold all over. This was a move he had never seen before. The Lord of Death really tried his best. The three laws made him have no worries and no longer hide.

This move was definitely prepared for other masters, but it was actually used on myself.

The dark eyes are curved and smiling, “Humans, death is not something you can get rid of if you want.”

“The great way to support heaven.”

After the words fell, the darkness turned into a huge figure and slowly stood up. Lu Yin’s feet turned into palms at some point. They were so huge that they seemed to hold up the entire universe. Above his head, another hand covered the starry sky, and in the palm of his hand, It was a very small mirrored palm. When the palm fell, the mirrored palm suddenly enlarged and overlapped with that palm.

The entire universe was shaking at this moment.

The Master of Life and the Master of Cause and Effect looked at it at the same time. In their sight, the method of supporting the sky was not actually big, but it encompassed the entire universe.

“Run away.” The Lord of Cause and Effect shouted.

The master of life narrowed his eyes, this is real and absolute control.

The master’s absolute control cannot be resisted by non-master levels, absolutely not.

Lu Yin raised his head and watched the palm fall. He will die, he will definitely die. He can’t block this palm. This is the combat power of the Death Lord at his peak. This palm may only be struck once for the time being, but once is enough.

#Every time verification appears, please do not use incognito mode!

Seeing a palm fall.

In Lu Yin’s body, the power of life soared into the sky and turned into a white light that pierced the starry sky.

The Lord of Death is disdainful. Even if a mere non-dominated level possesses majestic vitality and is incompatible with death, how can it fight against the great method of supporting the sky? Totally impossible. Only the master of life has this ability.

At this time, the stream of light shuttled around Lu Yin, turning into a big boat, and the long river of time rolled in.

The Lord of Death raised his eyes and wanted to run?

In the distance, the Master of Life looked at Lu Yin, no, that’s the battle skill of time. This man used this battle skill to attract the secrets of Xiangxue’s Heart-Destined Law. Could it be done again?

The battle between ancient and modern times can bring the attacks of the past to the present.

Lu Yin can bring the power of physiognomy, and he can also bring the power of life dominance.

If you want to fight against death, the only option is life.

These are two forces that are absolutely in conflict with each other.

Now that I think about it, it is impossible for the former Velvet Civilization to use active power to overcome the dead power to seriously injure the Death Lord. The Death Lord is hiding in the chaotic distance. The fundamental reason is the injuries caused to it by the Mi Lord, as well as the influence on other Lords. scruples.

The Flowing Light Ship erupted with familiar power, shocking the master of life. This was its vitality.

The Lord of Death was also shocked at this moment, and subconsciously looked at the Lord of Life.

The phantom of the Immortal Star Chart soared into the sky, blasting towards the great sky-supporting method from the flowing light ship.

Below, Lu Yin exploded all the vitality in his body and faced the darkness.

A palm struck the phantom of the Immortal Star Chart. The two competing forces continued to offset each other. However, in just three breaths, the phantom of the Immortal Star Chart shattered. Then, white light pierced the phantom of the Immortal Star Chart. Enter the Dharma of the Great Enlightenment and fight against death.

“No matter how you induce the power of life, it’s useless. This is absolute control. Even if the master of life comes, you have to fight with all your strength. You can’t do it.” The Lord of Death shouted, pressing down with his palm.

Lu Yin vomited blood and turned pale. He really couldn’t do it, but he didn’t really want to resist the palm. “I can’t do it. What about her? Still not taking action? Xiangsiyu.”

The Lord of Death was shocked and suddenly turned his head. In the distance, the purple luck swayed the river of time, turned into a hurricane and struck hard, and a red platform appeared at the same time.

Hongtai hit the big support method and knocked the palm away.

Lu Yin took the opportunity to teleport away and then reappeared far away.

The Lord of Death stared at the figure on the red platform and gritted his teeth: “Luck.”

The Lord of Karma was relieved to see Xiang Siyu appear. Lu Yin could not defeat the Lord of Death, but it was different when Xiang Siyu appeared.

The situation seems to be exactly what Lu Yin said, divided into two camps.


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