Star Odyssey Chapter 5332: Mark


The Lord of Karma said in a deep voice: “The method you came up with last time was what I could do. Unless she knew that there was no Lord to die, and waiting was meaningless, she would find a way to appear and kill a Lord.”

Lu Yin sighed: “Yes, in that case, why not let us kill the Ancient City of Time.”

The Master of Cause and Effect was stunned: “What did you say?”

“Kill the Ancient City of Time.”

“You are crazy. There are at least two masters there. What can you do if you join forces with me?”

“Those two masters are not feeling well. Before the battle between the masters of the Sui Dynasty River, senior, do you know why I was anxious to attack the ancient city of the Sui Dynasty? Because Wang Wen took action…” Lu Yin told what happened before, but concealed it later. The three laws of knowing.

The Master of Cause and Effect was shocked when he heard these things, but he was also furious: “Why didn’t you tell me about this? If I took action, I might not be able to kill the years.”

Lu Yin regretted: “Yeah, it’s a pity.”

He originally thought about telling the Lord of Cause and Effect, but could he? Of course not.

No one will trust the Lord, not only him, but also Wang Wen.

Even if he trusted the Lord of Cause and Effect and brought it over to join the battle, once Wang Wen saw the Lord of Cause and Effect appear, he might just abandon the plan. Lu Yin was sure of this.

Wang Wen’s plan was half clever and half cautious.

The Lord of Cause and Effect is not trustworthy at all. It planted the seeds of cause and effect long before the Nine Bases War.

It turns out that it is indeed untrustworthy and always hidden.

The Lord of Karma said angrily: “You have never trusted me. We have joined forces. Originally, as long as you told me to kill the years or kill the Lord, we could wait for the era of disorder to come. Lu Yin, this opportunity was taken. You missed it.”

Lu Yin rubbed his head: “Yes, it’s the junior’s fault. There’s no point in worrying about it now. Let’s think about how to take action again.”

What he said just now was also to test whether the Master of Cause and Effect has uncovered the memory. Now it seems that it is probably not true. This means that the power of the Lord of Cause and Effect is unfathomable.

The Lord of Cause and Effect gritted his teeth and said: “It’s too late to act now. Outside of Wang Wen’s fixed time, the original years passed, allowing Shi Shi to plot against the years. What a good opportunity. These three forces can be said to be the ones that the years rely on the most. You The physical power in my mouth is not enough to change the situation of the battle against the Lord. As long as I take action, there is no need for you to break through the three laws, and you will definitely die.”


Lu Yin looked at the Lord of Cause and Effect: “Senior, why bother worrying about the past anymore.”

The Lord of Cause and Effect stared at Lu Yin: “This is not entanglement, but correction. This kind of opportunity may not happen again. No one knows how much Wang Wen has planned, so remember, next time This is an opportunity you must not miss again.”

Lu Yin said: “Don’t worry, it’s a pity for this junior and I won’t miss the opportunity again.” After a pause, he put

#Every time verification appears, please do not use incognito mode!

In the scene where the Lord of Life and the Lord of Death are chasing him, he says, “Why didn’t the Lord of Death escape at that time? The Lord of Life also seems to be sure that it will not escape. This doubt has been in the mind of the junior for a long time. Can the senior solve it? ?”

The Lord of Cause and Effect looked confused: “Normally speaking, the Lord of Death will take the opportunity to escape. Unless he makes an agreement with life at that time, you won’t hear it.”

This is indeed what Lu Yin has considered, but in the face of life and death, does the agreement make sense?

If he doesn’t understand such a contradictory point, he will definitely have problems facing the Lord of Death and the Lord of Life in the future. As for how big the problem is, he doesn’t know.

However, the Lord of Cause and Effect did not give an answer.

“Senior, you haven’t answered me yet, can we kill the Ancient City of Time together?”

“Just the two of us?”

“The injury suffered by the Lord of Time this time is too serious. Whether it is outside time, the origin of time, or the words of time, it is not a physical injury and cannot be cured in a short time.”

“What we really have to face is the master of life.”

“As for the Death Lord, its life and death is the fundamental reason for our attack. If it is determined that it is dead, we will retreat immediately.”

The Lord of Cause and Effect frowned: “No, even if the Lord of Death dies, he will die in the hands of time and life.”

Lu Yin’s eyes flashed: “Yes, even if the Death Lord dies, it won’t help the seniors. The seniors need to kill a Lord themselves. So it is even more important to take action.”

The Lord of Karma looked deeply at Lu Yin: “You underestimate the Lord. Those two Lords are together, no matter how injured they are over time, we can’t kill them.”

“What’s more, there is the Lord of Time, and we can never kill the Lord of Time in the River of Time.”

Lu Yin raised his eyebrows: “Senior, are you going to give up?”

“It’s not about giving up, it’s about continuing to wait for opportunities.”

“How long will it take?”

“You are still young and have not experienced the span of long years. It is normal to think so. For eternal life, billions of years are just a blink of an eye.”

“What if the era of disorder begins? What our predecessors are waiting for will only be an era destined to be surpassed.”

The Lord of Cause and Effect was silent for a moment: “That will have to wait.”

Lu Yin looked at it: “Senior, you must be worried about those who go against the past.”

The Lord of Cause and Effect looked at him: “Don’t underestimate the Lord. You thought you could kill him, but you thought. I didn’t die. You should know that it is really difficult for the Lord to die. Even Xiangsiyu was tricked by me. .”

Lu Yin nodded: “Yes, it’s really difficult.”

“Then seniors, please leave first and let everyone do their own thing.”

The Master of Cause and Effect frowned: “Are you going to use yourself as bait to attract lovesickness?”

“This is the only way I can possibly find her out.”

“But if you do this, it will easily lead to time and life.”

“Seniors are here, too. It would be better if we could lure them out, so we can fight with them once.”

The Lord of Cause and Effect doesn’t know what Lu Yin is thinking. From its perspective, Lu Yin is too stupid. Do you really think that the Lord is a fish and he is a fisherman? .??.

Looking at Lu Yin again, he was gone.

It’s useless to say anything. This human’s thinking is not something it can control.

Watching the Master of Cause and Effect leave, Lu Yin’s eyes flashed with confusion. In the first trial, the tendency towards Karma Master did not reveal the memory, but the strength was hidden too deeply, and even Xiang Siyu could not push the already seriously injured one to the point of death.

But just now the Lord of Cause and Effect was unwilling to attack the Ancient City of Time, and it felt inclined to the second option. It knew that Time and Life could not die.

Which one is it?

He now wants to take action against the Lord of Cause and Effect, but he still holds back. At least, for now, the Lord of Cause and Effect is joining forces with him.

Go ahead.

Lu Yin shot an arrow into the starry sky, constantly marking the frame points of destiny. Because I had an experience before, I found the luck frame point faster this time.

Soon, one-third of the frame points were marked.

A few inches apart, each immortal state looked at the starry sky with confused expressions. What does this mean? What does that purple dot above the starry sky mean? Who is doing this?

Even for the Immortal Realm, the distance is vast, and the distance from one frame point to the next is out of reach.

But there are also some powerful immortal realms that see connected frame points, or even more frame points.

Xiang Siyu also saw it.

She looked at the destiny frame point marked on the starry sky, feeling angry in her heart.

Lu Yin, it’s him, absolutely right.

No one can do such a thing except him. Mark the Qi Luck frame points with Qi Luck, this is for yourself.

What is he going to do?

Luring yourself into action?

She walked out of the void and followed the direction of the arrow. She wanted to see what Lu Yin was going to do. Did she really think that he and Wang Wen’s gang could deal with her?

Lu Yin kept marking the frame points. After a long time, the lovesickness rain had not yet appeared.

She should have seen it, but she didn’t come. Was she afraid of a trap?

The time is ripe, then, next.

Reasons for Lu Yin’s release

#Every time verification appears, please do not use incognito mode!

Follow the way of heaven, and then use cause and effect to mark the cause and effect frame points.

He thought well. Xiang Siyu was approaching, but he didn’t show up. Even when he saw Lu Yin shooting arrows alone, he didn’t show up. He was really worried about a trap.

Lu Yin is not stupid, how could he face a master alone without any preparation?

It must be a trap.

Then she saw Lu Yin marked the causal frame point and was stunned for a moment. What did this mean?

Didn’t he join forces with Karma before? Why still mark the causal framework points?

This question should be asked not only by Xiang Siyu, but also by the controller of cause and effect.

It appeared angrily: “Lu Yin, what are you doing?”

Lu Yin saw it appearing and stopped: “It’s nothing, I just want senior to come and remind me that time and life may really appear. Senior, please be ready to respond at any time.”

The Lord of Cause and Effect stared at him: “You marked the cause and effect frame point just to tell me this?”

“What if?”

“You can contact me directly.”

“It’s a bit troublesome. This is the easiest, no need to move.”

The Lord of Cause and Effect didn’t know what to say, how important the frame point was, but it was actually used by him to contact him, just to lure him here. If they hadn’t joined forces, it would have wanted to slap Lu Yin to death.

“I have said before that time and life are not so easy to kill. If you attract them, you are likely to set fire to yourself. This time is different from before. Before, I used myself as bait to attract them to appear, in order to let all the masters Know that I am not dead, and the era of disorder has not yet begun. The Lord of Death is forcing Xiangsi Yu to take action, and you are secretly cooperating. The years will also sit in the ancient city of Time and are unable to take action. But now, if the Lord of Death dies in the hands of time and life, they will die. They will definitely join forces to kill you. If you are not dead, they will definitely join forces to kill me, because they have experienced the war in the ancient city and are more closely connected than anyone else.”

“In this case, we will inevitably face the siege of two masters.”

“How confident are you in facing them?” The Lord of Cause and Effect shouted.

Lu Yin stared at the Lord of Cause and Effect. It seemed that he really hadn’t uncovered his memory. This is his third trial, which is almost certain. Then, the hidden strength of the Karma Master is terrifying.

“Last time, Suiyue wanted to take over the ancient city of Suiyue. Why won’t it take over this time?” Lu Yin asked.

The Lord of Cause and Effect did not answer.

Lu Yin smiled and said: “If you want to attract, you also attract the Lord of Life. The Lord of Time can only provide remote support at most. Don’t you want to try to see if you can kill life? Or I will give you a chance and I will lead the Lord of Life. Come on, go to the Ancient City of Time and kill the Lord of Time.”

The Lord of Cause and Effect widened his eyes: “Are you willing to do this?”

Lu Yin shrugged: “I’m not leaving anyway.”


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