Star Odyssey Chapter 5331: Rebuild


Lu Yin looked at everyone: “If the five major masters can open the next era when all external forces have reached the bottom line, then the reason why it has not been opened now is because one or two of them must still be hidden.”

“In the battle in the ancient city of years, years, and the Lord of Death have reached their limits, I can be sure. It is only unclear whether life has reached its limits.”

“In a battle so close to each other, I’m not sure whether Xiangsi Yu has reached the limit, but at least he was seriously injured.”

“The most important thing is the Lord of Karma.” At this point, Lu Yin looked solemnly: “It stands to reason that the Lord of Karma was confirmed to be dead. Although he was not dead in the end, he felt that he had reached his limit. The last time he met us, he was seriously injured. This state should reveal the memory, so why is it not revealed?”

Qinglian Shangyu said in a deep voice: “There are only two possibilities, either it has been pretending and has not reached its limit, or it has revealed the memory but not said it.”

“Which one would it be?”

“No matter what kind, the master of cause and effect must be wary.”

Gu Yuan said: “The Lord of Karma has a deep mind. The layout of the Karma Seeds appeared long before the Nine Bases War. Its thoughts are not under Wang Wen’s.”

Lu Yin nodded, agreeing with Gu Yuan’s statement: “So the next thing we need to find is life, the other is lovesickness rain, and the third one is the master of cause and effect.”

Hun Ji rolled his eyes: “You want to bear them all?”

Lu Yin has no choice. He is the only one in the universe who can fight against the Master.

Wang Wen, he can basically see clearly the bottom line of Qianji Guiyan’s strength. No matter how strong he is, no matter how hidden he is, he will never surpass him. He belongs to the ultimate combat power under the master.

Once Xiangsiyu uncovers the dusty memory, she will inevitably give up her plan to start the next era, because she knows very well that the master will not die. Since the master will not die, it will never be possible to start the next era.

So it is simply unrealistic to use the Overlord to deal with the Overlord.

In the end, it is very likely that the five major masters will hunt them down, and then they will be doomed. Only the master of cause and effect is special and cannot be seen clearly.

Taking advantage of the fact that the masters may not all reveal their dusty memories, hit them one by one to see if they can successfully start the next era.

This is the last resort.

As for Wang Wen and others, they can’t be found, making cooperation even more difficult.

In fact, during this great change in the universe and the melee, the main one suffered the most.

The dusty memory made Xiangsiyu join forces with the Death Lord and they tried their best to take action, causing the framework of the universe to collapse. Once the dusty memory was uncovered, I don’t know what the expression would be.

If Wang Wen knew the three laws at this moment, he doesn’t know what his expression would be.

Now the question comes, the master of life must be in the ancient city of years, so where is the lovesickness rain? Where is the master of cause and effect? Although humans cooperate with the Lord of Cause and Effect, they do not know its location.

Unless she comes out on her own.

“If the memory is not revealed, as long as she knows that the master is not dead, she will definitely come out.”

“I feel so at ease now because I am certain that one of the masters will die, and I want to wait for the era of disorder to come.”

“How do you tell her that none of the masters died?”

Lu Yin rubbed his head: “It’s very simple, rebuild the framework of the universe.”

On the countercurrent of the long river of time, there are the ruins of the ancient city of time and space where the decisive battle was fought. At this moment, living beings are rebuilding this ancient city of time and space.

The collapse of this ancient city of time was entirely due to Lu Yin’s battle with the Lord of Time.

That battle shocked all living beings.

The seven ancient cities of time receded one by one, and the Lord of Time, the Lord of Life, and the Lord of Death stayed under the ruins.

“How many times has it been? It’s been twice already. It’s up to me to reveal the memory. You have been targeting me.” The voice of the Death Lord was full of dissatisfaction.

The voice of the Lord of Time was weak: “The situation forced us to blame you this time. It was you and Fate who teamed up to plot against us.”

The Master of Life said: “That’s right, I don’t even know when you joined forces.”

“The loss this time is too great. It has never been such a big loss. The framework of the universe has completely collapsed. I don’t know how long it will take to repair it.”

“Let’s wait for karma and luck to return. I want to see their expressions.”

“No, it stands to reason that cause and effect is closer to death than me. Why didn’t it reveal the memory?”

Time and life look at each other: “It seems that it is hidden deeper. There must be a power we don’t know about.”

“Don’t think too much, there are three laws, it’s useless to hide anything, this era will not change again.”

“Luck is really insidious, but what if she saw the future? The road to the future was blocked, and she personally participated in it.”

“The universe will never change the times again.”

“What I want to do most right now is to kill Wang Wen and the others, especially Lu Yin.”

“Me too.”


“Just wait, it won’t be long.”

“But it was a bit troublesome for the ancestor to be caught at Shichu.”

“It doesn’t matter, it’s more desperate to let them know the three laws.”

“I really want to see the desperate expressions of humans right now.”

“Recover first and then talk about it.”


Today’s five great masters, three are in the ancient city of time and space, and two are hidden just a few inches apart.

Of the two, one may have uncovered the memory of the Three Laws but has another agenda, or may not have uncovered the memory yet, hiding extremely powerful power. The other one has not reached his limit after many battles, and is hiding with luck and is nowhere to be found.

If I want to find Xiang Siyu, I won’t find her unless she comes out on her own.

The only way Lu Yin can think of is to rebuild the framework of the universe. Of course, it is not a real reconstruction. After all, the framework of the universe has collapsed. Even if the five masters want to rebuild, it cannot be done overnight, let alone him.

The so-called reconstruction is just to mark out the framework of the destiny universe so that countless civilizations in the entire universe can see it.

From the creation to the collapse of the universe framework, except for the five major masters, Lu Yin, Wang Wen and a few other creatures knew the specific location of its frame points, the rest of the creatures and civilizations did not know, not even the master clan of creatures.

Regardless of whether the era of disorder can be opened, the five masters must rebuild the framework of the universe to facilitate their rule.

If the framework of the universe had not collapsed in the first place, the situation would not be like this.

Rebuilding the universe framework does not start from scratch, but re-establishes the collapsed universe framework in the past. This is much simpler than building it from scratch, but if Lu Yin marked out all the points of the original universe framework and If countless beings in the universe can see clearly, then the former framework of the universe can no longer be used. After all, it has been seen clearly by countless creatures, so it is easy to be broken.

This is a serious loss for the five major masters.

Conservative estimates suggest that completely rebuilding the cosmic framework would cost a hundred or more than a thousand times more energy, time, and resources than restoring the previous cosmic framework.

Even the five masters would not be willing to do this.

So as long as you mark the frame point of the past universe and let the master know that it will be seen clearly by the entire universe, it will be possible to draw it out.

This is the solution Lu Yin can think of.

Thinking like this, he started to take action.

Same as before, the disciples of the Lu family who allowed Xiang Cheng to teleport took the pathfinding stone to the Luck Frame Point, crushed it, and let Lu Yin see it. Then Lu Yin shot an arrow and sent the streamer flying into the air. The luck of the luck frame points is played out.

As the first arrow was shot, a former fate frame point froze in the void.

The luck frame collapsed, so this is not the real frame point, but Lu Yin fixed the luck in a certain position.

The outside world doesn’t understand it when it sees it, but the master knows exactly what he wants to do.

The distance was so small that it would definitely not be noticed at first. Lu Yin didn’t expect to easily induce the rain of lovesickness, so he took his time.

For the next time, Lu Yin kept shooting arrows to bring luck, and he himself stayed away from Xiangcheng, for fear that Xiangsiyu would find him and Xiangcheng. He wanted to fight Xiang Siyu to reduce the fate master’s combat power to the lowest level, and there was no guarantee that he could save Xiang Cheng at the same time.

This method of waiting and waiting is indeed stupid, but it is also the only thing he can do at the moment.

Decades later, Xiangsiyu did not come, but the Lord of Cause and Effect did.

“What are you going to do?” The Lord of Cause and Effect was puzzled and appeared not too far away from Lu Yin.

Lu Yin looked at the Lord of Cause and Effect, was this old guy hiding his strength or his intentions? He didn’t know what kind of person he wanted from the other party.

Hiding one’s strength means that it is unfathomable, and one may not be able to minimize its combat power.

If it hides its intentions, what other intentions can it have under the three laws?

Lu Yin looked at the Lord of Cause and Effect calmly.

The Lord of Karma was uncomfortable with Lu Yin’s look: “I’m asking you what you want to do? Also, what’s going on over there, Lord of Time? Didn’t you attack the Ancient City of Time? Why are you doing such a thing here? ”

“What do you think I’m doing, senior?”

“Mark the luck frame point, use yourself as bait, and attract lovesickness and rain.”

Lu Yin nodded. This is what he is doing now. He is staying away from Xiangcheng and constantly marking the luck frame points at a fixed location. As long as Xiang Siyu knows this, he will definitely be able to find him through the direction where the arrows are shot.

“Lu Yin, it doesn’t make much sense for you to do this. The traces are too heavy. Xiang Siyu will only think that you have dug a trap for her and will not show up. Although the framework of the universe is important, compared to life and death, which one is more important? You should know. She is currently focused on waiting for the era of disorder to begin. Once it goes further, it will not matter whether she needs a cosmic framework or not, so you can’t lure her away with this method.

Lu Yin asked: “Senior, why are you here?”

The Lord of Cause and Effect looked at him: “How was that battle with the Lord of Time? By doing this, does it mean that there is no Lord of Death?”

Lu Yin couldn’t tell whether the master of cause and effect had revealed his memory: “I don’t know if any master died. Anyway, he retreated halfway. After all, several masters took action, and I didn’t want to be affected and die.”

“Now. This is a personal grudge between me and Xiang Siyu. What she has done to human civilization and the debt she has borne must be repaid.”

The Lord of Cause and Effect discovered that Lu Yin had changed: “Have you made a breakthrough?”

Lu Yin smiled: “It’s time to break through, it’s just the three laws.”

The Lord of Cause and Effect looked deeply at Lu Yin: “Two laws have been able to participate in the battle of the Lord. Now there are three laws. You guessed it right, even if the Lord wants to kill you at his peak, it will be difficult.”

Lu Yin shrugged: “Senior, what you just said is right. Doing this will only make Xiang Siyu more afraid and afraid to show up. So, can senior find a way to find her?”


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