Star Odyssey Chapter 5330: Foundation


After hearing what Shi Chu said, Lu Yin was amused: “So the fate masters and their plans have all come to nothing until now.”

Shi Chu laughed: “This is the most ridiculous joke in the universe. That girl is very smart and ambitious. Wang Wen, as the king’s bloodline inheritance, is also extremely talented, and the king does not have it. strategy.”

“They can do everything by working together, but they want to dominate.”

“Think about it, little guy, if you were the master and could rule the universe, wouldn’t you try to save your life?”

“The six masters, the only one who can kill the master, what will these masters think? Aren’t they afraid that the other five will join forces to kill one? But why are the masters safe and sound after countless years? Are the masters peace-loving? Or are they? They are too stupid to know how to combine vertically and horizontally?”

“Wrong, all wrong. They have also fought life and death, more than once, but the result every time was failure. Even if the Lord of Death was only a thin line away from death, a most powerful person could kill it. It will not die.”

“The three laws are the foundation for maintaining the current era and the foundation for locking the era.”

The storyteller said in a deep voice: “Every time the masters fight, it is like a play for the universe, an extremely realistic play that will eventually be reversed.”

“This time is no exception.”

Lu Yin didn’t know what to say. They were all actors, and the Master was also an actor, but it was the Masters who set the stage.

Xiangsiyu, Wang Wen, spent endless energy and long years of planning, but in the end it was just a show.

At this moment, no matter how confident he was in Wang Wen, he did not think that Wang Wen could break the three laws. The masters are not stupid, they are very smart, very smart, and everything they do is just in line with the universe and the times.

That’s ridiculous.

That’s ridiculous.

Shi Chu looked at Lu Yin: “I understand your mood, but this is reality. In fact, the changes in the times brought about by the master of luck explain a lot of things.”

“For example, when I saw them, they could break through the master. Because we let go.”

“The era we are in, according to your understanding, can be called the previous era of disorder. The strongest people in that era basically correspond to the strongest people in the current era. In that era, they were not the king’s at all. Opponents, and the strongest beings of that era were His Majesty and us old guys.”

“In order to deal with His Majesty, I gave up my own power, fulfilled Shi Jian, allowed Shi Shi to let it practice the Way of Time in advance, and even personally led it to walk the Way of Time, but I didn’t expect that it would become a master. ”

“Because times have changed. The previous era of disorder was broken because of our efforts to give up our power. The era of order ushered in, and also the birth of the master.”

“As a creature, the longer you live, the clearer your instincts become.”

“See them all the time

#Every time verification appears, please do not use incognito mode!

After breaking through the Overlord, even though he still didn’t understand the changes of the times, he immediately blocked the power of those few creatures who were also likely to step into the Overlord level, causing the Overlord to be fixed. This was really instinctive. ”

As I recall at the beginning, it has experienced changes in times.

Lu Yin listened quietly, and he finally realized that not only the birth of the Lord was because of it, but the formulation of the three laws was also related to it.

“As the oldest living creature, even the master will ask me for advice. I might as well tell you that the formulation of the three laws came from me. I helped them. Although I am not the master, because I am observing the universe all the time, I have no influence on the universe. The knowledge of the universe far exceeds theirs, so there is such a thing as hiding from the sky.”

“With the ability to hide the truth from the sky, there is naturally the law of immortality, which leads to the framework of the universe.”

“Little guy, do you hate me?”

Lu Yin is calm, why talk about hatred? It is a creature of the Time Master clan, so it naturally considers its fellow clan members.

But now everything has changed.

The truth completely changes the current situation.

The Lord of Death is definitely not dead.

The era of disorder has not yet begun.

This era is locked. Unless you can kill a master. But how to kill? Even the last ancient city of time cannot be found anywhere.

“Do Wang Wen and the others know about this?” Lu Yin asked the storyteller.

The storyteller was silent for a moment: “Not yet.”

Lu Yin was surprised: “You were the first to tell me?”

“Actually, Wang Wen and the others have done a good enough job, really good. If it were not for the three laws, an era of disorder would inevitably begin.”

“Who are you?”

The storyteller faced Lu Yin and did not answer.

Lu Yin stared at it: “Who are you? Although it is not strong at this time, it is located in the ancient city of the years, surrounded by seven ancient cities of the years, and there is a master, and you can actually capture it, Who are you?”

The storyteller said: “Do you believe me now?”

Lu Yin said: “I have to believe it.”

“The news has been brought to you. As for who I am, you don’t need to know now. Just think about what to do. The era of disorder must come, otherwise the rule of the Lord will never be broken, and the revenge of your human civilization will not be avenged. , once all the masters return to their peak, it will be your end.”

“The master of luck and the master of cause and effect may not reveal the dusty memory of the three laws, but when the master of death faces time and life, he will definitely reveal the memory at the last moment of death, and then time and life will also

Uncover the memory and they will no longer be enemies. ”

“At that time, the first thing they will do is kill Wang Wen and kill you.” After saying that, the Mirror of Time disappeared, and the storyteller withdrew from contact.

It didn’t reveal its true identity until the end.

At this moment, Lu Yin didn’t believe that he was some kind of lucky anti-ancient person. He accidentally left the anti-ancient people just to seek revenge with his master.

This kind of nonsense is all false.

Why can it escape from the main pursuit? Even Lu Yin found it difficult to catch Shi Chu easily.

At the beginning, I was not very strong, but with its status, the master would not allow it to be captured easily.

Lu Yin believed what Shi Chu said. There is no need to lie to yourself. Moreover, since the Overlord has survived to this day, it is only natural to have such a back-up plan. Without a back-up plan, it would be wrong to be plotted by Wang Wen and die.

If the Lord died so easily, the Lord of Death would have died long ago and would not be alive until now.

This is really bad news.

Lu Yin thought for a moment and called everyone who could discuss it to see what to do next.

Faced with the wisdom of the masters who have survived for countless years, he also wants others to come up with a solution, especially Master Qingcao, Wei Rong and the others, who are the best at conspiracy.

Their strength cannot keep up, but sometimes the ideas they come up with can turn things around.

Wisdom and combat power are different after all.

And he was tired.

Fighting life and death, but in the end it was all in vain, I was really tired.

It can be said that he has no desire to fight with the master now.

It was like the breath that was originally held was suddenly released.

“It should be true. As a master, it is normal to have this kind of layout.”

“It’s troublesome just because it’s true. Even if the last ancient city of time can be found, can it kill the master? I don’t think so.”

“Since the master has left a backhand that even other masters cannot attack, it must be difficult to remove it easily.”

“They are really old monsters. They are all powerful and difficult to kill, but they still use this method.”

“Still alive at the beginning of time.”

Everyone kept discussing.

Lu Yin suddenly raised his head and looked at Master Qingcao: “Senior, what did you say?”

Master Qingcao frowned and looked deeply: “At the beginning of time, you are still alive.” He looked at Lu Yin: “You just said that the reason why the orderly era of the birth of the master can be started is because of their era at the beginning of time. The strongest person disintegrated his own power and became the current master, right?”

“Does that mean that even if the master is immortal, as long as the power contained in it is consumed to a certain extent

#Every time verification appears, please do not use incognito mode!

Or, can we start the next era? ”

Qinglian Shangyu said: “Yes, I saw that they only killed the king after they broke through the master, which means that before they broke through the master, none of the strongest people of that era died.”

Chang Chu said: “Maybe there is, but we don’t know.”

“What if not?”

“Then Master Qingcao’s inference is established. It doesn’t matter whether the master dies or not. What matters is that the master-level power that locks this era disappears.”

Weirong raised his eyes: “If I were the master, then the power left in the last ancient city of time would be the bottom-line power that can lock in the current era.”

These words made everyone silent again.

Yes, this is safe.

In other words, safer.

Gu Yuan said: “When you reach the level of domination, it is not easy to think of the three laws to protect yourself. After all, they are superior and have a very high understanding of their own power. They transcend everything. They may not think so deeply, because they are not Not sure how times have changed.”

“But they have instincts.”

“Creatures may not always follow instincts.”

“Even if the master-level power left behind by the last ancient city of time is the bottom line of locking the era, it can be broken without killing the master. But as long as there is power to break the last ancient city of time, the master of the long river of time will consume their power. .”

Everyone kept discussing.

Lu Yin silently looked at the starry sky, and after everyone discussed for a while, he made a decision: “No matter how much power is left in the last ancient city of time, we must give it a try to see if the five major rulers of the outside world can control it. Can all the power be broken to start the next era? ”

Master Qingcao said: “We are not sure whether we can start the next era. Don’t forget, there is also a consciousness master.”

Lu Yin put his hands behind his back: “The power of consciousness dominance was inherited by the ancestor. The ancestor has not yet completely broken through, so the power of consciousness dominance is equivalent to collapse. But this power can be inherited by the ancestor, which means it is complete.”

“In fact, it would be easiest to directly defeat the power dominated by consciousness.”

These words made Lu Yin silent. He didn’t want to.

This method is indeed the simplest, but the ancestor inherited the dominating power of consciousness, which is one of the foundations of the future of mankind. No matter how the future era changes, at least the dominating power is still invincible now, and it will not be surpassed in a short time even in the next era. The creature of this power.

So the ancestor is very important, and he would rather think of other ways.

Looking at Lu Yin’s expression, everyone knew what he was thinking: “Do you want to defeat the five masters one by one?”

“Not bad.”

“Too dangerous.”

“So we need to take a long-term view.”


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