Star Odyssey Chapter 5319: Destroy one by one


Lu Yin’s figure gradually appeared in their sight.

Seeing Lu Yin, those creatures did not hesitate to take action. Humans were the enemy.

Lu Yin slowly raised his hand, pointed out a finger, and broke through the void. The entire space was compressing. The gray power of time was like ripples, distorting the long river of time and all the space above the line of sight.


A loud bang.

Ahead, the Ancient City of Time was shattered, and a huge gap was made in the middle, occupying nearly half of the entire Ancient City of Time, and all the creatures in the Ancient City of Time were within the scope of that gap.

In other words, they are all dead.

One blow.

Just one blow.

No more attacks are needed at all.

A strong person with unlimited life? Three lawful creatures? Dominate a clan of creatures? It’s useless, it’s all useless. Under the pressure of Lu Yin’s absolute power, everything is nothing.

This is the absolute power that overwhelms the master of life, coming at this moment.

Under the ancient city of years, Zuo Qing and You Qing stayed where they were, not daring to move.

They feel the indescribable power of God. Is this the master?

“Come here, you belong to me now.” Lu Yin said. In front of him, the left and right Qingqing moved. As soon as they moved, the collapsed ancient city of time on his back collapsed completely, falling into the long river of time, splashing water.

And they silently came to the foot of Taikoo City and held it up.

Four big trees.


Taikoo City continued to swim upstream, not specifically looking for a certain ancient city, because he couldn’t find it, but he believed that someone would let him find it, but the time had not yet come.

After some time, he saw the second ancient city of years.

The moment the creatures in this ancient city saw Lu Yin, they fled without hesitation.

There was no thought of taking action at all, as if he knew that the ancient city was broken.

However, escaping was useless. Twelve stones were lined up on the wall of the ancient city. Lu Yin waved his hand, and the twelve stones broke through the void, accurately hitting the twelve creatures who escaped from the ancient city of time.

Ten creatures died immediately, one was seriously injured and fell into the river of time, and the other one had gone against the past from the beginning and was extremely smart, which meant that the river of time blocked a blow for it.

Lu Yin looked at the creature that directly went against the past. Isn’t it the creature that dominates the clan?

“Chartered creature?”

Even if he went against the ancient times, that creature did not dare to escape. He looked up at Lu Yin who was looking down from the Taikoo City and respectfully replied: “Yes, see you, sir.”

“You are decisive and go against the past. This is a road that will never be recovered.”

“Better than dead.”

“The more you see going against the past, the less likely you are to try it. Death is more comfortable than going against the past, you should understand.”

“But I haven’t lived enough yet. Ni Gu may have a glimmer of hope to escape. If I die, there will be nothing.”

“Have you ever seen a creature that escaped from antiquity?” Lu Yin heard something different from its words.

The creature said respectfully: “I’ve seen it before.”


“I don’t know, but I saw with my own eyes that creature broke away from Nigu, and its whole body was suspended on the long river of time. Although it was only for a moment, no other creature in the ancient city saw it, but I saw it, and I happened to be in that direction.”

Lu Yin looked at it: “Did that creature leave after leaving Nigu?”


Lu Yin was surprised: “Didn’t you leave?”

“Yes, it’s halfway into the stream again.”

“What form?” Lu Yin had to ask, and there was a problem.

Generally speaking, if you want to break away from the ancient times, you must have the means to dominate the level. This depends on your ability. There is nothing to say. You can go against the ancient times and leave.

The second type is luck.

If those who go against the past have the means to dominate the hierarchy, they will not remain unknown, but if it is just luck, why not leave? This kind of luck is indispensable. Being able to escape once does not mean that you can escape the second time.

Judging from the results, it is more like the first possibility to break away from the anti-ancient and then go against the ancient again.

This means that among the anti-ancient beings there are creatures with the means to dominate.

The creature recalled: “It seems.” It didn’t know how to describe it, so it drew in the void and drew the shape of the creature.

As Lu Yin watched, his eyes gradually changed, becoming shocked and unbelievable.

How is that possible?

The ancient city of time continues to fall, shatter, and fall into the long river of time.

The long river of time rises and falls one after another, and the gray years are all making ripples.

After a while, Lu Yin let the creature go.

Not only did he go against the grain, but he also told him such a big secret. There was no reason to kill anyone again.

However, this secret is really a surprise.

Just as he was about to let Taikoo City continue walking, the ancient creature from before suddenly returned, “Sir, there is something else I want to report.”

Lu Yin looked at it: “Say.”

“The anti-ancient people are actually trying to find a way to gather together. If you don’t stay in the ancient city of years, you may not know this.”

“Many anti-ancient beings may not necessarily rush over immediately after discovering the Ancient City of Time. Many of them are smart and wait at the anti-ancient point outside the ancient city of time, waiting for other anti-ancient ones to appear, and then join forces to attack together.”

“The reason why there are so many ancient cities is to guard against the impact of those who rebel against the ancient times.”

“Throughout the ages, the ancient city of Time has been destroyed by many attacks.”

Lu Yin didn’t expect such a thing to happen, but it was reasonable. Who is the fool who can go against the past? They are all the most advanced beings in the civilization. No matter why these beings go against the past, they have their own strategies.

The ancient city of Time is like a series of great passes. If you want to rush through these ancient cities, it is obviously unwise to fight alone. It is only possible to attack together.

This coincides with when he used divine power lines to locate the anti-ancient points, and then integrated the anti-ancient ones.

It’s just that he integrated the anti-ancient ones to deal with the masters of the main sect, and these anti-ancient ones spontaneously integrated to attack the ancient city of time.

The principles are the same.

In this way, as long as you locate the anti-ancient point outside the ancient city of years, you are likely to find a group of anti-ancient people.

Just imagine, if a large number of anti-ancient people attack the ancient city of time at the same time, even the ruler will have difficulty.

But is it really right to go against the past? He’s at it again.

If humans rule the next era, the task of dealing with those who go against the past will have to be left to them, otherwise it will be humanity that goes against the past.

Just because you are a friend now does not mean you will be a friend in the future.

The relationship between ourselves and the enemy depends on interests.

“Why are you telling me this?” Lu Yin asked.

The creature’s words were bitter: “As a favor, if one day the adults can remember such a humble creature like me and are willing to drag me out of the past, I will be grateful.”

Lu Yin nodded and watched this creature leave.

Every life in the universe is not easy to live. Everyone has his own way.

It goes against the grain of antiquity, perhaps because it has planned to leave such a good relationship, so even if Lu Yin doesn’t look for it or ask it, it will still find a way to talk to Lu Yin.

Taikoo Shing moved and continued to swim upstream.

Lu Yin did not ask this creature how to find other ancient cities of time, it could not know.

There are six big trees under Taikoo City. The more there are, the slower the speed will be. The two trees work well together, so Lu Yin put the four big trees into the Supreme Mountain and only used the two big trees at the beginning. Carrying the Taikoo City on your back and going upstream.

Not long after walking, I saw the war.

The war that breaks out in the Great River of Time is nothing more than an attack on the ancient city of Time by those who rebel against the past.

Taikoo City was far away from the ancient city of time ahead, so it was not seen, but Lu Yin could clearly see the battlefield ahead.

Full five anti-ancient warriors attacked from all directions, sometimes attacking the ancient city of time, and sometimes hiding in the long river of time to avoid attacks. As for the creatures in the Ancient City of Time, just as Shengji said, fancy attacks are meaningless here. They all try their best to reduce the frequency of attacks and increase the efficiency of attacks.

Every shot must be as powerful as possible.

The killing list floats above the ancient city of time, and records many names. One of the names is quite active, stupid, and ranks fifth on the killing list. Is it active because of its proximity?

The strongest person in this ancient city should be Yu Shen.

That is a powerful person.

To be in the top five of the killing list, one must be the strongest. It is only two behind Fan?Pa?.

It is said that it can drag the existence of the master, and once it enters the inner and outer world, all the tricks can be avoided. You can imagine the gold content of this killing list.

“Let’s go.”

Taikoo City moved, heading towards the Ancient City of Time.

Ahead, the war continues. The creatures in the Ancient City of Time are trying their best to improve their attack efficiency. The anti-ancient ones are also trying their best to avoid attacks. If they want to pass through this Ancient City of Time, they can already do it, but they can’t. Stay away, judging from the posture, you want to break the city.

A creature was dragged down by the anti-ancient one and smashed directly into the river of time. It would either go against the ancient times or die.

These rebels are not weak.

It was unexpectedly difficult for Yu Chen to defeat two anti-ancient beings at the same time. Those two anti-ancient ones were both extremely powerful.

It must have taken a long, long time to gather these anti-ancient ones, otherwise they would not have such strength. What we see now are five, and maybe there were more than five who passed the level at the beginning.

Gradually, Taikoo City was seen by all living beings.

Over the Ancient City of Time, I looked towards Taikoo City, and the anti-ancient people also looked at them, each one in a state of shock and confusion.

The anti-ancient ones immediately retreated. In their view, Taikoo City was also the ancient city of years and years, and it must belong to the main sect. However, the creatures in the ancient city of years and years did not see it that way.

Some creature was about to speak, but was stopped by Yuchen: “Wait until those anti-ancient people stay away.”

If those anti-ancient warriors knew that the approaching ancient city of time in front of them was an enemy, they would be in trouble and would be attacked from both sides.

The appearance of the ancient city of time was just right to scare away those anti-ancient people.

They only need to concentrate on facing this ancient city of time.

Taikoo Shing keeps approaching.

Ahead, the ancient city of Time remains silent.

Lu Yin smiled and used him to scare away the ancient rebels? They are smart, but those anti-ancient ones are not stupid either. They did not stay away completely, but waited at the limit of their sight. They also wanted to know why the new ancient city appeared.

They have seen more than one ancient city, but they are all fixed and have never heard of a mobile one.

Unless there are years when the ancient city is broken.

When Taikoo City came very close to the Ancient City of Time, Yu Chen asked the creature from the Karma Master family next to him to speak: “Who is on the other side? Why are you there?”


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