Star Odyssey Chapter 5317: You taught me


Since the end of the Free Period War between the Inner and Outer Heavens and the return of the masters, that will be the time when these masters will be at their peak. Later, Xiangsiyu united with the Lord of Death to besiege the Lord of Cause and Effect, and calculated against the Lord of Time, causing the Lord of Time to lose his original years. Later, he learned physiognomy and the Eight Colors dealt with the Lord of Life, until he had a decisive battle with the Lord of Life.

These masters never truly recovered.

Is it because of yourself? Or is it destiny?

Lu Yin suddenly thought of this.

Could this be the beginning of the era of disorder?

Throughout the ages, has the Lord ever been injured? If you want to know that a certain master is injured, you don’t know how many years you have to go back to find it.

But now these masters have never recovered, but they are getting stronger and stronger as they fight.

Perhaps this is a sign of the beginning of the era of disorder.

What about Xiangsiyu? Where is the Lord of Death? Wang Wen, Thousands of Strategies, they are also the planners of the beginning of the era of disorder.

The Lord of Cause and Effect is not dead, and the era of disorder has not really begun.

So what’s going on?

Could it be that, as times change, people have the final say?

There is no initiative at all in the opening era, only passivity.

He thought of what Uncle Jiang said. The Age of Disorder conjecture is based on the balance of the universe. But if the balance can be artificially controlled, is the balance itself still a balance?

This is clearly a paradox.


Lu Yin received a slap on the shoulder, his body flew backwards, and he coughed up blood.

Acacia Rain comes after him.

Lu Yin suddenly raised his head and stared at her: “Can you really see the beginning of the era of disorder?”

Xiang Siyu paused and stared at Lu Yin: “What do you mean?”

Lu Yin covered his shoulders and coughed: “The universe is balanced. If humans can start an era, how can we maintain balance?”

Xiang Siyu shook his head: “It’s just that if you don’t reach the level of dominance, it would be bad if your knowledge is too high. Junior, you think too much. Many things are actually very simple and not as complicated as you think.”

“The universe is also very simple. Once you see the rules clearly, you can do whatever you want.”

“Do you need a reason to trample an ant to death? As far as the universe is concerned, we can’t transcend it no matter how much we break through, so what’s the difference between seeing the balance clearly and starting an era?”

“It’s like countless ants are trying to build an ant nest next to your house. It doesn’t matter even if you see it, because they can crush it at any time.”

After saying that, he punched out his palms. Under the power of his palms, endless phantoms were superimposed, and the entire void was being pulled back.

Lu Yin had seen this scene before. Xiang Siyu had pulled him back into the void in order to let him see the direction of his luck.

Only this time this move was used in combat.

The void is pulled back, it is the space that is moving.

Lu Yin wanted to teleport away, but both space and time around him were being pulled back.

#Every time verification appears, please do not use incognito mode!


The body begins to twist like rubber.

It is also like water, dragged by infinite attraction.

Physical strength, strength, consciousness, cause and effect, etc., all powers are distorted.

“This is a palm technique created by one of your ancestors on the ninth base. I have perfected it. If you die, bring this palm technique to him.”

Hit Lu Yin with both palms. The palm prints penetrated Lu Yin’s back and blood spilled into the air. In an instant, he raised his hand and grabbed Xiang Siyu’s arm. Xiang Siyu was shocked. He thought this palm would hit Lu Yin. Broken, the life energy in this person’s body is comparable to that of a master, but it is still impossible to block this palm.

This is the limit that I have just tested in a fight.

He still has hidden strength.

Caught by Lu Yin’s arm, Xiang Siyu tried to break free, but couldn’t. The terrifying power made her unable to move. She could only strike out with the same palm again, trying to forcefully pull her back into the void.

Lu Yin took one step, just one step. In front of him, nine figures flickered and merged.

Nine changes.

Seven strands of purple flow around the body of Acacia Rain.

Lu Yin blasted out fiercely with the combat power enhanced by the Nine Transformations, but he penetrated the purple airflow and was within easy reach of Xiang Siyu.

Xiang Siyu opened her arms and hugged her.

Under Lu Yin’s shocked eyes, he hugged him.

Warm, soft, and indescribable feelings spread throughout his body, making it difficult for Lu Yin to move for a moment.

“You will never be alone if you embrace the common people.”

“You deserved to die.” As she said that, a red platform appeared under her feet and gradually fell to Lu Yin’s feet.

Lu Yin said in a low voice: “You have forgotten that luck has a direction. This is what you taught me.”

Xiangsiyu’s pupils shrank, and she watched Lu Yin slowly retreat in shock, with an unbelievable look in her eyes.

He actually broke away from the Hongtai method.

Lu Yin slowly backed away, and the Heaven and Earth Lock was tied to Xiang Siyu’s arm at some point, “So many people died, how could they die in vain. This is what you taught me, I understand.”

Xiang Siyu praised: “Lu Yin, you are one of the most talented human beings I have ever seen. You actually used your own luck to guide all the luck in the direction a moment in advance to help you escape at this moment. It’s amazing.”

“But how do you know this red platform method?”

Lu Yin grabbed the Heaven and Earth Lock: “You should ask me how I knew your previous location.”

Xiang Siyu blurted out: “Yuntan.”

Lu Yin curled up the corner of his mouth and violently threw Xiangsiyu towards the Lord of Cause and Effect. Far away, the Lord of Cause and Effect had been waiting for a long time. It had not moved, just waiting for Lu Yin to take action.

Lu Yin told it

, will throw the lovesickness rain to it.

In fact, it does not believe that regardless of whether Xiangsiyu has regained his fighting strength or not, the dignified master will not be suppressed by Lu Yin.

It turned out to be true.

The Hongtai method made him think that Lu Yin was dead, but he didn’t expect that Lu Yin could escape.

Xiang Siyu smacked her body hard at the Lord of Cause and Effect, but her eyes were fixed on Lu Yin. This human actually captured Yuntan. Only Yuntan’s Hongtai can locate her, because Hongtai belongs to her power.

This is not a talent at all.

Lu Yin knows this very well, just like the sacrifice of the universe of the Time Lord clan is not a talent, but the power derived from the original years of the Year Lord flowing under the long river of the Lord’s years.

These masters give their own power to the creatures below, which is their trump card.

The Lord of Cause and Effect looks at the approach of the Lovesickness Rain, and the two qi of Cause and Effect and the Qian and Earth converge, and the Great Compassion of Cause and Effect seals the four directions, completely closing it.


No sound came out.

Under the influence of cause and effect, the rain of lovesickness was completely wiped out and disappeared into thin air.

Looking at this scene, Lu Yin’s eyes became heavier and heavier, Xiangsiyu, it’s okay.

If the Karma Master’s blow could severely damage Xiangsiyu, that was what they hoped for most, but in one blow, Xiangsiyu was completely wiped out. How could that be possible? I don’t even believe in the master of cause and effect. There is only one reason for this result. The lost lovesickness rain is not the real lovesickness rain.

The end of the Heaven and Earth Lock is empty.

She was obviously **** with heaven and earth chains, how could she be gone again?

The Lord of Cause and Effect sighed: “Sure enough, the rumors are true.”

Lu Yin was confused: “What rumors?”

The Lord of Cause and Effect said in a deep voice: “It is rumored that luck has a body of bad luck, but it can be a substitute for death.”

Lu Yin raised his eyebrows: “Doom body, a substitute for death?”

“In order to see the universe clearly, luck divides countless living beings to walk. You know this. But you don’t know the meaning of the doom body.” The master of cause and effect slowly said: “The universe is balanced. If you get good luck, you will naturally have bad luck. Comes with it.”

“The body of misfortune is born from this. Many practitioners of Qi Luck have a body of misfortune.”

“It’s just that every creature uses the body of doom differently.”

“The years told me that I accidentally saw the birth of the doomed body of Qi Luck in the past. At that moment, the Qi Luck and the Doom Body were indistinguishable from each other. I don’t know how to describe this feeling. It was like, Qi Luck Give up your identity and let yourself become luck.”

Lu Yin didn’t understand: “What does it mean to make yourself lucky?”

The Lord of Cause and Effect looked at him deeply: “It’s like you practice and practice until you lose yourself. You become your own strength.”

“Is there such a thing?”

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> “It’s just a rumor, and it’s also a speculation over the years. I don’t believe it either. But you just saw it. It was really her who was here. You and I feel right about this. But she just disappeared, not dead.”

“But what are you doing for this? If you are gone, wouldn’t you just be dead?” Lu Yin couldn’t understand. If he was asked to give up himself and become a force in his own cultivation, such as cause and effect, consciousness, etc., he would Not willing.

I can’t understand it at all.

If you lose yourself, why do you still practice? What is the meaning of cultivation?

The Lord of Cause and Effect said: “We don’t know the specifics, maybe it’s just a way of using her power. But even if she doesn’t die in this battle, the loss will not be small. Even if the Doom Body dies as a substitute, there will be losses of its own. Even if there is no loss, the body of doom will kill one less person, right?”

Lu Yin let out a deep breath. So far, none of these masters have died.

The Lord of Karma was thought to be dead, but it was alive and could even hide it from Xiang Siyu. Its trump card was too deep.

Which one is easier, life, time, or death?

This is the power of domination.

These old guys have been practicing for too long, and the fight with them is beyond any previous battle.

Lu Yin has never felt so hard.

It feels like being physically and mentally exhausted.

No matter how much he sacrifices, he still feels that it is too difficult to kill these masters.

The hunted Death Lord, the Lord of Cause and Effect in front of me, can be considered the easiest to kill now, because they are the most seriously injured. But is it easy to really take action?

The Lord of Death went against the past in order to avoid being hunted. It can go back on the past, and it can naturally come out.

You can come and go freely despite ancient times, this is domination.

The Lord of Karma has never seen it use tricks like the Heaven-supporting method and the armed astrology. It is also hiding.

Lu Yin looked into the distance, not knowing what he was thinking.

“What do you want to do next?” asked the Lord of Cause and Effect.

Lu Yin looked at it: “Senior, what do you want to do?”

“I know those old guys too well, and there are too many restrictions on dealing with them, so I came to you before, and you are responsible for planning.” Karma said.

Lu Yin thought for a while, raised his hand, flicked his fingers, and his power stirred up the void, scattering the aftermath of the previous battle. Then, he bent his fingers and dragged the master out of the river of time.

Looking at the turbulent years.

The Lord of Cause and Effect said in a low voice: “Chasing the killer?”

Lu Yin raised his head: “No, destroy the ancient city of years.”

“What? Are you going to destroy the Ancient City of Time now? Are you crazy?” The Lord of Cause and Effect was puzzled. It couldn’t figure out what Lu Yin was thinking. At this time, it was either chasing the killer or looking for Xiang Siyu. This was the easiest thing.


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