Star Odyssey Chapter 5315: Force you to come out


Now, their center of gravity has shifted from the Anti-Ancient Ones.

Reverse ancient times is actually a concept.

No one knows whether it will succeed. There are thousands of people who have gone against the past, but there has never been a successful example. It is just that it can definitely succeed in theory. Perhaps they themselves don’t know what lies at the source of the long river of time behind them.

Compared with the current crisis, those who rebel against the past seem less important. Of course, this is also because it is almost impossible for an anti-ancient person to truly travel through the entire ancient city.

Soon after, the Lord of Life returned to the inner and outer heavens.

I was shocked when I came out.

What about the inner and outer heavens? Where are the ruins of the collapsed mother tree? Where did it go?

When it returned to the ancient city of years, the mother tree was collapsing. It stands to reason that even if the inner and outer world completely collapsed, the ruins of the mother tree’s collapse would still be there. But now there are only countless scattered branches floating in the starry sky, as well as the huge tree roots, and the rest is gone.

What’s going on? what happened?

It releases its vitality and directly covers the entire tree root, looking for Lu Yin.

Lu Yin should be pinned down. Even if he is not dead, he still has armed stars in his body and cannot escape.

Ke Lu Yin disappeared.

The Master of Life searched all around but could not find Lu Yin.

It did not connect the disappearance of the ruins of the mother tree with Lu Yin. No one really expected such a thing. The Master of Karma was so shocked that he could say nothing, let alone guess.

In particular, it knew very well that Lu Yin was seriously injured inside his body and must be wandering between life and death.

Lu Yin has no ability to do anything here.

Then where did he go?

Was he rescued by others? Who can expel the armed star from his body? Non-dominance levels cannot do this.

Just as I was thinking about it, suddenly, just inches away, the power of cause and effect erupted again in many mirage forbidden areas.

The Master of Life saw it with his own eyes this time, and suddenly turned his head to look in one direction, over there.

From all directions in the universe, one after another looked in the same direction. This time they all noticed the direction of causality, because the power of causality spread from that point.

The master of cause and effect has come out on his own. What does it want to do?

No matter what it wants to do, to usher in the Age of Disorder, it must die.

One by one the figures moved, heading in that direction.

This kind of thing is obviously caused by the Lord of Karma deliberately attracting them, but among the five surviving Lords today, fate and death are joined together, and time and life are together. What is the use of relying on the Lord of Karma alone?

Or does it really think that time and life can protect it?

Then why doesn’t it go directly to the Ancient City of Time?

No one can figure out what the Master of Cause and Effect is doing.

Far away in that direction, under the starry sky, in the mirage next to a tributary of the Long River of Time, Lu Yin stood quietly, watching the years flow. Behind him, the Lord of Cause and Effect walked out: “If I die, the era of disorder will be over.

#Every time verification appears, please do not use incognito mode!

If it is turned on, humans will not end well. ”

“My cooperation with you comes from my own desire for a chaotic era, and being pushed to the extreme.”

“And I am also the only master you can trust and cooperate with.”

Lu Yin smiled and said: “Senior, what are you still worried about? I have already taken you to Xiangcheng. No other master has received this kind of treatment.”

The Lord of Cause and Effect looked deeply at Lu Yin: “Actually, if I must die in the end, I also hope to die in your hands.”

Lu Yin was surprised: “Die in my hands?”

“Yes. Let you humans start an era of disorder.”


“I don’t like any of them.”

Lu Yin laughed.

The Lord of Cause and Effect also smiled.

The laughter shook the long river of time, making the ferryman on the tributary of the long river in the distance tremble.

The distance is huge, and no one knows how far away the other masters are.

Lu Yin and the others used the directions of the inner and outer heavens as reference to calculate the time when the master of life would approach here. Using this time as a comparison, it would not exceed ten years before and after, and the rest of the masters who were supposed to come would come.

Life and time are together.

Acacia Rain and the Lord of Death must be separated.

The Lord of Karma stood unabashedly under the stars and waited.

There is a life chart hanging on his body, which is used to contact Lu Yin.

After a while.

“That’s almost it. It stands to reason that the Lord of Life or the Lord of Time should arrive from the inner and outer directions.”

“Where are the other two? I can’t find them.”

“We couldn’t find it when we arrived. It’s normal.”

Lu Yin stared at the direction of the Lord of Cause and Effect from further away. He asked the Lord of Cause and Effect how far away the Lord could see. The Lord of Cause and Effect gave the answer, which exceeded the limit distance that Lu Yin could see with the mirror light technique. .

So there was no other way. He used Linlang Heaven and projected it on the birth chart. In this way, he could see his surroundings clearly at any time and talk to the master of cause and effect without going through the birth chart.

Soon, several years passed.

No one showed up.

But the Lord of Cause and Effect felt that he was being watched.

“Can you feel that you are being stared at by several eyes?”

“I can’t tell. They have been cultivating at the dominance level for so long. Who knows what their strength is.”

“If you keep waiting, I don’t believe anyone can bear it.”

Time continues to pass.

Lu Yin guessed that in Xiangsiyu, the dead have arrived,

No one dared to show up.

On the one hand, I can’t figure out the intention of the Lord of Cause and Effect, and on the other hand, I am afraid of being besieged.

Whether it’s for Xiangsiyu and the others, or for the ruler of life and time, all it takes now is for one ruler to die, and it must die in their hands. As for who dies, it doesn’t matter.

The Karma Master uses itself as bait, which is actually quite dangerous. Once several other Masters attack it at the same time, it will really die.

So now it is also very nervous.

But it is unlikely that the other masters will join forces.

Otherwise, it wouldn’t have appeared until now.

A few more years passed, and finally, the master of life couldn’t bear it any longer, and covered the universe with its majestic vitality, turning the darkness into a vast expanse of white. There was no cover up at all. It knew very well that the lovesickness rain and the master of death might be around. .

The white life force completely enveloped the starry sky, and the voice of the Lord of Life reached the ears of the Lord of Cause and Effect: “Why expose your position? What are you going to do?”

The Lord of Cause and Effect looked up at the vitality, but it still could not find the location of the Lord of Life. This is its purpose, otherwise it would not have made such a big noise and disrupted everything with its vitality: “I want revenge.”

“Stupid, have you fully recovered?”


“But there are more than one or two masters targeting you. Luck and death join forces, and you can’t stop them.”

The Lord of Cause and Effect said calmly: “Aren’t there still you guys? Will you watch me being killed? And luck and death are not the same.”

“Follow me and merge with the years. Only in the ancient city of years is it safe.”

The Lord of Cause and Effect is surprised, why don’t you take action against it?

Lu Yin was not surprised. No one would believe that the sudden exposure of the Lord of Cause and Effect was an impulsive revenge. Its answer made even the Lord of Life who originally wanted to take action hesitate. From the very beginning, the Lord of Life came with two choices. One was to find an opportunity to kill the Lord of Cause and Effect, or kill other Lords and secretly cooperate with the Lord of Time. The other was to protect the Lord of Cause and Effect and not allow anyone to start the era of disorder for the time being.

The seemingly stupid answer of the Karma Master made him choose the second one.

But why didn’t it continue to wait?

For the master, it is normal to wait for eighteen hundred or even ten thousand years.

Lu Yin and the Lord of Karma originally expected that it would take a long, long time for them to show up.

Is it not just because of the choice of the Lord of Cause and Effect that the Lord of Life is so eager to show up and chooses the second option? Or is there something wrong with the Ancient City of Time?

“Still not leaving? Only when we merge with the years and use the power of the three masters can we be stable.” The master of life urged.

The master of cause and effect subconsciously looked at the horoscope.

Lu Yin controlled his life chart and moved it, letting the Lord of Cause and Effect and the Lord of Life leave.

#Every time verification appears, please do not use incognito mode!

The Lord of Cause and Effect took action and headed towards the inner and outer heavens: “Okay, but I want to kill Qi Luck, so you have to help me.”

“Don’t worry.” The Lord of Life promises.

The next moment, the vitality receded like a tide.

The Lord of Cause and Effect has really gone away from the Lord of Life, without even looking back.

In the secret, Xiangsiyu stared at them, do they really want to leave? So what’s the point of this guy’s deliberate exposure?

Or is it that it has already negotiated with life and them to lead itself to attack death?

While hesitating, the master of cause and effect is getting further and further away.

Xiang Siyu was calm and motionless. No matter what the reason was, the Lord of Cause and Effect was acting too strangely now. She would not move and let him go.

In the other direction, the Lord of Death was also staring, but also did not move.

Although it is now a rare opportunity to surround and kill the Lord of Karma, the various behaviors of the Lord of Karma make them feel weird and uneasy, so they just watch and have no intention of taking action.

Further away, Lu Yin was helpless. The Lord of Life appeared too early, which was beyond his expectation. Otherwise, he would have had enough time to find Xiangsiyu and the Lord of Death. Now that the Lord of Cause and Effect has left, Xiangsiyu and Death It is wise for the Lord not to take action.

If you do nothing, the layout will completely fail.

He also exposed the existence of the Lord of Cause and Effect for nothing.

Looking now, the master of life has chosen to protect the master of cause and effect. Once the master of cause and effect merges with the years, and the three masters join forces, they may not really need themselves, and they will be passive.

The person the Lord of Cause and Effect is more willing to join forces with is itself, because it is not sure about its attitude towards life and time, but if those two attitudes really want to protect it, murderous luck and death, then it will definitely give up cooperating with itself.

One plan cannot fail so many times.

Lu Yin’s thoughts were spinning, and it seemed that he could only use the last move.

No plan can be perfect, and multiple responses need to be thought of.

He has thought of many possibilities for this plan. Although this possibility is unexpected, there is also a backup plan, but this plan may not be successful.

If you don’t come out, I will find a way to force you out.

Thinking about it, he took out the bone xun and then smacked it into the distance without hesitation to find me the state of death.

The bone xun moves by jumping to death.

In the current universe, there are two powerful people who can induce death. One is the Lord of Life, who can induce death with the thirty-six figures on the Immortal Star Chart. The other, and the largest one, is the Lord of Death.

The Lord of Death harvests death with a bone xun, but what he returns is the power of death.

This is not equal.

The bone xun can move in the state of death, which means that the owner of the dead must be able to see death clearly.

So it is the one with the most deaths.


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