Star Odyssey Chapter 5307: Complete integration


Lu Yin exited the fusion and raised his eyes, the master of life had arrived.

No matter what, exhale, point out, and continue.

He merged into another living being and committed suicide very quickly.

As for the outside world, the master of life has arrived. His eyes fell on Wang Wen and the others. Without saying a word, they raised their arms. In the distance, the universe was lit up. Bright lights appeared and combined into a sword. This was what happened before. What he couldn’t hit was now cut with a wave of his arm.

Thousands of tricks and tricks are so shocking that you don’t give them any time?

Wang Wen’s eyes were heavy. Seeing the Sword of the Stars slashing at him, he turned back to look at Lu Yin, “Chess Piece Taoist Master, I put all my hope on you, don’t let the chain fall.”

The Master of Life also looked at Lu Yin at this moment, because Wang Wen and Qianji Guiyan were both normal, but Lu Yin was the only one sitting there as if he was dead.

What else can this human being do?

No more.

No matter who launched the Ancient City of Time on the other side of the Main River, it is useless.

With this sword, everyone will die.

It does not need to know why the Lord of Karma was surrounded and killed. The threat posed by these three people is too great, so let them all die.


In the universe, black flames dripped.

One drop.

One drop.

One drop.

Every drop of black flame is filled with twelve colors of light, coming from the figure standing up slowly.

Black flames cover the whole body, gradually flowing, spontaneously stranding, fingers falling on the starry sky, each drop of black flames burns the void into nothingness, slowly expanding, making the entire starry sky like a burning picture.

Opening his eyes, his pupils were deep and dark, and the twelve colors of dancing light were obscure and mysterious.

Time seems to stand still.

At this moment, the gray years flowed and connected with the black flames, causing everything around them to stagnate, even the hundred moons – the stars.

The only one who can see all this clearly is the Lord of Life.

The Master of Life looked at Lu Yin in astonishment as he stood up, looking at the black flames flowing from his body. He seemed to be able to hear the sound of burning in his ears. Could this feeling be fear?


If you are the master, how can you be afraid of a non-master human being?

This human being is very strong and has various means, but all his means can only barely save his life, and he also relies on luck. Why should he be afraid of himself?

Is it because of the black flame?

It’s not black, there are twelve colors inside. It’s neither deathly silence nor divine power. It’s the power after fusion?

The Baiyue star has not been completely stagnated, and is still approaching Wang Wen and Qianji Guiyan.

It just seems so slow at this moment, time is being slowed down by the flames.

Lu Yin looked up at the stars, then lowered his head

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Head, looking at the black flames burning all over his body, compared to the previous Death Transformation, Divine Power Transformation, Death Silence Transformation and Bone Spirit Transformation, the change in the complete integration of divine power this time seems to be little.

However, what is this powerful feeling? There was a domineering feeling that could control everything. He slowly clenched his fist, and the burning black flames subsided. A flash of fire appeared on his fist, and his fist changed. Wherever the flame burns, there is a transformation.

Powerful and controllable.

Unparalleled power.

Much more powerful than the nine-transformation multiplier.

Numerical values ​​are no longer enough to reflect this power. So, what will happen to this power when faced with the master?

Lu Yin slowly bent his legs and jumped out. Facing the approaching Baiyue star, his whole body burned with black flames, he raised his fist and struck.

Fanxing Fist.

A punch hit Baiyue Xingxiang from the side, something they had never dared to think of before. Facing Xingxiang’s attack, they had no other idea except waiting for death. However, at this moment, Lu Yin attacked. He used flames to burn the years to delay time, punched from the side, and forcefully missed the sword that was transformed from the stars.

The next moment, the starry sky returned to normal.

The sword of stars passed by Wang Wen and Qian Ji, almost knocking them off.

As for Lu Yin, his arm was shaking, and his four fingers were cut with deep blood marks.

Not enough, still not enough.

The Xingxiang was injured by just a punch from the side. This was not a hard hit from the front, and it was not broken, just missed.

The master’s combat power cannot be surpassed even by the complete fusion of divine power and death.

However, compared to before, it is not that we can only wait to die.

In the distance, the eyes of the master of life changed from shock to disbelief, and then to complete gloom.

This human being has missed the stars.

How is that possible?

This human being can actually do such a thing.

How did he do it? Even the king at his peak couldn’t do it. Why does he do it?

None of them, the masters, can do it, and even when they are not masters, they are not as good as the king, let alone compared to this human being at this moment.

We can’t let him live. Once he breaks through the level of domination, he will probably become the strongest domination.

Thinking of this, the Master of Life raised his arms again.

Lu Yin turned his head and stared at it, then teleported behind Wang Wen and Qianji Guiyan, grabbing them one by one: “You can go, remember, this is because you just delayed it for me. For your sake, I won’t be polite when we meet again.” After saying that, the hand on Wang Wen and Qianji Guiyan burned with black flames.

The ground was thrown hard, one to the left and one to the right, sending them flying.

At this moment, the Master of Life no longer cares about Wang Wen and Qian Ji Guiyan, it only has Lu Yin in its eyes.

This battle continued from Ba Color to Xiangxue, and then to Lu Yin and the others. The Life Master never thought that the fight would be so difficult. He could kill them instantly, but he allowed them to counterattack again and again, gaining vitality again and again.

Damn it.

I have been the master for too long, and I have become too arrogant without realizing it.

“Human, I admit that you surprise and even scare me, but you have to die.” The master of life shouted fiercely.

Lu Yin raised his eyebrows: “You don’t want to know the reason for besieging and killing the Lord of Karma?”

“You have to die, it’s more important than this.” The claws of the Master of Life were bent, and in the distance, universes were lit up. Lu Yin’s eyes flashed, and he teleported behind the Master of Life, struck out with a palm, and the Master of Life turned around Just one claw, armed to death.

The sharp claws are close to the palm. Above the sharp claws, the armed death is dark and deep. In the palm of the hand, black flames burn, and spread to Lu Yin’s entire body in an instant, making his hair stand upside down, and the burning black flames drip down. .


The palms and claws collide.

Fire and darkness clash, constantly twisting between the two forces.

Lu Yin was shocked, is this the power of the Lord? Even if you are not good at strength, this physical strength is enough to kill your previous self in an instant.

The Life Master was equally astonished. This human’s power was actually similar to his own. This was not an entry-level Master level power. How could the complete fusion of divine power and deathly silence transform to such an extent? It shouldn’t be like this. Divine power is not a dominant power. How could it be like this?

No matter how hard it tries, it can’t figure it out.

Lu Yin’s body was dry, and all his power exploded in an instant. With a move of his arm, he underwent nine changes.

Behind the Master of Life, thirty-six figures dragged out death and sank them into his claws.

More violent collisions shook the universe, and the aftermath of each collision spread to endless distances.

Qianji Guiyan watched in horror as a black crack flashed from the side, his scalp was numb, and he was almost affected. This is a dominator-level destructive power. That guy Lu Yin actually completely merged divine power and death. The key is The combat power after fusion has actually reached this level. He wasn’t so scary before.

It can’t even figure it out.

In the other direction, Wang Wen looked deeply behind him. Is this really the case? This force has truly achieved a leap forward.

The whole universe was shaking. Lu Yin gritted his teeth and blood flowed from the corner of his mouth. He resisted the claws of the Master of Life. The Master of Life and Lu Yin were close at hand. His pupils were staring at him. Behind him, the Immortal Star Map was there. Trembling.

The two forces continued to clash, something the Life Master had never thought of before.

It wants

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I can’t understand why Lu Yin reached such a height in such a short period of time, and I can’t understand why the fusion of divine power and death has transformed like this.

Lu Yin suddenly smiled: “You have been fooled.”

The Lord of Life’s pupils shrank, and before he could figure it out, Lu Yin looked behind it: “Lord of Death, why don’t you take action?”

The Lord of Life was shocked and hurriedly withdrew its power. It felt the unparalleled death behind it. It was so familiar with that state of death. The Lord of Death had actually been hiding all this time?

Bang of life, Lu Yin took advantage of the life master to withdraw its power and punched it hard in the abdomen.

With this punch, he used all his strength. Not only did he burst out with the fusion of divine power and deathly silence, but also the accumulated power of Nine Changes, Things Will Reverse at the End, and even the flying light appeared behind him. It can be said that this is the strongest punch that he has been able to punch so far.

With one punch, the master of life was blown away, vomiting blood on the way.

The injury caused by this punch is not covered by the profound meaning of the Heart-Bounding Method given by Xiang Xue.

The Lord of Life turned around forcefully, but there was nothing behind him. There was no Lord of Death, and even the state of death was gone.

Fuck, it’s the power of fantasy again.

The corners of Lu Yin’s mouth curled up: “I’m sorry, I can also imagine the power.” After saying that, he raised his arm high, his fingers bent in a grasping shape, and black flames burned in the palm of his hand, and he was smashed out.

The black flames blasted towards the master of life, completely consuming the void along the way, leaving a deep trace of darkness.

The Master of Life was furious and bombarded him with Armed Death, but the Armed Death that could have easily seriously injured Lu Yin was blocked by the black flames.

Lu Yin continued to make leaps and bounds in this battle, reaching a level where he could withstand an armed death attack.

The master of life raises his arms, and the moon is a star.

Lu Yin teleported before it and kicked it out. Don’t give it a chance to take action at all.

However, it is not easy to stop the master from taking action.

The Immortal Star Map fell, and thirty-six figures led death to block the life master. Even at this moment, Lu Yin found it difficult to break through. Every blow he made made the Immortal Star Map crack, but the Immortal Star Map was not destroyed. The star map quickly recovered again.

Far away, each universe was lit up, and eventually an arrow shot out, piercing Lu Yin.

Lu Yin turned around and wanted to teleport away, but the moment the stars appeared, the entire universe was frozen. Previously, the Master of Life would not freeze in the void because Lu Yin could not escape at that time. Now that Lu Yin has reached his current height and is no longer intimidated by the Hundred Moon Stars and can teleport away, the Master of Life will naturally freeze in the void.

This arrow will arrive in an instant.

Lu Yin could only forcefully move his body, trying to miss the arrow from the side like before.

But that trick has been used, and the master of life will not give him another chance. Death coiled around him, and the Immortal Star Map suddenly expanded, covering him.


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