Star Odyssey Chapter 5300: Three words


Zhu Ling sacrificed everything without any regrets.

Xiangxue also sacrificed everything, but before he died, he regretted, not that he had to die, but that he regretted what he had done to those innocent children. He was repenting.

How many people in Fifth Barrier hate him.

He brought injustice, jealousy, and countless negative emotions to the barrier.

So he never expected to die well.

Lu Yin sent him on his last journey and saw the real physiognomy.

“Senior, You Che asked me to bring you a message.” Lu Yin suddenly said.

The word “You Che” made the physiognomist’s eyes move, and he became a little clearer: “You Che? It’s green. I’ve always known it. What words does it ask you to bring to me?”

Lu Yin took a deep breath and shouted in a loud voice: “Xianxue, you old bastard.”

The huge sound echoed in the starry sky, deafening.

The response was Xue Xue’s laughter.

He laughed, very happily, “Old bastard, hahahaha, well said, old bastard, hahahaha…”

You Che not only scolded Xiangxue for himself, but also for the entire fifth barrier.

Old bastard.

This is Fifth Barrier’s feedback on physiognomy.

This is the only feedback.

Hatred, hate, resentment, hatred, there is no such thing, there are only three words: Lao Wangba.

Three words can resolve everything.

It also made Xiangxue laugh the clearest voice in his life at the last moment.

At this moment, he completely put down his pretense and worries, recalling familiar faces in his mind, and passed away peacefully in those familiar eyes.

Lu Yin closed his eyes, took out the Supreme Mountain, and slowly buried Xianxue in it. If the ninth base can be rebuilt in the future, he will be buried in the fifth base.

In the distance, heavy pressure is approaching.

The Lord of Life has arrived, dispersing the dark starry sky and bringing majestic white vitality, boiling and full of murderous intent.

Lu Yin turned his back, silently looking at the place where physiognomy was buried, and then put away the Supreme Mountain.

White completely covers the universe.

Lu Yin raised his head and looked up at the starry sky full of vitality. Any creature that is injured can recover under this starry sky, as long as it is not a fatal injury caused by the master.

Slowly raise your hand, and white flows past.

“Don’t run away?” came the voice of the master of life.

Lu Yin turned around and looked at it: “How much strength did you use in the battle with Xiangxue?”

The Master of Life’s eyes were cold: “Not much, but not much.”

Physiognomy has injured the master of life, and it is not a minor injury. Whether it is the penetration of divine power or the secret of the heart-to-heart relationship, the aura of the master of life is weakened, and the immortal star map is cracked. At this point, Lu Yin

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Feel it. But for the life master, these injuries will recover over time.

Xianxue can hurt it by relying on his ultimate move.

The divine power is amplified with the help of the Mother Tree, and the Heart-Bounding Technique is an invincible technique. Only these two moves can hurt it.

But there are more than just ultimate moves in combat. Once a ultimate move is used, it cannot be used again.

If you want to defeat the Master of Life, you must fully understand its trump card and constantly consume its power, because in this era, no living being can kill it instantly.

A battle with the Overlord requires a fierce battle, not a quick victory, because it is impossible to do so.

Wang Wen and the others surrounded and killed the master and Xiangsiyu, relying on their ultimate moves. The purpose was not really to kill them, but to weaken them and force them not to fight to the death.

Only in the battle to kill the Karma Master, Xiang Siyu and the others must have tried their best, so they haven’t shown up yet.

In fact, from the return of the Lord until now, Wang Wen, Xiang Siyu and the others have a clear purpose in every battle.

The first round of siege against the Lord of Karma was to force it away, to disconnect it from the inner and outer heavens, and at the same time to force out its trump card as much as possible.

The purpose of the second round of siege on the Death Lord is to weaken the Death Lord and find out the Death Lord’s bottom line.

The purpose of the third round of siege and killing of Xiangsiyu was to wear down Xiangsiyu’s power to the point where he could compete with the Master of Cause and Effect. Otherwise, no one knows whether Xiangsiyu would take action against Wang Wen and the others, but the probability of taking action was very high. .

The fourth game is the real siege and slaying of the Lord of Cause and Effect, ushering in the era of disorder. The Xiangsiyu who took action has not appeared yet. Apparently her power has been worn down to the point where she almost died together with the Lord of Cause and Effect, and she does not dare to take action against Wang Wen and the others again.

Every battle has a clear purpose.

Don’t you know Xiangsiyu? Of course she knew, but she had no choice. This was necessary to start the era of disorder, because Wang Wen was not the master and he had no ability to kill the master.

The Lord of Death also knows that it also has no choice.

Any battle with the Overlord is no child’s play, because you can die at any time.

The only exception was Lu Yin. He besieged Xiangsiyu because Xiangsiyu regarded human life as nothing, forcing him to take action.

The reason why I encountered the Lord of Time was because I was found in the first realm.

The reason for dealing with the master of life was due to Zhu Ling and Xiangxue’s actions.

The Overlord is the strongest person in today’s era. Every encounter with them is a careful plan. This is Wang Wen’s approach, and it is also Xiangsiyu’s approach.

So Xiangxue said that Lu Yin was stupid. From the beginning, he was just trying to fight the master and had no intention of living.

But Lu Yin is different. He thinks Lu Yin should do it

You should be like Wang Wen and others, plan your actions before taking action, take your own benefits in every battle, and climb up step by step.

This is the smart thing to do.

Zhu Ling and physiognomy all hope that Lu Yin will be like this.

But they overestimated Lu Yin’s responsibility for reason and underestimated his humanity.

So now, he is targeted by the master of life and can no longer escape.

Whether it’s luck or planning.

Lu Yin is the only being in the current era who constantly encounters the master.

Wang Wen, Xiang Siyu, their plans, physiognomy, and Zhu Ling’s death wish were all intentional, with the exception of him.

Until now it was the exception.

The master of life looked down at Lu Yin: “Xiangxue is really dead this time, no one can save him. What about you? Human being, do you think you will die?”

Lu Yin looked at it: “Yes.”

“Do you regret it? You could have escaped before, but you lost the opportunity because of a mortal man. Everything you have ever gained is gone.”

“I won’t regret it. This is something you can’t understand. But if you kill me now, you will regret it.”

“Oh? Why?” The master of life was not in a hurry to take action. Xiangxue died, and its resentment of being injured disappeared. Now I just want to see what Lu Yin, the ant, can do. The feeling of playing high and high can be Effectively fill in previous wounds.

Human civilization will definitely be destroyed.

Lu Yin said calmly: “You don’t want to know the reason for besieging and killing the Lord of Karma?”

The Master of Life stared at Lu Yin: “You know?”

Lu Yin smiled and held up three fingers: “Three chances to teleport. Give me three chances. As long as you can catch me after three times, I will tell you.”

The Master of Life also smiled, “Human, you know that I can find you no matter where you escape. My power exists in your body. Unless you reach the level of the Master, or ask the Master to take action, it cannot be eliminated. ”

“However, in the battle of Killing Karma, Xiangsiyu also lost a lot, and it is impossible for you to find it. Not to mention the Death Lord, it has never recovered. Who can you find for the rest?”

Lu Yin clasped his hands behind his back: “Don’t worry about it, just say whether you dare or not. Don’t worry, I am very committed. As long as you catch me after three times, I will definitely tell you the reason. This reason is related to the future. .”

The Lord of Life looked deeply at Lu Yin, and then nodded. The white color around him suddenly shrank, and darkness once again replaced the starry sky: “It’s up to you, three times or five times. Try escaping. Let me remind you, if I won’t be polite if you ask me to find Xiangcheng during your escape.”

Lu Yin smiled and said: “I won’t take you to find Xiangcheng, just give up on this idea.”

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The Master of Life doesn’t care: “It doesn’t matter, except for you and Wang Wen, I don’t care about human civilization. But if you really care about your own civilization, I can make you a promise and tell me the answer. I will let you Xiangcheng exists permanently in Liuying, and the upper limit of cultivation reaches eternal life, but the Lord cannot enslave them. What do you think?”

“This is a huge concession. The camp is so big that for non-eternal realms, it would take a lifetime to complete it. That world is the paradise of freedom for you humans.”

Lu Yin shrugged: “Let’s give it three chances. This is the preferential treatment I’m giving you because it’s easier.”

The Master of Life smiled: “Okay, you can go.”

Lu Yin teleported and disappeared.

Seeing Lu Yin leave, the life master’s eyes were cold. Its power once covered a large area of ​​​​an inch, and this human being could not escape no matter how far he teleported. Let’s see what’s the use after three times.

Lu Yin teleported and appeared under a starry sky. This was the place where Wang Wen and Qianji Guiyan observed the inner and outer sky.

They can look into the inner and outer sky, and Lu Yin can naturally see further with his mirror light technique. Wang Wen and the others couldn’t see the specific situation inside and outside the sky, but Lu Yin could see them clearly.

They thought they were not caught looking at the inner and outer heavens here. In fact, the master of life did not care, but physiognomy noticed it. He knew Wang Wen too well and was very sure that Wang Wen would not miss this opportunity. So after the eight colors eroded the mother tree, he was looking for it.

Wang Zhi has been together for countless years, and Wang Wen has Wang Wen’s plan.

Physiognomy also has methods of physiognomy.

Wang Wen was discovered by physiognomy at this huge distance. It came from countless years of contact and countless years of subtle aura. He told Lu Yin, and Lu Yin saw this place.

This is the direction Lu Yin reached during his first teleportation.

The second time, I contacted Wang Wen and their auras based on physiognomy and looked for them.

Where does the breath come from? Hanging coffin.

Unknowable has three powers, divine power, hanging coffin, and door.

The hanging coffin is based on brown, and the twelve colors are given by divine power. Wang Wen also lay in a hanging coffin. As long as he lay down, he would be exposed to the breath. That breath would never be noticed in a short period of time, and would only be contaminated by long-term contact.

This is a back-up plan arranged by physiognomy from a long time ago.

It is now used.

Lu Yin found a way to distinguish aura through physiognomy, and looked in two directions. Is Wang Wen and Qian Ji Guiyan? They left in two directions.

Looking in one direction first, it was far away and could not be seen clearly.

He saw the back, but whether it was Wang Wen or Qianji Guiyan, they were both shrouded in darkness, and it was impossible to see who was who from the back.

So, teleport for the second time.


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