Star Odyssey Chapter 5295: Value


Lu Yin narrowed his eyes: “I still have something to do, so I don’t have time to waste. Let’s be clear. Since your master asked you to negotiate terms on her behalf, there is no way to make me believe it, otherwise it would be too much fun.”

Yunzhi had no choice but to say: “That’s true, but.” It thought for a while, but still didn’t say anything.

Lu Yin frowned: “If you have anything to say, tell me quickly, or I’ll leave.”

Yun Zhi: “Actually, there are some things I don’t want to say, but, since that’s the case, I’d better say it.” After a pause, it said in a low voice: “The master has said that if you agree with the conditions, you will do it. If you don’t agree, just do it. Do it too, or else.” It hesitated again.

Lu Yin stared at it.

“Otherwise, find Xiangcheng and exterminate humanity.”

Lu Yin narrowed his eyes and said in a cold voice: “Is this what the Lord of Fate said?”

Yun knew: “Yes, the Lord asked me to send a message, and this is what I said at the end.”

Lu Yin sneered, but it was true that Xiang Siyu thought that she was completely in control of herself and did not need to be trusted at all. Letting this fortune teller is not so much a transaction as a task assignment.

It’s just that Yunzhi’s attitude prevented him from thinking about it that way.

If another creature were to send a message to Xiang Siyu, that would not necessarily be the case.

It was this luck that confused me.

“Okay, I understand.” After saying that, he was leaving.

Yunzhi called him again: “Your Excellency Lu Yin.”

“What else?”

“Chenchen, are you okay?”

Lu Yin nodded: “Not bad.”

“Thank you, Your Excellency.”

“You’re not bad either.” Lu Yin said.

Yun Zhi bitterly said: “It is actually very hard to go against the same kind of people.” After saying that, it seemed to have made some determination: “In fact, there is a way to find the master.”

Lu Yin was surprised and looked at Yunzhi: “What can I do?”

Yun knows: “Please keep this method secret.”

Lu Yin was puzzled: “Are you willing to tell me? Why?”

Mingfan, Mingzuo, Shigui, etc. did not betray their own clan voluntarily, but were forced and deceived. But this fortune teller took the initiative to say that he could help him find the destiny master, which was strange.

Yunzhi was silent for a moment: “Save your life.”

“Whose life should I save?”


Lu Yin became more and more confused: “What does this have to do with Yuntan?”

Yun knows: “Yun Tan is my descendant.”

Lu Yin stared at Yun Zhi with wide eyes, and all kinds of things about Yun Tan came to mind.

Yuntan is a prodigy from the fate master clan. Although he is a prodigy, there are not many such talents in the master clan. There are many in the past and present who can reach the three levels of laws. They are almost similar wizards when they are young.

What really made her famous was the awakening of her red stage talent.

That moment,

#Every time verification appears, please do not use incognito mode!

Yun Xin took the opportunity to close the PoE Xuan Realm and end the conflict with human civilization. The outside world thinks it’s reasonable, because the awakening of Hongtai’s talent suddenly makes Yuntan the focus of the inner and outer world.

The last person to awaken to the red stage was Yun Xin himself.

After Yunxin awakened the Hongtai talent, she dared to say that she wanted to replace the master, but she did so, betrayed Xiangsiyu, and joined forces with Wang Wen and others.

You can imagine how much confidence Hongtai’s talent gave it.

The importance that the Luck Lord clan attaches to Hongtai represents the importance of Hongtai’s talent.

It can be said that Yun Tan is the treasure of the entire destiny master clan.

“Yuntan and I are two generations apart, and the generation between us was killed by Shi Tao, so Yuntan is my only descendant.” Yunzhi sighed: “The master besieged the master of cause and effect, which caused my luck to go both inside and outside. Heaven was squeezed out, and the Lord himself never returned, and no one knew what happened. ”

“Perhaps one day, the end of the Breaking Era Mysterious Realm will come, just like the Karmic Fusion Realm.”

“So I want to save Yuntan’s life.”

Lu Yin understood: “You tell me how to find the master of luck, and I will help you take away luck?”

Yun knows: “Looking for the master is related to luck. Only the red platform can find the master. Because the red platform talent comes from the master. Before the master, the luck master family did not have the red platform talent at all. Many records from the outside world are Fake.”

These words made Lu Yin think of the sacrifice of the universe. Before the Lord of Time, the Lord of Time clan did not have this talent. Could it be the same.

Then what is the significance of the existence of this red platform?

“Please take away Yuntan, and use its red platform talent to find the master.” Yun knew.

Lu Yin looked at it: “Aren’t you afraid that I will attack Yuntan? After all, I am an enemy along with your Qiyun.”

“It’s better than staying here, and since the Lord is cooperating with you, I believe your relationship is extraordinary.” Yun knew.

Lu Yin nodded: “Okay, you have done your best for your descendants. Let Yuntan come, I will take it away.”

“Thank you, Your Excellency.” Yun Zhi was grateful.

Lu Yin did not expect that one day, the most outstanding prodigy of the dominant clan would come to his door.

I wouldn’t have dared to think about it before.

Yuntan has always been protected by the fate master clan, and they did not take action even during the Free Period War. When the Grand Palace Master entered the PoE Xuan Realm, Yun Tan had already been transferred. Transporting mountains can lead to death, but transporting sandalwood is fine.

This is the importance of luck.

It would be interesting if Yun Tan’s red stage talent could really help him find Xiang Siyu and Lu Yin’s eyes twinkling.

Of course, he also thought about Bu An.

Not dark

Maybe this Yun Tan can help Xiang Siyu find Xiang Cheng.

Could it be a clone of Xiangsiyu or one of the doomed bodies? Lu Yin also needs to take these into consideration.

Yun Tan did not expect to meet Lu Yin under such circumstances. It was no stranger to Lu Yin. He had seen it when he was fighting for the divine power line in Zizong.

And Lu Yin merged with Chen, and soared during the Free Period War, and finally unified the inner and outer heavens, leaving it homeless and emptying the PoE Xuan realm. This human being has created too many myths.

Now, I am face to face with him.

“Yuntan, I have met Lord Lu.”

Lu Yin was stunned, Lord Lu?

This is the first time someone has called him that.

“When did I become Lord Lu?” Lu Yin asked funnyly.

Yun Tan’s voice was soft and comfortable to listen to: “Your Excellency unites the inner and outer heavens and is one-sixth recognized by several masters. Naturally, he is the master of the land.”??

Lu Yin shook his head: “Wrong, that’s just a way for some masters to paralyze me, not really one-sixth. From now on, you can call me your Excellency or your lord, it’s up to you, but the name of master is not required. .”

Yuntan respectfully said: “Yes, sir.”

Lu Yin looked at Yunzhi: “You are a very well-behaved junior.”

Yun knows: “You are so smart, I hope you will pay more attention.”

“Let’s go.” Lu Yin directly asked Yun Tan to enter the Supreme Mountain, and then left the PoE Xuan Realm. This time, Yun Zhi did not stop him.

Everyone has selfish motives. Yun Zhi wants to save Yun Tan’s life, and this is the only way. Otherwise, if it brings Yun Tan without permission, God knows whether it will be slapped to death by Lu Yin.

Faced with beings much more powerful than themselves, their existence is very humble.

Stepping out of PoE Xuan Realm, Lu Yin looked at Liu Ying.

The Master of Life is in the Taibai Fate Realm at the moment. Fortunately, he has not entered the real Taibai Fate Realm, otherwise he would be really unlucky.

Every step he took while walking in Liuying, Lu Yin was looking into the distance, looking for the source of divine power.

He couldn’t find Base.

Although I have integrated into Ba Se’s body once, if I want to integrate again, I must at least know where he is.

Base must have been hiding from him on purpose. He had been integrated into his body for so long, so there was no reason for him not to know. I can think of myself when I think about it.

Eternal Life can use Zhuo Bao to force out the six-point integration of his dice, but as his cultivation level increases, this integration will become less and less noticeable. If Ba Color wants to force himself out, he must also use Zhuo Bao.

The camp was very big. Lu Yin searched for it for a long time and finally found Ba Color.

Underground, Ba Color and Lu Yin were face to face.

“You shouldn’t have come.” Bashi spoke, his voice low.

Lu Yin faced him and saluted slowly: “Junior Lu Yin, please see Senior Zhu Ling.”

#Every time verification appears, please do not use incognito mode!

Base looked at Lu Yin for a long time: “Don’t mention this name again.”

“Senior really plan to do this?”

“Didn’t you see my memory?”

“Can it succeed?”

“If all plans can succeed, how can there be any luck?”

“Is it worth it?”

“Lu Yin, you have been carrying this burden for mankind until now. Even if you are chased by the master and you run away, you still have to keep the Prime City intact. Is it worth it?”

Lu Yin smiled: “It’s worth it.”

“Yes, it’s worth it.”

“But senior, he will definitely die.”

“Someone has to sacrifice. I should have died long ago. It was the base owner who kept me alive until now.”

Lu Yin didn’t know what to say, why did he come? Advise Zhu Ling to give up? No, he knew it was impossible, so why did he come? He doesn’t even know it himself.

Perhaps, I want to see this person who has given me a great shock in the past years.

Seeing this person is like witnessing the changes over time.

“Go away. Everything we do has nothing to do with you. Back then, we were able to look at the disasters in the three universes and ignore them. You shouldn’t care about us. You can’t care about us either,” Bose said.

Lu Yin left, but did not go far. He still stayed in the inner and outer world.

No matter what, he wants to see the end of this matter.

Time keeps passing.

Lu Yin watched as the line of divine power under the camp continued to increase and spread. One after another.

Red, connected, surrounding the mother tree.

Then white connects.

Green connected.

Every line of divine power is quite small. Although it is very long, it is so small that it can be ignored. It seems that the purpose of the eight colors is to connect the divine power at the minimum cost.

Lu Yin has seen the eight-color memory, but not completely. I just vaguely feel that this method is not as simple as erosion, but more like an original treasure formation.

The powerful enemy facing the fifth barrier of physiognomy is the Taiqing civilization, which is the strongest original treasure formation civilization known in the entire universe. It is impossible to say that physiognomy does not understand the original treasure formation.

Besides serving as a tool of sacrifice, Ba Se’s move must have other meanings.

Two hundred years have passed, and if you do something small under the eyes of the master, no matter how inconspicuous it is, you will eventually be discovered.

In Taibai Fate Realm, with the roar of the master of life, the sky inside and outside shook.

The mother tree shook hugely, shocking countless creatures. What happened again?

At the bottom of the camp, Ba Se raised his head: “Have you found it? It’s just right.” After the words fell, the entire camp ground was lifted up, and the white life force was like a river pouring down, slamming down: “Ant, give it to me Get out.”


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