Star Odyssey Chapter 5294: History intertwined


Zhu Ling has reached this day as a physiognomist, not only to confuse Wang Wen, but also to confuse the master.

What he is doing at this moment cannot be hidden from the Lord. This is the result he wants.

Died for the sake of physiognomy, letting the master relax his vigilance and devote all his power to physiognomy. This is the path Zhu Ling will take next.

He has been living for human civilization all his life.

For this reason, he gave up rescuing the three universes and watched helplessly as disasters occurred in the three universes. He gave up helping Lu Yin, and gave up everything that had nothing to do with this ambition, just to complete the plan of surrogate death, just to achieve physiognomy.

And it hurts when he gets it.

Lu Yin didn’t know if the Xiangxiang Society would be painful, but Zhu Ling was a very soft-hearted person, and he had a completely different character from ordinary practitioners.

This character made Lu Yin truly understand him. ??

Perhaps this is the power of mind skills, which can achieve the ruthlessness of physiognomy and the softness of Zhu Ling.

Withdrawing from the fusion, Lu Yin opened his eyes in Xiangcheng with complicated eyes.

What is right in this universe? what is wrong?

Is physiognomy wrong? He asked Zhu Ling to die in his place so that he could gain divine power to fight against the master. The ultimate goal was just revenge. He’s not wrong.

Is Zhu Ling wrong? No, he has paid enough, and his mental skills have made him soft-hearted, but with his status as Ba Se, he has to watch the possible demise of human beings, which is very torture for him.

All he wants to do is fight against the Lord and take revenge.

They are both right.

But where do I feel uncomfortable?

What’s going on with this silent frustration? I have the ability to stop Zhu Ling, I just need to go to the inner and outer heavens. But everyone has their own path. Zhu Ling and Xiangxue have been preparing for this day for too long and have paid too much. They should not change because of their own judgment.

Whether they live or die, they have their own choice.

I am not qualified to choose for them.

Lu Yin took a deep breath and teleported to the outside of Xiangcheng. Looking at the ancient city and its mottled traces, he raised his hand, put it on it, and walked into the years.

Scenes of ancient scenes appeared, and Lu Yin stared at those scenes, scanning them one by one, looking for Zhu Ling.

There must be Zhu Ling’s past in Xiangcheng, and Zhu Ling belongs to the fifth barrier.

Soon after, it was found.

Lu Yin took one step forward, and the gray color flowed around the world, and time and space turned into another area. He came to the past, to a corner of Xiangcheng, and saw a slightly fat man with an extremely kind smile flying a kite. A child was chasing behind him, and a woman followed even further away with a happy smile.

You can’t hear the sound, but you can see what they are saying.

“Dad, slow down, slow down.”

“See, this is kite flying.”

“It’s so fun, this is just a mortal

#Every time verification appears, please do not use incognito mode!

Flying a kite? If my father hadn’t sealed my cultivation, I would have just flown up and caught the kite. ”

“Haha, what’s the point of that.”

“Okay, you two, you are so happy about something like this.”

“Mom, hurry up and catch up. Dad is running so fast.”

“Zhu, please slow down.”

“Madam, if you can catch up with me, I will tell you where the private money is hidden.”

“What? How dare you hide your private money, Mr. Zhu, just wait.”

“Dad, run quickly, run quickly.”


Lu Yin watched them go away and followed them all the way. Pedestrians passed by with smiles on their faces. Someone said hello from time to time, obviously they knew this man.

His name is Zhu Ling, and he is a strong man who is famous throughout the fifth barrier.

He is also the most well-known strongman of the Fifth Barrier. Because his home is close to the homes of mortals, he is not so aloof.

Withdrawing from the years, the past appears one after another.

Lu Yin kept looking for Zhu Ling, but every scene he could find was the past of him laughing and playing with his family. Those mortals were familiar with him, his footprints were left under the city wall, but he was nowhere to be seen in the sky.

He is the most special cultivator Lu Yin has ever seen.

One of the scenes also allowed Lu Yin to see Pan and the Divine Horse of Time. They didn’t know what they had done. They were being chased from the city to the outside. Zhu Ling was just under the city and saw Pan and the Divine Horse of Time. Rushing over, the family of three immediately turned around as if they hadn’t seen him.

The pictures of history are intertwined in this way.

The pursuer screamed angrily.

The family of three laughed loudly. Pan and the Divine Horse of Time looked back at the same time, confused.

Lu Yin stood among them, looked at Pan, then at Zhu Ling, and also smiled.

I don’t know why, but he just wants to laugh.

Meeting an old friend in a foreign land.

Throughout the years as Xiangcheng, all he saw was the scenes above and below the city wall. He could see countless wars in the past, the war on the fifth barrier, and the Taiqing civilization. But at this moment, Lu Yin had no regard for those who had no knowledge of the past. Any interest.

He just wanted to see Zhu Ling.

Look at that family of three.

I don’t know how long I watched it before I returned and took a deep breath.

Zhu Lingyihuangxinmen disappeared. What about his wife and children? Where did it go?

He wanted to know.

I really, really want to.

Right, wrong, right or wrong, he is going to find Zhu Ling now.

Zhu Ling is currently in the inner and outer heavens. If he wants to go there, passing through the mirage is the fastest way. True

Those who cannot enter the True Time and Glory Realm will not be able to enter the Taibai Fate Realm for the time being. If the Lord of Time is besieged, he is afraid that the Lord of Life will be exposed as soon as he leaves the real Taibai Fate Realm.

Then, break the evil realm.

Lu Yin has never entered the realm of breaking the evil from the mirage realm.

He has the key to breaking through the evil realm, but I don’t know if Xiang Siyu changed the key after he returned.

I can only give it a try now.

Soon after, Lu Yin entered the realm of breaking the evil.

Looking at the fruit of luck that had been plundered in front of him, which was the bag of luck that had not yet grown, Xiang Siyu did not change the key. This is because you don’t care if you come in. ??

In fact, after besieging the Lord of Karma, Xiang Siyu never came back, let alone took away the creatures of the Lord of Luck, she didn’t care at all.

Yun Xin also betrayed.

The extremely senior creatures of the Luck Master Clan will definitely not be able to come back in the Ancient City of Time, and the Time Master and Life Master will not let them come back, so currently the Luck Master Clan has almost no one who can make decisions.

Just as Lu Yin was about to leave the PoE Xuan Realm, he suddenly stopped and turned around.

In the distance, under the broken Luck Fruit, a purple mass lurked.

Lu Yin’s eyes fell on the purple mass and he frowned: “Who are you?”

Purple rose slowly and replied in a very respectful voice: “Yun. Qixuan. Zhi. Qi. I have met Mr. Lu Yin.”

Lu Yin was surprised: “Are you Wang Chenchen’s master, Yunzhi?”

Wang Chenchen had a master in the fate master clan. It was Xiang Siyu who intervened in the life master’s plan to reverse the king’s bloodline. This allowed the life master to intervene when he wanted to kill Wang Wen, leading to the siege of the cause and effect master.

Although this luck knowledge has never appeared before, Lu Yin has heard about it many times.

I have heard it before in the real world.

Wang Chenchen still admires it very much.

It is said that it is the only dominant race of beings that recognizes and respects human civilization.

“Your Excellency Lu Yin should know about me through Wang Chenchen.” Yun Zhi said politely.

Lu Yin looked at it: “Why are you here?”

“Waiting for you.”

“Wait for me?”

“Your Excellency has obtained the key to the Evil Breaking Mysterious Realm through Yunshan. You can come in. I have been waiting for you here.”

“Why are you waiting for me? You weren’t in the Ancient City of Time. Xiangsiyu brought you out?”


“So it was Xiangsiyu who asked you to wait for me here?”


Lu Yin withdrew his gaze and stopped talking.

Yunzhi said respectfully: “The master asked me to wait for you because he hopes to discuss something with you through me.”

“Why doesn’t she talk to me herself?”

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“The outside world is inconvenient.”

“What happened?”

“Kill Wang Wen.”

Lu Yin was weird and looked at Yunzhi again: “Kill, Wang Wen?”

“That’s right, the Lord wants you to kill Wang Wen. As a condition, he will tell you the reasons for surrounding the Lord of Cause and Effect and collapsing the framework of the universe.” Yun Zhi said it very seriously, but it sounded so absurd to Lu Yin’s ears. Didn’t he already know the reason?

“How long have you been here?” Lu Yin asked.

Yun knows: “Since the collapse of the universe framework.”

“Never seen the Master of Luck again?”


Lu Yin understood, no wonder this guy said those words. He didn’t even know that he had met Xiangsiyu, and even surrounded and killed Xiangsiyu.

Xiang Siyu probably didn’t want to waste time looking for herself, so she left Luck Zhi here to negotiate terms. But it took too long, and she finally found herself first. I’ve probably forgotten this luck by now.

“Okay, I agree.”

Yunzhi was happy: “Do you agree?”

“Not bad.”

“Great, this is a wise choice.”

“You seem very happy. Wang Wen is Wang Chenchen’s ancestor. Killing Wang Wen would not be good for Wang Chenchen.” Lu Yin asked.

Yun Zhi sighed: “Wang Wen is Wang Wen, and Wang Chenchen is Wang Chenchen. There is a huge difference in their thoughts. Even I respect human civilization more than Wang Wen, and Wang Wen himself doesn’t care at all.”

“Do you respect humans?”

“Your Excellency seems to be familiar with Wang Chenchen. Didn’t the child say anything?”

“I told you, I don’t believe it.”

“Understood, but I do respect human civilization, not just human civilization, I respect every civilization, including the gray black ones in the gray world, I respect them all.”


“Since life is born, it has its own reason. The universe cannot allow a life to be born for no reason. No matter how weak the civilization is, their existence must be valuable.”

Lu Yin looked at Yunzhi. The members of the Qi Luck Master clan were all purple air currents and could not see anything: “It would be great if your masters had the same idea as you.” He felt that what Yunzhi said was sincere. Wang Chenchen She is not a child, she can tell the truth from lies in Yun Zhi’s words.

Yun Zhi was horrified: “I dare not speculate on the master’s thoughts.”

Lu Yin said calmly: “I agree, what next?”

Yun knows: “If you agree, do it.”

“You cannot represent your master. I will not believe it just because of your few words. Do you understand what I mean?”

“I understand, but I can’t find the master.”

“Forget it then.” After saying that, he turned around and left.

Yunzhi said hurriedly: “Your Excellency, wait a moment, let me think about it.”


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