Star Odyssey Chapter 5291: Streaming Wheel


This is the power of the Lord of Time covering the universe.

Who would have thought that the majestic master obviously has a cosmic frame covering every square inch, but secretly condenses a line of original years, connected by time frame points, gradually perfected, and hidden under the long river of the master’s years.

Xiang Siyu, who is also the master, doesn’t even know.

Every master has his own methods. If Lu Yin hadn’t happened to notice the location of Sheng Zang, he really wouldn’t have been able to find this trump card.

Now that the trump card has been forcibly revealed, the Lord of Time will surely suffer heavy losses. I just don’t know what I can bring to myself. ??

The original years of the past cannot be seen even in the Time of Prosperity Realm. Now it is very clear that it has turned into a river flowing through it. It cannot be compared with the main River of Time, but it is much more spectacular than the tributaries of the River of Time.

Xue Hou and other original years are also in it, just like the tributaries of this original years.

The tributaries extend like tentacles, and there are many of them, which means that there are many people who practice the Nine Transformations in the years.

There are thirty-six ancient cities in the years. Even if there is only one strong person in the ancient city of the years, there are at least thirty-six. These strong people should have practiced the Nine Transformations. Coupled with the main sequence of licensed creatures and years, the number is up.

Lu Yin slowly stretched out his hand and touched the original years.

The moment he touched, time passed, and the powerful years pushed him back.

Obviously, the original years have been cut off just a few inches away, but this power of years still makes Lu Yin feel difficult to control.

In fact, over the years, he has occasionally thought about what it would be like if Xiangsiyu and the others attacked the master of time and he could touch the original time. He thought a lot, and now he is trying them one by one.

It is not advisable to directly absorb the power of time. I have just tried it.

So, what about directing your attack along the original years towards the master of time? It’s not impossible, but this may cause the Lord of Time to take action.

Another way is to use a streamer boat.

If the streamer boat wants to grow, it needs to absorb time that cannot last forever. In the past, it was absorbed from the tributaries of the Long River of Time, where there was too much stagnant time. Once a cultivator made a move to stagnate time, time that could be absorbed would be formed in the Long River of Time, slowly growing the boat of light.

Now, this original time is actually the greatest time that cannot be compared with the long river of time. Because this is the power that belongs exclusively to the master of time.

It should be absorbed.

Thinking about it, the streamer boat appeared, and with Lu Yin’s control, it rushed towards the original years and submerged.

The powerful repulsive force almost shattered the Liuguang boat. Fortunately, Lu Yin himself has the majestic power of time, which has reached the value of 500. It is considered the power to dominate the beginning of the level. With such majestic power of time, it can be compared Keep the streamer boat into its original years.

Absorb it for me.

#Every time verification appears, please do not use incognito mode!

br>The streamer boat surges and rises and falls with the years. Visible to the naked eye, the years are absorbed, while the boat is growing.

Lu Yin’s eyes widened, and they really got bigger.

This original time does not belong to the main river of time. The strength of the Lord of Time is evident. It has truly created a time that is independent of the main river of time. Although it is still very small and insignificant now, as long as it is given time or has another opportunity to strengthen, this original time may not be able to become the second main river of time. .

The era of disorder is actually an opportunity for dominance.

It allows them to break through to the next level.

Lu Yin could not imagine how powerful this original age would be if the master of time broke through.

I don’t really want to replace the Lord of Time. If it can be done, the time separated by just an inch will be dominated by time. Who else can resist?

I think about it, now the master of time has no chance.

The majestic battle was so close that no living thing other than the battlefield could be seen clearly.

The gray power of time is like the floating catkins, turning the huge battlefield into an almost dreamy place. The long river of time is constantly twisting, struggling under the power of luck, death and fantasy, so that it drags out an even larger long river of time.

If you wish, the long river of time can cover every inch of space.

Seeing the Lord of Time getting bigger and bigger, the Lord of Time suddenly felt something in his heart and looked towards the inner and outer heavens.

I always feel like something is making me uneasy, but I have no time to distract myself from the current battle, so I can only let it go temporarily.

In the inner and outer sky, within the realm of True Time Rong, the streamer boat has expanded like a giant ship and is still expanding. This source of time is only smaller than the main river of time, but if viewed alone, it is larger and wider than any tributary of the long river of time.

And what the Flowing Light Boat has absorbed so far is only a drop in the bucket. Even so, Lu Yin is already very satisfied. No matter how big the streamer boat can be in the future, it will all be profitable.

This wave of enhancements is more cost-effective than his years of hard work.

He has not done much to enhance the streamer boat. As a result, this streamer boat is no longer good enough at the main level of war. The ability to turn back time is simply at the mercy of the power of time.

What’s more, a small boat cannot turn back the long river of time.

Secondly, the main level of war is the main river of time. Facing the majestic main river of time, it is difficult for a small boat to sail normally, and it cannot be as easy as on the tributaries of the long river of time.

So the streamer boat has been shelved,

Not used.

This is different now.

It is no longer a small boat of light, but a big ship of light, no, a giant ship of light.

Big, thick, heavy. It’s overwhelming at first glance.

Coupled with the power of his own years, it is conceivable that this streamer can sail on the long river of time.

Some time has passed, and the streamer has grown several times again. Lu Yin has already limited its size, so he can just increase its intensity.

At this moment, the Lord of Time finally realized something was wrong. It’s obvious. .??.

It looks at the sky inside and outside, and sees who is sneaking up on it in the dark, attacking its original years.

The original years have been cut off by Xiang Siyu and the others, but they can still be connected. However, the mouse in the dark has really weakened the power of the original years. Hateful, who is it?

It flicked its tail, clearing the void. Layers of pictures flashed by in an instant, and an attack disappeared into one of the pictures. It was a scene of itself in the inner and outer heavens.

It attacks into the past and into the future, manifesting itself in the inner and outer heavens.

In the distance, Xiangsiyu and the others also noticed: “There are creatures sneaking up on the years.”

“It must be Taoist Master Chess. After all, he told us the truth about the sacrifice of the universe.”

“Stop it.”

“No fight?”

“If you want to take advantage behind your back, you can’t kill Sui Yue anyway, so let Sui Yue kill him. Don’t tell me this is not what you want.”

Wang Wen smiled and said: “Okay.”

In the inner and outer world, Lu Yin was still growing stronger. At the moment when the Lord of Time pushed his attack into the past, he felt something in his heart. When the power of time reaches the value of 500, it is not just that the power of time is majestic. It also has a more sensitive awareness of the long river of time in the entire universe.

And he also discovered that as more and more power reached the level of domination, his awareness and sensitivity to the universe also increased.

So at this moment, he did not hesitate to withdraw his light, turned around and disappeared.

The moment after he disappeared, with almost no time interval, the attack of the Lord of Time came. Gray flashes shatter the true glory of time.

Except for the original years, there is nothing left in the real years.

Even Shi Cai was annihilated by gray and died silently.

On the periphery, all the creatures of the Time Master clan were stunned. Isn’t this the power of the Lord? Why did it come here? Shi Caizaixia?

In the Taibai Fate Realm, Lu Yin appeared and looked into the distance in shock. He was almost, just a little bit close. The Lord of Time was really ruthless. He didn’t care if his family members were there or not, he just wiped them out.

Shi Cai will definitely die.

#Every time verification appears, please do not use incognito mode!

What a pity.

Well, it’s time to go.

The entire inner and outer world was shocked by the attack of the Lord of Time. No one thought that the person who destroyed the true glory of time was actually the master of time himself.

The news of Shi Cai’s death also spread.

The Lord of Time is crazy, why is the attack coming to the inner and outer heavens?

The Lord of Time will not give them this answer. Neither will the few in the know.

Destined to be a mystery.

Lu Yin teleported away, left the inner and outer sky, and returned to Xiangcheng. But just a few inches apart, Xiangsiyu, Wang Wen and the others also retreated. The Lord of Time simply did not dare to pursue it. From the very beginning of this battle, Origin Year was attacked by surprise, causing it to be damaged. If we pursue it, who knows what will happen.

The relationship between master and master is not unbreakable.

Who stipulates that the master of life will never attack it?

What it wants to do now is to heal its wounds and restore its original years.

However, the secret of the original years has been discovered. Even if it recovers, it cannot be the same as before. It now wants to know why this secret was exposed.

Xiangcheng, Lu Yin returned, teleported directly, and kept taking Xiangcheng away from the mother tree. He did not stop until half a year later and began to study Liuguang.

Today’s streamers are already spectacular.

As big as a giant ship, enough to carry tens of thousands of people, he sailed the tributaries of the long river of time with the stream of light. The years were pushed aside, and the ripples almost overturned Zhao Ran’s wooden boat.

Hehe, the old guy swayed angrily: “You almost pushed me into the river.”

Lu Yin apologized and said hello: “Next time, be gentler, be gentler.”

After eradicating the Inner Ferryman clan, that “Seven” naturally died. He was one of the killed Inner Ferryman creatures. Lu Yin didn’t need to know which one. As long as he knows that “Seven” is dead, the old guy will be free.

Now it is staring at Zhaoran.

Zhaoran is the only one connected to the inner ferryman.

“This is so big.” Zhao Ran walked out, eyes wide. When Bai Xian’er was not parasitic on her body, she was in her normal state, sometimes aloof, sometimes showing her former state.

Lu Yin stood on the streamer and looked down at the old guy Hehe and Zhaoran: “Do you want to come up?”

Facing the stream of light, the tributaries of this long river seem small and a bit crowded.

“Haha, you are suitable for sailing on the long river of the Lord’s time.”

“Of course, I’m prepared for it.”

“Why did you grow so big all of a sudden?”

“Thank you to the Lord of Time.”

Zhaoran rowed the boat out of the way, and Lu Yin sat on the streamer, sitting there for several years.


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