Star Odyssey Chapter 5259: Death Power


Chongyi, who participated in the war between Shengzang and Karma to attack the execution world, ran away after that war and left the inner and outer world, and has not returned until now.

As for Chen, Lu Yin was integrated into his body, which he learned after returning.

So does this bone xun belong to Zhongyi or Lu Yin?

It is more inclined to Zhongyi, but if it is Zhongyi, it is meaningless. A Zhongyi is worthless, if it is Lu Yin.

Thinking of this, it headed in that direction.

I hope it’s Lu Yin.

It requires Lu Yin.

Just far away in that direction, a distance that is difficult for ordinary creatures of the three laws to reach, the Lord of Death has his eyes on that place and is heading there.

For the Lord of Death, although the area is large, it is not out of reach.

As long as you sense the location of the bone xun, you can find it.

Lu Yin didn’t know that the Lord of Death was eyeing him. He held the bone xun and looked at it deeply, discarding the messy thoughts just now in his mind.

Although there are many ideas, they involve the cognition of the dominant level. The more I think about it, the worse it will be.

On the contrary, it was the way Gu Xun moved that interested him more.

When he teleported away from the master of life again and again, he thought that the essence of teleportation is time rather than space. Then, the essence of Guxun’s movement is not space, but death.

Every move it makes does not step on space and has nothing to do with time, but on death.

This is what he once ignored.

I was also deceived by the way Gu Xun moved.

I used to think that the bone marrow bent the branches and moved them. This was indeed the case. It really bent the branches.

What can bend a branch is not necessarily strength, it can also be death.

If this is the case, it means that as long as you can see through the movement of the bones, you can find the point of the power of death. This point has only been found by the Lord of Death.

He stared at the bone xun to study, and from time to time he would pour in the power of death, but the bone xun was as invisible as a precision instrument.

After studying for several years, he teleported and disappeared in place. It was time to change positions. The habits of these years prevented him from staying in one position.

In the distance, the Lord of Death stopped and disappeared.

The dark pupils flashed with ripples, becoming more and more gloomy. Did you realize you were running away? Or is it for other reasons?

Huh? It appeared again, and it was closer, much closer.

The Death Lord looked in another direction, and the distance was ten times closer than before. It’s that Lu Yin, that’s absolutely right, Zhong Yi doesn’t have that speed.

But what does that human mean? Approaching yourself on purpose?

No, if they were close, they wouldn’t be separated by these distances.

He didn’t know that he was looking for him, and he came to his current position accidentally.

Great. Facing the encirclement and attack by Wang Wen and others, I am not sure. However, Lu Yin, no matter how powerful he is, is at most as strong as Qianji Guiyan. The strength of Qianji Guiyan alone can still easily solve the problem.

It suppressed the aura as much as possible, blended into the dark starry sky, and approached Lu Yin.

Lu Yin continued to study the bone xun.

He didn’t know that the direction he had teleported to this time was actually closer to the Lord of Death.

Everyone’s luck is really bad.

Since Xiang Siyu and the others surrounded and killed Karma, the good luck given to him has disappeared. Especially when Xiang Siyu had murderous intentions towards him, he should have been unlucky.

But he avoided the pursuit of the master time and time again, absorbed the power of the universe frame, and encountered the fairy feathers.

Lu Yin doesn’t know whether what happened has anything to do with luck, just like life and time don’t understand why Xiang Siyu and Death Lord are besieging and killing them.

Some answers are destined to be difficult to get.

But some people don’t need answers either.

Decades later, Lu Yin held the bone xun and suddenly felt uneasy, and a terrifying crisis came.

He subconsciously moved instantly, but the entire universe was within the palm of his hand.

Looking up, his pupils shrank sharply, how is this possible?

The dark pupils seemed to cover the entire starry sky, looking down at him. Darkness rose into the sky, grasping the universe, and holding the sky in its hands.

“Humanity, surrender to me.”

The Lord of Death, this is the Lord of Death.

Lu Yin did not expect that the Death Lord would actually appear. It was still far away from him, otherwise he would not have felt a sense of crisis when it took action. It can only be said that the area it covered was too large, so large that it seemed to encompass the entire A square inch apart.

I am within its palm.

The Lord of Death raised his other huge palm and snapped it down: “Human, surrender to me.”

Lu Yin spat out a mouthful of blood. Before his palm fell, the lifeless power in his body was instantly withdrawn, just like the separation of bones and blood. He watched another huge palm fall, gritted his teeth and growled, “Get out–” Streaming light flew around the card, and the air flow Influx, the extreme of things will reverse, the power will explode, and nine changes will occur.

Punch forward and come forward.

The Star Fist, a civilized star fight, along with the air current and extremely strong power, made a gap in the starry sky, and also penetrated the Death Lord’s palm.


Palm after palm strike, Lu Yin’s whole body was bombarded by the feeling of the universe collapsing, and he vomited blood again, but he punched through the Death Lord’s palm, which Wang Wen and the others failed to do. Take this opportunity to penetrate the palm of your hand, release the law of cause and effect, and repair your body crazily with the energy of life. Use the Nirvana Tree Technique to blast me.

Another punch came out.

The entire universe is moving backwards.

This punch hit those dark eyes.


This punch tore through the darkness and silence. It also caused the deathly power in Lu Yin’s body to boil, and he broke free from the Death Lord’s control in an instant.

The Lord of Death was shocked, it was impossible, this human being had actually touched the power of death?

The dark pupils vibrated, and in front of me, bamboos rose up one after another. The Silent Sea of ​​Death became nutrients. Countless Death Lords and a clan of creatures turned into darkness and merged into the bamboos, penetrating towards Lu Yin. The small bamboo forest, death or life .

Lu Yin punched the bamboo forest with one punch, breaking each bamboo into pieces, but the speed became slower and slower.

The power of five hundred values, the blessing of the Nine Transformations, and the Nirvana Tree Technique were unable to penetrate the small bamboo forest at once.

The Lord of Death swung his palms horizontally, one palm restrained Lu Yin’s Fanxing Fist, and the other hit Lu Yin’s right shoulder, breaking half of his body into pieces.

Lu Yin flew out and faced the Lord of Death, but he was still beaten miserably.

Turn over, in your hand, the consciousness condenses the bow, the years make the strings, the twelve colors of divine power gather, blending with the deathly silence, 80%, shoot for me.

An arrow penetrated the small bamboo forest and pierced the dark eyes.

His eyes were averted, but the darkness was pierced, and a gap was opened in the death realm of the Silent Sea.

The Lord of Death was dumbfounded. How could this human being have such terrifying fighting power?

Power, consciousness, the breath of life, even death can get rid of itself.

Qianji Guiyan still had to join forces with Death Qi to hold back his control over the power of Death. This was the result of their countless years of practice, and yet this human being had only been practicing for so long, and yet he was directly at odds with himself.

Did he touch death, or see death clearly?

Lu Yin shot out an arrow, each arrow was extremely powerful, and they all pierced the darkness.

The Lord of Death clapped his palms together and shattered an arrow. Lu Yin’s eyes widened suddenly, with blood at the corner of his mouth. The heavenly law of cause and effect was released, and the surging cause and effect came suddenly. The great sorrow of cause and effect, smash it to me.

The dark eyes were raised, looking at the majestic Karma and Great Compassion.

Even cause and effect are so vast.

“Old guy, I’ve been waiting for you for a long time.” Lu Yin roared, and terrifying active power surged out of his body. This was the nemesis of the dead power. They restrained each other. At the same time, with one palm, he pushed the object back into the dead power. The darkness turned into white and rolled out, extremely conspicuous under the dark starry sky.

The Lord of Death couldn’t believe that he couldn’t take down such a human being who only conformed to two laws of the universe.

His combat power cannot be calculated by realm.

Power, cause and effect have all reached the dominance level.

This human being is more difficult to deal with than Wang Wen and others.

Wait for yourself?

Watching the activity constantly pouring out, the scar deep in the memory was uncovered. It was the sneak attack by the Velvet Civilization after the battle with Mi Zhu. It was precisely because of that battle that it was difficult for him to return to the inner and outer world for countless years, and he had no choice but to Don’t dwell on the unknown.

Dark eyes stared at Lu Yin, feeling the terrifying active power in his body.


In its current state, it cannot defeat this human being. Although it does not want to admit it, it knows that this human being possesses multi-faceted dominance-level powers. Even if it can be killed, the price it pays will be extremely heavy. This should not be borne by itself now. of.


The darkness recedes like a tide.

Want to leave?

Lu Yin’s whole body was numb and he was seriously injured. How many times did the Lord of Death only take action? Just beat yourself up like this.

Leave after the fight.

His ferocity was aroused: “Old guy, it’s too late to run away now.” As he said that, he shot arrows continuously, turning into a rain of arrows covering the stars.

On the starry sky, countless bamboos rise from the ground to block the rain of arrows.

Lu Yin teleported and rushed into the darkness. Centered on himself, the white light spread in a circle. It was active power. He raised his right fist and punched it down.

White ripples spread out wildly under the power of the fist, eroding towards the surrounding darkness.

The twelve colors of divine power also overflowed at the same time.

The eyes of the Death Lord shook and disappeared. The next moment, the terrifying figure slowly straightened up, and it was still a powerful way to support the sky.

With this method, Lu Yin teleported, but he couldn’t avoid it.

No one seems to be able to avoid it.

Within one palm, everything is a square inch.

The dark shadow from above shrouded the entire universe, bringing indescribable pressure, suffocation, and horror.

Lu Yin bit his teeth and the strength he had accumulated exploded instantly, and his whole body oozed blood due to the excessive strength.

Overhead, the Lord of Death claps his palms together.

Lu Yin jumped up and punched.

The same scene reappeared, but this time, the palm of the Death Lord avoided Lu Yin’s punch. He shot horizontally. Lu Yin seemed to have expected it. He punched the air and turned around with the help of his strength. The other hand gathered flowing light and flew. The air flow and the green light of the Nirvana Tree are waving.

The darkness was completely torn apart.

The universe fell into endless cracks, shattering like glass.

Lu Yin was thrown away by the suffocating pressure and vomited blood in the void.

The Death Lord was also shaken out of the darkness. This was the first time that it escaped from the Sea of ​​Silence, and even Wang Wen and the others had not completely escaped from the previous siege.

Under those dark pupils, there is an absolutely dark figure, floating like air currents.

Lu Yin looked up with difficulty and saw the Lord of Death.

The Lord of Death also saw him.

Lu Yin’s eyes widened: “Don’t even think about running away.” After saying that, he teleported.

The Lord of Death ran away, not even leaving the Silent Sea Death Realm, leaving countless small bamboo forests along the way to block Lu Yin.


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