Star Odyssey Chapter 5256: Immortal Star Map


In the distance, Mingchu had already escaped when Lu Yin asked the second question. It knew that Mingfan was a traitor. No wonder Mingqing was dead and it was still alive. No wonder it could lead its kin to escape from the inner and outer heavens. It was almost a disaster. The one who suffered the least loss among the dominant clan did not even lose the key to the true Taibai Fate Realm.

Wrong, it is a traitor, Taibai Fate Realm has long been seen clearly by that human being.


Mingfan glanced into the distance and was not in a hurry. Run away? Can you escape? It was simply impossible. Death must have guessed that he had betrayed his own kind, which was not a good thing for this human being. How could he let it escape.

No matter how much you try to escape, it’s useless.

“The ruler of life is not in the inner and outer heavens?”

“No, I’m going to find the master of cause and effect.”

“No wonder.” Lu Yin teleported away and reappeared in front of the end of his life. He clasped his hands behind his back and looked at it calmly: “Actually, I think you are pretty good. Do you want to help me?”

The life suddenly stops, and the vitality covers the whole body, directly bursting out the ninety-eight-month armed vitality. At the same time, the life is unlimited, and there is no idea of ​​hiding the strength, Chong.

This place is not far from the Inner and Outer Heaven. As long as you cross the Liuying Bridge, you can announce this matter to the entire Inner and Outer Heaven.

There is a chance.

There must be a chance.


With a soft sound, the wind in my ears stopped, and the void also stopped. No, it wasn’t those things that stopped, but it stopped itself.

On the head, a hand pressed against it, directly crushing and shattering its ninety-eight months of vitality. Life was unlimited under this hand. It was like a joke. It was obviously just a hand, but it seemed to become a piece of sky, a piece of sky. It can’t escape no matter what.

Lu Yin grabbed Ming Ming’s head with one hand and said slowly: “Now that I think about it, you don’t seem to be worth much. So, the same old rules.” After saying that, without waiting for Ming Ming’s reaction, he took it directly. Throw it into the point of hell.

The greatest value to him from living longer is increasing cause and effect, nothing more.

Subsequently, Lu Yin appeared in front of Mingfan again.

At this moment, Mingfan was equally shocked. It had only been a long time since they had been separated, but this person actually suppressed Mingfan with one hand. Although Ming Ming is not as good as Ming Qing, he still has the destructive power of the strongest when he explodes with all his strength, and he was suppressed by one hand.

This human being has become stronger again, incredibly strong.

“Can you explain for killing it?”

“Just say he died at the hands of Ba Se.”

“It’s indeed Base, what did he do?”

Mingfan told what happened during this period, and Lu Yin was a little stunned.

He stopped playing with the Inner and Outer Sky, and Ba Color actually stepped forward and caused a new round of war, and it was a war after the return of the Overlord. Isn’t he afraid of the Overlord’s appearance?

Base is not stupid. He can’t do anything if the master appears. So there is only one possibility for why the master does not appear. He is sure that the master will not appear.

The Lord of Time is in the Ancient City of Time. There used to be several Lords there, but now due to the small distance, there is only one Lord of Time left, and it cannot move.

When the Lord of Life went to find the Lord of Cause and Effect, he definitely wanted to find out why Xiang Siyu, the Lord of Death and the others attacked the Lord of Cause and Effect. This reason was extremely important, and it was so important that many issues could be ignored.

So, what about Xiangsiyu?

Where is the Lord of Death?

Who will guarantee that they will not return to Inner and Outer Heaven?

Wang Wen.

Only Wang Wen can guarantee it.

Base, Wang Wen, they have joined forces.

Lu Yin pondered for a moment, then turned to look at the inner and outer sky. Since Ba Se dared to take action, he could do it too.

“Take me to the real Taibai Fate Realm. The Immortal Star Map should be back.”

In the real Taibai Fate Realm, Lu Yin saw the Immortal Star Map.

I have been here before and saw the imprint left here by the Immortal Star Chart. I could not see clearly and gained little. But now, he can see it clearly.

In the Immortal Star Map, the thirty-six points flicker on and off. The surging vitality makes life a little bit too much to bear. The ordinary life masters are destined to die when they enter.

But Lu Yin doesn’t care. The life energy he possesses is extremely majestic. This vitality is not enough to do anything to him. After all, he is someone who has absorbed it.

Step by step, we walked to the Immortal Star Map and looked up.

Mingfan didn’t know what Lu Yin was going to do, so he could only leave here and let Lu Yin do whatever he wanted.

Lu Yin was able to come here because he took the key to the real Taibai Fate Realm from Ming Sui. This explanation is very reasonable, because after Ming Sui returned from the ancient city of years, Ming Fan gave it the key. .

This made Lu Yin look at Ming Fan with admiration. He was indeed an old guy who had not revealed Ming Zuo’s betrayal and could still have a backup plan. His scheming skills were quite impressive.

It knows very well that as long as it does not die, it will one day use the key to enter the real Taibai destiny.

Once inside, the master will know it, and whoever holds the key will be unlucky.

So after the end of life returned to the inner and outer heaven, he immediately handed over the key that represented the power of Taibai Fate Realm. Not only did he make friends with Mingsu and make him satisfied with him, but he also eliminated hidden dangers. In the future, if the master found that he had entered the real world, The Taibai Fate Realm is also a matter of end of life and has nothing to do with it.

It is true that each of them can live for such a long time not in vain.

At this moment, Lu Yin ignored Mingfan and everything in the outside world, only staring at the Immortal Star Map.

In the eyes of other creatures, the Immortal Star Map only represents the supreme power of the Master of Life, and nothing else can be seen. But he has seen the battle between the Master of Life and the master of the active heart, and knows that the Immortal Star Map is a materialization. Combat skills, he now wants to spy on the power of the master of life through the Eternal Star Map.


Bi Xuanyue said that the master of life is unfathomable and you can never see through it.

Although Xiangsiyu and the others had the upper hand and defeated the Lord of Cause and Effect, leaving the Lord of Life with no time to take care of other matters, in fact Lu Yin had never underestimated the Lord of Life.

Slowly closing his eyes, his heart beat vigorously, and murmured to himself: “Activity, life, since you have had a battle with life, let me see what are the essential differences between you.” After saying that, inside the body, , the vitality drawn by the activity goes towards the immortal star chart.

In the inner and outer world, the news of his disappearance spread out, immediately attracting the attention of Shi Cai, Yun Xin, and Sheng Ying.

Everyone came to Taibai Fate Realm to ask.

Nowadays, with the rain of lovesickness, the Lord of Death and the others have left. The one who controls the inner and outer heavens is the Lord of Life, so the outside world is very concerned about everything that happens in the Taibai Fate Realm.

“Mingfan, what happened? Why did Mingfan disappear?” Shi Cai asked.

Ming Fan sighed: “I advised it to be careful of Ba Se. That Ba Se once formed an unknown group with Wang Wen. It is insidious and cunning, so don’t be careless. But senior Ming Shun thought that he had seen Ba Se clearly after many battles. Sex, so he insisted on studying divine power despite my dissuasion.”

“Our mission was to saw off the tree trunk that was eroded by divine power, but it.” At this point, he sighed again: “When I looked for my senior, I couldn’t find it.”

Shengying stared at Mingfan: “Base took action?”

Mingfan shook his head: “I don’t know.”


Order Fan to tell you the location.

“Keep looking, it might be safe.”

“Notify us of any news.”


A few years later, Shi Cai and the others went into Taibai Fate Realm again to inquire about the circumstances of his death, but the result was still the same: he was missing and there was no news.

Then again.

“Strange, since he died and disappeared, there has been no trace of Ba Color, and he no longer attacks the mother tree from all directions.”

“Is it related to the end of life?”

“You can’t deal with the Eight Colors with your life-ending strength, so it probably has nothing to do with it.”

“Mingfan, you said before that you wanted to study divine power in the end of your life? What do you mean?”

Base is speechless, it just said it casually, otherwise how could it fabricate the circumstances of separation from it at the end of life. Unexpectedly, Bashi also disappeared. The two things were connected and became a problem on its side.

“I don’t know about this.”

Shi Cai stared at Mingfan: “Have you discovered the weakness of the divine power?”

Saint Shadow said: “If this were not the case, how could Life End be able to deal with the Eight Colors? The Eight Colors suddenly disappeared, and Life End also disappeared. There must be something wrong with one of them.”

The voice of Yun Xin came out: “The divine power is not created by the master, and it is normal for it to be seen through. If you are destined to die, you will not want to use your divine power to become the next Ba Se or Wang Wen.”

“In other words, the master of life is back, either personally taking action, or giving guidance on the end of life, so that you can gain the use of divine power in your life.” Shi Cai guessed again.

Mingfan didn’t know how to explain it, it was just said casually.

Faced with these suspicions, it would have felt reasonable if it had not known that Lu Yin would eventually capture him.

“There is no need to worry too much. If you are really worried, you can investigate on your own.”

“How can we be sure that the location you mentioned is true?”

“We have looked at that location and there are no traces of battle.”

“Mingfan, I suddenly remembered that you are the one who hides the deepest. The one who sat with you in the inner and outer world, Shi Bu died in the battle, Sheng Qing died, Yun Shan disappeared, and you are the only one who is not only alive and well , and made meritorious deeds.”

“You are the best at hiding together in your life.”

“Where will your life end?”

Is it wrong to live without being able to argue? The key is that there is something wrong with it.

Not long after, Mingfan finally sent these people away. It felt like there was no suspicion on the part of the same race, but there was doubt on the outside world. There won’t be any problems here.

Far away, a portal slowly opened from the void. The first thing that walked out was the white unknown, and then, the eight colors walked out.

After the eight colors came out, the white unknown immediately returned to the door, then closed the door and disappeared.

After being caught by Lu Yin, after increasing the cause and effect of White Agnostic, he gave it back to Ba Color because Ba Color said it was useful.

One white is unknown and the other is Weixi, which are useful for all eight colors.

After White Agnostic left.

Base looked in one direction from a distance: “This day has finally come.” After saying that, he walked in that direction, his breath gradually becoming more and more secret.

In the true Taibai Fate Realm, Lu Yin had been silent for nearly ten years, suddenly opened his eyes, struck out with a palm, and things would turn upside down.

Originally, he wanted to spy on the power of the master of life, but found that he could not spy on it at all.

This immortal star map is a container that carries the majestic vitality. The more you peek into it, the clearer it becomes. It is too clear to be true. It’s been like this for ten years. He didn’t dare to waste it all the time. If this was the case, then the extreme end of things would lead to real death.

Ordinary vitality cannot be elicited. He once said that the extremes of matter must be directed at active matter in order to elicit the power of death.

The opposite of vitality is death. This death is not a power, but a state.


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