Star Odyssey Chapter 5254: erosion


Time passed, and two hundred years later, the section of the trunk where the sacred tree took root was completely dyed in twelve colors, as if it were a huge lying sacred tree, and the divine power continued to dye more and more along this branch. The speed of big branches is getting faster and faster.

But looking at the entire mother tree, it is still inconspicuous.

An ant nest like a huge dam.

In a chaotic square inch, twelve colors of divine power flowed completely from the lines of the eight-color body. His combat power continued to increase with the range of the flow of divine power, as if his strength was related to the coverage of the twelve colors of divine power.

On this day, outside the Liuying Bridge, a creature fled in a hurry, trying to cross the Liuying Bridge and escape into Yunting. But the moment it stepped onto the Liuying Bridge, its body was entangled by divine power and dragged away, before disappearing. Let out a desperate wail.

The Liuying Bridge seems to be a boundary. The divine power stops when it reaches the Liuying Bridge, and then saturates and drips along the branches. It drips from one branch to another and continues to saturate.

These divine powers seem to be conscious, and any creature that sees them will be transformed, no one is exception.

The more divine power is imbued, the faster it spreads. When the fifth branch was completely imbued with twelve colors, it finally attracted the attention of the inner and outer heavens.

At first, it was investigated by creatures from the seventy-two realms, but it never returned. After the news came back, it was immediately reported to the Dominator Clan, who then assigned experts to investigate, including even a three-law expert.

This three-law powerhouse comes from the seventy-two realms and has never participated in the war between the inner and outer heavens because it is not good at fighting.

But now that there is a shortage of masters in the inner and outer world, it is used.

The creatures of the dominant clan are still aloof, and an order has to be dispatched.

When this three-law creature never returned, it finally alerted the senior leaders of the Dominator clan.

Yunxin asked Yunguo to investigate and brought up the divine power.

Although it was not identified, the divine power could still recognize it. Divine power is quite famous, after all, it can be positioned as an anti-ancient point. The dominant clan once valued it extremely and wanted to take it away.

But as the sacred tree a few inches away was broken and the lines of divine power disappeared, they gave up temporarily.

Lu Yin occupies the illusory realm of illusion, unknown reconstruction, and the return of the Eight Colors. These master clans all know it, but they can’t even deal with Lu Yin, let alone steal the divine power.

Now, seeing the divine power eroding the mother tree, Yun Guo feels something is wrong. Could it be that humans have returned?

“You have to be careful. The original unknowability belonged to the Lord, and the current unknowability belongs to human civilization.” Yun Xin reminded Yun Guo.

The luck is uneasy, and I really want to let the luck go, but it has no right to influence the decision of the luck.

The five masters in the free period, one of the most powerful ones, the master of death with thousands of tricks and tricks, etc. disappeared, Shigui disappeared, the misfortune was bad, Mingqing died in the battle, Shengrou was captured, and now he lives and dies with the battle of the masters. I don’t know, but there is only one lucky person who is alive and well.

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>Even if the Master of Fate and the Master of Life left the inner and outer sky due to the battle, Luck together was not liquidated.

No one knows what the fate master is doing.

The Lord of Luck is elusive, and for the family of Lords of Luck, the Lord of Life and the Lord of Time are no different.

Now that the Lord of Time has returned to the Ancient City of Time, there must be a Lord sitting there.

The master of life has left and I don’t know where he went.

The ones who sit in the Time of Prosperity Realm and the Taibai Fate Realm are the creatures of the Lord Clan whose seniority is by no means lower than that of the Lord. The seniority of such creatures is higher than that of Yun Xin.

Seniority does not mean strength, but since it can be arranged by the master to sit in the inner and outer world, its strength will not be much different.

At least when this kind of thing happens, Yun Xin can’t find them. In order to stay in the inner and outer heavens safely, it even has to share some things for them, such as this incident.

Yun Xin will definitely not check the strange appearance of divine power in person, only the effects of luck.

As for Yunshan, he disappeared long ago during the battle with the Grand Palace Master.

Nowadays, except for those who stay in the Ancient City of Time, they are the only ones who can take advantage of the destiny master clan.

“Human beings should not dare to appear again.” Yun Guo said.

Yun Xin didn’t plan to discuss it with it and just let it go.

Yun Guo goes to investigate divine power.

There are only five tree trunks corroded by the divine power, so most of the outside of Yunting is safe. Yun Guo does not plan to go directly from Yunting to the eroded tree trunks, but observes from the outside.

After a short teleport, he was only a few inches away, looking at the five eroded tree trunks from a distance.

The erosion continues.

Yun Guo lets Wei Xi get closer.

Weixi is even more uneasy. As a fairy, this is not the first time it has dealt with the unknown. The divine power makes it particularly uncomfortable.

But under the command of Yunguo, we can only approach slowly.

Suddenly, a ray of divine power pierced the void and headed towards Yunguo.

The luck is astounding and brings purple luck.

Qi Luck was pierced by divine power. This blow directly penetrated the body of Luck and dragged it towards the tree trunk.

“Take me away quickly.” Yun Guo was shocked and couldn’t resist. This was the attack of the strongest. The gap was too big. It didn’t even have unlimited life.

Ke Weixi teleported away and disappeared, not daring to stay at all.

Yun Guo was furious, but was dragged away by the divine power and disappeared.

On the other side, Weixi did not leave, but returned to the inner and outer heavens, leaving behind in its body


The power of luck is to prevent it from escaping.

Once you escape, you will die.

Must go back.

“Dragged away all of a sudden?” Yun Xin was surprised.

Wei Xi panicked and said: “Yes, that divine power surpasses all the unknowns I have ever seen. No unknown can give me such great pressure. It is the complete twelve-color divine power. It is as if the divine power has consciousness. .”

Eight colors flashed in Yun Xin’s mind, including Lu Yin and Wang Wen.

Wang Wen is impossible, he has already left. If he were here, the Lord would not leave.

Lu Yin? It’s impossible, he doesn’t dare to come back at all.

There are only eight colors left.

Base is one of the unknown leaders. It is not impossible to say that he can control complete divine power.

But shouldn’t Ba Se be with Lu Yin? Lu Yin didn’t even dare to come, how dare he?

Yun Xin doesn’t understand.

At this time, a group of creatures from the Time Master clan came to the PoE Xuan Realm and asked to see their luck.

“Shi Caicai, please ask Yun Xinzai to go and investigate the matter of divine power corroding the mother tree, and please provide the results as soon as possible.” The creatures of the Time Lord Clan spoke indifferently, and did not care about Yun Xin’s identity. It is just a two-law eternal realm, but now that all the luck masters have run away, and the status of the fate master clan has completely disappeared, its arrogance has been reflected.

Yun Xin said in a deep voice: “We are already investigating, please wait a moment, senior.”

The creatures of the Time Lord clan stared at Yun Xin, “It’s best to do it as soon as possible. You know Shi Caizai’s temper.” After saying that, he left.

On the surface of Yun Xin’s body, the purple air flow is unstable. A mere two-level creature dares to be so arrogant towards it. If the master hadn’t left, how could it dare to do this?

Shi Cai, a creature of the Time Master clan whose seniority is comparable to that of the Lord. It relies on its seniority, and few creatures can catch its eye. Although it has practiced nine transformations, it itself is only comparable to Yunshan. Jiubian can barely reach the level of the strongest, which is much different from Shigui.

But he is senior.

It is even rumored that the Lord of Time has called him brother, and no one dares to offend him.

No one can offend the current fate-dominated clan.

Yun Xin can only check it out in person.

Soon after, Weixi brought Yunxin to the location where Yunguo had been captured. As expected, the divine power came again.

However, luck is not the fruit of luck. It already possesses the strongest combat power, and divine power alone cannot do anything to it. Finally, Bashi showed up.

Seeing Ba Se appear, Yun Xin was shocked: “It is indeed you, why did you appear? Where is Lu Yin?”

Eight colors calmly face Yun Xin, twelve colors of divine power soar into the sky, connected to the tree trunk, step out, facing Yun Xin is one

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The divine power has never really shown its combat power since it was created. What the dominant clan only values ​​​​is its positioning against the ancient times.

Now, Yun Xin saw the fighting posture of the twelve colors of divine power.

It lost this battle.

However, with the help of Hongtai, it escaped back to the inner and outer heavens and brought the result of this battle with it.

Suddenly, the clan of the Inner and Outer Heavenly Lords were shocked, and masters went to encircle and suppress the Eight Colors one by one.

After several years, the divine power is still eroding the mother tree, and has already eroded many tree trunks. It is obvious from the outside that the difference in some tree trunks is obvious.

In the chaotic distance, eight colors walked out of the huge sacred tree, turned to look into the distance, and waited for a while, the body slowly split, turning into lines that wrapped around the sacred tree, and the twelve colors of divine power wrapped the entire The sacred tree was wrapped, and then some branches were pulled up.

Behind, Weixi stared blankly, what was he doing? Will the divine power be lost if the branches of the sacred tree are pulled out? Doesn’t this fail?

In the previous battle between Ba Se and Yun Xin, although Yun Xin escaped, Wei Xi did not.

Ba Color let Yun Xin escape because he wanted to catch Wei Xi.

He needs Wei Xi’s teleportation.

Collecting the branches of the sacred tree, the eight-color voice came out: “Let’s go.”

“Where to go?” Wei Xi asked, her voice panicked. Ever since she met Lu Yin and was caught, she has never been free, and it is the same now.


In an instant, Wei Xi disappeared with her eight colors.

The huge sacred tree is still there, but it is much, much bald.

In the inner and outer heavens, Yunxin came to the glorious realm of time and saw the splendor of time.

In addition to Shicai, there are two scary beings with high seniority. One is the life master of the clan. Ninety-eight. At the end of the month, the seniority is comparable to the life master. He is an old guy. The other is Saint.Nine Patterns.Shang Zi.Shadow, an existence whose generation transcends the control of cause and effect.

Although the Lord of Cause and Effect is missing, he is not dead.

And the Lord of Cause and Effect is not an enemy of the Lord of Life and the Lord of Time, so the realm of Karma and Fate is fine now, but this holy shadow has returned from the ancient city of Time and is sitting in charge.

Except for the holy shadow, there is no one left in the realm of destiny. All died in the Battle of the Lord.

So although Shengying is said to be in the realm of Karma, he is actually alone.

But no one dares to underestimate it, its strength is unfathomable.

Shi Cai relies on seniority, and life also depends on seniority. Their strength is not even as good as Shi Gui and Ming Qing. Only Shengying is extremely powerful. It is an existence that has been personally blocked by the Lord of Cause and Effect, just like the Grand Palace Master.

Grand Ancestor Gray once said that Holy Shadow’s strength is comparable to it, but in fact, it doesn’t understand Holy Shadow at all.


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