Star Odyssey Chapter 5250: I found you


In this way, two hundred years passed without being found by the master.

And due to the continuous absorption of the power of the universe frame point, his strength in all aspects has greatly increased.

The most direct manifestation is the numerical value of the twelve-sided dice.

The cause and effect reached five hundred.

The consciousness is still five hundred. Although the Yi Que Sutra has been lost, the consciousness in the body is still majestic, and the consciousness within the consciousness frame point also exists. With continuous absorption, it has returned to its peak period.

The energy of life is still five hundred. Although he absorbed the life force, it was not integrated into the life force later on. The life force in his body was affected by the active force, not the life force.

The vitality is integrated into the body, and surprisingly, the strength increases.

So at this moment, the power has reached the value of 500.

This is very exaggerated. If it were not for fusion with Nirvana, it would be impossible for me to possess such great power. This is equivalent to physical transformation and should not be a human power.

Grateful for life force.

He knows that in addition to increasing strength, it also increases resilience, etc. These cannot be reflected in numerical values, but they have indeed increased.

If he received another blow from the Master of Life at this moment, he wouldn’t be so embarrassed.

You might be able to withstand a blow just by strength alone.

The increase in luck is not shown in numerical values, because it is all integrated into the flying light. He can use it whenever he wants.

It’s only been two hundred years, but it has been greatly enhanced in all aspects.

The frame of the universe has also fallen by half, and he no longer dares to absorb the power of the frame points, because there are fewer and fewer frame points. If he searches for them again, the possibility of encountering the master will rise sharply.

This risk must not be taken.

Two hundred years of safety made Lu Yin think about whether to return to Xiangcheng. He guessed that due to the collapse of the cosmic framework, it was difficult for the master to find him. In addition, he had deliberately attracted the master in other directions, so perhaps it would be safe to return to the chaotic square inch away.

But after hesitating for a moment, he decided not to go back.

Wang Wen and the others’ calculations left him with a psychological shadow. Any one of these guys’ plans can last for hundreds of millions of years, not just overnight. Once he goes back, he is likely to fall into a trap.

It would also be a good thing for Xiangcheng if he didn’t show up.

Although he was a little arrogant, Lu Yin knew very well that without him, the people in Xiangcheng would not be that big of a threat to Xiang Siyu and the others.

You are their target.

On this day, Qingyun suddenly contacted Lu Yin, and the wings of the Black Immortal Prison Bone that had been placed on the Supreme Mountain moved.

The ground is shaking, as if some huge creature is walking, sometimes running, sometimes stopping. The water on the ground is constantly swaying. Occasionally, the fruit trees above the water will drop fruits and smash them on the water’s edge, attracting a little bird to open its mouth and bite with difficulty, looking very hungry.

After a while, the fruit was eaten, and the little bird looked up at the fruit tree, looking forward to it.

The ground shook again.

The fruit fell again.

The little bird hurriedly opened its mouth to catch it, but was caught by a green talon on the way. The bird’s pupils shifted and looked at the green talon. Following the talon, it saw a creature. It was very tall, very big, and wrapped all over. It has green fur and only a pair of eyes exposed.

From the bird’s perspective, the green creature made a sound.

Disgust flashed in the bird’s eyes.

The creature squatted down and looked at the bird for a while, then broke open the fruit, handed it to it, and made an enthusiastic sound.

The bird ate it quickly.

Then the creature picked off the fruits and gave them to the bird, one after another, eating many fruits in a row, but the bird still seemed not full. The green creature still wanted to pick the fruit, but was stopped by another larger green creature. The voice made by that creature was angry and seemed to be reprimanding. Then he looked at the bird again, with menace in his eyes.

The little bird lowered his head, disdain flashed in his eyes, they were just a useless race.

Just a few decades ago, it came to this universe accidentally. It thought it could accept the worship of this universe civilization as before, but somehow, an inexplicable power fell on it, causing its entire body to produce… It changed, as if time was unstable. It became old for a while, young for a while, and finally changed into the form when it was just born. It fell here, especially when it fell, it was chased by a creature who wanted to eat it. It was seriously injured.

If not, it could easily wipe out this cosmic civilization.

The two green creatures in front of them are father and son by blood. The older one prevents the younger one from eating fruit for it several times. The fruit seems to be very important to them. Phew, it just contains a little bit of energy.

The little green creature will secretly feed it to itself. It doesn’t matter to me whether it eats or not. The main reason is to make them lower their guard. Otherwise, a little bird that never eats will be noticed no matter what.

Now that inexplicable power is gradually disappearing, it will not be long before it recovers, and by then this civilization will be destroyed.

Time passed, and several months passed quickly. On this day, the little green creature squatted in front of the bird and said something unknown. Its eyes were quite innocent. The little bird looked up at it from time to time, looking very perfunctory.

The more this happened, the more interested the green creature seemed to be, thinking that the bird understood what it said.

It’s ridiculous. How could you not understand? I’m just not interested.


It’s just an inferior civilization, not even a cultivation civilization.

The green creature kept talking, and the disdain and contempt in the bird’s eyes became more and more obvious, and later there was murderous intent.

Gradually, the green creature retreated. Although it was not trained, its biological instinct made it feel dangerous. The bird in front of it gave it a creepy feeling.

A cry resounded throughout the world, the fruit trees were shattered, and all the green creatures in the surrounding area were shaken and looked away in fear.

Little bird, recovered.

Spreading its wings and soaring, the powerful aura swept across the surrounding area, bringing despair that the sky was falling and the earth was falling.

The green creature was directly crushed to death by the breath, without the slightest ability to resist. Then, the violent air flow swept around. In the blink of an eye, all the green creatures were destroyed. Life and death only took a moment.

“What a pitiful and weak species, how dare you treat me, Jiang Liu, as a pet. This mistake must be repaid with the life of the entire universe.” With that said, it jumped up, raised its head to the sky and neighed again, teleporting and appearing in the center of the universe. The power of the Immortal Realm is scattered, and the strings of the sequence collapse.

There are cultivators in this universe, but the strongest ones are not in the ancestral realm. Facing the fearful power of the eternal realm, they can’t even see it. They just feel that the world is completely shattered.

The entire universe is heading towards destruction.

Suddenly, everything returned to normal.

The violent aura disappeared.

The broken string of sequence did not last.

The chaos of the universe seemed to be suppressed in an instant.

Countless creatures felt it, but didn’t know what was happening. They were not even qualified to see it.

In the starry sky of the universe, Jiang Liu looked at the sudden appearance in front of him in shock, human beings?

A human being?

Lu Yin looked at the familiar but unfamiliar bird in front of him with a smile, “Long time no see, miscellaneous bird.”

Jiang Liu looked at the human grabbing his neck in horror, with unprecedented fear in his eyes.

I can’t resist, I can’t resist at all. Just like those green creatures can’t resist themselves.

But I am an eternal being, why can this human being catch me so easily?

“What’s your name?”

Jiang Liu’s pupils flashed: “Jiang, Jiang Liu.”

Lu Yin raised his eyebrows: “I’ve heard of it, but I’ve never fought against it. I know a lot of miscellaneous birds, such as Yuelu, Nanling, Gaotian, Beiqing, Yueting, Weixi, but you, from then on, I haven’t fought before, so I made up for it this time.”

Jiang Liu looked at Lu Yin tremblingly, knowing who the human being in front of him was.

“You are, human, Lu Yin.”

The corners of Lu Yin’s mouth curled up: “It’s such an honor to be remembered by you. Then, please lead the way. I want to find you.”

Far away, the huge mother tree stretched out and floated slowly in the starry sky.

This mother tree is the Xian Ling tree that the Xian Ling clan was looking for just a few inches away.

The original mother tree was absorbed by Lu Yin’s green light spots, and gradually couldn’t bear the teleportation, so they had to find it again.

The tree found was no smaller than the previous one.

It was quite a surprise for Lu Yin.

He looked into the distance, exhaled, and finally found it.

Since leaving the chaotic Fang Cun Distance, he found Xian Ling once, but luck was also there at that time, and he used luck to invite the Xian Ling family to join. Shang Jing ran away without hesitation, not even Wei Xi. , quite decisively, which also made him lose the possibility of finding Xian Ling.

Later I looked for luck.

He also searched, but couldn’t find the Xian Ling clan.

I didn’t expect to meet him here.

He didn’t know where it was at all, and those birds probably didn’t either. It was just a coincidence.

Lu Yin held Jiang Liu’s neck with one hand, just like grabbing a chicken. He took one step forward and appeared above the fairy tree in an instant. He raised his hand and pressed it down with his five fingers.

Five fingers, five rays of power falling, like five hurricanes sweeping from top to bottom.

In an instant, the Xian Ling tree shattered, and green light points poured into Lu Yin’s body.

A huge roar came out, and the eggs broke open one by one. It was Dameng Qianqiu.

A pair of eyes opened from the bottom of the fairy tree, staring at the top of the head, “Who?”

Lu Yin looked down, with emotion and excitement: “Long time no see, birds of prey, do you still remember me?”

At the bottom, those eyes stared at Lu Yin, and his pupils suddenly shrank to the extreme: “Is it you?”

Lu Yin laughed loudly: “I made you run away last time, but this time, you can’t run away.” After saying that, he raised his right arm and cut it horizontally. In front of his eyes, a fairy feather teleported, but was blocked by Lu Yin. As expected, he was hit the moment he appeared.

Xian Ling is Beiqing, whose strength is second only to Shangjing and Gaotian, and is the pinnacle existence of the two laws.

It once attacked the three universes, and thought it was sure of a sudden attack, but it didn’t understand how far it was from Lu Yin now.

Lu Yin not only predicted its actions, but also hit it with one blow.

This blow is three points strong.

But it divided Beiqing into two parts. Blood spilled on this tree.

The eyes of those immortal feathers that came out of Dream Qianqiu, originally filled with anger and arrogance, were watered with blood. They were confused and occupied the entire pupils, followed by incredible fear.


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