Star Odyssey Chapter 5246: Battle Overlord


Teleporting away from a small distance, Lu Yin looked back. The entire mother tree was shaking, and countless huge leaves fell.

It’s too terrifying. This battle is far more intense than the previous battle between the strongest. The power of the master is no longer limited to the inner and outer heavens, but has already spread out. He could feel the vibration throughout the universe.

It’s best to stay away.

In the Calamity Realm, the Master of Life blocked Wang Wen’s attack and looked towards the illusory realm. Is it gone?

“Causation, humanity is gone, what on earth did you say to him.”

The Lord of Cause and Effect was furious: “What does he mean?”

Wang Wen laughed: “It seems he doesn’t want to play.”

Xiang Siyu smiled slightly: “That little guy is much more cunning than you.”

The Lord of Cause and Effect stared at Xiang Siyu: “It will be no good for you if he runs away.”

Xiang Siyu didn’t care: “It should have been dealt with after your death, just run away.”

The Master of Life’s eyes flashed: “You want to run? Impossible.” After saying that, he disappeared directly and chased Lu Yin out of the inner and outer sky.

The Lord of Cause and Effect did not expect that the Lord of Life would directly leave it in the inner and outer heavens. It also wanted to leave, but was intercepted by Xiang Siyu and Wang Wen.

The masters are also full of intrigues. For the master of life, it doesn’t care what happens to the master of cause and effect. With the strength of the master of cause and effect, even if he is killed by Xiangsiyu and Wang Wen together, Xiangsiyu will be useless.

Not to mention that the possibility of being killed is too low, so how can the master die so easily.

What it has to do now is to capture Lu Yin.

In essence, in this battle, they have to deal with not only Wang Wen, but also Lu Yin.

Wang Wen is a great threat, but Lu Yin is even more threatening.

How long has Lu Yin been practicing? Not only are they talented, but they are also cruel and vicious, and the city is extremely deep. Such people have not been blocked because they have been living in the chaotic square inch distance. In terms of cognition, they are also likely to break through because they caught the Grand Palace Master. They are more powerful than Wang Wen. A being who might become a master.

So Wang Wen will die, and Lu Yin will die even more.

Even if there is no Grand Palace Master, when the Master of Cause and Effect tells Lu Yin how to break the fantasy brand, he must die.

The master of cause and effect did not show this, nor did the master of life. They were waiting. When Lu Yin controlled the frame of consciousness with the consciousness of the Yi Que Sutra, that was the moment of his death.

But they didn’t expect that Lu Yin could resist such temptation and walk away.

This is beyond their imagination.

Who can resist the temptation of being one-sixth?

The completion of the fusion of Yi Que Sutra will definitely give Lu Yin the feeling of being able to control the framework of consciousness. This is not false.

If so, he still leaves.

Lu Yin’s character amazes even the masters of life, so this human must die, otherwise he will be in trouble once he breaks through to the master level.

Within a small distance, Lu Yin kept teleporting, and each teleport could span a huge distance.

However, teleportation cannot be avoided

#Every time verification appears, please do not use incognito mode!


The speed of the Life Master alone is enough to surpass teleportation.

Lu Yin looked back, white light replaced the entire universe, and above the starry sky, the framework of the universe was looming.

The master of life is chasing me.

Suddenly, he spit out a mouthful of blood and his body cracked.

No, the lifeline is being broken.

The master of life has taken action, and I can’t handle it at all.

He immediately used the streamer to fly, and at the same time used the Nirvana Tree Technique, and his body continued to dry up.

“Human, why are you running?” The voice of the master of life came into my ears, gloomy and terrifying, like a shadow.

Lu Yin gritted his teeth, with blood flowing down the corner of his mouth. He raised his head, and the white color instantly surpassed him. The invisible force suppressed him. He roared, and the Nirvana Tree Technique flew in conjunction with the flowing light. He raised his arms as if they were stretched open. sky.

But my body could no longer move.

Two eyes opened from the starry sky, looking down at Lu Yin from a high place: “Why are you running?”

Around them, universes were destroyed by sound waves, and all the strings of sequence were broken and restarted.

Lu Yin was under indescribable terrifying pressure, something he had never experienced before, as if just a pair of eyes could obliterate him.

This is the power of domination.

The universe is the master, and the master is the universe.

“Let me ask you, why are you running?” The huge roar caused the entire universe to crack.

As far as the eye can see, there are cracks everywhere, and the distance between them seems to be shattered at this moment.

Lu Yin gritted his teeth, “Wherever I go is my freedom, it’s none of your business.”

The master of life spoke coldly: “Why not control the frame of consciousness?”

“This is also my freedom.”

The white light suddenly fell, and the entire universe was overturned, constantly rising and falling. Lu Yin endured this terrifying vitality. All the power he possessed seemed so helpless at this moment, unable to control the stars at all, just like an ordinary person falling into the sea.

“Human beings, master the framework of consciousness immediately.”

Lu Yin kept coughing up blood: “Life, don’t force me, or I will collapse this framework of consciousness.”

“I’m helping you, Wang Wen must die.”

“Then I won’t survive either.” Lu Yin shouted sharply.

The Master of Life was silent for a moment and chuckled: “No wonder you can unify the inner and outer heavens. Even the emperor of fate will die in your hands. Human beings, run, the farther you can run, the better, but the prerequisite is to hand over your consciousness frame. I can let you and your people live.”

“Aren’t you afraid that I will destroy this framework of consciousness?” Lu Yin threatened in return.

“Then you all have to die. How many humans are there in the universe? Don’t even think about entering the camp. I will kill them all

. “The boundless murderous aura dyed the white vitality red, and the chill made Lu Yin’s heart tremble.

He never doubted the determination of the Lord of life.

This is a complete rip-off.

From beginning to end, he could not become one-sixth. One-sixth was not obtained through threats, but through strength.

All his threats can only save his life.

This requires the master to keep his promise, otherwise he will not even be able to save his life.

“The framework can be rebuilt if it is gone. I can completely cut off the inheritance of human civilization. You, choose now.” The voice of the master of life roared, and the endless cracks in the universe were twisting and unbearable.

Death has never a fixed color. It can be black, and at this moment, it can also be white.

Lu Yin’s threat seemed so pale at this moment.

“It’s your great honor that I can speak to you.” As he said that, three corpses fell.

Lu Yin saw it and his pupils shrank to the size of a pinhead.

Those are the three Lu family children who stayed far away during his seclusion period. They were his back-ups. As long as the Lu family children crushed the path-finding stone, they could take him away.

The speed of the Dominator is very fast, but it is not fast enough to appear in every direction of the universe in an instant.

The universe is very, very, very large, and it is impossible for the master to see the entire universe.

He can hide.

But at this moment it was completely exposed.

“You really think you can escape by being clever, you ant. In my eyes, you are just an ant.”

“Choose now, you can only trust me.” The voice of the master of life became louder and louder, giving Lu Yin a splitting headache.

His eyes widened, and the white light was like a mountain pressing on his back, making him unable to straighten up.

The dominance of the master is completely felt at this moment.

His pupils flickered, staring at the three corpses. He had seen those three children, who were ignorant and naive when they were in the land and sky realm, but now they were all turned into corpses.

The entire human civilization was led by him, and he was forced by the Master of Life to take a gamble, and the bet was actually the credibility of the Master of Life.

Impossible, he cannot place the fate of the entire human civilization on his master.

How did Nine Bases perish?

The master cannot be trusted.

Okay, if you want to play, then play the big one.

Lu Yin clenched his fist, raised his head, looked at the frame of the universe, and asked me to come down.

The frame of consciousness shook, and endless consciousness fell from the frame, like an aurora covering the entire square inch, gathering towards Lu Yin.

Yitianque allows Lu Yin to absorb the consciousness within the entire consciousness framework, which is the power dominated by consciousness.

At this moment, blast towards the white life force.

The master of life was furious: “Human, you are looking for death.”

Lu Yin raised his head

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, blood stained his body: “Old guy, let’s see who dies.” After saying that, he raised his palms and said, “Give it to me – break it.”


Above the starry sky, the huge eyes were shocked and slowly raised.

I saw cracks in the looming framework of the universe, one of which was the framework of consciousness.

Lu Yin pulled down the consciousness within the consciousness frame, and then shattered it.

He has lost his consciousness.

At this moment, not only the master of life was shaking, but also the inner and outer heavens, Xiangsiyu, Wang Wen, and the master of cause and effect were all shaking, looking at the universe in shock.

No way.

Lu Yin actually lost his consciousness?

Wang Wen’s eyes flashed, this is a big deal, the chess piece is the master.

No one expected that Lu Yin would directly lose his consciousness frame. He didn’t gamble at all and wouldn’t trust the master, so he would play to the end.

At a distance of just an inch, when the master of life looked at the frame of consciousness, his body was divided into nine parts, nine changes occurred, and at the same time he teleported and disappeared.

The white light refracted countless shadows in the void. Lu Yin’s teleportation could not disappear, and the route was clearly seen.

The huge eyes of the master of life fell, angry, indescribable anger, “Human, you deserve to die.” As he said that, the white color flew away.

Lu Yin gritted his teeth and released all the accumulated power. Release the energy of life, release the law of cause and effect, cooperate with the Nirvana tree method, flying light and nine transformations. Release all the power to me, block it for me. Block–


White floods everything.

With Lu Yin’s direction as the center, the universe fell apart in an instant, spreading to a distance that even the strongest of the Three Laws could not see. Along the way, universes were torn apart and civilizations were destroyed.

No one knows how many lives were destroyed by this blow.

Even the master of life was beaten out at this moment, white, was beaten back.

It appears in the starry sky and looks into the distance.

Lu Yin, gone.

He teleports away.

The Master of Life stared blankly at the place where Lu Yin disappeared.

This human with only two laws actually blocked its blow. It was a fatal blow. This human must die, he must die.

Above the starry sky, the consciousness framework is completely shattered, followed by the instability of the entire universe framework.

Collapse is only a matter of time.

The Lord of Life raised his arms, and the white light merged into the life frame, spread to the entire frame, covering the entire square inch, and then fell.

Endless white light falls towards the entire universe.

No matter how big the universe is, as long as it is covered by the framework of life, it can hit.

Don’t even think about running away. My power is left on you. No matter where you go, don’t even think about running away.

I’ll definitely find you.


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