Star Odyssey Chapter 5243: The face of time


Three hundred years after Lu Yin announced his retreat, he returned to the inner and outer heavens. The next step is to truly retreat, to resolve the mark of fantasy.

The fantasy mark is left by everyone Wang Wen comes into contact with from the very beginning. The earliest fantasy mark can be completely erased, but the most troublesome part of the fantasy mark is the word fantasy.

Fantasy is an assumption, but with the blessing of power, the false can become true.

Wang Wen replaced Lu Yin with himself and became an existence deep in the memory of every living being. Everything Lu Yin did could be replaced by himself.

So the longer time passes, the deeper the imprint of fantasy becomes, and it cannot be completely removed.

This is Wang Wen’s confidence.

However, Wang Wen is not the master no matter what. The master of cause and effect took one look and figured out how to get rid of it.

However, this method of destruction belongs to the dominant level of cognition.

Cause and effect are one aspect, and so are years. .??.

Looking for the fantasy imprint left by Wang Wen in the past years from the perspective of cause and effect, and hitting it in the air, this is the way to crack it.

After all, it is extremely difficult to fully understand both sides.

Lu Yin recalled the past and drew a line, that was Ku Wei’s line. He recalled everything from the first meeting with Ku Wei to the present, cause and effect, why did he meet Ku Wei? Where does the cause and effect come from?

It was fate that he and Ku Wei met, they were competing for certain interests, and there was no inevitable cause.

Because there are so many interests up for grabs in the universe.

Then fate is the cause, and meeting is the effect.

Why does cause and effect continue to the present? Because of fate and emotional ties again and again.

The reason why and Ku Wei can continue to this day is because of the relationship between master and disciple.

He recalled another person, Qinglian Shangyu.

From being chased and rushing into the Jiuxiao universe, to encountering Qinglian Shangyu, being chased was the cause, and the encounter was the result. What continues to the present?

It is years.

The years of getting along continue the emotions between people.

Causation and time cannot be separated at all.

How can we separate?

There is no clear reason why the people who have a relationship with me will inevitably continue to this day. The only explanation is emotion, but emotion comes from getting along with each other over time.

You can’t get rid of time no matter what.

Lu Yin recalled a person. Everyone seemed to have a reason for meeting each other, but there was no result that would inevitably continue to the present.

No, there is.

Ancestors Lu Yuan and Lu Qi are their ancestors and fathers. Therefore, they are the continuation of their bloodline. As a result, they can continue into the endless future.

Bloodline has become a point that ignores the continuation of time.

There is no need to get along, the blood relationship can never be let go.


Lu Yin raised his hand and slowly lowered it. A screen of light appeared in the void, like a river. His life was displayed on it. With a wave of his hand, the river of memory spread out.

#Every time verification appears, please do not use incognito mode!

Extending the whole life that ancestor Lu Yuan, Lu Qi and himself had together, the life here is cause and effect.

He raised his other arm, and with a wave of his hand, another river appeared, which was also his life. Then he spread it out, and all the scenes of getting along with ancestor Lu Yuan and Lu Qi appeared.

Two identical rivers.

One thing is that he shows it through cause and effect.

One is shown through time.

Obviously they are the same, but their essence is different.

If there is no cause and effect, time will not exist. If there is no time, cause and effect will still exist.

In this way, cause and effect and time are completely separated.

Lu Yin dropped a finger into the river of cause and effect, stared at the river of years, and pulled out the third river in the void. That was, starting from the first contact with Wang Wen, and going down the river, the time there was… Nineteen thousand years ago.

Yes, he and Wang Wen have known each other for nineteen thousand years.

Excluding Lu Xiaoxuan’s time, more than 19,000 years have passed since Lu Yin embarked on the path of cultivation on earth until now.

The seemingly long years are actually just a river of memory.

Looking back on his past life, he looked on like an outsider.

You can look at yourself and Wang Wen.

Can be viewed from a variety of different angles.

The streamer boat appeared, and the Lord was dragged out of the long river of time, and went upstream. Nineteen thousand years, a very short period of time, there was no need to enter at all. When the streamer boat went upstream, it was connected with the long river of memory that Lu Yin dragged out of Wang Wen. , time seems to be reversed.

Hazy gray appears around.

Somewhere in the inner and outer sky, Wang Wen suddenly opened his eyes, looked in the direction of the illusionary realm, and murmured to himself: “Has it started yet?”

Lu Yin knew that his efforts to erase the fantasy mark would attract Wang Wen’s attention, but he didn’t care.

At this moment, the most important thing for Wang Wen is to deal with the Lord of Cause and Effect, and to have the qualifications to survive and break through freely.

He knew that the Fantasy Brand could not threaten Lu Yin.

Lu Yin had already had a showdown with him.

Standing in the center, on one side is the long river of memories of ancestors Lu Yuan and Lu Qi, on the other side is the long river of Wang Wen’s memories connected to the long river of time, flowing upstream.

When did Wang Wen imprint the fantasy brand on Patriarch Lu Yuan and the others?

You will definitely not find it if you look for it.

He was not with Wang Wen all the time. At that time, even if Wang Wen made a fantasy mark in front of him, no one knew about it.

If you can’t find it, you can feel it.

Fantasy branding is essentially the power of fantasy.

And fantasy power is extremely rare.

Lu Yin closed his eyes and silently felt Wang Wen’s long memory.

Soon after, he steeply


Then I opened my eyes and found it.

The left hand sank into the causal side of Patriarch Lu Yuan, and with a flick of his hand, he used the causal force to hit Wang Wen’s memory river in the air, and the flowing boat fixed time, and the water droplet hit with a snap.

Lu Yin heard it.

Ancestor Lu Yuan himself also heard it.

He looked confused at the moment, what happened? Where did the sound come from? I looked around and saw nothing.

Without checking, Lu Yin knew that the fantasy mark had been removed.

He breathed a sigh of relief. It was successful the first time, and the next step would be easy.

He began to remove the fantasy imprint of his father Lu Qi. Then, using Ancestor Lu Yuan as the cause of the long river of memory, he dragged out the effects of others. After all, other people’s causes and effects were connected to the years, and Lu Yin could not figure out a way to completely separate the two sides.

As time continues to pass, too many people have been branded as fantasy by Wang Wen.

Although everyone cleared them quickly, they couldn’t handle the large number.

Lu Yin even caught someone he had never seen before to check, and found that he also had a fantasy mark.

Does Wang Wen usually have nothing to do? People he doesn’t know do this too?

If, as he said, the entire human civilization had been branded with fantasy, Lu Yin’s scalp went numb just thinking about it and he didn’t know what to do.

The large number is an exaggeration.

A hundred years later, Lu Yin put away his boat and dispersed the long river of memory.

Forget it, forget about other people, the people he cares about have already cleared away the Fantasy Brand, and he has helped a large number of people clear it out. Although there are still some that have not been resolved, even if Wang Wen activates the Fantasy Brand, it will not affect anything at this moment.

Lu Yin was relieved to have solved the fantasy mark in a hundred years, but at the same time, he also gained something, which was the Nine Changes.

Nine transformations require entering nine time nodes in the original years. When used, they are divided into nine, and they merge in an instant, and the combat power skyrockets.

This is the understanding of the Nine Changes by the Time Master Clan, including the Snow Queen and the Grand Palace Master. They all think so.

But when Lu Yin separated the time side from the cause and effect side, and dragged out his own memory, he found that this was not the case.

What are the original years? Shigui’s explanation is that only you get the years, not others. This is the original years.

The original years require the power of the master of years to drag them out. In the years, all other living beings are blocked.

So after the snow, they all have their original years left in the Time Master Clan.

In fact, this is a trap, and it is also the method used by the Lord of Time to control the creatures who have practiced the Nine Transformations. Otherwise, why would such powerful combat skills be cultivated by outside creatures.

But after Lu Yin has understood the time side for so long, he can use the causal side to fix his memory of the time side in the past, and then enter the time node. In this way, he can also separate himself.

Xue Hou’s understanding of the Nine Transformations of Cultivation completely told him that this was not bad at all, what was missing was the original years.


#Every time verification appears, please do not use incognito mode!

, the problem of the original years has also been solved.

Lu Yin knew that he could practice the Nine Transformations.

This is one of the reasons why he no longer removes fantasy imprints from other people’s bodies.

Nine changes, a short-term increase in combat power, who doesn’t want it?

The Grand Palace Master gave up the Nine Transformations precisely because he saw through that the Nine Transformations were a way for the Lord of Time to control them. The power of the Nine Transformations revealed in the previous battle with them was simply a disguise.

But Lu Yin can practice the true Nine Transformations.

Since the return of the Lord, the inner and outer world has become completely quiet.

Human civilization has become low-key.

There was not much fighting when the dominant clan returned.

Everything is quiet.

But this tranquility makes more and more creatures uneasy. Especially when humans are reduced to one sixth, the small movements are scary.

The more this happens, the more unspeakably depressing it seems.

Decades passed quickly.

There are only more than twenty years left before the five-hundred-year period given by the Lord of Cause and Effect.

Lu Yin is still in retreat.

It hasn’t come out in these years.

The Lord also has no power to manifest.

Wang Wendu disappeared.

Sheng Rou, Yun Xin and the most powerful ones didn’t show up.

So, Ancestor Hui ran away again.

Leaving the Inner and Outer Sky without looking back, it had a premonition that something big was going to happen. Otherwise, how could a civilization be so quiet if it became one-sixth? Even if human civilization is quiet because of the return of the Overlord, the Overlord clan will not let go of their previous hatred.

How many lives did the Dominator clan die in the Free Period War? Why don’t they care?

Are there a few powerful people who won’t jump out?

Ming Qing died, Shi Gui disappeared, and the Lord of Life and the Lord of Time didn’t even ask.

Something is wrong, something is definitely wrong.


The further you run, the better.

Just after walking out of the gray world, not long after, a figure blocked the front, looking at it with a half-smile.

Hui Zu stared at the person in front of him blankly, with a smile on his face, “Isn’t this Qinglian Shangyu, why are you here?”

Qinglian Shangyu followed Lu Ling beside him, and couldn’t help but smile when he saw Huizu’s expression.

This is the second time. Last time it was Qinglian Shangyu who caught the mouse. Coincidentally, he teleported there with Qinglian Shangyu. This mouse was quite unlucky.

Hui Zu doesn’t care about him, he only stares at Qinglian Shangyu, what’s going on? Why is he blocking here again? Again.

Qinglian Shangyu looked at Huizu: “I’m here to save you.”

Hui Zu was stunned and didn’t understand: “Help, save me?”

Qinglian Shangyu nodded and said seriously: “Yes, I will save you.”

“Save me for what?”


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