Star Odyssey Chapter 5231: The answer I can’t give


In the end, it was a trick that broke the calm: “Grand Palace Master, your path is twisted anyway, why don’t you tell us about your past path? Let’s take it as a reference.”

The Grand Palace Master roared: “Go away, kill me if you can.”

Lu Yin left, and it was not in vain. It was none of his business what happened to the Grand Palace Master. He was an enemy anyway, but it made him more aware.

Cognition cannot be less, but it cannot be more. However, Lu Yin has since embarked on the path of cultivation and has practiced everything. At one point, he was confused and asked Mr. Mu if it was useful to practice so much. I’m used to this kind of thing.

It doesn’t matter if you know too much.

Next time you meet any master, if you talk about this knowledge, you will definitely disgust them.

Time continues to pass.

Lu Yin is very busy now. He confirms that the consciousness framework is no longer working and leaves it to others, while he goes to find the mother tree and add green light spots.

The seventy-two realms of the inner and outer heavens have been ordered to hand in the starry sky map within a square inch to get rewards.

Although the starry sky maps of these civilizations are far inferior to those of the Dominator clan, they are still useful in large numbers.

Soon, eight hundred years passed.

Without enemies, time passes quickly.

During this period, with the help of teleportation and the partial universe framework diagram given to them by Lu Yin, the point of consciousness was finally determined.

There are a total of one thousand one hundred and twenty points of consciousness frame.

Lu Yin drew the points of the consciousness frame in the void. It can be seen that it is a frame surrounding the mother tree. This is just the point of the consciousness frame. There are five other frames, which add up to the entire universe frame.

The quantity has been determined, but there is only one point that has been clearly deduced. It is at that location, but it has never been found.

Lu Yin went to find it himself.

The results they were looking for were exactly the same as the starry sky map of the universe frame drawn by Wang Wen, so the last point of the consciousness frame was that direction, so why wasn’t it there?

Soon after, he looked at the empty starry sky, and there was none.

Not really.

Is it not in this position?

He immediately searched the surrounding area.


It took several years, and everyone gathered together to confirm all the surrounding points, but still nothing.

As a result of their search, they discovered another strange thing.

There are other frame points around this point of the consciousness frame. There are many, including cause and effect, years, death, life, and luck. A total of six points are near this point, but there are six points, none of them.

This is very strange.

If only one point of the consciousness framework is missing, it is easy to understand and may be broken, but there are no six points.

And there are no signs of damage.

“Not to mention being destroyed, there is not even a cosmic civilization, that’s all

#Every time verification appears, please do not use incognito mode!

Empty. “Ancestor Lu Yuan said.

Lu Yin stood there and pondered.

Why not? It shouldn’t be.

If this point is missing, the entire consciousness framework is incomplete.

Even if ordinary people know the universe frame starry sky map, they cannot confirm it all in a short time because there is no instantaneous movement.

He had both a starry sky map and teleportation, and many manpower at his disposal. He was able to determine the framework in just about a thousand years. He had unique advantages, but something went wrong in the last step.

What is the problem?

“Can’t find it anywhere.”

“Strange, it must have been broken.”

“There are traces even if it is broken.”

“We can’t drag out the long river of time and go back to the past to see.”

Lu Yin’s eyes suddenly opened and he looked at the speaker, the ancient god.

“Senior, what did you say?”

Ancient Shinto: “Go back in time and see?”

Lu Yin looked away, no, not back to the past, but within the years.

He understood, and understood why Wang Wen wanted to go to the Ancient City of Time. Because these six points are not far apart at all, but in the ancient city of years.

He didn’t dare to break the life frame before killing Mingqing. Why? Just because they were afraid of disturbing the ancient city of Time.

But it is clear that the Eight Colors have blocked the Main River of Time, so why can what happened here be transmitted to the Main River of Time? He just instinctively thought so at that time, including the old blind man and others in Xiangcheng.

As if this is a matter of course.

This sense of crisis originating from life instinct appears throughout human civilization. This kind of thing is very rare, but it also represents correctness.

If it is correct, then why would the destruction of the Life Frame alarm the Ancient City of Time, unless the frame is connected to the Ancient City of Time.

This cosmic framework not only connects the current universe, but also connects to the ancient past and the source of the Lord’s long river of time. Because time is also a part of the universe.

There are those who go against the past, and time is just a force.

The Tianyuan Universe can be reversed in time and space, why can’t the entire universe be reversed?

Then if the master wants to stabilize the entire universe and surrender to them, it must include the past and present, and there must be a point in the cosmic framework in the ancient city of time.

Six masters and six points are enough to connect the past with the present and stabilize the entire universe.

So Wang Wen wants to go to the ancient city of years. His purpose should be to replace the point of consciousness through the ancient city of years. If he directly replaces all the points of the consciousness frame like himself, he will eventually go to the ancient city of years

The ancient city, and this method can easily alarm the master.

Only by first replacing the dots in the consciousness frame of the ancient city of time, with little movement, and then returning and directly replacing all the dots, can we completely control a cosmic frame.

This is Wang Wen’s purpose.

He looked around. Master Qingcao, Ancient God, Ancestor Lu Yuan and others were all there. They didn’t know what he was thinking, so they didn’t bother him.

Lu Yin didn’t know if his guess was right. If he was right, then it would be impossible for him to completely control the consciousness framework, because he couldn’t go to the Ancient City of Time, and it would be impossible for Wang Wen to completely control it, because the rest belonged to Own.

Only by mastering a cosmic framework with him can we threaten other masters.

It is equivalent to saying that if Xiangsiyu is not included, he and Wang Wen teamed up, which is one-sixth.

What if we include the lovesickness rain?

Why did Xiang Siyu let herself become one sixth? Just unify the seventy-two realms? Obviously impossible. The importance of the seventy-two realms to the master is far less than that of becoming one sixth. The Overlord cannot allow his own existence to threaten them.

Unless Lu Yin’s eyes are deep, no way, is this all planned?

Wang Wen took the master-level power to the Ancient City of Time so that he could unify the seventy-two realms. The purpose was not the inner and outer heavens, but the framework of the universe. The reason was that he had told himself the framework of the universe a long time ago, and he only waited for eight Se told himself that he had seen the model.

Master these cosmic frameworks yourself outside.

And Wang Wen went to the Ancient City of Time to control that point, and joined forces to control one of the six major frameworks to curb the dominance.

This is one-sixth of Xiangsiyu’s promise. What role did she play in it? A blessing of good fortune to block one’s luck for oneself? Or help Wang Wen in the ancient city of years?

Did they join forces?

What will happen to the Lord of Death if we join forces?

The Lord of Death knows that it was Xiang Siyu who sent him to Liu Ying in the first place. He also said that it was because of Xiang Siyu that he killed the Saint. So what role did the Lord of Death play?

Wang Wen, Xiangsiyu, the framework of the universe, Lu Yin didn’t know what he was thinking, his mind was in a mess.

Have you thought too much?

How could such a thing have been planned so long ago?

From the first game of chess he played with Wang Wen, he was telling himself the framework diagram of the universe. Was it already laid out at that time? If that were the case, what he saw when the cosmic priest glanced at him was himself, not habits.

So what did you do next?

Lu Yin returned to Inner and Outer Heaven and found Ba Color.

He wanted to know what Wang Wen’s purpose was? Judging from the results, he helped himself, but from the perspective of the process, he was experiencing life and death every step he took, so wasn’t he afraid that he would really die?

#Every time verification appears, please do not use incognito mode!

Or is it because you took one look at yourself and confirmed that you can survive until now?

Ba Se faced Lu Yin and said in a low tone: “Many people and many things are more cruel than you imagine.”

“Child, you still don’t understand the nature of those who achieve great things.”

“Because you are not cruel enough.”

“I can watch the demise of the three universes with my own eyes and not care, just because I have my own plans. Wang Wen can also watch and even lead the demise of human civilization, because he also has his own plans.”

“Both human civilization and the Wang family are just chess pieces.”

“I don’t know what you are thinking, I can only tell you this.” His tone was very serious, very serious: “Protect yourself. You just need to protect yourself.”

Base couldn’t give Lu Yin an answer, and Lu Yin couldn’t be sure whether his guess was true.

He only knew that half of the human beings’ reliance on the inner and outer world fell into Wang Wen’s hands. This is still a good result. If Wang Wen had not planned this and had guessed wrong from beginning to end, then this reliance would no longer exist.

Because I can’t go to the ancient city of Time.

Lu Yin felt heavy.

It is a feeling that outsiders cannot understand despite having hope but then losing it. How long had it been since he’d felt this way?

To this day, he still puts his hope in Wang Wen.

How ridiculous.

He has obviously reached his current height.

Even if he were to fight Wang Wen, he might not lose.

Why is this still happening?

Mr. Mu looked at Lu Yin’s back with complicated eyes. He was obviously still young, but his back looked older than anyone else.

Has this child really been happy?

Human happiness and pain are equivalent. The happiness in Lu Xiaoxuan’s era has been repaid until now. Isn’t it enough?

What he can say has been said long ago. He has experienced enough, and no one can influence his thoughts.

Man is a creature that pursues pain.

The more painful it is, the deeper it will be.

Soon, an order came from Xiangcheng, from Lu Yin.

Continue to confirm the frame points.

He separated the causal framework from the destiny framework, and gave it to Ancestor Lu Yuan and the others just like the consciousness framework, so that they could continue to search.

Confirming the causal framework is because he is making first-hand preparations to deal with the master of cause and effect.

Xiang Siyu has been dealing with the Lord of Cause and Effect. If his guess is right and one sixth of Xiang Siyu’s promise is related to Wang Wen, then they are on the same line, including the Lord of Death, who are all dealing with the Lord of Cause and Effect and themselves. It doesn’t matter which master you deal with.

They are all enemies anyway.


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