Star Odyssey Chapter 5230: New understanding


Lu Yin was not in a hurry to ask Shengrou about her conjecture. He had plenty of time and there were more important things to deal with in the outside world.

Time passes and hundreds of years pass.

Lu Yin found Shengrou and asked her for its opinion.

Sheng Rou wanted to say nothing, but Lu Yin said: “You have suspicions all because of me. If I don’t get some benefit from you, then you don’t need to exist.”

This sentence successfully made Shengrou speak.

Since it wants to take that step, life is the foundation of everything.

When you die, there is nothing.

“Causation is a complete line, but this line has a head, but it does not mean that it has only a tail…”

As Shengrou spoke, Lu Yin listened quietly without interrupting.

“This is our clan’s understanding of cause and effect. It is very important. Even the three laws do not understand it.”

Lu Yin nodded: “I believe it, after all, this is the basic theory of causal bondage.”

Shengrou’s eyes widened and she looked at Lu Yin in surprise.

Lu Yin looked at it: “Is it surprising? You are not the only ones who know the bond of cause and effect. You used the theory of bond of cause and effect to fool me. It is not too much to deceive me. After all, if I didn’t understand it myself, at this moment It’s really inspiring.”

“It’s a pity that you underestimate me.”

“In terms of cause and effect, who do you think is stronger or weaker, me or you?”

Shengrou narrowed his eyes: “The **** of cause and effect comes from the end of cause and effect, and the process is ever-changing. What if it’s the other way around?”

Lu Yin raised his eyebrows, the other way around?

“There is only one process, so is there only one cause and effect? ​​Or are there multiple ones?”

“If this process is judged as cause and effect, what are the source and end of the process?”

“Is the source and end of this process really what we see? Is it really impossible to extend it any further? In fact, the source of all cause and effect is the universe, because it is the universe that gave birth to living things, so what about the end? Is it all The impact after that process is the ending? Is there really only one ending? ”

“Is the end of not one the end of this cause and effect…”

Sheng Rou said a lot in one breath. The more he spoke, the more confused Lu Yin became.

He has thought about many possibilities about cause and effect, but they cannot compare with the conjectures of the cause and effect master clan for countless years.

“No one can see cause and effect clearly, and the same is true for the master of cause and effect. It also has to think about the nature of cause and effect. The more it thinks about, the more confused it becomes. When the cause and effect is considered to the end, what is it? The time and space derived from the cause and effect process. Space, consciousness, survival, death, what are these?” Shengrou’s voice became louder and louder: “Human, you want to hear my guess, but unfortunately I have more guesses than you, how can I still give you the answer?”




These two words kept echoing in Lu Yin’s mind.

He put away Shengrou and sat quietly in the landscape courtyard. Is there an answer? Who can give it to themselves? No one can give it to themselves.

The master of cause and effect is guessing about cause and effect, so why should he see through cause and effect?

It’s too simple to think.

If Wang Wen’s glance alone could lead him to the master, Wang Wen would already be the master.

Shengrou couldn’t prove its own value because it couldn’t think of the answer, so it handed over the difficulty of guessing the answer to Lu Yin, which was a different kind of coercion.

At least, it doesn’t have to die for the time being.

Lu Yin sat in the landscape courtyard for a long time, and teleported to the Silent Sea of ​​Death. He gained confusion from Sheng Rou, and then brought this confusion to the Grand Palace Master, who is currently the closest to the **** level. Yes, I don’t know how it feels after hearing these questions.

In the lonely sea of ​​death, the Grand Palace Master just wanted to spray a mouthful of old blood on Lu Yin’s face.

It has been steadily moving towards the level of domination, but what is now restricted is not self-understanding and cognition, but the body. But Lu Yin expressed his knowledge, which immediately disrupted the Grand Palace Master’s knowledge.

It looked at Lu Yin and wanted to eat him.

This feeling is even more angry than being caught.

Lu Yin felt: “Did I say something wrong?”

The Grand Palace Master roared: “Every living being has a different understanding of the universe. The universe is all-encompassing and there are countless possibilities. There is no right answer at all.”

“Why do you tell me your guess?”

Lu Yin said silently: “Isn’t it good to tell you? Wouldn’t it be better to know more?”

“Human, you are vicious, you are vicious.” The Grand Palace Master was extremely angry: “Every living creature has its own path. There is only one destination, but there are many paths. You have twisted my path. You biased my understanding of the universe and made me doubt my previous understanding. You, you, you ruined my path.”

Lu Yin didn’t mean it, he really didn’t mean it, but now that the Grand Palace Master said this, he felt inexplicably guilty. Although they are enemies, they have understood it for countless years and finally saw the hope of becoming the master. The road is straight and you can walk on it as long as nothing happens. But now you have twisted the road, causing it to not know this road. What’s at the end of the road.

Maybe because I know more, I took a shortcut and reached the level of dominance faster, or maybe I was completely confused and became obsessed.

For the Grand Palace Master, he would rather go step by step than distort the future.

Qianji Guiyan was listening in the distance, and his eyes suddenly changed when he looked at Lu Yin.


Not everyone can distort the knowledge leading to the master. What Lu Yin said is a knowledge that even the strongest can’t explain. In other words, who can explain it, only the master.

This is the cognition of the dominant level.

He is now colliding with the Grand Palace Master’s cognition of **** level with his domination-level cognition. With this collision, both paths may be cut off.

How cruel.

“The Lord of Death once said that their masters never communicate with each other. Each master has his own way of blocking cognition. It is difficult for other masters to see it, because each master blocks the cognition. Knowledge is not only aimed at lower-level creatures, but also at the same level of creatures, that is, the master.”

“The master can form a cognitive blockade on the master. This is a tacit understanding and a rule.”

This is what Qian Jigui said.

Lu Yin heard it, “So neither of us are obviously masters, but we are talking and colliding with the cognitive level of masters.”

Qianji Guiyan smiled, and his smile was very weird: “Yes, I don’t have the cognition of the master level, so as long as the Grand Palace Master tells me his cognition, I can follow his path. . But you can’t. If you already have some knowledge, it’s worthless to you.”

“But you can’t eat now and you overturned the table. It’s hard for me to get a correct understanding from this guy, because it is confused. Now, like you, no one can leave.”

“Everyone’s path is twisted.”

The Grand Palace Master’s eyes were bloodshot and he stared at Lu Yin: “You shouldn’t tell me this, you shouldn’t say it.”

Lu Yin shrugged: “Okay, that’s it anyway. Why don’t we discuss it? Maybe we can make things right.”

“Why do you say that Wang Wen is looking at you.” The Grand Palace Master roared.

Lu Yin was stunned: “I’m pretty sure he’s looking at me.” This certainty comes from the universe framework model that Wang Wen left behind when he played chess with him. If he hadn’t known his future earlier, how could he have left the universe framework model so early? ?

“What he looks at is the gaze that looks at him in the future. That gaze can be you, or it can be a creature that can look at that period of history across the ages. For that kind of creature, Wang Wen is also looking at him. .” The Grand Palace Master said.

Lu Yin’s eyes flickered, he had never thought about this.

Yes, Wang Wen, it may not necessarily be him who is looking at it. It may be arbitrary to leave the universe framework model behind, because he himself often observes the model.

It might be him, or it might be someone else. However, he still preferred that Wang Wen was looking at him. This explanation was the most reasonable.

“A period of history has already happened. If time does not turn back, history will not change. Then many living beings in the future can look at that period of history.” Qianji Qiyan agreed with the words of the Grand Palace Master: “If Wang Wen is looking at You, why didn’t you die?”

Lu Yin looked at it.

Qianji Guiyan’s tone was calm, cold and calm: “Based on what I know about him, if he knew that you could get to this point, he would have killed you long ago. There is no need to keep you until now.”

“Many things are not so much planned as planning itself, rather than a person or an object. People and objects are just a part of the plan. It can be you, someone else, or even someone else. Me.”

“The inevitable result may not be caused by the causes you know.”

The Grand Palace Master said in a deep tone: “Cause and effect, years, complement each other. Time is the cause, and cause and effect is the effect. If cause and effect can transcend the years and look into the future, then the line of cause and effect should be parallel to the line of time.”

Lu Yin blurted out: “Parallelism is a face. Time has its face, and cause and effect also has its face. So what is the universe?”

He looked at the Grand Palace Master and then at Qianji Guiyan.

The three parties looked at each other, recognized each other, and overlapped at this moment.

However, no one knows whether this overlapping knowledge is good or bad.

At least for the time being, it is bad for the Grand Palace Master, because this knowledge breaks its cognition.

Lu Yin’s mind roared. His previous understanding of the universe was that time and space encompassed everything. Regardless of cause and effect, consciousness, life and death, they were all within time and space. Time and space was the process of the universe’s constant expansion.

But now he thought about it, maybe time and space are just the understanding of the universe by living beings.

The universe itself is not what living beings see it.

Cause and effect may also be the universe. In the universe of cause and effect, time and space are the process of change connecting cause and effect.

Consciousness may also be the universe. In the universe of consciousness, time and space are the extension of what it thinks and understands.

The universe is not the only one, and all cognitions of living beings can give birth to the universe.

Every force can also be a universe.

He suddenly thought of the situation between himself and his clone. No matter how far apart the self and the clone are, for a moment, both parties can see two places when their consciousness is the only one. The further the distance, the more obvious this situation is.

This originally shows that there is a line, or plane, across time and space in consciousness.

Then the same goes for cause and effect.

So Karma saw the past when Shi Gui assassinated Wang Wen, and Wang Wen could see the future through Karma and ignore the years.

This is a new understanding.

There was no sound in the Silent Sea Death Land. Lu Yin, Grand Palace Master, Qianji Guiyan each had their own thoughts, and they were silent for a long time.


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