Star Odyssey Chapter 5220: Nine Bases and Eight Colors


Lu Yin suddenly said: “What does Wujie have to do with you?”

The roly-poly shook twice: “It doesn’t matter.”

Lu Yin frowned. He didn’t know the situation of Wujie, but he knew that there were no clans in Wujie, and all the clan’s authorized creatures.

Asking this creature is also a temptation.

“How many are your clan?”

“I’ve been away for too long, so I don’t know, but it shouldn’t be many. After all, it was very difficult for our kind to be born, otherwise you would have seen it by dragging it out over the years.”

“No name?”

“At least I don’t have one, and I don’t need to. Human, didn’t you give me a name? Haha, old guy, it sounds nice. I don’t mind sharing the same name with it.”

Lu Yin raised his eyes: “Let me talk to it.”

Soon, a voice came from the eight-color divine power cage: “Haha, it seems like something happened to me.”

Lu Yin sighed: “Old guy, how do you feel?”

“Lost some memories.”

“You are parasitized.”

“Give us the power to sail through the years?”

“You know?”

“Every ferryman on the long river of time is born on a tributary of the long river of time, and knows that he is a ferryman as soon as he is born. This is very strange, because there is no living being without a source, and we just have no source.” Haha old The guy recalled: “What I call birth does not really sprout from the earliest life, but that we suddenly appear on a tributary of the long river of time, with no memory of the past, only the ability to ferry the years.”

“This kind of thing is very strange. Who gave us this ability and why, I have also thought about it.”

“Especially when your cultivation reaches a state close to immortality, that kind of obstacle will make you want to think more and more.”

Lu Yin’s heart moved, the realm of immortality. Back then, Weinu wanted to break through the realm of immortality, so she used fate to get rid of the long river of time.

The inner ferryman gives the creatures the ability to ferry the years so that they can help ferry the tributaries of the long river of time. The immortal realm has exceeded the limit of their control, which will give the outer ferryman the ability to escape the tributaries of the long river of time. That’s why there is limit.

This kind of restriction is similar to the dominance blocking the ascending channel.

However, once the Outer Ferryman breaks through the realm of immortality, the restrictions will no longer exist.

Of course, limitations are limitations, but it does not prevent them from still having the ability to parasitize. Even if the old guy meets the three laws, he can still be parasitized, but they may not know it themselves, which is very scary.

Lu Yin once imagined that since there are ferrymen for the tributaries of the Long River of Time, there must be ferrymen for the entire main river of time, and now it has really appeared.

“I didn’t do anything, Lord Lu.” The old guy asked, his tone different from usual.

Lu Yin has never heard uneasiness in its voice

#Every time verification appears, please do not use incognito mode!

Now that it heard it, it was afraid of what it had done.

“No, Ba Se has tested it out a long time ago. I have been on guard, otherwise you might really make all my efforts go to waste.”

Hehe, the old guy breathed a sigh of relief: “Thank you.”

Lu Yin said: “Old guy, I’m sorry you’re trapped for the time being. I’ll let you out after I find a solution.”

“Haha, it doesn’t matter. You take your time and I’ll take a nap.”

After finishing the conversation with the old guy Hehe, Lu Yin had a general understanding of the Master of Time Ferryman.

And the fear of the master has increased again.

The Lord of Karma has a list of Karma Seeds, and there are Karma Seeds left in all nine bases.

The Lord of Time has such a way of backstabbing through time.

What about other masters?

The Overlord is obviously invincible in the universe, but he is afraid that Nine Bases will leave so many back-ups. Even if Nine Bases are defeated and destroyed, these back-ups will still exist. This is what makes Lu Yin most uneasy.

Don’t be afraid of powerful enemies, but be afraid of powerful and intelligent enemies.

Shengrou and the others were defeated because they were greedy and underestimated human civilization.

If they had predicted today’s outcome from the beginning, they would never have allowed human civilization to gain a foothold in the inner and outer worlds. Even if they fought to the death, the outcome would have been much better than now.

Lu Yin slowly turned his head and looked at Ba Color: “It’s our turn now, who are you?”

Ba Se faced Lu Yin and asked, “Why do you ask that?”

Lu Yin stared at it: “Nothing in the world appears without reason. You and Wang Wen created divine power, created the unknowable, looked for the main creature that stared at Wang Wen, and helped me again. You are from the ninth base. . “Who are you?”

Base faced the stars in the universe and was silent for a while: “It seems like it’s time to tell you.”

Lu Yin narrowed his eyes.

“Base is one of the creatures who participated in the attack on the ninth base, a being who is qualified to be taken as cannon fodder by the main creature.”

“This is the old Eight Colors. Of course, I have forgotten what my previous name was.”

Lu Yin asked in a deep voice: “What about the eight colors now?”

Ba Color turned to face Lu Yin. Its whole body was woven with lines. Although it was a humanoid creature, it only had color and no entity, and it had no eyes, ears, mouth or nose. But at this moment, it seemed to be smiling, very loudly. Happy, “Guess?”

Lu Yin looked at him blankly.

“By the way, remember You Che, what impressed you most about it?” Ba Se suddenly asked.

Lu Yin’s pupils are steep

Shrinking, as if thinking of something, he looked at Ba Color in shock: “You are, Physiognomy.”

“Hahahaha, let’s get to know each other again, the leader of the fifth barrier, Xiangxue.”

Lu Yin stared blankly at the eight colors in front of him, physiognomy, physiognomy, he, he turned out to be physiognomy.

If he hadn’t mentioned You Che, Lu Yin would never have thought of it.

The first thing that impressed you the most about You Che was his experience. His experience at the Fifth Barrier made him go from being ignorant and innocent to being sinister and sinister. The second thing was the highest secret of the Wuxiang Celestial Art – Heart-Changing Gate.

Lu Yin once thought that You Che was dead, until it appeared again and tried to take away his body in exchange for the heart door.

This method impressed Lu Yin quite deeply, and it was precisely because of this method that he guessed that the eight colors were physiognomy.

You Che can change his heart, why can’t physiognomy?

“Are you really a physiognomist?” Lu Yin still couldn’t believe it.

Base’s laughter stopped and he sighed with emotion: “Countless years ago, I was a physiognomist, and now, I am Base.”

“Physiognomy is the eight colors, and the eight colors are the physiognomy.”

Lu Yin shook his head. Although he hoped that the eight colors were physiognomy, he still couldn’t believe it: “Why is this happening?”

Base spoke slowly, “On the Ninth Base battlefield, the fishing civilization that the fifth barrier welcomed was Taiqing. Originally, Taiqing could not win the Ninth Base, but due to You Che’s betrayal and Red Xia’s betrayal, Xiangcheng’s defense collapsed. , I was also on the verge of death, and at the last moment I used the heart-changing gate to **** this Ba Color body. I was really dead. Even if I took the Ba Color body, I didn’t wake up until the ninth base battlefield passed. ”

“After I woke up, I learned that the Ninth Base was defeated, and I knew that I alone could not save the day, so I established myself in the inner and outer world as Bashi.”

“Base’s own talent is quite good, and I rebuilt it in his body. He quickly reached the three laws and even the level of unlimited life. He found Wang Wen and joined forces to create divine power, which was said to be able to locate the reverse. Gudian, on behalf of the Lord, eradicate those who rebel against the ancients.”

“This reason is quite reasonable. Wang Wen is happy with it, and Zhu Yi is even more happy. No one would have thought that Ba Se would be me. After all, Ba Se is a serious creature who accompanied Zhu Yi to participate in the attack on the ninth base.”

“The current agnosticism was born under such circumstances. There was agnosticism during the Nine Bases War, but it was only a prototype. It was different from the later agnosticism. Many things changed as they were passed on to the outside world, and there was no way to verify them. , and I…”

Xiang Xue talked about a lot, what happened in the inner and outer heavens, how to find Wang Wen, how to win the Lord’s faith with divine power, and how to join forces with the Lord and some strong men to create divine power, etc.

Lu Yin listened quietly without interrupting.

Until he finishes speaking completely.

“That’s right, you set the unknown rules.” Lu Yin asked.

Base nodded: “No rules

#Every time verification appears, please do not use incognito mode!

Ji, you are long gone. ”

“Do you think anyone would allow a treasure to exist without snatching it? Who would allow a human civilization to exist without being destroyed?”

“The rules are to protect you.”

Lu Yin thought about it, “But you also allowed the three universes to be destroyed, and allowed many, many things.”

Base said: “Don’t you think I should do this?”

Lu Yin looked at Ba Color, he was a physiognomist, whether he should do it or not, the fifth barrier gave the answer.

In order to allow the next person who can practice the non-dual method of heart connection to appear, Xiangxue uses the entire fifth barrier as a testing ground, allowing people on the fifth barrier to love, hate and kill each other, allowing many of them to change from innocence To jealousy. You Che is the most obvious example.

The physiognomist’s heart was the most ruthless Lu Yin had ever seen.

He believed that if he could not survive the three cosmic disasters, he would just sit back and watch.

“What are you going to do in the end?” Lu Yin was curious, what purpose made him take the risk to cooperate with Wang Wen, and really create a divine power that can locate the anti-ancient point, in case this power is completely controlled by the Lord? , those who rebel against the past will really be eliminated, then the Lord will have no worries at all.

On the eight-color body surface, the lines rotate, and green light gathers in front of the body, gradually condensing into a tree.

“Do you know what this is?”

“Mother tree.”

“What about that?”

Lu Yin looked at a branch of the mother tree. That branch was composed of twelve colors. It was inconspicuous among the entire mother tree. It was very small and very thin: “Is that a sacred tree?”

After the words fell, the twelve colors spread along the trunk of the divine branch, spread to the inside of the mother tree, and gradually covered the entire mother tree, turning the originally green mother tree into twelve colors, turning into an extremely huge divine tree. .

Lu Yin’s pupils shrank sharply, and the words Qianji Guiyan said suddenly came to his mind, “Eight Colors, with ambitions all over the world.”

“Do you want to replace the mother tree with divine power?”

Base nodded, “How powerful the Overlord is. If it were a human body, I might not dare to try to practice and break through to compete with them, but I can’t do it now. Eight Color is not a human being, and its body will never be able to break through to the Overlord.” Layers.”

“So I want to change the method. If the entire mother tree becomes a sacred tree, and I use the sacred tree as the basis, I will have the power to shake the master.”

“At worst, the Lord can be expelled from the inner and outer heavens together.”

Lu Yin was shocked. His ambition was already very great, and his ambition in physiognomy was even greater. He actually wanted to do such a thing.

“Can it be done?”

“I don’t know, this is the only way I can think of to defeat the Lord.”

“Who else knows?”

“Wang Wen.”


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