Star Odyssey Chapter 5219: Ferry the creatures


Jie Xin is also constantly converging.

Lu Yin has no intention of unifying the seventy-two realms by relying on the world heart, but he can accept as many as he can. The big world heart gives him a way to fight the world war without stimulating methods.

And the Heart of the Great Realm is in his hands.

Forget it, if all the realm hearts collected during this period are combined, it will be enough to fight fifteen realm battles.

Previously, all the world hearts of the creatures in the Self-Preservation Alliance could fight more together, like Gray Ancestor alone could fight a gray world battle, but it was a pity that the rest were taken away.

In addition, Lu Yin also ordered that his statues be spread across the seventy-two realms.

This order made many people look at him differently. .??.

The word narcissism is everywhere in the world instantly.

Lu Yin is speechless, what is narcissism? He is doing it for the sake of the perfect relationship.

By spreading the statues all over the seventy-two realms, only by using the non-dual method of mind connection can the strongest power be exerted. In particular, one can use the power of wish to see all the seventy-two realms.

Of course, it’s hard for him to explain this.

Forget it, let the outside world talk about it whatever you want.

Everyone at the camp was also released, but the rest remained untouched. Take your time. If you dismantle the camp all at once, there will be chaos inside and outside.

Although there are not many strong people in the camp, some are indeed difficult to deal with.

The entire inner and outer world has changed because of the retreat of the dominant clan.

At this moment, Shengrou, Shi Gui and Yun Xin meet each other just inches apart.

“We cannot go back to the inner and outer heavens. We can only return to normal by waiting for the return of the Lord.”

“Don’t you think something is wrong? That Lu Yin is not stupid, why does he dare to establish himself in the inner and outer world?”

“I also think there is a problem. He is seeking death. The master may return at any time.”

“Unless there is someone behind him who can make the master immobile and gain strength.”

The one who spoke was Shigui. After the words fell, it and Shengrou looked at Yunxin at the same time.

Yun Xin didn’t speak and remained silent.

“Yun Xin, what is there to hide now? Once the master returns, the truth will be revealed.” Shengrou shouted.

Yunxin made a voice: “Yes, the reason why human beings have to base themselves on the inner and outer heavens comes from the order of the master of my destiny.”

Sheng Rou was angry: “It’s really you, what are you going to do?”

Yun Xin said in a low tone: “It had nothing to do with me. I only found out later. I have never been soft on humans and have never helped them. You have been on guard against me and even designed to frame me, Qi Luck. In fact, It makes no sense.”

“The Lord is the Lord, I am me.”

Shi Gui stared at Yun Xin. Only he dared to say this. This guy once promised to replace the master.

Shengrou gritted his teeth: “The reason why the master has not returned for so long is because he was dragged away by your fate master

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Live? ”

Yun Xin said: “I don’t know what happened in the Ancient City of Time, but as far as I know, even if the master makes a promise to humans, the end of these humans will not be good.”

Sheng Rou did not refute.

Shi Gui made a cold voice: “I said, you won’t tell humans our whereabouts.”

As soon as these words came out, Shengrou subconsciously distanced herself and stared at Yun Xin closely.

Yun Xin said: “If you do this, can you still stand here and chat?”

Shi Gui said: “No matter what, all the masters are ants. It is impossible for the Grand Palace Master to break through the master level. Whatever we do is just like a game in the eyes of the master. The most important thing now is to protect ourselves. Waiting for the return of the Lord.”

Shengrou also said: “Let’s separate, I don’t believe you.”

“It’s best to separate.”

“This kind of change will not last long. Human beings place too high a value on the Lord’s promise. The Lord is also a living being.”

This is not the first time Lu Yin has seen the fusion and use of eight expressions, but this time it is the most realistic and recent.

Eight colors, the divine power of the eight colors formed a cage to imprison the old guy. To be precise, it’s not Old Guy Hehe, but the ferryman of the long river of time who is parasitic on Old Guy Hehe.

“What’s your name?” Lu Yin asked, looking at the roly-poly trapped by the eight-color divine power.

The roly-poly shook a few times: “I am me, little human being, and I have helped you, haha.”

Lu Yin said calmly: “You can’t run away, hehe, it’s you, the old guy, and so is the other one. I’m very curious about you, the people of the River of Time Ferryers. What kind of existence are you, and what kind of existence do you have?” What kind of mission and tasks?”

“How do you, who were born in the long river of the Lord’s time, view this universe.”

“I’m very curious, can you satisfy me?”

The roly-poly shook: “How do you view the universe? Do you want to discuss this topic with me? Sorry, I can’t give you the answer, because since I was born, I have been controlled by your time master, and I can do whatever it asks me to do. ”

“Where are your kin?”

“They are all under control too.”

“What is your mission?”

“Why do you think I will answer?” the roly-poly asked.

Base spoke: “Death is the greatest punishment for outside creatures, and the greatest punishment for you should be perfect eternity.”

Lu Yin looked at Ba Color in surprise, not understanding what it meant.

The tumbler sinks


Ba Color clarified Lu Yin’s doubts: “Ever since I learned about the existence of creatures granted by the Lord of Time, I have been thinking about what those creatures fear most. For no other reason than that, those creatures must be enemies. To defeat the enemy, you must know your weaknesses.”

“I thought about it for a long time, but fortunately, blocking the long river of time made me think of it.”

“This kind of creature is born in the years and can parasitize the years. Then the years are a path for them, which can be forward, backward, left or right, just like the normal path of outside creatures.”

“If this road is always fixed in one direction and can only go forward, then it will be a kind of torture for them.”

The roly-poly shook: “It’s not torture, it’s just a little uncomfortable, but can’t I just stop where I am?”

“Time will never stop.” Eight-color interface.

“Haha, you are really smart. Well, I can tell you everything you want to know. Anyway, I don’t know much. If you catch me, you will die anyway. Speaking of which, I quite resent you. Time rules.” said the roly-poly.

Lu Yin frowned: “The Lord of Time is our enemy, and its identity has nothing to do with us.”

“I’m sorry, in my opinion, all living things outside the long river of time are the same kind of living beings, there is no difference.” As he said, the roly-poly kept shaking: “By the way, do you want this roly-poly to say hello to you? ? It’s not dead.”

Lu Yin said: “You said it was yours, don’t be in a hurry.”

“Okay.” The voice of the ferryman on the long river of time is leisurely, and he seems not to be afraid at all, nor does he have any psychological burden: “There is only one kind of ferryman on the long river of time, and that is our clan. We were born on the long river of long time, the long river of long time This is our home.”

“We can travel through the years and travel at will, but as the universe becomes more and more, time continues to expand, and there are more and more tributaries of the long river of time. There is no other way, so our clan has given other creatures to ferry the time. ability.”

“In our tribe, they are called outer ferrymen. We ourselves are inner ferrymen.”

“Only the inner ferryman can parasitize the years, and can parasitize the bodies of any outer ferryman and control them.”

“This is my understanding of family history.”

“As for why our family was controlled by that time master, I don’t know. And my task is to be parasitic in this roly-poly body and stare at the ninth base.”

“The civilization of Jiuliao is very fearful to the Lord of Time, and even other Lords. In order to deal with them, these Lords used many methods. Each Lord has their own means. I am the means of the Lord of Time. Did you ask me my name before? Sorry, no, my code name is – Seven.”

Lu Yin’s eyes flashed, seven?

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“Are you seven?”

“Not bad.”

“Are there any other ferrymen?”

“Of course, I am not the only one in our family. Oh, I understand your worries. Don’t worry, our family is dealing with not only humans, but also other civilizations in the universe, and even the rest of the world.”

Lu Yin breathed a sigh of relief. If these inner ferrymen were dealing with humans, then he didn’t know who he could trust anymore, Zhao Ran? Bai Xian’er? They have all been ferryers on the long river of time.

“What is your mission to parasitize Purple? Ninth Base has long been defeated.” Base asked. It had long suspected that there was some kind of creature inside the unknown that was staring at it, or staring at Wang Wen, so it was tempted.

“Of course I’m staring at Wang Wen.”

Is it really Wang Wen?

Lu Yin’s eyes flickered, Wang Wen really made the master fearful to this extent, and sent this creature who once stared at the ninth base to monitor.

“Wang Wen doesn’t know your clan?”

“Of course, our clan only exists in the Ancient City of Time. The rest of you can see us, and that is the situation now. It seems that Wang Wen has never been to the Ancient City of Time.”

“Besides monitoring Wang Wen, what other tasks do you have?”

“No more, there is only this one task.”

“What did you do on the ninth base battlefield?” Lu Yin asked.

The roly-poly shook: “I did nothing. After the war started, I gave the initiative to this roly-poly. After all, I was afraid of being discovered. But before the war started, many things that happened at the ninth base were revealed. I reported it to the Lord of Time.”

“That’s why those fishing civilizations can accurately attack each base. Especially, I also found a loophole in the ninth-base battlefield for the master. Unfortunately, that loophole was guarded by Pan. It’s really scary. One person, one horse, It was a loophole that was guarded.”

Base asked: “As far as you know, where are the other inner ferrymen?”

“Hey, why would you ask me such a question? How could I know. Will the Lord of Time explain it to me?”

“Besides Purple, who else have you parasitized?”

“My mission is purple, nothing else. The more parasites there are, the easier it is to see problems. This is a taboo.”

“Which ancient city are your people in?”

“Not in the ancient city of years, but in a certain part of the main river of years. How to describe it? You can think of it as a big anti-ancient point. Our family rarely goes to the ancient city of years, so even if there are living beings in the ancient city who have seen it We can’t recognize it either.”

“How many chartered creatures are there?”

“I know very little. Every licensed creature is special.”


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