Star Odyssey Chapter 5218: Today, the King of the Inner and Outer Heaven


Darkness enveloped the whole place.

Using the Silent Sea Death Realm to drive away other dominant forces, although the Grand Palace Master can also use the Death Silence Power, there are thousands of tricks to control it, which means that it can only use its own combat power. This combat power faces Lu Yin Not enough anymore.

Beyond the darkness, there was silence and a long chasm, Qinglian Shangyu watched quietly.

In the Great World Palace, the Self-Preservation Alliance also stopped fighting, because the departure of Shengrou and the others caused all the practitioners who followed the Lord to evacuate.

Now there is only one battle in the inner and outer heavens, and that is within the darkness of the beautiful universe.

Soon after, the Silent Sea Death Realm returned to its original place. Under the gaze of countless eyes, Lu Yin was the only one in the beautiful universe.

Thousands of tricks have played out, and the Grand Palace Master is gone.

Lu Yin let out a deep breath, finally, it was over.

Facing the Grand Palace Master, one careless move led to a loss, and the secret of why it was able to fake death was also exposed. It was because of a turbid treasure, and not related to luck and a combat skill as initially guessed.

I just wanted to fake death for the fourth time, but unfortunately I was seen through.

Of course, this Zhuobao was also shattered.

Four times is the limit.

Now that the Grand Palace Master has been captured by Qianji Jiyan, it is impossible to break through to the level of dominance. Lu Yin doesn’t know what Qianji Jiyan can understand from it. He only knows that he has no choice now.

It’s not that he hadn’t thought about besieging Qianji Jiyan with Hunji and the others, but the moment Qianji Jiyan dragged the entire Silent Sea into ruin, the feeling that made his heart palpitate clearly showed that this bear’s The strength is equal to him.

This is the true strength of Qianji Guiyan.

Besieged and killed, Lu Yin was not sure. Just let go.

Even if Qianji Guiyan could understand something through the Grand Palace Master, it would be difficult to reach the level of the Grand Palace Master. He did not believe that the Lord of Death did not leave a blockade on Qianji Guiyan, and Qianji Guiyan could still live. There is no limit, that is also the wrong path.

So be prepared for the unexpected and have plenty of time.

“Where is the Grand Palace Master?” Qinglian asked.

Lu Yin said: “I was taken away by Qianji Guiyan.”

“Not dead?”

“I can’t die for the time being.”

Hun Ji said: “Why was it taken away?”

Chang Zhuo’s eyes were solemn: “Qianji Juyan’s strength is unfathomable. Shengrou and the others escaped, but they can come back at any time. Once Qianji Juyan joins forces with them, the situation will become the same as before. ”

Lu Yin nodded: “So the Grand Palace Master gave it to him, but I can see the Grand Palace Master at any time.”

“That’s good.”

Lu Yin raised his head, overlooked the seventy-two realms, and looked around the entire Inner and Outer Heaven: “Seniors, the war is over. The Dominator clan fled to death. We have no strong enemy in this Inner and Outer Heaven.”

These words made Chang Shu and the others excited.

The Inner and Outer Heavens, the Inner and Outer Heavens that belong to the Lord, have no strong human enemies now.

What is this?

It’s not as simple as establishing a foothold, but

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, rule.

Lu Yin teleported away and reappeared on Xiangcheng. Faced with the gazes of countless people, he slowly spoke: “Everyone, I, Lu Yin, officially declare that from today on, the inner and outer heavens will all belong to human beings.”

After a brief silence, Xiangcheng burst into cheers.

“Master Lu.”

“Master Lu.”

“Master Lu…”

Countless cheers resounded through Xiangcheng, spreading to the illusory realm, and to the entire inner and outer heavens.

Lu Yin looked down at the heaven and the earth: “Listen to all the creatures in the inner and outer heavens. From this moment on, human civilization will replace the dominant clan, and everything will belong to mankind.

“If anyone refuses to obey, kill him.”

“If anyone resists, kill them.”

“If anyone secretly communicates with the master, kill him.”

“I know you are all waiting for the Lord to return, thinking that the situation will change drastically when the Lord returns. Yes, I, Lu Yin, am not the Lord, and I cannot stop the Lord. But now that the Lord has not returned, the inner and outer world must listen to me. .”

“The seventy-two realms must listen to me.”

“Human civilization is heaven. Whether you follow it or not, this world belongs to mankind.”

Xiangcheng burst into even louder cheers.

Lu Yin’s domineering declaration silenced countless creatures in the seventy-two realms.

Resist? Impossible, absolutely impossible.

They didn’t dare to resist the dominant clan at first, but now they don’t dare to resist human civilization.

Lu Yin’s domineering force silenced the whole world.

After making a domineering declaration, Lu Yin issued numerous orders one after another. Humanity walked out of Xiangcheng and truly spread towards the seventy-two realms.

They don’t think about what will happen if the master returns.

They don’t need to consider these things, as long as the land owner is here.

Master Lu never does anything uncertain.

In the Great Realm Palace, the second and third palace lords fled in panic, but were stared at by Hun Ji. He grinned and wanted to escape? dream.

In the ?i world, Chang Chun entered, Wen Shu, Xiluo and all the strong ?i tribesmen fled, and the rest of the ?i tribe were unable to escape.

In the world of longevity, Qinglian Shangyu entered, and the four giant turtles also ran away.

Then there are the Jue Realm, the Overlord Realm, the Tianmen Realm, the Yin and Yang Realm, the Qing Realm and so on.

Everywhere that follows the dominant clan, strong humans from the human side will enter. Those who resist and do not follow will be killed and all resources will be taken away.

Most of the self-protection alliance has also fled, such as Hui Zu, Bi Xuanyue, etc. No one wants to wait to be liquidated by Lu Yin.

In the lonely sea of ​​death, Qian Jiyan looked at the beautiful universe, “Congratulations, Lu Yin, now the king of the inner and outer heavens.”

For the next period of time, the seventy-two realms will be very lively


There are battles happening everywhere, and the fighting between the cultivators who originally followed the Lord and the humans is very fierce.

Lu Yin didn’t take action, it was impossible for him to do anything.

Hun Ji and the others will only take action when they encounter those strong men who can live without limit. .??.

Just like Qinglian Shangyu, who personally captured Gray Ancestor.

Looking at Ancestor Hui in front of him, Lu Yin looked calm.

Huizu was full of uneasiness at the moment. He didn’t expect that he was so unlucky that he was actually encountered.

Since the battle between Lu Yin and the Grand Palace Master, the self-preservation alliance collapsed and scattered and fled, and it also escaped. And he was not alone, but escaped with another three-law strongman.

The reason for doing this is to use the Three Laws as a scapegoat. If it cannot escape from the inner and outer world and is discovered by humans, the Three Laws can still block it, so it can run away.

But what happened?

Where did the Three Laws go? Could it be possible to detect danger in advance?

“See Master Lu.” A familiar voice came. Ancestor Gray suddenly turned his head and saw the three regular creatures that escaped from the Great Realm Palace with him. His pupils flickered and he looked at Lu Yin again. For a moment, it understood everything.

It turns out it was not bad luck, but a plan.

Lu Yin was funny: “Thank you for your hard work,?.”

Yes, this cultivator of the three laws who accompanied Hui Ancestor to escape from the Great Realm Palace is exactly?.

After Lu Yin helped solve the pain, it did not leave the inner and outer world, but later joined the Self-Preservation Alliance, which can be regarded as Lu Yin’s instruction.

In a self-preservation alliance, there are several creatures that Lu Yin can control.

?is one of them.

Originally, Gray Ancestor escaped from the Great Realm Palace without taking anyone with him, so now no one can find it.

Lu Yin tried to search for the past with countless clues, but as long as the other party completely restrained his aura, it would be difficult to find it. When the Grand Palace Master was found, it was due to countless clues, and the entanglement of cause and effect was too deep.

Unfortunately, Ancestor Hui had to take one with him when escaping, and he happened to be the one chosen?

If it doesn’t get caught, who will?

? As soon as you have time, go to Xiangcheng and Qinglian will personally take action. How can a Gray Ancestor escape?

“Speaking of which, I was still in the gray world to deal with Sheng Qing and take him away, so we are destined.” Lu Yin asked him to step back and continue to look for the creatures in the self-protection alliance.

Huizu said hurriedly: “Yes, I noticed something was wrong at that time, but after thinking about it I still didn’t intervene. Fortunately, it didn’t prevent you from taking action, Master Lu.”

Lu Yin was funny: “So I have to thank you.”

Hui Ancestor’s attitude was extremely respectful: “It’s Lord Lu, you are so blessed, your luck is not as good as yours, it has nothing to do with me, it has nothing to do with me.”

Lu Yin didn’t expect this Gray Ancestor

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You are quite good at talking, “You have lived for so long, and you still want to live? Isn’t it boring?”

Hui Zu was speechless and wanted to curse. Who would want to die if he could live? “No, it’s not boring.”

“What’s going on with cause and effect?”

Hui Zu did not hide anything and told about a past incident.

Actually, it’s nothing, it’s just that I saved a creature belonging to the Karma Master clan, and that creature was of a very high level, so high that it surpassed the Karma Master.

Lu Yin narrowed his eyes, transcending the master of cause and effect?

Shengyi once told him that there are five generations in the Karma Lord family, namely the generation before the Lord and the fourth generation after the Lord. In other words, there is only one generation of living beings in the Karma Lord clan that surpasses the Lord.

The strength of the creatures of that generation is definitely not bad.

“Who was saved?”

“Saint Shadow.”

“How strong is it?”

“On par with me.”

Lu Yin looked at Ancestor Hui: “Isn’t it comparable to Shengrou?”

Grandmaster Hui said bitterly: “Master Lu, it’s not that easy to reach the heights of Shengrou. That holy shadow has survived longer than me, but it said it would never reach certain heights.”

“In fact, there are not many people at the level of Shengrou, even if we look at the Lord.”

“It has nothing to do with how long you live.”

Lu Yin nodded. This was reasonable. It was impossible to become stronger the longer he lived. Then there would be far more than just one or two strongest people in the master group. Shengrou is the daughter of the Lord of Cause and Effect, and there are not many such beings who block the doors of other Lords and scold them.

“Just because I saved Shengying, Shengying promised that as long as I don’t take action against the Lord of Karma, I can get the protection of the Lord of Karma.” Gray Ancestor explained.

Lu Yin stood aside and clicked on Jiangtai Hell to appear: “Go in.”

Hui Ancestor looked at Dianjiangtai Hell and felt uneasy: “What is this?”

“Don’t worry, I won’t kill you.”

Gray Ancestor looked at Dianjiangtai Hell again. This thing is not a good thing no matter how you look at it. But facing Lu Yin’s gaze, he had to go in even if he didn’t want to, and he couldn’t resist.

He had no choice but to grit his teeth and rush in with a leap.

Next, cultivators continued to be arrested, some died, and some were captured to add karma to Lu Yin.

No one has too much cause and effect.

In fact, the three people he wanted to catch most were Shengrou.

I don’t know where I went.

Seize creatures and seize resources. If human civilization wants to rise, it must sacrifice the interests of other creatures. There is no way.

Lu Yin is not a soft-hearted person.

These creatures are originally enemies of human civilization.

As long as the Lord gives the order, they will kill humans without mercy.

No matter how deep the complaints of the civilizations of the seventy-two worlds are, as long as Lu Yin stands in the inner and outer world, they will have to swallow this breath.


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