Star Odyssey Chapter 5217: How can you be afraid of it?


Thousands of Thousand Threads is the Grand Palace Master’s use of cause and effect. All the cause and effect that is entangled with him can be traced to the source. This means that no matter where the Grand Palace Master is, Lu Yin only needs to draw Thousand Threads related to it. If you have any clues, you will definitely find it.

Thinking this way is actually a bit absolute. It is impossible for Qiansi Wanlui to be so powerful. Otherwise, if the Grand Palace Master hides wherever he wants and keeps attacking, who can escape? It can only be said that this move can only be a direction to find the enemy, but it is not inevitable.

He has experienced this trick more than once, and as long as he has experienced it, he can practice it.

Yichen’s avatar experienced the gift of Karma and Great Compassion, and also cultivated it.

The difficulty of this inextricably linked cultivation is not higher than that of Karma and Great Compassion.

It’s just cultivation, cultivation. What he is afraid of now is wasting time, and the purpose of using luck is to save time.

Sometimes more luck can lead to more inspiration. There is a saying about luck – luck just turns the results of coincidence into necessity.

What he has to do now is to make the inevitable result as soon as possible.

Before the Grand Palace Master escaped from Inner and Outer Heaven.

If the Grand Palace Master is not dead, he will definitely escape.

Find it before it escapes.

The luck poured into Lu Yin’s body along the card. Lu Yin released the law of cause and effect, recalling the inextricable scenes of the Grand Palace Master, pulling the past into reality, as if he was walking through the years and watching the Grand Palace Master. Every detail of the action, every change of its cause and effect is felt.

I don’t know if luck has taken effect, but Lu Yin understood the intricacies of cultivation very quickly. As he took action, the law of cause and effect turned into threads and headed towards the entire inner and outer sky. Then, he He raised his hand and dragged out the long river of years, and the cause and effect disappeared into the years, looking for everything related to the Grand Palace Master.

Scenes from the past reappear one after another, and each scene has a cause and effect penetrating through it. At first glance, it looks similar to the barnacles of time.

Suddenly, Lu Yin looked in one direction, there.

A teleport away.

On the same spot, Qianji Guiyan looked into the distance at the same time and chased after him.

In the inner and outer sky, between the branches outside the barrier of the seventy-two realms, a pair of eyes opened, their eyes were horrified, not good.

The power that tears apart the world comes, hitting directly from inside the barrier to outside the barrier, and the branches along the way are instantly shattered.

A figure rushed out, and it was the Grand Palace Master.

The Grand Palace Master looked at Lu Yin who appeared in disbelief. This human being actually learned its intricacies and found it using the method of cause and effect.

Lu Yin looked at the Grand Palace Master not far away, breathed a sigh of relief, and smiled: “Senior, I’m very curious about how you died.”

Even he couldn’t see the flaw just now, just like Shengrou couldn’t see the flaw in the death of the Grand Palace Master.

This method is too strange

#Every time verification appears, please do not use incognito mode!

It’s different.

The Grand Palace Master stared at Lu Yin: “Human, you must stare at me?”

Lu Yin said nothing, because the Grand Palace Master he saw at this moment was completely different from before. What should I say? A lot weaker, yes, just a lot weaker. It feels like the strength has declined from the strength of a few extremely powerful people in single combat to the strength of an ordinary extremely powerful person.

Although the aura was weak, it gave him an indescribable sense of crisis, as if he saw a lurking monster. Although it was weak, it could become extremely powerful.

“Lu Yin, I am not a threat to you, why are you bothering to pester me.” The Grand Palace Master softened his tone and kept retreating, trying to escape.

Lu Yin narrowed his eyes: “You have reshaped your body.”

The Grand Palace Master shrank his eyes, “I don’t understand what you said.”

Lu Yin said solemnly: “You completely shattered your body in a state of unlimited life. It was indeed you who died just now, but it was not just you.”

“You mean I also cultivated a clone?”

“It’s not a clone. I don’t know how you did it, but you did die twice. Once you deceived Shengrou, giving you the opportunity to break the six-round blockade, and once you deceived me, allowing your life to be unlimited. The wrong path has been removed from your body, and you are the real you now. The one who broke the six-round blockade and can continue to move towards the level of dominance.” After Lu Yin finished speaking, he looked amazed: “Senior, I admire you so much. I have to admire you. If it hadn’t been for that battle just now, you would have had to find a way to solve the wrong path of unlimited life on your own, but this junior just happened to help you.”

“Is all this calculated by the predecessors?”

“If this is the case, the senior’s scheming city can be regarded as rare that the junior has seen in his life.”

The Grand Palace Master said in a low voice: “What fake death, what calculations, you think too much. Lu Yin, don’t pester me, you and I have a common enemy, those masters.”

“Believe me, without me, you will never be able to lead human civilization to survive.”

Lu Yin suddenly teleported away and took action. The Grand Palace Master made him feel worse and worse. At this moment, the Grand Palace Master had no obstacles on his way to domination. Whether he could reach the level of domination, let’s see. is its countless years of understanding.

The blockade and wrong path of cultivation are gone, and now it is what it originally was.

The universe is actually fair, and every living being has the possibility to reach a certain height.

Now the Grand Palace Master really gives Lu Yin a feeling that he can become the master.

This is not a good thing.

The Grand Palace Master hurriedly avoided the place, passed through the barrier, stepped into the beautiful universe, waved his hand, and it was vast

The power of the years turns into the stars surrounding it, unable to move the heavenly body.

Compared with before, this time the Fudo Celestial Body is thicker, more condensed, and larger.

This does not come from the power of time from the Grand Palace Master himself, but from the Lord of Time, from this beautiful universe, from the entire inner and outer heaven.

Seeing this scene, Lu Yin’s expression changed completely. The Grand Palace Master could easily use the power of the Lord.

Generally speaking, the power of **** is all over the beautiful universe. It is difficult to use it except for world wars. If you don’t bear it enough, you will be torn to pieces. This was the case for the previous Mingqing and the Grand Palace Master at the last moment, but now The palace master was actually able to use this majestic power.

It is getting closer and closer to the master.

Although its own strength is weak, it is because it has lost its unlimited life state, but it is more difficult to deal with.

Lu Yin’s arm was dry, and seven cards poured into the airflow. He pointed along his arm, and the terrifying power broke through the void and blasted into Fudotian’s body. This finger hit the Grand Palace Master, but failed to Its body penetrates.

Fudoten’s defense has become stronger.

The Grand Palace Master waved his hand again, the sky inside and outside shook, and the entire mother tree swayed. Lu Yin looked up and saw an incredible scene.

On top of the head, countless white lights condensed, that was life force.

The vast and majestic white light converged into a sword, which was cut off on the head.

This sword does not come from the Grand Palace Master himself, but from the inner and outer heavens, from the Lord of Life.

Lu Yin gritted his teeth and avoided the knife.

The white knife cut the entire beautiful universe into two parts under the unbelievable gazes of countless creatures both inside and outside the sky.

Lu Yin’s scalp was numb.

It was silent and long, Qinglian Shangyu, they all looked at it in shock.

The Grand Palace Master can actually do such a thing.

Over the years, the Grand Palace Master also felt uncomfortable. When the unlimited state of life was destroyed, its feelings about the entire universe suddenly changed. As it has understood for countless years, the six rounds of blockade are only the first blockade. This The second blockade is that life is unlimited.

When it reached the point where its life was unlimited, those masters were completely relieved.

So what Lu Yin said is right. It used the first fake death to break the six-round blockade, but this second fake death is not actually a fake death. It didn’t expect to be forced into that. It originally had other ways to break the blockade in its plan. With unlimited life, it would be too risky to be killed in a decisive battle with Lu Yin.

It doesn’t want to take the risk either.

But he was forced to a dead end and had no other choice, so he faked his death for the second time.

The result of the adventure was not as expected, but it was still found.

This is

#Every time verification appears, please do not use incognito mode!

It envisioned the worst possible outcome from the beginning. In its opinion, this result is unlikely to happen. It can only be said that its calculations were deep enough, and this human being calculated even deeper, forcing it to a dead end.

Now that I can use the power of my master to take action, I can truly feel that my life is changing. As long as I have time, I am 90% certain that I can become a new master.

90% sure.

This is the step I have longed for for countless years.

However, after all, the shortcoming of unlimited life has just been solved, and it is difficult to use the power of too many other masters.

This knife is a deterrent.

It turned around and ran away, “Human, if you chase me again, I will fight to the death to catch you.”

Lu Yin clenched his fist and punched out, how could he be afraid of it?

The stronger it appears, the more Lu Yin has to solve it. He has experienced too much in these years and will not be indecisive.

The Grand Palace Master was furious and just about to take action, darkness enveloped everything around him.

Thousands of tricks have begun.

The Grand Palace Master looked at Qian Ji Guiyan in the distance: “You?”

The corners of Qianji Jiyan’s mouth curled up, and the mechanical eyes flashed red, becoming extremely eerie and terrifying: “I didn’t expect you to actually come this far, that’s not possible.” It took a step forward, raised its bear paw, and silently The sea of ​​death has arrived.

Lu Yin’s expression changed.

The darkness moved at this moment.

It seems that the entire universe is enveloped by the starry sky, passing through the mother tree and overlapping with the beautiful universe.

Qianji Guiyan actually dragged the entire Silent Sea Death Realm over and forcibly dispersed the power of other masters.

“Lu Yin, take action, but it belongs to me.”

Lu Yin frowned: “What you say doesn’t count.”

Qianji Guiyan looked at him with a smile: “Then I will help you, believe it or not, as long as I am here, you will never be able to control the inner and outer world. How can you explain to that person?”

Lu Yin stared at Qian Ji Guiyan.

Qianji Qiyan continued: “Don’t worry, I can’t let it break through the dominance level. I just want to use it to understand more about this level. Of course, you can also share this insight. It just needs to be given to me.”

Lu Yin took a deep look at Qianji Guiyan, withdrew his gaze and stared at the Grand Palace Master again: “Okay. But you have to take action together.”

“Haha, okay.” Qian Jiguiyan was happy.

The Grand Palace Master roared: “You are seeking death.”

Listening to Lu Yin and Qianji Jiyan talking like this, it felt like it was being insulted. It is obviously the strongest and can become the master, why do these two dare to talk like this? Why dare you deal with it?

The Lord is invincible and the co-lord of the universe.

They should also kneel down.


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