Star Odyssey Chapter 5100: Crash

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Qi Luck is not afraid of Dajie Palace secretly putting on small shoes for them. Or, as Red Xia said, the Great Realm Palace bullies the weak and fears the strong, and the tougher the Qi Luck is, the less trouble there will be?

The latter possibility also exists, and it is normal in the world of cultivation.

No matter what the Great Realm Palace thinks now, the attitude towards each major group will have to wait until that period of freedom comes, and can only be decided after the initial fierce battle.

However, the Qi Luck Alliance completely ignores the Great World Palace, probably because the Great World Palace itself also needs the help of the Qi Luck Alliance.

Wang Chenchen reminded Lu Yin: “The seventy-two realms of the inner and outer heavens, including the distance between them, have all embraced luck, because no matter what you do, good luck is always better than bad luck, and the Great Realm Palace is no exception. , Everyone wants to hold a creature with luck, and for every creature with luck, only a small part of its own luck is used on itself, and most of it is used on other creatures.”

“This is the wisdom of the world.”

“That arrogance is bought with good luck.”

Although the third palace master suffered a lot in PoE Xuan Realm, it did not prevent the second palace master from going to Taibai Ming Realm to thank Ming Zuo for reminding him. If not for Ming Zuo, they would not have been able to find those resources.

That batch of resources made up for the loss of the Great Realm Palace.

Conditions are conditions, and things still have to be done on the surface, especially after being ignored by the PoE Xuanjing, the Great World Palace has to express an attitude.

Mingzuo was also called over by Mingfan to praise him, praising him for his courage and strategy.

Mingzuo was also happy, so he went to the Taibai Mingjing Resource Library for another round, and took away a batch of resources under the sad and indignant eyes of the same people who guarded the resource library.

The world inside and outside is getting quieter and quieter.

It is not long before the original deadline for the return of the giant city of Karma. Of course, it is impossible for the giant city to come back, but it cannot change Wang Wen’s plan.

It means that the period of freedom is getting closer and closer.

The closer it gets, the quieter it gets.

Lu Yin asked Wang Chenchen to go to the Huan Shang Xu Realm and stare at it. All the major masters also had practitioners staring at the Huan Shang Xu Realm, just waiting for that day to come.

A hundred years passed quickly.

No one can accurately predict the day when the giant city will return, but it is probably almost time.

Lu Yin cared more than anyone else because he was not waiting for the moment Wang Wen came out of seclusion, but before he came out.

Because Qiong Xier’s arrangements must be made before Wang Wen leaves the country.

A few years later, Wang Chenchen suddenly returned to the real world and found Lu Yin: “It’s time to leave seclusion.”

Lu Yin was puzzled: “How do you know?”

“The entire Huan Shang Xu Realm is under martial law. No one is allowed to leave or enter. I was the last one to come out. Now I can’t go back even if I want to. Moreover, I clearly feel that the air in the Huan Shang Xu Realm is heavy. I feel like someone is there. The illusion of breathing in my ears.” Wang Chenchen said.

Lu Yin didn’t know how Wang Wen planned to take away the master power, and all he could do was trust Wang Chenchen. Otherwise, if he missed the opportunity, the arrangements he had made over the years would be meaningless.

Think about it and act immediately.

First of all, if the news gets out, Wang Wen will be released.

At the same time, they spread the word in every realm, saying which realms will become victims of the dominant power, which realms will never have trouble, etc., forcing those who have the skills in their hands to exchange. Most of the creatures holding one, two or several squares cannot sit still. They cannot afford to gamble. Once something happens to the world they are in, there will be nothing left.

Other creatures and forces that control more directions don’t matter.

And what Lu Yin is eyeing is these creatures with a very small number of parties.

Over the past hundreds of years, using the identity of the Wang family to cover up, many people have actually been arranged to enter the Great Realm Palace and become realm merchants. Although there are not as many as expected in each realm, there are still a few. Seventy-one realms combined, Hundreds of world merchants acted at the same time, staring at the world merchant network, taking away the world heart, and disappearing.

The world inside and outside is boiling.

Countless creatures came to the Upper Realm Palace to ask for double compensation. All the seventy-one Realm Palaces were confused. How could this happen?

Jie Gong moved very quickly and immediately looked for Jie Shang. However, if he had the means to teleport, no matter how fast Jie Gong reacted, he would not be able to find any of them. The Great Jie Palace was immediately alerted.

At the same time, as many as 1,262 yuan were stolen from Fang. On average, five Fangs were stolen from each businessman. Some were more, some were less. Fang’s losses were not much, but the situation was extremely Serious, because this means that the Jieshang network is unreliable.

Hundreds of world merchants betrayed the Great World Palace at once, which was unprecedented.

For a moment, the creature that wanted to trade immediately stopped.

Jie Shang Network uses no crashes, but can be trusted to crash.

Although Dajie Palace immediately promised to compensate, after all, there are only more than 2,000 cubic meters, so it is not that they cannot afford compensation, but those creatures or forces with dozens or hundreds of cubic meters in their hands dare not trade. Dajie Palace can compensate once, Can I still pay for the second or third time? If you can compensate two thousand cubic meters, can you still compensate twenty thousand or two hundred thousand cubic meters? It’s impossible, the Great Realm Palace also has limits.

When credibility collapses, the business transaction network also collapses.

The Great World Palace was furious, and the Lords of the Second Palace and the Lord of the Third Palace immediately walked out to personally investigate the missing merchants.

But Lu Yin had been prepared, so he would not be easily found by them, and then they found out that most of these world merchants had become world merchants through the Wang family.

Jie Shang does not limit race. Of course, humans can also become Jie Shang. The Great Jie Palace does not care, but the only legitimate identity for human beings in the inner and outer world is the Wang family, so Lu Yin must obtain the legitimate identity through the Wang family, and then he can Become a businessman.

Although passing the legitimate identity of the Wang family does not mean that this matter was done by the Wang family, it is definitely inseparable from the Wang family.

The Lord of the Second Palace and the Lord of the Third Palace immediately went to Huanshangxujing and asked the Wang family for an explanation.

This time’s attitude is different from that of the Qi Luck Alliance and the Life Alliance. The Wang family is not the master of the Alliance. They are a powerful force in charge of two realms, but they are not a dominant force.

Moreover, in recent years, the Lord has restricted the development of the Wang family, and it is still unclear how many masters the Wang family will have.

So they go with anger.

But you can’t get in, the illusory realm is sealed, and you can’t get in or out, no one is excepted.

The Lord of the Third Palace was so angry that he even wanted to break in, but was frightened by a ray of aura and did not dare to take action again.

“Although I am not the leader of the Wang family, not everyone can come and question me. Two palace masters, you have a problem in the Great Realm Palace yourself. Don’t look for others. Who asked you to let those people become realm merchants. “A strong voice came from the illusory realm, and what he said almost made the Lord of the Third Palace angry to death.

“Which clan leader of the Wang family are you?”

“Wang Xiao.”

“It turned out to be Wang Xiao, who once claimed to be a hero. No wonder he said such unqualified words. I dare to ask, if your Wang family hadn’t recognized his legitimate identity, how could we have accepted him. The seventy-two realms of inner and outer heaven include Yunting. Even in Liuying, only those who are recognized as legitimate are qualified to become realm merchants, because we believe in the Wang family, and now that the Wang family actually wants to get rid of them, I can reasonably guess whether those realm merchants are hiding in the illusion.”

“Hahahaha, it turns out you want to search my illusory realm, talk so much nonsense, okay, come on, let’s see who has the courage to search me.”

The third palace master is furious, this Wang Xiao is completely tearing his face.

The Lord of the Second Palace stepped forward and faced the illusion: “Wang Xiao, we have no doubt that this matter was done by the Wang family. We have been under the master’s command for so long. The Wang family has always kept a low profile and has never done anything outrageous. , I believe this, but after all, those people are guaranteed by your Wang family, so you should give us an explanation.”

Wang Xiao said: “There is an explanation. Those people are not members of my Wang family.”

The Lord of the Third Palace shouted angrily: “They have your legitimate identity as the Wang family.”

“My Wang family has also been deceived. There must be some collusion within the family. Even if you don’t investigate this matter, my Wang family will investigate it. But instead of giving an explanation to you, we will give an explanation to ourselves. You can go.” .” Wang Xiao was very rude.

The Third Palace Master wanted to say something more, but was stopped by the Second Palace Master: “This Wang Xiao is a famous bastard. The Grand Palace Master once said that in addition to the ancestor Wang Wen, there are three old guys in the Wang family who should not be provoked. This Wang Xiao is one of them. He is unreasonable but extremely powerful. He was once trapped in the illusory realm for the rest of his life because he offended the Lord. He wants us to cause trouble.”

The Lord of the Third Palace gritted his teeth: “What should we do now?”

The Lord of the Second Palace looked downcast: “A lot of things have happened to us recently, and I always feel like someone wants to drag us into the water.”

“What do you mean?” The Lord of the Third Palace looked towards the illusory realm.

The Second Palace Master said: “Go back and ask the First Palace Master to come out. We should be targeted.”

The Lord of the Third Palace did not refute, and it felt the same way. Although it looked irritable on the surface, in fact, it tested the Wang family in different ways from the Lord of the Second Palace, but the Wang family didn’t care at all.

The Wang family was definitely not behind this. They knew it very well. Just like the last time they blackmailed the Dajie Palace, was it really Qi Luck? Not necessarily, or even unlikely. There must be someone behind the scenes who is stirring up trouble, but what is the purpose?

At this moment, not only the Great Realm Palace was furious, but all the major lords were also furious.

Because they are all waiting for the last-minute exchange party in exchange for the greatest possibility of winning a battle.

This is the last step as the period of freedom approaches.

Hiring strong men, integrating the creatures under his command, and integrating parties are all preparations for that period.

Before this, the major masters did not have many transactions together, just for fear of being alerted by other masters. Now that the free period is approaching, the more they have to take action, but this happened at this time, even though the Dajie Palace compensated Well, those who lost money not only did not lose money, but actually made twice as much money, but it was different when this happened to them.

They can be exchanged for thousands of square meters. How can Dajie Palace afford the compensation? So now they are frozen, and no one dares to use the Jieshang network to trade anymore.

The Dajie Palace is looking for the Wang family externally, and is thoroughly investigating the Jie merchants internally, especially those who have become Jie merchants in the past thousand years. Only by revealing the mastermind, and a powerful one at that, can the credibility be restored.

Dajie Palace also knows that they have even thought about finding a scapegoat, but this scapegoat must not be bad, otherwise who will believe it? However, how can those scapegoats who can enter the eyes of all the major lords become scapegoats easily? Those are all strong men.

The whole world inside and outside was in chaos.

The Great World Palace recalled all the world merchants who had been around for about a thousand years, and the rest of the world merchants completely stopped trading. Of course, even if they wanted to trade, these world merchants spread out to look for the missing group of world merchants.

For a time, the seventy-two realms were in chaos.


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