Star Odyssey Chapter 4997: Is it worth it?


Sui Bing and Zui An kept retreating, their strongest joint method of binding Sin was broken, and there was no way to stop the power of this humanoid skeleton.

Although Lu Yin rushed out, he himself felt uncomfortable.

Keep trying.

Every time two additional forces collide, it is equivalent to using your own body to bear it.

The collision that just broke the sin-locking method almost caused him to fall apart.

If it weren’t for the Death Bead, he really wouldn’t have played like this.

Maybe you will be hit hard first.

Fortunately, I still rushed out.

Now that he came out, he raised his head and stared at Sin Bing and Sin An, grinning with a skull face, “It’s your turn.” After saying that, the three death spells came, and the world of death came.

Darkness reaches the sky, and dark light has appeared in Sin City more than once.

But this time, the force of death that accompanied it was almost the same as that brought by the pressure of the Dead Sea.

Sui Bing and Zui An escaped directly by absolute means.

“You run away, we will kill the Sin Sect.” Lu Yin’s voice resounded throughout the Sin City and appeared in the ears of all living beings.

Sui Chi turned around and stared at Lu Yin, this guy deserves to die.

Bone language.

Lu Yin released the power of death, centered on himself, and spread to the entire Sin City.

Suddenly, a sword was placed on the neck. I don’t know how it appeared, and I didn’t know where the enemy was. It just appeared so suddenly.

Causation and Heavenly Sword.

Five words came.

Sword, cut.


With a soft sound and a sword, Lu Yin’s neck was cut off, but a needle was also cut out and flew into the distance.

The fifth needle of Yanmen.

Lu Yin turned around and saw a shackle hidden in the darkness of Sin City. It was the one that took action just now.

Crime Quotient.

This expert in the Sin Sect only made one move to stop the Dead Sea Dark Pressure, but the Dead Sea Dark Pressure disappeared and left him nowhere to find it. Then he never made a move again. He waited until just now to kill almost all of the Dead Sea Dark Pressure. A sword that can determine life or death.

Causation and Heavenly Sword.

Lu Yin knew that this was a method of applying cause and effect that the Sin Sect had deduced specifically for them after receiving the gift of the master of cause and effect.

After Lu Yin broke the sin soldiers’ joint sin-locking method, he used bone language to force out this hidden master.

Sure enough, there is, and it is the Cause and Effect Heavenly Sword.

The previous Sin Chi, the subsequent Sin Bing, and Zui An should all be able to use the Karma Heavenly Sword, but it was useless. They must have been waiting for this moment.

Lu Yin already had a high regard for the Karma Heavenly Sword, but in the end he still underestimated it.

If he hadn’t prepared the fifth needle of Yanmen in advance, this sword would have been enough to severely injure him.

In the corner of Sin City, Sin Merchant appeared, looking at Lu Yin from a distance: “Sure enough, this sword is useless, Your Excellency Chen

, the sin merchant admires him. ”

Lu Yin looked down at the sin merchant, “The sword of cause and effect is facing the sky, and I have long admired the great name.”

“But it’s my fault that I couldn’t surprise you at all.”

“You still have a chance.”

“No chance.” Sin Shang was helpless and looked in the direction of Sin Pond. “Looking at the current Sin Sect, the only one who can defeat you is Elder Zong, but Elder Zong also has opponents. So, Your Excellency, how can we give up?”

“There is no need to say anything to let the Karma Master family explain this.”

“In business terms, what price should I, the Sin Sect, pay to make you stop? There must be a reason for your attack on the Sin Sect, and I can guarantee that this reason has nothing to do with the Karma Dominator Clan.”

Lu Yin did so much just to avoid linking his attack on the crime world with the cause and effect team’s crusade against the fourth barrier, but this crime quotient directly revealed that it had nothing to do with the cause and effect team.

It is testing itself.

What behavior do you do that will connect it to the fourth barrier?

For a moment, Lu Yin thought a lot.

What the crime dealer just said was just speculation.

Chen’s behavior is unreasonable, at least it thinks it is, and it likes to attribute all actions to transactions.

This morning, he was besieged and killed by the Karma Master clan, and revenge was a matter of course. However, he had already passed the so-called extermination of the Rising Civilization. Regardless of whether it was true or false, this account was placed on him, and for this reason, he became the highest order.

This sale has ended.

Not to mention the plan to obtain the Shadow Realm and help the executioners escape from the camp.

No matter how you look at it, this deal has made a lot of money.

He should not continue to attack the world of sin.

It confidently told all the creatures of the Sin Sect that entering the Sin Realm in the morning was just a formality.

But this scene has been overturned, which is equivalent to overturning its three views. And it believes that its judgment will not be wrong unless there is something wrong with the transaction itself.

This morning, if he was not surrounded and killed by the Karma Master clan as the initial bargaining chip, then what he wanted to get would not be some supreme sequence, the shadow world or even the executioner clan leaving the camp.

He is still taking action at this moment, which means that this transaction has not been profitable for him.

What kind of chips can be used to exchange for the supreme sequence, and the Shadow Realm and the executioners can leave the camp? The sin dealer himself doesn’t know, so he is testing.

The Lord of Death must be plotting behind this morning. If you want to make up for the losses in the criminal world and give an explanation to the Lord of Cause and Effect, you must find the real bargaining chip of this transaction. That is also the true purpose of the Lord of Death. Only this can make them explain.

“You think it’s irrelevant?”

“Okay, then I’ll give you one today

answers. ”

The criminal merchant stared at Lu Yin.

Lu Yin spoke slowly, and his voice spread throughout Sin City and into the ears of all living beings, “I, Chen, hereby swear that if the Karma Lord clan does not apologize to me, I will kill all the civilized races affiliated with the Karma Lord clan in my life. , whether it is the Sin Sect that alone controls the nine realms, or other realms, including all living creatures that are attached to the Lord of Cause and Effect within a short distance.”

“I want cause and effect to flow together and blood to flow like a river.”

A huge sound echoed across the starry sky.

The Sin Pond, the Dead Sea Underworld, Sin Soldiers, etc., overtly and darkly, countless creatures heard it and looked at it in shock.

This is a complete struggle with cause and effect.

What hatred, what resentment? does it worth?

As soon as these words come out, Karma will do everything possible to kill him.

There is no possibility of resolution.

It is normal for the masters to kill each other, but like ordinary people, there is no eternal hatred, only eternal interests. Today, life can join forces with cause and effect to deal with death. Tomorrow, life can join hands with death. When dealing with cause and effect, this is the most normal thing.

Just like death helped time expel life together before.

However, as soon as Chen made this oath, it meant that the cause and effect path must be his enemy, and there was no possibility of resolving it; it meant that as long as he was still in the supreme sequence, as long as the Lord of Death did not speak, the death path would definitely stand with the cause and effect path. Opposites; meaning the killing between the main paths, it can be determined that the death path and the cause and effect path cannot be combined.

This will be a huge change for the entire universe.

After all, Chen is the supreme order of death, a being that can give orders to all creatures except the Lord of Death and the Death Lord family of creatures, and a being that can take the initiative to attack.

The criminal merchant looked at Lu Yin blankly, was it really just for an explanation? As for that?

You shouldn’t be so stupid.

Just because of a siege?

In the world of cultivation, there are too many killings. Countless creatures die every day, and countless creatures escape death. Enemies in life and death can also be allies. Isn’t this normal? Why must an explanation be given?

That is the family that dominates cause and effect.

Don’t say Yichen, even if it’s a thousand tricks, even the Lord of Death, the Lord of Cause and Effect, they can say they won’t apologize.

Explain? What explanation? Never possible.

Lu Yin’s voice still echoes in the criminal world.

This oath is good news for all the gods except the one of cause and effect and the one of death.

They clearly see the two opposing masters coming together, and they will be able to act much easier in the future.

Lu Yin is very aware of the weight of his words. He is equivalent to taking the place of the dead master and paying homage to

Causation declares war together.

This is exactly what he wants.

How can mankind rise without chaos?

Death was the biggest culprit in the collapse of the ninth base.

Causation and karma attack the fourth barrier together, trapping all eternal realms in the universe with karma and karma.

Both of these are enemies of human civilization.

As for the rest, take your time, there is always a way.

As soon as this oath comes out, Qianji Guiyan will have a headache, and the Lord of Death will be even more furious.

But the other masters were happy together.

So, Lu Yin looked around the starry sky, and the Cause and Effect Alliance wanted to kill him. The Lord of Death might also want to abolish his supreme order to restore the loss of the Death Alliance. But other Lords and Alliances were different. If he were them, Will definitely help.

As long as you are in this supreme sequence of death, it will be beneficial to them.

If you want to play, play big.

It just happened to push itself to a reasonable position that it must take action against other affiliated civilizations of the Cause and Effect Alliance. Otherwise, even if the Sin Realm is dragged down and cannot carry out boundary warfare to coordinate with the positioning of the giant city, other realms belonging to the Cause and Effect Alliance will also take action.

Now there is a valid reason.

Looking at the criminal dealer again, Lu Yin slowly said, “Is it clear now?”

The criminal merchant stared at Lu Yin and asked, “Is it worth it?”

“It’s not worth it, but you have to do it. If non-dominance creatures want to rise up, look at the scenery at the top of the universe. How can they do it without paying a price?”

“The price you pay is far heavier than you can imagine.”

“Maybe, but you can’t see it anymore.” Lu Yin didn’t want to say any more. This criminal businessman has a bit of a brain, and if he talks too much, his purpose can easily be seen through. He raised his hand and pressed it down, and the power of death was overwhelming, leading to a dead end.

The figure of the sin merchant is erratic, and the cause and effect is facing the sky sword.

Lu Yin raised his hand, flicked his finger, and with a soft sound, the Cause and Effect Heavenly Sword was bounced away.

Sin Shang was surprised. The Cause and Effect Xiangtian Sword is the use of cause and effect. What is important is not the sword, but cause and effect. How could it be so easy to defeat cause and effect this morning?

The bone arm was raised, Lu Yin’s five fingers were brought together, and countless dark lights appeared between the sky and the earth, sweeping across the world.

Like countless dead ends.

This is Lu Yin breaking up the dead ends and no longer leaving any traces for the enemy to follow. Although the power has become smaller, but with the blessing of his majestic death power, he still surpasses the two law experts.

The criminal merchant was swept away by the darkness and hurriedly escaped with absolute means.

On the other side, Sin Bing, Sin An, and many Sin Sect creatures were swept away by darkness, and many creatures were directly turned into ashes.

“A crime from heaven.”

Between heaven and earth, the twisted darkness pushed away the power of death and wrapped around Lu Yin.

This is the sin merchant’s method of locking sin.


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