Star Odyssey Chapter 4966: The sky changes

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As the dark space completely collapsed, a figure rushed out, and then another figure chased after it, heading high into the sky one after the other, constantly approaching the Narcissus Garden.

In the Narcissus Court, all the creatures don’t care. It is impossible to break the barrier from the inside out, not even ten or three strong people can do it.

They just want to know if any of these two figures have the power to go.

Gradually, I saw it clearly.

“To remove the powerlessness is to remove the powerlessness.”

“It’s on the loose.”

Shengquan laughed wildly: “It’s still alive, hahahaha, I won, I won.”

Most of the living beings around are ashen as death. How is it possible that despite being powerless, they are still alive?

Many creatures looked at the luck-dominated clan, why did this guy lose his luck?

“Bastard, kill it for me, kill it.” A dominant creature roared, commanding his men to go in and kill the weakling. That subordinate turned around and went away, not disobeying the orders of the dominant clan of creatures.

Shengquan no longer cares, even if it is powerless and dies at this moment, it still wins.

Go Weakly’s body slammed into the barrier. Behind it, the figure chasing it didn’t make a move, but also hit the barrier hard.

The winning creatures in Narcissus Court looked sarcastic. Are they angry and trying to rush out of the camp after the gambling game? ridiculous. They have seen this situation too many times. Many creatures will fight hard when faced with death, but in the end they all fall under the barrier, and Go is no exception.

“Kill me.” A loud roar followed by a loud noise.

Looking at all the creatures, the ground was stained with blood. They were the subordinates of the one who dominated the clan of creatures.

The dominant creature was furious and stared ahead. The one who killed its subordinates was the guardian of Narcissus Court.

“How dare you touch my slave.”

The guardian of Narcissus Court raised his head and grinned: “I’m sorry, everyone, the game is over. Please leave.” After the words fell, violent consciousness swept across, and most of the creatures fell directly to the ground, except for a few. The protectors of the dominant clan of creatures appear, all of them are in the immortal realm, and want to take away the dominant clan of creatures.

What greeted them was an even more violent bombardment of consciousness.

Shengquan looked at them in disbelief, there was a creature trying to kill them.


This word appeared in its mind for the first time. When did it get so close to this word?

Who is this creature? Why dare you kill it?

The answer is destined to not be obtained.

The bet is no longer available.

The six legs descended and all creatures including the altar were destroyed. The guardian of the Narcissus Court opened his robe and was revealed to be an old blind man; “Hurry, time is running out.”

The six legs of the walking cone blasted towards the barrier, and the old blind man took action at the same time.

Behind the barrier, there was another figure taking action.

The four masters joined forces to gradually tear apart the barrier.

If it were from the inside out, even ten masters of the Three Laws would not be able to tear open the barrier. But the old blind man and the walking cone work from the outside in, which is much simpler.

As the barrier was torn apart, I was powerless and rushed out of the camp.

Throughout the ages, countless creatures have tried to break through the camp, and some of them have succeeded, recording the history of the dominant clan and the history of the seventy-two realms, but most of them have failed.

That barrier has hindered countless masters from understanding the universe.

Before Mie Xing led the Four Extremes of Crime to break through Liu Ying, that barrier was enough to block the impact of five three-law masters at their peak. How could there be five people in Liu Ying under constant surveillance by Yunting? Three law masters join forces to attack the barrier? And in the special environment of Liuying, how can the masters of the Three Laws always maintain their peak condition?

At that time, Liu Ying was considered unbreakable.

However, the destruction of crime broke through the Liuying camp, making the barrier no longer indestructible, and there was a transformation.

The current barrier is enough to withstand the impact of ten masters of the Three Laws at their peak. In theory, there should be no power that can break Liu Ying.

But this time, it was not one side that tore open the barrier, but an attack from both inside and outside.

Yunting has been penetrated.

The guardian became an old blind man.

I don’t know when, a master of the Three Laws comparable to Qu Wenli was assigned to the camp where Qu Wenli was.

Four masters of the three laws, two inside and two outside, used limited time to once again create the myth of breaking through the Liuying camp.

The impact of this move is huge.

This means that refugee camps are inherently unsafe.

Whoever can control Yunting can break the camp. It is easier than before to lead the four extreme crimes to break through the camp.

“Easy? You go try it and see if you can replace the Guardian of the Cloud Court. Although each Guardian of the Cloud Court is not powerful, they are personally designated by the dominant clan. Their lives are connected to the clan treasure. Once they die, The alarm will be triggered, so there is no situation where anyone can kill the Guardian of Cloud Court without being known. As for the disguised Guardian, it is impossible to trap them. They can directly send a message to the person who gave them the identity under any circumstances. Dominate a clan.” In the Narcissus Court, a group of masters and masters gathered together, and the one who spoke was a cause and effect master of a clan of creatures.

The position of Guardian of Cloud Court may seem simple, and it seems to have little combat power, but it is extremely important and is directly connected to the Dominator clan.

The so-called guardians do not refer to combat power, but to their lives.

Previously, the guardian of the White Court was killed, and the Lord of Time clan got the news, but they were fooled by the Lord of Life clan.

Now these masters standing in the Narcissus Courtyard cannot figure out how the guardian of the Narcissus Courtyard died and why no news was sent back to the clan. They cannot be bribed.

The barrier can repair itself, so even though it is torn apart, the only ones who escape are the masters who are unable to be in the same dark space.

But soon, a fact was discovered. There were no corpses and no blood in the dark space, which meant that the hundreds of millions of creatures who were randomly captured into the dark space because of the gambling game were not dead.

But he was taken away by Qu Weili or another master.

Not only did they escape from the camp themselves, they also took away hundreds of millions of living beings.

This incident silenced many experts.

At this moment, a figure came, bringing with it a suffocating pressure.

“See His Majesty Shengqing.”

“See Zaixia.”

“See Ancestor.”

The person who came was none other than Shengqing, the oldest existence in the inner and outer world of the Karma Master family.

Sheng Qing’s eyes swept across the camp and the Narcissus Garden, and finally stopped on a corpse. That corpse was none other than Sheng Quan.

Sheng Quan is a descendant of Sheng Qing and is very popular with Sheng Qing, so he can know some secrets within the clan.

“Is there any trace?”

“Replying to the Prime Minister, because the altar was damaged, Gu Wenli had completely left when we arrived, and there was no trace of who saved it. And the altar had just been repaired.”

“Ancestor, the guardian’s body is not here. He was obviously killed earlier. The opponent must have torn apart the barrier through internal and external cooperation, otherwise it would be impossible to break through the camp.”

“At least two three-way masters took action in Shuixianting.”

“Two?” Sheng Qing suddenly thought of the old blind man and Xing Zhui. These two caused the murder of Can Hai and the extinction of Daqian civilization. Especially the old blind man escaped from the camp. It is not impossible to rescue him. .

But that’s not right. If rescue is impossible, why should the Daqian civilization be exterminated? This is unreasonable.

Although the Daqian civilization has taken refuge with the Lord of Cause and Effect, it is a civilization that is powerless after all.

This old blind man should not exterminate the Daqian civilization.

However, the Daqian civilization was destroyed in the past and was unable to escape later. No matter how you look at it, it is related to the old blind man. Even if it is unreasonable, you can still connect their relationship with the word “unreasonable”.

Looking deeply at Sheng Quan’s body, Sheng Qing’s expression suddenly changed, not good.

It is about to leave Narcissus Garden.

But as soon as he arrived at the altar, before he could be teleported, the world inside and outside changed drastically.

The mother tree shook, and countless creatures looked up and saw a horrifying scene.

The sky is cracked.

The sky known to all living beings is torn apart. The endless spiral visible to the naked eye is paved with a layer of sky, and it is this layer of sky that has cracks.

The cracks appeared from one direction in the inner and outer sky, and spread out in an instant, spreading towards the distance of an inch, causing countless creatures and civilizations within an inch of the distance to see the endless spiral, which was the sky of cause and effect.

Inside and outside the sky, the Liuying barrier is constantly shaking, and it is weaker than ever.

Some creatures bombarded the barrier without hesitation.

The barrier that separates the inner and outer sky from each other is also distorted. The face is constantly changing, sometimes in pain, sometimes wailing, sometimes sad, sometimes laughing wildly, showing a crazy side.

The entire universe has changed.

The most obvious thing is that the causal constraints of the immortal realm are weakening.

In the inner and outer sky, Narcissus Court, Shengqing’s pupils shrank sharply, and he stared blankly at the sky. The sky of cause and effect was cracking.

It’s over.

It’s finished.

Sure enough, it’s time to go straight.

Everything is fake.

Seeing Shengquan’s body, seeing the gambling game, thinking about the destruction of Narcissus Court, and being unable to escape, and then recalling the heavy damage suffered by Qu Zheng in the battle of Can Hai and being brought back to the realm of destiny, all these made Sheng Qing There was a guess, and it was precisely because of this guess that it wanted to return to the clan, but it was still a step too late.

Being plotted against.

Qu Zheng’s betrayal of Qu Weilai is a lie, and being imprisoned in a refugee camp for Qu Zheng is simply a cruel trick.

This is all for today.

Shengqing returned to the clan with a panic that he had not felt for countless years. What was waiting for him, he didn’t even know.

There is a layer of barrier at the intersection of Yunting and the Seventy-two Realms. That barrier does not isolate the Seventy-two Realms, but is actually a protection to prevent living beings from accidentally falling into the Seventy-two Realms and being suppressed by the power of the Lord. die.

Just outside that barrier, somewhere in a corner.

Four figures lean on brown branches and look into the sky.

The old blind man looked complicated and said, “Qu Wenli, you have a good son.”

Beside, go to the powerless silence.

All of this starts a long time ago.

With the rise of the Daqian civilization, the power of Sanqi faced the cause and effect master. It was able to resist it at first, but as more and more masters from the main path came, the Daqian civilization could not hold on. In particular, there is a powerful person from the dominant clan appearing secretly.

When Qu Wuwei knew that the direction of the Daqian civilization happened to correspond to a cause and effect point, it knew that there was no way to save it.

It is impossible for Daqian civilization to withstand the will of its master.

Since it is destined to fail, it should give future generations a chance to turn defeat into victory. It gave this opportunity to its own son to rectify it.

This is how I decided to betray it, take control of the Daqian civilization, and seek refuge with the Lord of Cause and Effect.


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