Star Odyssey Chapter 4439: Use it if you want


“Big brother, can I pet that cat?” The child was curious, and under his feet, Xiao Huang was still vigilant, but it was not about the camel, but about the cat. The cat was really too fierce. Yes, it’s not easy to mess with at first glance.

Grandpa scolded: “Go aside, don’t make trouble.”

Cuo Lin smiled and said: “Of course.” After finishing speaking, he hugged the cat to the child, and at the same time muttered: “This cat is very gentle and will not hurt the child, right, cat?”

The child is a little scared, but wants to touch it more.

Cat, roll your eyes.

Grandpa didn’t see it, but the child saw it, and was even more surprised, such a cute cat.

Lu Yin is speechless, this is a person, and he doesn’t know who has become.

That seedling is Yan Ruyu, right?

This combination is so weird no matter how you look at it.

Then the yard became lively. Tuolin talked enthusiastically with his grandfather, and was very curious about Xiangcheng. The cat jumped onto the wall and refused to be touched. Xiao Huang turned around and tried to prevent the child from approaching the cat. The cat is in danger, and the child will touch it no matter what. The breeze blows, and the seedlings sway a bit, which is very harmonious.

Looking at this scene and listening to the conversation below, Lu Yin suddenly felt that something was wrong. He seemed to have overlooked something all this time, but what exactly had he overlooked?

Lu?????????????????? staring at the bottom.

Tuo Lin and his grandfather chatted very happily. When they talked about reading, grandpa went back to the house and took out the book for Tuo Lin to read.

Lu Yin’s eyes flashed, and he thought that this pair of grandfathers and grandchildren did not seem to understand Xiangcheng.

This is wrong, why don’t you understand?

It’s true that Xiangcheng is very big, but the people who live here have lived in such a city all their lives, and a lifetime is enough to know a lot about Xiangcheng, let alone how many generations, dozens, and hundreds of generations they have gone up. Everyone lives in Xiangcheng, theoretically every family should know Xiangcheng like the back of their hands, but the grandparents only know the surrounding area.

Recalling those people I met with the power of will, everything is normal. They are living, talking, quarreling, and making deals. After all, it is normal mortal life.

But looking back now, it seems that those people are only active within a certain range.

It’s just because they are so normal that Lu Yin didn’t think of anything else.

It is normal for an ordinary person to live in a village for a lifetime, but Xiangcheng is so big that a corner is equivalent to a small city. The people who have checked do not leave their established range, which is a problem.

They are obviously normal people, but why are they like this?

“Cat cat, cat cat,” the child yelled.

The cat leaped up the tree, saw Lu Yin, showed a smug smile, and rushed out, the cat’s claws patted Lu Yin, wanting to pat Lu Yin down: “Go and play with that child. “

He had long noticed that something was wrong with this bird, and kept staring down, it must have become a human being.

Most of the foreign creatures ran away because of the last riot. This guy is definitely human.

Makes you stare.

Lu Yin was indifferent, wishing to sweep away, the cat, fell from the tree, and fell straight into the arms of the child.

The cat is confused, what’s going on? what happened? The bird didn’t move, how did it fall? Slippery?

It wanted to run, but the child hugged it tightly and laughed happily.

Little Huang barked even louder.

Grandpa and Tuolin burst into laughter.

Lu Yin spread his wings and flew away from Xiangcheng.

A few days later, Tuolin walked out of Xiangcheng, and there were others who came out with him

Hui Can and Yan Ruyu.

As soon as they left Xiangcheng, they saw Lu Yin, and they hurriedly saluted: “See Master.”

“See Master.”

Lu Yin hummed and looked at them: “You guys also entered Xiangcheng? How do you feel?”

Tuo Lin was excited: “Master, this Xiangcheng is great, everyone in it is very friendly.”

Lu Yin looked at Yan Ruyu, and Yan Ruyu respectfully said, “Xiaoyu thinks that Xiangcheng is very beautiful, but also very ordinary.”

Lu Yin finally looked at Hui Can, and Hui Can grinned: “This is very good.”

That wild cat must be Hui Can, Lu Yin can see it.

“Tuo Lin, you are inside, are you human?”

Tuo Lin nodded, excitedly said: “Well, I am a human being, Master, you must be human too.”

This sounds awkward, and I always feel like scolding.

Hui Can glanced at Lu Yin, who? Of course not, except for Tuo Lin, it seems that no one has become a human in Xiangcheng, but they don’t know what Master has become, and no one has told them.

Lu Yin coughed: “Tuo Lin, do me a favor.”

Tuo Lin was excited: “Master, please tell me, this disciple will definitely finish it with all his might.” As he spoke, he looked aside: “Xiaoyu, Master has finally used me, um, I???????????? ????? Also happy, Xiaoyu, let’s work hard together.”

Hui Can rolled his eyes.

Looking at Xiangcheng, Lu Yin said, “As a teacher, communicate with everyone in Xiangcheng, and ask them if anyone has visited Xiangcheng to see what they focus on, what they care about, what they are obsessed with, and what they want.” /

Tuo Lin didn’t understand, but he must follow what Lu Yin said.

“Okay, master, this disciple will communicate with everyone in Xiangcheng and ask them clearly.”

Lu Yin patted Tuolin on the shoulder, he seemed to see something different in Xiangcheng, maybe this was the opportunity.

Everyone’s opportunity is different, and the opportunity for Tuolin may be in Xiangcheng.

What is the biggest difference between Camel Lin and others?

Lu Yin was the first to think of reading. He read so many books that he became stupid. Could it be that he became a human because he read a lot?

“Hui Can.”

“The disciple is here.”

“You will accompany your brother Tuolin and protect him.”

Hui Can was speechless, he wanted to leave, this Xiangcheng seemed to have no destiny for him, but Lu Yin could not run away if he ordered him so, so he could only respond: “I understand.”

Tuo Lin rushed into Xiangcheng excitedly, and he decided not to come out if there is nothing to do in the future. There are many people in Xiangcheng, and it takes time to get to know them.

Hui Can’s heart sank to the bottom, how long will it take?

Looking at them entering Xiangcheng again, Lu Yin turned around and went to the red-clothed civilization under the stars.

The particularity of Tuolin allows him not to enter Xiangcheng for the time being, and he can learn more about it after a period of time through Tuolin, but now, he can build a high wall of mind.

In the past, the high walls of mood were built in the three universes. This time, Lu Yin is going to the red-clothed civilization under the stars to see if he can get a different mood under the current wrong and ruthless way.

A road, there is a right way to go, and there is a wrong way to go.

Even if it is confirmed that the current ruthless way is wrong, there are still a group of people who have not been led astray by this ruthless way. The persistence of these people is enough to increase his mood.

By the way, Acacia Rain.

Lu Yin diverted to Nine Heavens Universe, and he decided to take Acacia Rain with him.

Xiangsiyu’s luck can’t control the giants of the death universe, but if you take her to the red-clothed civilization under the stars, maybe if you are lucky, you can find something, such as the trace of Jihe.

One Jihe and one Renyu, he couldn’t find them all the time, and now there is an extra Beixia.

Although I found it by luck

The possibility of them is extremely small, but just find someone to accompany you on a tour of the mountains and rivers.

“About me?” Xiang Siyu looked at Lu Yin strangely in Nine Heavens Universe.

Lu Yin: “…”

“It’s not a date, it’s your luck.”

Acacia Yu’s beautiful face showed some hesitation.

“Difficulties?” Lu Yin asked, and then said: “If you have difficulties, forget it, it’s okay.”

Xiangsiyu said: “I was just wondering if it would be easier to practice with you. I have been stuck at the level of overcoming hardships for so many years, and it is difficult to take a step forward. Even if I step into the eternal life with the help of the universe restart Here, and you.” She looked at Lu Yin: “You are improving really fast.”

Lu Yin shrugged: “I haven’t reached the immortal state yet.”

Xiangsiyu pursed her lips: “But your combat power is still improving, and it has exceeded the limit of normal people’s imagination.”

This is the truth, and Lu Yin is sure that he can still improve.

It mainly relies on the green light spot, without the green light spot, his physical strength cannot be enhanced, and there is an upper limit to the tolerance of other forces.

The reason why the realm exists is because there is an upper limit of power at a level. Only by breaking through this level can one go beyond the upper limit. If there is no upper limit????????????????? realm?

He is the only person in ancient and modern times who has achieved such combat power at this level.

Very special.

Xiangsiyu smiled: “Lord Lu, I have said before that you can use me anytime you want, you are welcome, let’s go.”

Lu Yin always felt that he couldn’t keep up with Acacia Yu, why would a girl speak so awkwardly?

He took the lovesickness rain to the red-clothed civilization under the stars, a small boat, a jug of turbid wine, a few plates of snacks, and went down the river to build a mood.

Let’s see what changes this red-clothed civilization under the stars will bring to his state of mind.

As time went by, the red-clothed civilization under the stars did not disappoint Lu Yin. Here he experienced a different state of mind from the three universes.

Some people can stick to their beliefs under the general trend, some people would rather give up cultivation than give up their emotions, some people look down on life and death, waiting for the break between Hong Xia and Lu Yin, waiting for the day when the universe in red under the stars collapses, and some People are extremely afraid of death, frantically preparing for something.

Everything in the world is in various shapes and forms, and since it exists, it has its meaning of existence.

Lu Yin took a sip of wine, looked into the distance and cursed the people who had left, and smiled.

Xiang Siyu is weird: “He scolded you, but you can still laugh?”

Lu Yin said: “Calling me means you care about me, remember me, and you have contributed to me.”

Xiangsiyu was speechless: “If the breakthrough state of mind becomes like yours, I would rather not break through.” After a pause, she said: “Can you be like a normal person?”

Lu Yin asked back: “Am I not normal?”

Acacia Yu sighed and dragged her chin: “Not at all.”

Lu Yin smiled lightly: “You are lucky, you are born with everything, so the crucial step is also difficult. Have you ever thought that all the bad luck in the first half of your life is concentrated in this last step.”

Xiangsiyu rolled her eyes: “I know, what can I do?”

Lu Yin raised his eyes: “I am sharing your good luck, and I am also bearing your bad luck.”

Xiang Siyu blinked and looked at Lu Yin: “Master Lu, I am the one who is helping you. Now that you say that, I feel that you are the one who is helping me.”


“I want to scold you too.”



“Thank you.”

Xiang Siyu rolled her eyes again and took a sip of wine.


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