Star Odyssey Chapter 4438: Small courtyard


, stepping on the stars!

In the starry sky, Lu Yin suddenly opened his eyes, let out his breath, and the bones that merged into death also let him experience the feeling of life and death. This feeling was the key to comprehend the profound art of life and death, and it was through this feeling that he completed it step by step. This is the feeling of real death.

In the starry sky at the heart, the death energy trembled.

The fish bone didn’t tell him in advance, what about the sewer, the destructive power brought by that kind of sound, not to mention the fused bones, even creatures with strength at the level of suffering can’t bear it.

The fish bone can bear it, and its strength is not low.

No wonder he dared to bother that man repeatedly. He is an eternal life that conforms to the pinnacle of a cosmic law, and he dare not approach him without any strength.

But the fishbone didn’t lie to him, he did enter the castle, as long as he could withstand the sound pressure, he could walk around the castle grounds and learn as much information as possible.

Lecheng has already headed towards the God Realm to fish for civilization, but it will be hundreds of years before the two meet, and he will not wait in vain for these hundreds of years.

Continue to roll the dice, this time the target is changed, find fish bones, and go to the sewer.

Three months later, Lu Yin merged into a bone body and began to search for fish bones. However, Lecheng is too large and there are countless rivers. It is not easy to find fish bones. ????????????????? Fishbone will not give up the helmet.

But then Lu Yin stopped and withdrew from the fusion.

The strength of the white bone he is integrating into is also not high, and it must not be able to withstand the impact of the sound pressure of the sewer, so it must be integrated into the body of a good master to be useful.

Keep shaking.

Time passed, and three years passed in a blink of an eye. Lu Yin looked at the surroundings, and then at the body of the bone. Can withstand the sound pressure of the sewer.

And this place is not too far from where the helmet is.

Lu Yin looked for the direction and headed towards the direction where Zhou was.

He was integrated into many bone bodies, and he was very familiar with the outside world of the castle, so he found the helmet not long after.

The place where the helmet is located is not hidden. From time to time, there are bones watching from a distance. Those bones are creatures that have never seen eternal life, and they are curious about what eternal life is like.

The helmet always sits in silence and does not communicate with any living beings.

I don’t seem to plan to go to the castle either.

But Lu Yin has integrated into its body, knowing that it also wants to enter the castle, where every bone that has been given life by Lekuku is yearning for.

Once you find the helmet, you should be able to find the fishbone in no time.

Lu Yin didn’t want to wait, walked to the river, raised his hand, and took a picture.


The huge impact shattered the river and swayed a lot of fish bones. He looked at them and found that the fish bones were all the same. There should be no one there. He thought, walked to the next river, took a picture, and bang.



A loud noise slapped the river, causing a lot of bones to look at it, not understanding what Lu Yin was doing, but they didn’t dare to control it, they were not strong enough, and they didn’t need to.

Occasionally, the white bones in the river resisted and were pushed away casually.

With a bang, the river split, and a fishbone jumped up: “Brother, what does this mean? We offended you?”

Lu Yin stared at the fishbone, it was it: “Where is my brother?”

Fishbone is confused: “What is your brother?”

Lu Yin said in a deep voice, “The one who went with you to the sewer into the castle is my brother.”

Yubone was surprised: “That’s your brother?”


“Hey, what a coincidence, your brother is in the castle.”


“Yes, hey, wait, I only told your brother that you can enter the city through the sewer

Bao, how do you know? “

Lu Yin raised his head: “Our family is talented, I know everything it knows.”

Yugu didn’t believe it: “Then you still ask me, don’t you know what happened to your brother?”

Lu Yin shook his head: “I can’t feel the situation in the castle.”

Yubone breathed a sigh of relief: “Then what, your brother is enjoying it in the castle, do you want to go?”

“Really in the castle?”

“Don’t you know.”

Lu Yin nodded: “Okay, I’m going too, lead the way.”

“Okay.” Fishbone jumped up: “Hold on to me.”

Lu Yin jumped into the water, grabbed the fishbone, and a familiar scene appeared. The fishbone led him around, and finally entered the castle through the sewer.

He found out that the fishbone took the creatures into the castle to pick time. He had to wait for the music to stop, otherwise he would take a detour until the music stopped.

This is to avoid the fact that the sewer is actually a loudspeaker.

But what is the point of it doing so?

Lu Yin doesn’t understand, and doesn’t need to understand, just follow in.

Soon, they came under the manhole cover.

“Where’s my brother?” Lu Yin asked.

Yu Gu said: “It will come soon, don’t worry about it.”

The sound pressure will come soon.

Lu Yin was not in a hurry, and waited quietly.

Not long after, the roaring sound pressure came, and the fish bone stared at Lu Yin, who was as stable as Mount Tai.

No way, this guy is so strong? Fishbone was puzzled and circled around Lu Yin.

Lu Yin asked again: “Where is my brother?”

“It’s coming soon, don’t worry.”

“Where the **** is this place?”

“The loudspeaker in the castle can let the whole music city hear the music, how about it? Isn’t it wonderful?”

Lu Yin’s voice became cold: “My brother can’t bear the music just now, is it dead?”

Yu Bone hurriedly said: “Don’t blame me, I said hello in advance, but your brother insists on coming in, I can’t help it.”

Lu Yin suddenly grabbed the fish bone: “Then you still brought me in, trying to kill me.”

Yubone backed away hurriedly: “Brother, don’t be impulsive, this is a castle, we can’t kill each other.”

Lu Yin still grabbed at the fishbone, the fishbone was very slippery, and it disappeared as soon as he sprinted.

This is what Lu Yin wanted.

If the fishbone runs away, he can enter the castle.

Thinking, approaching the manhole cover.

At the same time, there was another voice of dissatisfaction in the castle: “Why are there still noises? Didn’t you clean it up last time?”

“Maybe it’s not cleaned up, I’ll clean it up again.”

“No, I’ll do it myself.”

Lu Yin is constantly approaching the manhole cover, as long as he crosses the manhole cover, he will enter the castle. If he wants to understand the death universe, he must first understand Lekukujin, which is one of the abysses of the death universe, and to understand Lekukujin, he must enter the castle , near, near.

Just when Lu Yin’s fused bone was about to touch the manhole cover, the whole sewer vibrated, and then it seemed to be lifted up, and the water flow kept rushing towards the direction of the manhole cover. Lu Yin stopped under the manhole cover and looked, Through the manhole cover, I saw an eye, an eye with sunglasses looking through the manhole cover.

That eye is bigger than the entire sewer, obviously the sewer is huge, at least a few meters in diameter, but at this moment it seems to have shrunk many times, and the bone he merged into is like an ant, being looked down by the giant’s eyes.

“Sure enough, there are impurities.” The voice came, the eyes with sunglasses receded, the skull mouth stuck up, and took a sharp breath.

The bone bones that Lu Yin has integrated have the combat power to overcome hardships and the Dzogchen, and the defense ability is extremely strong.

At this moment, he was blown into fly ash in one breath and disappeared in an instant.

In the starry sky, Lu Yin suddenly opened his eyes, and looked into the distance with lingering fear in his heart. That breath contained extremely terrifying pressure. Not to mention the cultivation base of the Great Perfection of Overcoming Misfortune, even ordinary immortal cultivation bases would be crushed.

That is the end of the music skull.

Lu Yin felt the pressure firsthand.

The pressure brought to him by the exhaustion of music skulls is not lower than that of Hong Xia at his peak.

Experience death again.

It’s just that he didn’t notice how the sewer shrank at all. There was something wrong with that castle, was it the ability of building blocks?

Unfortunately, nothing was found.

That fishbone should be fine, it ran away a long time ago, it’s very slippery.

I wanted to continue rolling the dice, but after thinking about it, I decided to stop temporarily.

Let the fishbone take you to the sewer twice in a row. If you continue, you may be discovered. Let’s wait for a while.

It will be hundreds of years before Lecheng meets the civilization of the gods, Lu Yin decided to enter Xiangcheng, control Xiangcheng as soon as possible, protect the universe of the three, and feel at ease as soon as possible.

Just how will You Che make a move?

Part of the reason why he kept the unknown six-star mission reward was to deal with You Che.


????? Only when you have a clear view of You Che’s means can you have a way to deal with it.

Can’t see it right now.

Where is Dongxu Mountain?

Xiangcheng, Lu Yin has come in again, no matter what means You Che has, he has to find a way to control Xiangcheng first, and then deal with You Che.

And this method can also be used as bait.

However, I haven’t found anything so far. Fortunately, I can practice my wish here, and I didn’t waste time.

Keep watching with willpower.

Not long after, the flying bird that Lu Yin turned into hovered and landed on the tree, looking at the grandparents and grandchildren enjoying the shade under the tree, the smiles on their faces were so innocent, so innocent that people yearn for it.

Wow, woof

The puppy ran out, under the tree, the child chased, and the grandpa laughed.

Lu Yin followed the child to the outside of the yard. This is a remote path, some distance from the street, and there are no people there, so don’t worry.

“Don’t run, Xiao Huang, don’t run, Xiao Huang.” The child chased and bumped into a person at the corner of the street, and they all exclaimed.

The child fell down, his eyes were red, and he rubbed his forehead in pain.

Wow woof

Xiao Huang yelled from the side, keeping a vigilant eye on the person who collided with the child.

The man rubbed his thigh, and when his thigh was bumped, it also hurt.

Grandpa hurried out to see.

Lu Yin stared blankly at the man rubbing his thigh, hunchback?

At the corner, grandpa ran over: “I’m sorry, sir, I’m really sorry, the child is too naughty, I’m sorry.”

Tuo Lin rubbed his thighs: “It’s okay, grandpa, check to see if the child is okay.”

The child hugged his grandfather’s thigh, shrinking back in fear.

Grandpa hurriedly said: “Thank you sir, the child is fine, I’m sorry sir, please go into the hospital and have some tea.”

It was a polite remark, but Tuolin was really thirsty, and his eyes lit up: “Really? Thank you.”

Grandpa was taken aback for a moment, then smiled: “Really, please come in.”

Tuo Lin followed his grandfather into the courtyard, and then chatted with the grandpa and grandson under Lu Yin’s nose, very happy.

And there was a wild cat squatting on Camel Lin’s shoulder.

There is also a seedling stuck on the back, which is very strange.

Lu Yin looked down, why is Tuolin a human? How many people entered Xiangcheng, but none of them could directly become human, why could Tuolin?

[The college entrance examination is over, add a new chapter, I wish the brothers who participated in the college entrance examination the gold list! 】


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