Star Odyssey Chapter 4437: Master’s self-confidence


, stepping on the stars!

Although there is some distance between the avatar of the soft universe and the three universes, it is much closer to the three universes than this azimuth. If Lecheng goes there, there is a chance to encounter the three universes.

Lu Yin pondered for a moment, then suddenly looked in another direction, where was the fishing civilization of the God Realm.

It seems that it will be closer to this music city.

He disappeared in a teleport, let’s talk about exploring the way.

It would be great if there is a starry sky map within a square inch. I have teleportation so I can explore the way like this. Other creatures don’t have teleportation. Want to explore the way? dream.

It was a blessing to be able to plant teleportation in the first place.

After a period of time, Lu Yin saw the fishing civilization in the God Realm, and also saw it with the mirror light technique, and it was 50 years away from the immortal realm.

The coordinates of the fishing civilization in the God Realm are obtained through agnostic methods, but the coordinates are only calculated with the three universes as the center. The location of the civilization that was destroyed before Lecheng cannot accurately correspond to the coordinates, so it is necessary to explore the way.

Now Lu Yin probably figured it out.

Lecheng is about 1,300 years away from the three universes at the speed of immortality, and only 800 years away from the fishing civilization of the gods.

It is closer to the fishing civilization of the God Realm.

In particular, the way it moves is oblique to the direction of the fishing civilization in the **** world, which means that after a period of time, it will be in line with the gods The distance to fishing civilization in the world has reached the closest.

Lu Yin made up his mind and teleported to find a suitable location. He wanted to lure Lecheng to the God Realm to fish for civilization.

The previous use of fishing civilization in the God Realm failed to attract scientific and technological civilization. It was because the technological civilization recognized the three universes and focused on human beings.

Hopefully this attracting death universe will be successful.

Standing in the starry sky, Lu Yin releases the starry sky in his heart, the dead planet rotates, his arms are raised, he is lying on his back, everything will be reversed, and the dead absolute darkness gushes out madly, staring in one direction, and chopping.

The power of death turned into a dark streak and slashed towards the distance.

At this moment, the power of death was shot from the direction of the fishing civilization in the God Realm. With Lu Yin’s strength, this slash can dissipate after more than ten years of immortality. Of course, it is not that this slash will last More than ten years is just a distance, and the distance of more than ten years of immortality has already entered the distance of Lecheng’s fifty-year immortality. The dead power left here in the direction of fishing civilization in the God Realm may lead it to the God Realm.

Anyway, Lu Yin observed Lecheng several times, and it was around the distance of the 50-year immortality.

It depends on how large a range of attacks Lekuku can detect.

After hitting this blow, Lu Yin teleported directly back to the universe of the three. Once Leku was exhausted and noticed the deadly slash, the range of his perception would inevitably expand, and Lu Yin didn’t want to be found.

He returned to the universe of the three and immediately ordered to find people who were very accomplished in music, and then took them to Mirage to learn music.

This order made countless people dumbfounded.

Study, study music?

Long Xi poured a cup of tea for Lu Yin, looking at him strangely.

Lu Yin coughed: “Don’t look at me like that, just cultivate some hobbies.”

“Not retreating anymore?” Long Xi asked, blinking.

Lu Yin said: “For now.”

Long Xi left without asking any further questions.

Not long after, Mr. Mu arrived, took out the wooden flute as soon as he came, and twirled it, very coolly: “Want to learn music?”

Lu Yin looked at Muxiao: “Yes.”

“I can’t teach you much as a teacher, but this wooden flute can be used. Listen to a song for my teacher. Xiao

Farewell, forget the rest of your life. “

The sound of the Xiao sound is very pleasant, and it fits Lu Yin’s taste. He likes it, but it doesn’t fit Lecheng’s taste. Meaning, the kind that can make people cheer.

Xiao Sheng, it’s useless if he likes it himself.

But it can’t hurt Master’s confidence. It’s been a long time since I saw Mr. Mu teach himself so confidently.

“Master, go to Mirage to study.”

“Okay, if you like it, I will teach you as a teacher.”

“Thank you, Master.”

Looking at Mr. Mu entering the mirage, Lu Yin hurriedly contacted Long Xi and asked her to find a group of people according to his requirements.

Long Xi smiled slightly, watching Lu Yin helplessly enter the mirage, his water-blue long hair fluttering in the wind, very beautiful.

In the mirage, Lu Yin first learned the wooden flute from Mr. Mu. In this respect, Mr. Mu has a crushing advantage, but Lu Yin has no talent, at least much worse than his talent in cultivation. The husband really felt the confidence of being a master.

After finally getting Mr. Mu’s affirmation, after learning the wooden flute, Lu Yin studied with those explosive music masters who were recruited by Long Xi.

Lu Yin really can’t stand this kind of music, what should I say?????????????????????????????????????????????????????? , can only learn.

In fact, experiencing different music is also a part of life.

Just because it doesn’t fit doesn’t mean it’s bad.

Some music just gives people a sense of power.

Half a year after leaving the mirage, Lu Yin teleported to see Lecheng, and found that Lecheng was still moving according to the established route. He didn’t know whether the deadly slash failed or what, so he regarded it as a failure and continued. .

Next, he tried again and again, angle, strength, dissipation time and so on.

Play deadly power again and again.

During the period, it also merged into the body of the bones of Lecheng, but the bones outside the castle could not detect the situation inside the castle at all.

No one knows what happened to the music skull.

Finally, one day five years later, Lu Yin merged into Lecheng’s bones and found that Lecheng had changed its direction, and the target direction was the direction of the fishing civilization in the God Realm.

He succeeded.

The power of dead silence caught Leku’s attention and made Lecheng change direction directly.

The goal of technological civilization is the three universes, so it is not easy to change.

However, Lecheng is different. It really wants to find the clone of the soft universe, but it should be more important than the existence of such a powerful dead silent force outside.

This is also the reason why Lu Yin tried again and again.

He doesn’t believe that the dead universe will give up the dead power from the outside world. No matter where this dead power comes from, he should figure it out.

There is no reason for Lecheng’s change of direction in the integrated bone memory, but rumors spread outside the castle, saying that Leku went out of Lecheng once and then changed direction, and the reason has not been reported.

Listening to the rumors around him, Lu Yin looked up at the starry sky, hoping that the God Realm would fight the civilization and the death universe, no matter who wins or loses, it will be good for him.

The tentacles of the fishing civilization in the God Realm have reached beyond the distance of two hundred years of immortality in the three universes, and if it goes any further, it will be close to human civilization. This is not what he wants to see.

Aside from human civilization itself, most of them are enemies.

You are right to have this idea.

“My friend, do you want to start a band? I’m very talented in music.”

Lu Yin turned his head and saw the fish bone in the river not far away, is it again?

This guy is really persistent.

Wait, here is the distance from that

The location of the helmet is far away. It can be said that it is not a river at all. The Lecheng area is very large, enough to bury countless stars. How did it come here?

“Why are you here?”

“Huh? Have we met?”

“You invited me.”

Fishbone flicked his tail and made splashes: “Fate, my friend, no, brother, this is fate, do you want to form a band? I can see that you have musical talent.”

Lu Yin was surprised: “I saw you invited Boss Zhou, did he agree?”

Yubone is helpless: “Not yet, but I will agree soon, the boss has already talked to me.”

“Boss Zhou is so far away from here, how did you come here?”

“Swimming over.”

Lu Yin: “…”

Yu Bone said: “I am familiar with every river in Lecheng, including the sewers. Let me tell you a secret, I can even enter that castle.”

Lu Yin was surprised: “Can you enter the castle?”

Fishbone proudly: “Of course.”

“Really? I don’t believe it?”

“There’s nothing unbelievable about this. Anyway, you just need to enter the castle, and the sewer is also the way.”

Seeing that Lu Yin hadn’t spoken?????????????????, Yugu said, “Don’t believe me? I’ll show you to see it?”

“Can I go too?”

“You are not big, you can.”

Looking at the body, Lu Yin found that the bone he had integrated into was really small and petite. It was a reptile. After all, this fish bone was not picky at all in order to invite others to form a band.

With a plop, Lu Yin jumped into the river.

“Grab me and open your eyes.”

Lu Yincaught

Stay on the fishbone, shuttle at the bottom of the river, and go in an unknown direction.

Why is it getting farther and farther away from the castle?

Rivers are vertical and horizontal, and there are countless forks at the bottom of the river. This building block has indeed become a world, even with sewers.

There are seven turns and eight turns, and I don’t know how many turns to turn. When it emerges again, it is already a dark underground waterway.

“Brother, this is the castle above, don’t make any noise, we just listen.” Yubone reminded in a low voice.

Looking at the above, Lu Yin saw a manhole cover above his head. He couldn’t figure out why there was a sewer. It was obviously a group of bones and there was no domestic waste water.

But soon he understood.

The sound of roaring music reverberates through the boiling of this sewer.

What kind of sewer is this? It’s clearly a speaker.

Lu Yin stared at the fish bone. Of course, the bone’s eyes couldn’t see this expression: “This is not a sewer.”

Yubone said: “It’s similar to the sewer, except that it has an additional sound amplification function. This is the channel for the entire castle to sound externally. It’s equivalent to a series of lines. It’s all right, except that the sound is a little louder, and the rest is nothing.”

“Is this too big?” Just as Lu Yin was about to speak, there was a bang, and the music exploded, almost toppling his bones and bones.

At the same time, his heart sank to the bottom of the valley. He had heard this rhythm outside the castle. It was just the most gentle rhythm of explosive music. Such a sound almost broke him. That loud music?

Just thinking of this, the sound exploded, the bones shattered and scattered in the sewer.

At the moment when Lu Yin’s bones were shattered, there was a voice of dissatisfaction in the castle: “There are noises, it’s not adjusted properly, try again.”

In the sewer, Yubone shook his tail helplessly: “Brother, look, I brought you here, but you don’t have the fate to enjoy the music in the castle up close, forget it, I’ll continue to invite Boss Zhou. “After speaking, swim out along the sewer.


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