Star Odyssey Chapter 4436: found


, stepping on the stars!

At the end of the song, countless bones cheered, as if they understood it.

Lu Yin also pretended to cheer, raising his arms higher than anyone else, even though it was harsh.

“This friend seems to understand very well, how about some communication?” Behind Xiao Hanoi, a fishbone opened its mouth and spoke to Lu Yin.

Lu Yin looked at it: “I don’t understand, but I think it sounds good.”

“Does Instinct sound good? That’s fine, how about forming a band?”

“Do you want to form a band as a fish?”

“Fish also have dreams.”

“Let’s play.” Lu Yin withdrew from the fusion, a little distressed, why is he always such a weak bone? There can’t be a powerful one that allows him to enter the castle to have a look.

Shaking his head helplessly, let’s continue.

Half a year later, this time, Lu Yin saw a very bright light group, brighter than all the light groups he had integrated into before. He was excited and rushed to integrate.

After more than a year of integration, Lu Yin finally realized that the brightness of the light group depends not on the strength of the integrated creature, but on how much dead power it possesses. The more dead power it possesses, the brighter the light group will be. .

I didn’t think about this before, because I used to roll the dice with Xingyuan, and I also rolled the dice with consciousness. The creature I integrated is self-cultivation, Xingyuan, Consciousness originally represents their strength, but the bones of the dead universe are different. The power of death is not obtained by their cultivation, but is bestowed.

So even if it is an eternal life that fits the two laws of the universe, Lu Yin dares to blend in without fear of being discovered, because the power of death is bestowed, unless it blends into the body of Lekukujin, it will be troublesome, and it will definitely be found.

However, the amount of dead silence power can be regarded as a reference.

Because the stronger the creature, the more deadly power it is endowed with.

Looking at the brightness of this light group, Lu Yin is very sure that the opponent is definitely eternal life.

He was so excited that he could finally enter the castle to have a look.

Finally, he can know the strength of Leku Kujin’s subordinates, and he should be able to understand some of the death universe.

Consciousness merged, eyes opened, a fish bone came into view, so familiar.

Isn’t this the fish I saw half a year ago?

Here is the riverside, and I saw the fish bone constantly wandering. When Lu Yin looked at it, it flattered him and said, “Boss Zhou, have you thought about it? Let’s form a band. My musical talent is definitely good, and I will definitely be able to enter the castle.”

Lu Yin looked at the fish silently, it was really a coincidence.

Memories kept pouring in, and he learned about the identity of the merged creature.

Hua, an eternal life, and it is actually an eternal life that breaks through itself. His strength is quite good, but his luck is too bad. Betrayed his former self and gained a new life.

And this helmet is one of the rare powerful enemies worthy of being dealt with by Le Gukujin himself, which is equivalent to having the peak strength that conforms to a law of the universe.

Lu Yin kept reminiscing about the battle between He and Le Kujin, and found that Le Kujin only used one move to severely injure He.

One move, Heaven and Earth Eliminates General Zhou, who is helpless to fight back, and the next step is bone language. There are only two moves in total, so that such a creature that fits the pinnacle of the laws of the universe will be defeated.

Lu Yin keeps recalling that the memory of this creature is quite valuable.

Aside from other things, its perception of breaking through eternal life is extraordinary.

But then, Lu Yin felt that something was wrong. He felt that the world was spinning, and the whole universe was tearing apart, and there was a kind of fire.

The feeling of being enchanted.

No, every creature has a different perception of the universe. He himself has not reached the immortal state, but he wants to spy on the breakthrough perception of others. His perception directly overwhelms his own perception, leading to madness.

Lu Yin hurriedly stopped checking Zhou’s memory.

This cannot be done.

This kind of trickery won’t work. Other people’s insights belong to others after all. Everyone and every creature has a different experience. Forcibly putting other people’s insights on oneself will only conflict with one’s own perception, and ultimately the result will be a failure.

Lu Yin exhaled, thinking too much.

If it is so easy to succeed, in the future, you will specialize in cultivating various powers and use dice to integrate into the bodies of other eternal beings.

“How about it? Boss, think about it, I’m the most suitable.” Yubone spoke again, eager to enter the castle.

Lu Yin glanced at Gu Yu, he deliberately searched for this man’s memory of the castle, almost nothing, just an instinctive desire, as if it was the center of this world.

It’s as if people instinctively rely on enjoying life instead of pursuing a life of suffering.

Although there is no memory about the inside of the castle???????????????????????????????????????????????

That’s right, the whole world is a turbid treasure named – building blocks.

The so-called building blocks are piled up wood, similar to toys, but they are turbid treasures, which can change shape and color at will, so in the previous war, all the bones under the feet became transparent, which is the function of the building blocks and turbid treasures.

“I don’t know how to play music.” Lu Yin said, blending into his body.

When the fish bone saw Zhou took care of it, he was excited: “Boss Zhou, you are finally willing to talk to me, that’s great, don’t worry, I am good at music, you don’t need to know it, just join the band.”

A band?

Lu Yin continues to search for memories. In a world where he doesn’t know music and doesn’t care about strength, why is he looking for this helmet?

He quickly found the answer, because the music in this world is different from the music that ordinary people recognize. The music here requires not only the talent for the music itself, but also rough music. In addition to music, it brings the joy of the jungle, and also enters the castle.

Could this fishbone also go this way?

Not quite.

With such a small body, his throat will be broken if he roars.

After finally integrating into a stronger guy, Lu Yin has no interest in dealing with this fish bone.

He raised his hand, grabbed the fishbone and threw it away.

Continue to view memory.

Shortly after, the withdrawal from the fusion was not a voluntary withdrawal, but the dead silence power that everything must be reversed and transformed was exhausted.

As for this helmet, he has been integrated into the death universe for the longest time. Unfortunately, he doesn’t know much about the death universe.

Lu Yin spent most of his time watching the battle between it and Lekukujin, especially the Heaven and Earth Elimination move, which always felt very mysterious, so mysterious that he didn’t know how to defeat it.

That move seems simple, but it gets weirder the more you look at it. It seems that there are countless variations, but it seems that all the variations will be integrated into one move.

The disinfecting of heaven and earth brought Lu Yin’s desire for combat skills.

He wanted to learn this trick very much.

Starry Sky, Lu Yin raised his hand, imitating Tiandi Xiaosha’s move, but there was neither move nor spirit.

Go on, roll the dice, you won’t believe you can’t get into the castle.

Roll the dice again and again, and occasionally die into it

No one in the cosmic organism can enter the castle once. After a while, Lu Yin had some guesses. Could it be that the castle is isolated from the six points of the dice?

Not impossible.

I have also failed at six on the dice. The eternal seal can injure myself along the dark space of consciousness. It is miraculous, but it does not mean invincible.

The turbid treasure itself is magical, and each turbid treasure has its different uses.

After the six points of the dice are broken, it will become more and more normal, because there are more and more strong people in contact.

If this is the case, then the only way to enter the castle is through the band?

He was the first to think of fish bones, forget it, don’t worry, let’s find out where Lecheng is.

Looking into the distance, teleport.

It is impossible to determine the location inside Lecheng, how could the bones inside know where they are, only mirror light can be seen from the outside.

Mirror light technique can see the speed and distance of 50 years of immortality. The strength of Leku withering is very strong. The attack range should be similar to that of Hongxia, reaching the speed of more than 100 years of immortality, but that is an attack The range does not mean the visible distance, let alone the distance that can be sensed at any time.

Fifty years at a speed???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

Teleporting again and again, every time he teleported, Lu Yin stopped and looked into the distance with the mirror light technique. He was not sure that Lecheng must be in this direction, he could only say it was luck.

He also thought about bringing Acacia Rain, with the help of Acacia Rain’s luck.

However, no matter how good Xiangsiyu’s luck is, it can’t affect the death universe. It’s not at the same level. He used to think that luck has nothing to do with strength, but now that luck may have some kind of way, it may not have nothing to do with strength.

And here is the distance of square inches.

There are mainstreams and tributaries in the years, so does luck also have primary and secondary?

Just thinking about it, keep teleporting, keep looking.

Three years later, just as Lu Yin was about to teleport away, suddenly, he looked in a direction. Under the mirror light technique, it was the civilization that was destroyed before, yes, it was that civilization.

Lu Yin stared at a certain direction outside that civilization, where an eternal life was pierced by his own bones to the sound of music, and countless bones tore apart flesh and blood and climbed to Lecheng.

He found this location, so Lecheng is not too far away.

He remembered that after the war ended, Lecheng headed in this direction.

Looking into the distance, Lu Yin found it with mirror light.

Lecheng is only a few years away from this cosmic civilization. Fortunately, it didn’t teleport directly outside this civilized universe just now, otherwise it would be too close to Lecheng.

Looking at the direction of Lecheng’s movement, I determined the location. It is more than 1,300 years away from the three universes, and it is not too far away in terms of teleportation.

But if there is no clear goal, it is difficult to discover the three universes in Lecheng.

Not to mention the distance of more than 1,300 years, even if it is more than 300 years, it is difficult to find out. The red-clothed universe under the stars is only 300 years away from the three universes.

The Qibao Tianchan clan is even closer, only fifty years.

Lu Yin watched Lecheng move, it moved in the direction where the soft universe avatar had appeared, and it was looking for the soft universe avatar.

The avatar of the soft universe is related to the exhaustion of the music skull, and it was seen that the exhaustion of the music skull was checked by causality.

Then, if the guess is correct, the three pieces of black armor possessed by the immortal land that swallowed the universe may be in Lecheng.


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