Star Odyssey Chapter 4435: Don’t let me down


, stepping on the stars!

Looking at the castle, Lu Yin hoped that the next merged creature would be inside the castle.

Is the music skull exhausted?

He remembered that the skeleton with sunglasses wrapped around colorful ropes and a bright green hat had weird patterns engraved on its skeleton. It was unknown what combat power it was.

The death universe is finally about to unveil its mysterious veil.

It’s a pity that this bone’s strength is too low, and he knows too little.

This is the farthest place in this world.

The sound of the music stopped suddenly, all the white bones remained motionless, and those fish bones that jumped out of the lake were suspended in the air. At this moment, the wind stopped, and even time seemed to stand still, not daring to cross the boundary.

Lu Yin wanted to move, but his body didn’t move. Is it an instinct formed by fear, or a defect that was given life by the bone language?

In the next moment, with the castle as the center, darkness swept across the world, and the mountains at the foot, the sky became transparent, and they seemed to appear in the dark and deep starry sky. Seeing a universe in the distance, there is a cosmic civilization there.

Outside the cosmic civilization, a shadow stood quietly. It was an eternal life, looking at it with vigilance and awe.

In the cosmic civilization, there are also countless shadows standing in the starry sky, waiting for a big battle.

The music suddenly changed, it was no longer that roaring, but an elegant piano sound, the rhythm endowed by the darkness, playing a beautiful rhythm in the hands of the shadow on the top of the castle, calm and killing, sometimes Excited, sometimes soft, as shadows walked to the top of the castle, the ensemble sounded to announce the arrival of war.

Countless bones rushed into the distance.

The eternal life beyond the cosmic civilization has a ferocious gaze and kills.

Take a step forward, the rhythm of the music guides life to find a new destination, the bone of eternal life suddenly pierces the skin, as if it has been imprisoned for countless years, crawled out, bloody, terrifying, and shocked countless creatures in civilization, Fleeing madly.

The sound of the music is getting louder and louder, as if announcing the addition of newcomers.

The world under their feet entered the universe, distorting and collapsing one of the universes. Countless white bones crawled out of the living organisms, dancing to the music, and ran happily towards the castle. They were reborn.

And the music became more and more exciting, announcing the victory of the war.

Lu Yin watched this scene quietly, simple, very simple, no one made a move at all, an eternal life died like this, it was not considered dead, it just became a new life, joined this world, longing for away from the castle.

Countless bones joined this world.

A sigh came from the side: “There is another competitor.”

It was a bone, the closest to the bone that Lu Yin had integrated into, and it was quite distressing.

Lu Yin looked at it, and it also looked at Lu Yin, grinned, parted the bones, and behaved as kindly as possible: “Do you want to form a band? I have a very good musical talent.”

Lu Yin withdrew his gaze and looked at the castle again. The shadows at the top disappeared one by one.

Those shadows are all bones, the one standing at the top is Lekukujin, who has the appearance of a standing dinosaur, but looks so elegant when the music changes, directing the music, directing the war, making a Civilization disappears and becomes its vassal.

This is the way of war in the death universe.

Withdrawing from the fusion, Lu Yin opened his eyes and looked into the distance. Leku Kuji was in that direction, and he didn’t know how far away.

His heart

Love is heavy.

This Leku Qujin is quite difficult to deal with, not to mention its own strength, but the eternal life under its command is a problem.

With the method of bone language, no one knows how many immortal-level subordinates it has mastered. Even if these immortal-level men cannot exert their real combat power due to loss of flesh and blood, no matter how bad they are, they are still immortal-level.

Especially with the means of bone language, the increase of causal constraints in the dead universe itself is extremely rare. They don’t kill, but give life and control life. How to deal with this?

Once the music skeletons are exhausted and the three universes go to war, will the same scene happen?

Lu Yin also knows bone language, and he is confident that a group of people will not be controlled by bone language, but his strength is much worse than that of Le Lou Ku Jin, and it is impossible to protect everyone.

The most important thing now is to see clearly where Leku is exhausted and the power it possesses.

There is one more thing he forgot. In fact, he should have remembered it earlier, that is, six points on the dice. Since it is also the integration of consciousness, how far away can this consciousness be integrated? How did the six on the dice bring consciousness to such a distant place?

Lu Yin looked at the dice deeply and continued to shake it. He wanted to see the dead universe as clearly as possible.

Rolling the dice is a matter of luck. If you are lucky, you can roll it to six o’clock in a while. Before, he rolled it to six o’clock several times in a row, but he was unlucky. He might not be able to roll it to six o’clock ten or twenty times.

There is a modest book in Zhizun Mountain. Lu Yin once promised that he would let him go as long as he wrote five characters of “luck”. Both Lu Yin and Qian Shu thought that writing this character depended on their cultivation strength, but now they understand that it depends on the character itself.

The Spring and Autumn Bamboo Slips have only eight characters for “luck” for so many years. In fact, if you think about it carefully, you can write one character for 50 years to overcome hardships and Dzogchen. How could the Spring and Autumn Slips only have eight characters for so many years? Fifty years for one character, eight characters only need four hundred years, and the inheritance of the Spring and Autumn Bamboo Slips is four hundred years, four thousand years, forty thousand years?

The reason why there are only eight characters of “运” for so many years is very simple. After each character of “运” is written, it becomes difficult to write the second one. difficulty.

Now that Qian Shu has finished writing three books, the fourth one cannot be written anyway.

In the past, Lu Yin couldn’t understand, and he also thought about what luck brought to Chunqiu Jian, and what relationship a person’s luck has with causality, but now, he seems to understand a little bit, if there is a long river of time, The avenue of cause and effect, the avenue of consciousness, then, there should also be the avenue of luck.

Of course, these avenues were guessed by Lu Yin himself, and no one confirmed it for him.

Writing the word “luck” is to touch the avenue of luck. It is natural to touch it once or twice, but the more you want to touch, the more difficult it will be.

There is also a price to be paid for touching the avenue of luck, which is more important than the benefits brought by luck itself.

For example, Chunqiujian won Ming Xiaochou with luck, and wanted to replace Vientiane Valley, but in the end recruited Lu Yin, destroying the entire Chunqiujian.

Is this luck good or bad?

Can the luck of the active grab bear a heavier price?

This is why Lu Yin never dared to use the word ‘luck’.

It’s Xiangsiyu, he has used it many times, but Xiangsiyu’s luck is gone, and he doesn’t know what happened to this woman.

Lu Yin is very optimistic about her. She has gone through hardships from a mortal to Dzogchen, but she can’t find hardships. She has no troubles in her life, but she is also

The biggest worry is that once this woman finds her misery, there is a great possibility that she will break through to the realm of eternal life.

In human civilization, there are many such geniuses, what is lacking is time.

While thinking about it, Lu Yin rolled the dice again and again, and rested again and again. After shaking the dice several times until six o’clock, he couldn’t see the light ball. It was not until the past few months that he finally saw the light in the dark space. group.

Rush forward to blend in.

The familiar roar of music seems to shatter the whole body, flesh and blood cannot bear it, this is a paradise for bones.

The bone that was integrated this time was a wild beast, a very ferocious beast, very large in size. When Lu Yin integrated into it, it was playing with the music.

That’s right, it’s the accompanying music.

This ferocious beast is a member of a band with four bones, one of which is a human.

The memory of the last integration and the memory of this beast are telling Lu Yin that there are many human bones in this world. He doesn’t know whether these human bones are the civilization that was completely destroyed by Leku or belonged to the former Nine Base, anyway, the life form is transformed into bones, the creature is equal to eternal life, the bones are almost immortal under the power of death, the only way to die is to completely kill the power of death scattered, or the bones themselves were shattered and worthless.

Lu Yin’s integration made the accompanying music stop, and the human bone next to him blamed: “Big head, why did you make a mistake? This is not going to work, when will you be able to enter the castle?”

“That’s right, you are the passionate person in charge of our band, don’t make any mistakes.”

“Affects morale.”

Lu Yin: “…”


The music continued, and Lu Yin withdrew from the fusion. The bones of this beast have not as many memories as the bones that were integrated before, and their strength is not as good. The brightest ever.

On the other side, Lu Yin opened his eyes and continued.

Time went by, and another year passed. During this year, Lu Yin merged into the body of the dead cosmic organisms several times, but they were all ordinary bones, and they couldn’t enter the castle at all.

He decided to go again

Moving towards the direction of the dead universe, the closer you are, the more and brighter the light clusters you hope to see.

The roar of the music made the world boil, and the castle began to play. All the bones stopped and looked up, each of them was extremely devout, as if feeling the power of music.

Fart music, I don’t like music, it’s disgusting, this is what Lu Yin’s bones are thinking at the moment, to be precise, all the bones he’s melting into think so.

Everyone has practiced for so many years, who cares about music?

There are creatures who care, but it’s all about listening to a little song, watching a little dance, who can sing by themselves? I didn’t expect that when I came here, music is king, hell.

I think so, but no one dares to show it.

Music is all about music. If you want to be appreciated by the abyss of the universe, the fastest way is to go with music. It is said that there is a band in the band that is only capable of walking in the stars, but it is music that is extremely successful. Being appreciated for being tall, Leku Kujin personally helped him improve his strength, and abruptly raised him to the limit level below immortality. Such examples abound.

The opposite example is that having eternal life is not popular, and even castles cannot be entered because they do not know music.

How could this kind of thing happen in other civilizations, but it happened here.

Only the music can’t be let down, this is the persistence of the music skull.


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