Star Odyssey Chapter 4434: The music skull is exhausted


“By the way, Tuolin, what is the purpose of coming to Lutian Realm this time?” Lu Buzheng asked.

Tuo Lin said: “Yes, this junior wants to go to Xiangcheng.”

Lu Buzheng was surprised: “Are you going to Xiangcheng? Why?”

In recent years, many people have entered Xiangcheng, not only Lu Yin, anyone who wants to apply can apply, and the Lu family will regularly bring a group of people there.

Lu Yin also hopes that someone can find something in Xiangcheng.

Everything in the universe has endless opportunities, and it is impossible for all the opportunities to belong to him alone. He cannot find the law of the same fate and the law of Xiangcheng’s control, but it does not mean that no one in human civilization can find it.

Some people’s opportunity may be in Xiangcheng, if possible, he will naturally facilitate it.

He’s not the type to take all the benefits into his own hands.

Xiangcheng is related to the hope of the entire human civilization. Once Xiangcheng is controlled, the safety factor of the three universes will be greatly increased.

The previous Xianling attack is unlikely to happen.

Lu Buzheng had arranged for many people to be taken to Xiangcheng by the children of the Lu family who could teleport, but he did not expect Tuolin to go too.

Tuo Lin looked pious: “Master has gone to Xiangcheng many times, saying that he wants to control Xiangcheng. The disciple is incompetent. Although it is impossible to help the master, But at least it is good to see more bricks and tiles for Master.”

Lu Buzheng looked deeply at Tuolin, and could tell that this kid was speaking the truth.

He said with emotion: “Lord Lu is lucky to have such a disciple as you.”

Tuo Lin hurriedly said: “This junior is able to enter the teacher’s school, and this junior is a blessing that he has cultivated in ten lifetimes.”

Lu Buzheng smiled, seeing Tuolin looking at him seriously, he was a little embarrassed: “Xiangcheng is actually very dangerous. Once a cultivator steps into the cultivation world, life and death are predestined. There are many people who go to Xiangcheng, but every day Every time someone dies inside, you?”

Tuo Lin firmly said: “The junior is not afraid of death, I just hope to see more bricks and tiles for Master.”

Lu Buzheng thought for a while: “I want to report to the ancestor, you wait.”

Tuo Lin nodded: “I’m sorry, senior.”

Lu Buzheng went to find Patriarch Lu Yuan, but Patriarch Lu Yuan was not in Lutian Realm, so he could only find Lu Hui, and Lu Hui would bring a message to Patriarch Lu Yuan, asking what to do about Tuolin’s situation.

Lu Yin is still in seclusion at the moment and cannot ask directly.

Shortly after, Patriarch Lu Yuan asked Lu Hui to take the lead and agreed that Tuolin would enter Xiangcheng.

Tuo Lin is a cultivator, no matter what his status is, no one can deprive him of the right to practice.

Lu Yin’s disciples should not be protected.

Lu Yin carried the banner of human beings to climb hard, and his disciples should do the same.

Enjoy and leave it to ordinary people.

However, as Lu Yin’s disciple, he still has privileges. For example, Lu Hui sent him to Xiangcheng alone.

Others have to wait in batches, but he can go immediately.

Outside the gate of Xiangcheng, the stone monster is far away. It is true that it is guarding Xiangcheng, but it does not dare to approach it, and it has a psychological shadow.

The arrival of Camel Lin surprised everyone. This little doll is the disciple of that human Lu Yin? No matter how you look at it, it’s so humble.

Tuo Lin was very polite, greeted the stone monster and those who had entered and exited around, then walked to the city gate, stopped: “Xiaoyu, after entering, we will be separated for a short time.”

“I will pay attention to safety, and you too, take your time.”

“Well, okay, I will definitely give master a recommendation in it

Make statues, you also work hard. “

After speaking, he stepped out and entered the city.

In a remote corner of Xiangcheng, the shadow disappeared in a flash. It was a wild cat with fierce eyes. From time to time, children chased it and beat it with stones, but they couldn’t hit it at all.

The wild cat didn’t fight back, and just shuttled back and forth between the houses, as if looking for something.

He is Hui Can, and he has also entered Xiangcheng, much earlier than Tuolin.

He entered Xiangcheng with a group of people who applied to enter. Ancestor Lu Yuan also knew about it, but he didn’t treat him differently. Except that Tuolin was brought by Lu Hui, he didn’t treat him differently. In the eyes of Ancestor Lu Yuan No matter what your status is, as long as you set foot in the cultivation world, you must be prepared to die.

Hui Can turned into a cat after entering Xiangcheng, a ferocious wild cat with scars all over his body.

It is also looking for a way to control Xiangcheng. If Master can’t find it, it doesn’t mean he can’t.

However, after entering Xiangcheng for so long, I can’t see anything.

This is clearly a city where ordinary people live. If he hadn’t turned into a wild cat, he would have suspected someone was playing a prank??????????????????

What is the difference between those mortals and outside mortals? Especially those children, chasing him and throwing stones, it’s too bad.

Hui Can squatted under the abandoned house, looking at the pedestrians on the street with sharp eyes, trying to find something.

Then, he was dazed, looking at a person standing in front of a stone carving booth on the street, looking curiously, and asking the owner of the stall, his pupils shrank to the size of a pinprick, is that, Camel Lin? people?

Tianyuan Universe, the retreat place of Tianshangzong, Lu Yin exhaled, watching the dice stop spinning, one point, another point, he has rolled to one point several times.

Ten days of rest.

Even if you reach the current level of cultivation, you will feel dizzy if you roll the dice too much. This dice is a turbid treasure, it must be, but I don’t know what level it is.

Looking at the above points, he felt a little sad, six people made him one, if his six brothers and sisters didn’t die, they must be the pride of heaven.

Ten days later, point it out and continue.

Put Gou Lian horizontally on the knee, and the extremes of things will react on Gou Lian, and the activity will turn into dead silence. Watching the dice slowly stop, at six o’clock, Lu Yin’s eyes widen, and it’s coming.

Consciousness appeared in the dark space. He hurriedly searched and shuttled back and forth, but found nothing.

After searching for a while, it seems that it is too far away from the dead cosmic creatures, continue.

Time was passing by. One month later, Lu Yin looked at the faint light in the consciousness space. It was Zhu’s consciousness. He had already integrated into Zhu’s body several times, and he didn’t want to integrate again. There was no value in Zhu’s memory. Darkness, continue.

It’s not easy to find dead cosmic creatures. Lu Yin walked out of the retreat and kept teleporting in one direction. He teleported continuously until he was about 500 years away from the three universes. Shake, perhaps closer to the dead universe.

He doesn’t know which direction the death universe is in, he can only rely on luck.

If there is no such direction, then go to the next direction.

One day half a year later, when Lu Yin consciously entered the dark space, he saw several light clusters in the distance. He was excited and finally found it. Is this the direction?

Consciousness rushes over, finds the brightest light cluster and blends in.

It is said to be the brightest, but relatively speaking, this is the brightest light

Compared with himself, the regiment also looks bleak, and it is estimated that the strength will not be too strong.

There is no way, the dice is at six points, even if the dead cosmic creature stands beside it, it may not be able to see its light cluster in the dark space, Lu Yin still can’t find the principle and technique.

Merge into the light cluster.

Suddenly there was the roar of music in his ears, and he could see his surroundings clearly. A number of strangely shaped white bones were walking on the ground, swinging rhythmically, like dancing. This is a beautiful world with blue sky and white clouds. Green mountains and green waters, this is a happy world, all creatures are dancing to the music, the only disharmony is that the music is too loud, shaking the bones of the body, and those dancing under the blue sky and white clouds are all White bones, bones of all kinds of strange shapes.

Looking around, Lu Yin saw endless stretches of white bones dancing. This scene was true and he had never dreamed of it. He looked at the earth and the distance, and he could see that the area under his feet was both the earth and some kind of musical instrument. A musical instrument magnified countless times is this world.

Turning around, the end of the stretching mountain range was filled with darkness, making him short of breath. It was the power of dead silence, and he had never felt such a majestic dead silence before, forming another ? ???? Heaven and earth are like crawling evil spirits. Music comes from there. With the vibration of the music, the evil spirits are laughing, the blue sky is also vibrating and ripples, the river water is vibrating, and fish bones are jumping. The mountains are shaking, the bones of wild beasts are cheering, the ground is shaking, and the sleeping skeletons are beating the rhythm instinctively.

What kind of world is this? As far as the eye can see, there are only white bones, and the endless white bones are catering to the dead silence in the distance, forming a sharp contrast between black and white.

Memories keep coming, Lu Yin stays in place, looking at the dead darkness, and the faintly visible castle under the darkness, there is an existence there, the name is–Lekukujin, the strongest in the death universe One of the abysses of death, and this is the world where music skulls wither, the world of music.

The roaring music continued to explode, and Lu Yin danced his body subconsciously. The instinctive dance came from the fused bone itself, and the joy of the source of life came from every movement and every rhythm.

He can be sure that under the roar of this kind of music, normal flesh and blood will definitely be detonated. Here is the world of bones.

Here is one of the abysses of the death universe, a world where music and skulls are exhausted.

Lu Yin keeps checking the bones’ memories, and he doesn’t know where the bones come from. It’s like the bones are given life and connected with dead power.

Dancing is always in memory, it is rhythm, it is the joy of this world, and the yearning for the distant castle.

Even a bone has a wish.

It hopes to enter the castle, which is the happiest place in this world. If you want to enter the castle, you must form a band.

Strength is the least valuable in this world, because no one can surpass Lekukujin, it is the creator of this world, who it recognizes is not based on strength, anyway, it is not as good as it, It’s about the music, about being able to keep up with its rhythm.

Memories kept pouring out, and Lu Yin also saw the memory of this bone before it was given life. It was a horrifying exchange of life and death.

In fact, the bone language is to transform life from one form to another. Memory is preserved, and cognition is also preserved, but the loyalty is changed. The loyalty of these bones comes from the life they are given, and their loyalty is The bone language is the death universe.


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