Star Odyssey Chapter 4433: The invisible road


At this moment, Lu Yin’s only consciousness is in the separate body. Although this consciousness is only a little bit, Lu Yin can change the existence of consciousness by himself, but what if it is far away? He can’t transfer consciousness independently.

Someone needs to move the main body to awaken the main consciousness of the main body, and self-cognition will return to the main body. What he has to do now is to see what to do with the consciousness of the avatar when the self-consciousness returns to the main body.

Long Xi blinked, raised a finger, and poked Lu Yin’s face.

Lu Yin’s body opened his eyes, and Long Xi hurriedly withdrew his fingers, looking at the clone pretending to be curious.

At this moment, the consciousness of the avatar dissipated, and at the moment when Lu Yin’s body consciousness was awakened, it was like a switch, which was turned off when it was turned on.

This is very helpless, if the avatar goes far away, something in the universe of the three awakens the main body, and the avatar directly falls to the ground, then it is not a joke.

Everyone knows there is a problem.

He knew that this was the biggest problem before he tried the method of nine parts. Now he must solve this problem. This is the only way he can get out of being surrounded by enemies.

These enemies once defeated the mighty and invincible nine bases, how can they break through with the current three universes? Even if Old Ancestor Shan was still alive, Lu Yin didn’t think it was possible to help with all his heart.

Just one unknowable is too deep and unfathomable.

Go ahead and try.

“Long Xi, wait for ten breaths to wake up the main body.”


After ten breaths, Lu Yin opened his eyes and saw Long Xi’s curious eyes.

“Wait a day this time, wake me up in a day.”


A day later, Lu Yin opened his eyes, with long hair floating in front of his eyes, and a scent filled the air. Long Xi stood beside him calmly.

“Half a year, wake me up in half a year.”


Lu Yin is trying the method of consciousness time and time again. He wants to make the avatar retain as much consciousness as possible after the main body wakes up, even if he can see the surrounding area. Come back, the avatar can’t be lost, no matter what, it must be integrated into a certain kind of power.

As time goes by, the interval between Lu Yin’s attempts is getting longer and longer, while Long Xi is not tired of it, and the smiles on his face are much more, sometimes Lu Yin does not know how to be awakened, he is trying, Long Xi also In trying, fancy wake up.

Decades later, Lu Yin is far away from the universe of the three, counting the time, it will be soon.

The next moment, the scene in front of me changed, and I woke up, huh? At the same time, a picture of the universe and starry sky flashed in my mind. This is the picture seen by the avatar. Although it passed away in a flash, it meant that there was a time gap between the consciousness of the avatar and the awakening of the main body.

Lu Yin was excited. The distance of the avatar was the biggest obstacle for him to consider the uniqueness of consciousness from the beginning. He was afraid that the main body would wake up and the avatar would suddenly fall down, but who would have thought that the distance itself might not be a problem at all.

He tried again.

This time it is farther away from the three universes, a distance of six hundred years at the speed of immortality.

Waiting for Long Xi to wake up.

Not long after, Lu Yin opened his eyes, and the picture of the universe and starry sky also flashed in his mind, but it was still a flash, but it was confirmed that when the main body woke up, although the consciousness of the avatar dissipated, it would be because the distance was too far away. And there is a time interval.

Like light, sound, etc. have time to travel.

Where is the conscious transmission route?

Lu Yin pondered.

Long Xi stood aside and waited quietly, with soft eyes and a faint blush on his face.

These decades are

The time she spent the happiest, Lu Yin was trying, but he himself has not moved here, which means that she and Lu Yin have been alone for so long.

If the attempt is successful, Lu Yin’s body will definitely stay in the three universes, and then they will get along longer.

Lu Yin does not let others wake him up, but only calls her, so happy.

Lu Yin also has no choice. He originally wanted Ming Yan to wake up his main body, but Ming Yan is in the Yi Palace, and the Yi Palace belongs to the main body. Staying in Tianshangzong, she is very clear about external affairs, and others will wake up Lu Yin through her.

Shortly after, Lu Yin will be far away from the thousand-year immortal state of the three universes. This is so far, except for the unknowable forced war, who does not know how far away, and the coordinates of the black and unknowable drawing of the starry sky map. The farthest.

When the main body woke up, he found that the time for the consciousness of the avatar to disperse had increased to nearly one second.

The farther away, the longer it takes for the consciousness of the clone to dissipate. Obviously, there is a transmission path. Since the consciousness is unique, no matter how far apart the clone is from the main body, they can perceive each other, so what is the channel of consciousness transmission?

This reminded Lu Yin of Xian Ling’s control over the Immortal Lord, no matter where the Immortal Lord is????????????????? can feel it.

There is also an unknown war, and eight colors appear anytime, anywhere.

He can see some ways clearly, but he can’t see some ways clearly.

It seems that there are countless roads within a square inch, but he can only see a few of them.

Since there is a transmission path for consciousness, and it is connected to each other when it is unique, then, is there a main road of consciousness like the long river of time and the road of cause and effect?

Lu Yin didn’t know, the scene he saw when he cut off the fairy tree suddenly appeared in his mind.

The distance between square inches is not as simple as it seems.

Yao Xiang once left the Tianyuan Universe for the first time, and traveled to the Linghua Universe in Wujiang, seeing the many conjectures made within a square inch, I thought the conjectures at that time were enough, but now I find that human conjectures are far from enough .

I don’t care about it, many things I can’t see clearly now, but I will definitely see them clearly in the future.

Breaking through the immortal realm means stepping into an alternative life level, and one will definitely know a lot at that time.

Now the attempt is considered a success. If you get close, this attempt will fail. The farther you are, the better.

“Thank you, the experiment is over, I will continue to retreat.” Lu Yin said to Long Xi.

Long Xi was a little disappointed, nodded and left.

Although it is over, the memories of these years will never fade away.

After Long Xi left, Lu Yin raised his hand, and the dice appeared, it was time to roll the dice.

The power of dead silence can allow him to integrate into Zhu’s body, and he can also be integrated into the bodies of other death universe creatures. The most disturbing thing now is not knowing where the death universe is.

See if you can find it this way.

Lu Tianjing welcomed a special guest today. He is special because of his status, but it is not special. Everyone knows him.

He is Tuolin.

Tuo Lin is Lu Yin’s disciple, he is considered half of the Lu family, but for so many years, he has seldom been to the Lutian Realm, so that this visit surprised the people in the Lutian Realm.

“Old Ancestor, why did Tuolin come here? Didn’t he always travel around the starry sky? Either he stayed in the heavenly sect, but he rarely set foot in the land and sky realm. The last time he came was a long time ago.” Lu Buzheng in front.

When the camel came, Lu Buzheng greeted it.

Although Tuolin’s status is high, but in the Lu family,

Lu Yin himself is still a junior. His father, Lu Qi, and Lu Tianyi and Lu Yuan’s ancestors are on top of him. Many people respect him. Lu Buzheng met Tuolin several times in Tianshangzong. Although he didn’t talk much, he liked this child quite a lot. In addition, the Lu family’s talent for teleportation was related to Tuolin. coming.

Lu Buzheng said: “Whether you come or not has nothing to do with you, just do your own thing and don’t worry about other things.”

“Yes, Patriarch.” A group of Lu family children responded, even though they said so, they didn’t leave, wondering what the camel came to Lutian Realm for.

Among Lu Yin’s disciples, Ku Dawei is careless, likes to pretend, and shows off everywhere. These years, he has really enjoyed the respect of Lu Yin’s disciples, but it’s not too much, it’s just enjoyment.

Hui Can is fierce and cunning, which is related to his experience. He has seen all the dangers in the world, and will not trust others easily, but his heart is not bad, but he is good at protecting himself in everything.

Chu Songyun is the strongest, one step forward is eternal life, and he made a contribution in the war with Xianling. He is one of the few strong men who are qualified to participate in that war. Good and evil, right and wrong, is a responsible person.

Tuo Lin is the simplest, no desire at all, respect for Lu Yin has been engraved in his bones, as Lu Yin’s disciple, he is respected everywhere he goes, but he is dispensable, never in this capacity What to do, but no one can ignore him, because such a disciple is the most loved by the master.

Many people think that Lu Yin’s favorite disciple is Tuolin.

In addition, Tuo Lin is accompanied by an invisible green fairy named Yan Ruyu, whose strength is not low. Tuolin is related, so the Lu family respects Tuolin the most.

The children of the Lu family are curious, what is Tuolin doing when he suddenly visits Lu Tianjing?

Tuo Lin himself doesn’t practice very much, and his cultivation level is extremely low. It is said that he didn’t have meridians before, but later he replenished his meridians, but he prefers to read books.

The purpose of reading is to cultivate, but he gave up cultivation for the sake of reading, which makes people wonder.

Lu Tianjing, Tuolin was a little cautious: “Xiaoyu, they are too enthusiastic, I am not used to it.”

“That’s right, this is our home, Master’s home is our home, I shouldn’t see outsiders.”

“That person seems to have seen it before, Xiaoyu, he smiled at me.”

“Okay, everyone smiled at me, there are still many good people, we traveled the starry sky, walked on the road that Master walked, it seems that we have never encountered bad people.”

“That’s right, it was Master who beat the bad guys in advance. Of course we can’t see the bad guys if we follow Master’s path again. You’re smart, Xiaoyu.”

While speaking, Tuolin saw Lu Buzheng, and he hurried forward to salute: “Young Tuolin, I have met senior.”

Lu Buzheng helped the camel with a smile, glanced at the surroundings, he still couldn’t see the green fairy named Yan Ruyu, and felt a chilly feeling: “You are welcome, you are going home when you come to Lu Tianjing, let’s go, Let me show you.”

“Will you disturb the seniors?”

“What you are looking at now is the scenery that Lord Lu has seen.”

“I’m sorry, senior.”

Lu Buzheng laughed and took Tuolin to visit the Lutian Realm. The Lutian Realm is very big, and it would take a long time to finish it, but Lu Buzheng just took Tuolin through the places Lu Yin had been to, especially the burial of the Lu family. cemetery.

Tuo Lin respectfully saluted, said something, and left with Lu Buzheng after a while.


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