Star Odyssey Chapter 4432: Change try


“Give me the coordinates.” Lu Yin said.

Black is unknowable and happy: “Are you willing to trade?”

Lu Yin said: “Let’s talk.” After finishing speaking, he got the coordinates and left.

A deal? How could it be so simple, this black agnostic even dared to kill the red man, and ignored the existence of eight colors. The scale of the picture was absolutely beyond imagination. Before distinguishing whether this guy was an enemy or a friend, it was impossible to rush to help it.

It’s not true, it’s almost an enemy, except for human civilization, ninety-nine out of ten creatures within a square inch are enemies.

The reason why coordinates are needed is to keep a possibility, and only use it when there is really no other way in the future.

He has an unknowable six-star mission reward, and now he is in exchange for a black unknowable five-star mission reward, and his cards are getting more and more.

The premise is to complete the drawing of the star map.

The scope of drawing a star map corresponding to a five-star mission is extremely large, which is far from comparable to a three-star mission.

The coordinates are quite far away, and it is a dangerous task. No one knows what will happen when drawing a star map.

Lu Yin found Lu Xuan and asked him to choose.

Lu Xuan chose to draw without hesitation. He didn’t know the reason, but since Lu Yin said it, there was a point in doing it.

He knows what Lu Yin has shouldered for human civilization, but human civilization is not limited to Lu Yin.

After this task is completed, he can call Lu Yin the seventh brother, and he will be upright.

Lu Yin retreated. From the moment the Meteor Realm was cut off, he had the idea of ​​retreat. He wanted to find a breakthrough for human civilization, but then too many things happened, war after war, time after time The accident, coupled with the fact that he was not sure whether he could complete what he wanted to do in retreat, so he delayed until now.

Now, the dead universe is approaching, so I have to try.

He wants to try – the method of nine parts.

He still remembers the feeling when he first learned about the method of dividing himself into nine parts. The universe actually has the power to divide himself into nine parts. At that time, he longed for this method so that he could be like Chen Zu One is divided into nine, and the nine forces are cultivated and finally merged to achieve invincible combat power.

But then he really got the method of nine parts, he hesitated, because of Charlotte’s experience, he had scruples.

One is divided into nine, and the nine clones practice at the same time. It sounds tempting, but as time goes by, the consciousness will gradually become self-conscious. The better ones are similar to Chen Zu, who can suppress the consciousness of the clones and integrate them. The worst one is Xia Jiu You, was directly fused by Charlotte, the avatar, and lost himself.

Even though their own consciousness is divided into nine, Xia Jiuyou and Xia Luo are not the same person. They have different thoughts, different personalities, and different hobbies. How can they be considered as the same person?

Because of Xia Jiuyou’s fate, Lu Yin stranded her practice of the Nine Split Body Method.

And these years, he occasionally thinks of this exercise. In fact, if the consciousness can be kept unique, it can be cultivated, but if the consciousness is unique, how can the clone be cultivated? The biggest advantage of the method of nine divisions is that one division is nine cultivation. When others practice alone, you can directly cultivate nine powers. Even if you cultivate the same power, it is nine times as efficient as others. This is the biggest advantage.

Without this advantage, what is the value of the method of nine parts?

Keep the only consciousness and lose the greatest value of the method of nine parts. This result made Lu Yin give up cultivation before, but now the purpose is different. It is not for cultivation, but to find another way, one that is not among many enemies

The road under the nose.

The three universes are too obvious, and he is too obvious. Every move is watched by people, which makes the three universes imprisoned in a cage forever. If you lose, you can’t rush, and you can’t win.

Since the defeat of the ninth base, human civilization has become a thorn in the side of every powerful civilization in the universe, and it will be targeted everywhere.

Since Lu Yin stepped into the cultivation world, although the result is dazzling, the process is not so eye-catching. The current situation does not match his own personality.

So he urgently needs to get out, not only for himself, but also for human civilization.

The method of nine parts is now in use. It is a pity to lose the advantage of cultivation, but if it can help him escape, it will be the greatest value.

The method of cultivating the nine parts of the body is very simple. Feel the self-consciousness, make the self-consciousness form a nearly physical state, and then divide it into nine parts, and then use your own blood to reshape the body, and integrate the eight consciousnesses into the eight bodies respectively. Consciousness is connected, flesh and blood are fused, this is the method of nine parts.

It looks simple now, but in the original Tianyuan Universe, the first step was difficult for countless people. How many people in the Xia family can learn Jiufen????????????????? method? Too little too little.

Feeling self-awareness and forming an entity requires a very high level of control over self-awareness, or the innate ability to control self-awareness. Most of the Xia family members who practice the method of nine parts are the latter. If there is no latter one This kind of talent, to complete the first step, was as difficult as reaching the sky in that era, an era where even half-ancestors were not common.

It is different now, too many practitioners can do it.

The difficulty lies in the first step. The first step is the key to the method of dividing the body into nine parts. What Lu Yin has to do now is to erase this first step. On the other hand, he does not divide his consciousness into nine parts. , but defines consciousness as the only one, and only his own consciousness can exist in the universe, and there is no second kind.

If this kind of change to the method of nine parts is changed to before, he would not be able to do it even in the ancestral realm, but now it is different, his consciousness is so strong that it is rare in the world.

The establishment of the Yifu is enough to allow a group of practitioners to participate in foreign wars in the form of conscious life, and they themselves will not die.

This is actually a way of cultivating civilization. If Yifu can gather the consciousness of the entire human civilization, it can even be advanced as an absolute means.

Lu Yin retreated, and the law of karma has always enveloped the three universes. As long as the law of karma exists, outsiders will know that he must be there.

Nowadays, human civilization is still relatively peaceful. Lu Yin has been in seclusion for more than ten years. After more than ten years, he opened his eyes, raised his hand, and a drop of blood emerged from his fingertips, slowly falling, oppressing the void. Tearing, as the blood gradually fell, the dripping direction continued to condense **** lines, followed by bones and flesh, and finally, a figure stood in front of him, it was another Lu Yin, exactly the same Lu Yin.

This is another body that Lu Yin molded with his own flesh and blood. Although the strength is far inferior to his own. After all, the strength of this body comes from a drop of blood, but even if it is only a drop of his own blood, it is not something ordinary people can imagine .

At the beginning, Chenzu’s blood blasted the sixth continent’s portal, but now, Lu Yin’s blood is enough to burn the stars.

Even a drop of blood is unbearable to those who survive hardships.

Lu Yin is the strongest rogue in the past and present. He can fight against the immortal realm that fits the two laws of the universe. This drop of blood is enough to have the strength of a rogue.

Looking at the exact same self in front of him, Lu Yin always felt weird, so he waved his hand casually,

The figure in front of him once again turned into blood and dripped to the ground.

He once again condensed a drop of blood, reshaped it, and another figure appeared, still Lu Yin himself, but the face of this figure was changed and became a stranger.

Looking at the stranger in front of him, Lu Yin is just trying. This avatar only has physical strength, and the nine avatar can strip off its own talents, skills, etc. to the avatar. Which kind of power should be changed according to the situation.

It is not difficult to create an avatar with your own flesh and blood. The biggest problem is to maintain the uniqueness of consciousness. Then, when the avatar is not in the three universes, the consciousness of the main body is asleep. Once the consciousness of the main body wakes up, the consciousness of the avatar will dissipate. What about the avatar?

If this is not handled well, this attempt is a joke.

He used to use all kinds of disguises, using the six points of the dice to be almost omnipotent and omnipotent to some people, and he played around with the enemies. It can be seen, not to mention that he still cannot leave the universe of the three.

Once the avatar participates in other forces, the cosmic distance from the three is not so simple. With such a long distance, how can the only one Consciousness to protect both sides?

It is necessary to wake up the main body and keep the avatar safe and sound.

Lu Yin pondered, this is not easy to solve.

He materialized his consciousness and integrated it into the avatar. The consciousness in the avatar is actually similar to the consciousness on the wayfinding stone. He can only see the surroundings and has no ability to think for himself unless.

Lu Yin closed his eyes, opened them again, his vision changed, and his cognition appeared in the clone.

Now this avatar is himself, he looked at his hands, they are so weak, and the feeling of being so weak is really uncomfortable.

There is a feeling of returning to the time when I faced the human-shaped green fairy. At that time, I almost had this kind of physical strength. It is difficult to fight against the human-shaped green fairy and the drop-shaped green fairy. Against the most common immortality.

Fortunately, it wasn’t the strength it had when it first encountered the hexagonal monster, otherwise it wouldn’t be able to defeat the most common immortal environment.

As long as this clone gains some of its own power, it is enough to become a rogue.

Looking at the main body and the avatar, Lu Yin found Long Xi.

Long Xi looked at Lu Yin strangely, and also looked at the avatar: “The method of nine avatars?”

Lu Yin shook his head: “It’s changed, there are not so many, and the consciousness is unique, and it will not bite back on itself.”

Long Xi breathed a sigh of relief: “That’s good. Although the Xia family’s method of nine clones is powerful, it also has many disadvantages. As far as I know, Xia Shenfei spent a lot of effort to suppress his clone. If it weren’t for Shenwu God help, some avatars are hidden wherever he can’t find them.”

Lu Yin competed with Shenwutian and fought against Xia Shenfei. At that time, Xia Shenfei had already merged into one body and could display Shenwu’s aura. He really didn’t know anything before that.

“However, the biggest advantage of the method of nine clones is the practice of clones. You have only one consciousness, how do you practice with clones?” Long Xi was puzzled.

Facing Long Xi, Lu Yin had nothing to hide: “I just want to find another way.”

Long Xi pursed his lips, nodded silently, and said nothing more.

“You help me wake up the main body.”

“How to wake up?”

“Just shake it.”

Long Xi walks to Lu Yin’s body, shake it?


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