Star Odyssey Chapter 4431: The biggest weakness


Of course, it would be bad if there were too many such foreign immortal creatures, and it would be prone to accidents.

One or two works best.

With Lu Yin around, Ba Rong and the stone monster can only stay in the place he designated and cannot escape, especially when they see the blood tower Shangyu, Jingmen Shangyu, Mr. Mu and other immortals, that kind of The desire to escape was gone in an instant.

One, two, five, eight, what the hell? Why are there so many eternal beings?

In addition to that Lu Yin, there are actually eight immortals?

This, this is fishing civilization.

Teleportation, eight immortals, and a rogue who is far beyond the ordinary immortals can kill at will. Isn’t this fishing civilization?

Is this called a small quantity? Does human civilization have a wrong perception of the number of eternal life?

Ba Rong greeted each of them honestly, this is my home from now on, yes, definitely my home, because I can’t run away.

The stone monster also stayed outside Xiangcheng honestly.

Mr. Mu and the others were also told about the technological civilization being driven away.

Anyway, this trip was to deal with technological civilization, and I didn’t expect to catch a fish back.

Of course, there is also the situation about the dead universe, which made everyone feel heavy.

The shadow of the dead universe has been hanging over everyone’s hearts, and now it feels closer and closer.

Lu Yin has never used the power of death silence, because he is afraid of attracting the death universe, so he can only use it once in a while, but the death universe will still come.

“I will try my best to lure the death universe away, as long as it comes.” Lu Yin said.

The Blood Pagoda Shangyu and the others looked at Lu Yin with complicated eyes, and he finally embarked on the road of Qinglian Shangyu.

This is destiny, and every climbing civilization has an existence that carries everything.

Not long after, Lu Yin lay in the hanging coffin and disappeared, it was time to hand in the task.

Before he accepted the mandatory task of drawing a star map, he handed it over to Lu Xuan and the others, delaying the time and trying to finish it slowly, but now hundreds of years have passed, it can be handed over.

It’s just a small task anyway, it doesn’t affect anything.

By the way, try to lure the black unknowable with this task, and try to know something as much as possible.

“Eight colors, the task is completed, and the reward is kept.”

“Okay, do you want to accept a new task?”


“Please select a task.”

“Or capture the tributaries of the long river of time or draw a star map?”

“You can also choose to follow the mandatory tasks released.”

Lu Yin was surprised: “You also issued a mandatory mission?”


“What task?”

“Five-star mission, find the ten-eyed crow.”

Lu Yin raised his eyebrows, looking for the ten-eyed crow? It seems that I don’t know who is staring at the ten-eyed crow.

That’s right, Base had asked him where the Ten-eyed Crow was, but he didn’t say anything.

How can I say that these ten-eyed crows are all existences that were once called invincible in single combat power.

His crow’s body has played an extremely critical role in several battles. This is just a crow’s body, and the ten-eyed crow has ten extreme talents, which can be imagined as terrifying.

Anyone can change their strength as long as they get one.

His goal now is to turn around.

If he finds the Ten-Eyed Crow unknown, he will definitely drag it away, and he will have no chance to get it.

“Red Man is the most suitable task, right? He didn’t take it?”

“No comment.”

“Okay, I’ll take it.” Lu Yin said.

Ba Se Dao: “Are you sure to accept it?”

Five-star mission, looking for the ten-eyed crow. “


Lu Yin originally wanted to accept the task of drawing a starry sky map to lead a black unknown, fishing for it, but he did not expect such a task to appear. This is a five-star task reward for free. As long as he gets the remaining two eyes, So what if the ten-eyed crow is unknown.

After accepting the task, Lu Yin was about to leave when a voice came: “You didn’t accept the task of drawing a star map?”

Lu Yin’s eyes moved, it was black and unknowable.

The task of drawing a starry sky map comes from black, which is unknowable. If you hand in the task yourself, it will naturally know it, so it can talk to itself through eight colors alone.

“No answer, no challenge.” Lu Yin replied.

“The task of drawing a star map is divided into agnostic, each star level has it. You help me complete the five-star task to draw a star map, and I help you kill the red man.” Hei Wuknowledge said, his tone was very peaceful.

But what it said was creepy.

Killing the Red Man, speaking in such a calm tone, Lu Yin didn’t know how to answer it for a while.

However, Hong Xia is a peak powerhouse who conforms to the two laws of the universe. If it weren’t for the joint calculation of Qinglian Shangyu and senior Jiuwen, Hong Xia might have broken through and reached Yushan?????????? ?????? The level of the ancestors, this level has been extremely strong in ancient and modern times. Although it has not broken through now, it is still extremely strong.

But in the black agnostic mouth, it seems that he can kill at any time.

Lu Yin confirmed again: “You want to help me kill Hongxia?”

“As long as you agree, anytime.”

“This is Zhizong, Base can listen to what you say.”

“So what?” came the black and unknown voice, still so peaceful, just chatting with ordinary people.

But at this moment, Lu Yin looked at Zhizong, and the deep darkness was like a pair of eyes staring at him.

He was silent for a long time: “Red Man is not as valuable as a five-star mission. I don’t know, to complete a five-star task is equivalent to destroying a fishing civilization, and Red Man obviously can’t reach the height of fishing civilization. “

Black is unknowable: “You said it yourself, eight colors are listening, I want to find a way to help you kill the red man without being caught by the unknowable and breaking the rules. You don’t necessarily care about this rule.”

Lu Yin narrowed his eyes: “Who are you?”

“Is it important?”

“Very important.”

“Available for trading.”

Lu Yin’s eyes flickered: “Let’s talk about it when I want to make a deal.”

Black is unknowable and slowly said: “Your human civilization currently has one of the biggest weaknesses. This weakness makes you never turn over. Do you know what it is?”

“All ears.” Lu Yin said.

Black is unknowable: “You guys, it’s too obvious.”

Lu Yin raised his eyebrows: “The orientation of the three universes?”

“No, it’s your human civilization. It’s too obvious. Although the nine bases are defeated, their brilliant light shines on you like a beacon, making every step of yours under the watchful eyes of others. When you reach a certain limit, you may It will be the limit of your life.”

Lu Yin did not refute, this is a fact, such as transparency is unknowable, this unknowable balance makes a sword cut off the meteor world, so that they have no chance to contact the longevity civilization, the longevity civilization is another human civilization, united , then extremely strong, separated, but not necessarily.

His every step is watched by the enemy.

“The reason why the nine bases were so brilliant back then was not only because too many strange and powerful people were born, but also because no one paid attention to them. It was too late when others had to pay attention to them, but you were at the beginning The height is limited, not

Knowing this, Xianling and other civilizations that have participated in the siege of your nine bases are like this. It seems that you are free, but in fact you are trapped within a certain range, unable to break free, escape, or rush out , can’t win. “

“What’s worse is that you have even leaked your location, and the three cosmic directions are known to everyone like a lighthouse. No matter how talented you are or what you have mastered, even if you have reached the level of conforming to the three cosmic laws , and cannot break free from this shackle, which is the deepest shackle on your human civilization, which comes from all civilizations, and also from your human civilization itself.”

Lu Yin asked back: “What do you want to do after talking so much?”

Black is unknowable: “I can help you break free from this shackle.”

Lu Yin laughed: “Only you?”

“Not enough?”

“What do you say?”


At this moment, Lu Yin’s curiosity about black and unknowable has reached its peak. Where does it have the confidence to say that it can help human civilization break free from the shackles? At the beginning of the war with Xianling, its opponent was only Xianling who conformed to the two laws of the universe, just like the old guy Haha, and the one who stood in front of the unknown was the white unknowable, and the one who confronted the heavens was the balance envoy.

Or???????????????? Maybe it is hiding its strength, and every unknowable is hiding itself, but it can help human civilization to face There are so many threats to civilization, it’s impossible, nine bases can’t do it, and it can’t do it.

How otherwise remains unknowable?

It has long since been detached from the unknown.

Although he doesn’t believe it, Lu Yin also knows that the black is unknowable and absolutely powerful horror, but it is impossible to tell what level it has reached.

Ancestor Shan once threatened him outside the trace, and stopped in his tracks. Unknowable there is a terrifying powerhouse that Patriarch Shan dare not face. Lu Yin has always wanted to find out, maybe this strong man is The existence that caused Patriarch Shan to die.

Lu Yin said slowly: “Since you are so powerful, tell me who stared at Patriarch Shan and killed him.”

Black is unknowable: “Is this about you?”

“Of course, I’m right there.”

“I won’t say, you didn’t pay the same price.”

“What price do you want?”

“Complete the five-star mission and draw a star map.”

Lu Yin frowned: “Just a piece of information, worth a five-star mission?”

“This information is more valuable than the Red Man.” Mou Ding, who is unknowable in black.

Lu Yin exhaled: “Forget it.”

“No deal?”

“Let’s talk later.”

“Unknowable has cognition about human civilization, corresponding to six-star task rewards and five-star task rewards, why didn’t you directly ask eight-color exchange?” Black Unknowable asked suddenly.

Without waiting for Lu Yin to answer, it continued: “Because you also know that cognition is not equal to strength. The strength of the three of you in the universe and human civilization has been locked. Even if you tell you the coordinates, you can’t unite, but I am different. “

Lu Yin’s eyes flashed.

“I can redeem it for you, no one knows.”

Lu Yin said: “Eight colors will know.”

“Unknowable is a place where the rules are greater than the sky. Eight colors are eight colors, and the balancer is the balancer.” Black Unknowable replied.

Lu Yin’s heart was moved, and he understood, so restricting human civilization is the responsibility of the Balancer, and the responsibility of the eight colors is different.

But Base can’t spread the conversation between the unknowable at will.

This is the meaning of black agnostic disclosure.

As long as he doesn’t disclose his information to the Balancer, he can do anything.


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