Spotted By Grindelwald And Went To Hogwarts Chapter 781: Pull the world into the water


The words hit his face like a cold wind, and Sean, who was sitting by the bed, felt chills all over his body.

Diary… This is not a diary, but a “annual diary”.

A huge sadness spread from the depths of his soul, and Sean couldn’t even tell for a moment – whether this was his own love at the sight of words, or the Sean Wo who had experienced all this. Lepp is grieving.

He took a deep breath, tried to calm down his emotions, and wanted to continue reading.

However, the Sean in the diary seems to have fallen into great despair.

“I have been either criticized or praised more than once – what an arrogant guy. I don’t take it personally, but deep down I am indeed proud. And this is the first time I am so…desperate…”

“So sad, so ridiculous…a complete failure…”

The words were crooked, and there were even scratches on the surface of the parchment. Moreover, the color of half of the page was darker, and large water stains that had not been removed were vaguely visible.

“Sixty-one days…no, sixty-one years.”

“There is no use in self-pity. Those emotions that want to defeat me just want to plunge me into a swamp that I can’t break out of. I have to cheer up…”

“One day in the sky, one year on earth – this was the first idea that came to me, but I quickly rejected it.”

“The flow of time in Avalon is the same as that in the outside world. I can confirm this. Another thing I can confirm is that when my concept of time was a little vague, I asked Donya to remind me. Time – Doniya did not deceive me, nor did she deliberately guide me.”

“That’s when I realized the terrible thing… In Donya’s eyes, my day is a year.”

“I don’t know whether the influence of the God of Time’s authority at this time is still ██████████████████, but I personally strongly want to understand a clear concept of time. Only then did I understand all this.”

“My familiarity with Doniya, Doniya’s love for me…even the various things and intimate behaviors that have happened between us have long been immersed in the famous name without my knowing it. For the ink of time.”

“Why familiarity? Why fall in love? Why do I instinctively feel close to Doniya, and even want to marry her and have a child with her?”

“How could we not be familiar with each other after decades of getting along with each other? Those things that I still have memories of have happened countless times between the two of us, and have been repeated countless times throughout Avalon. times.”

“My instincts and my body are already familiar with the land of Avalon, as well as with Doniya and other people.”

“Thinking about it now, I didn’t realize at all that in those diaries, some things happened too fast – is one day enough for me to complete some tedious or even difficult things? I think it’s not enough. ”

“But I was perfect, and I didn’t realize it when I recorded it.”

“Time is passing rapidly, but I am immersed in it. I cannot recognize the correct flow rate of time. In fact, I have affected other people and even the entire Avalon.”

“The senses of the guarding fairies are inconsistent with mine. They live in the normal flow of time. Even in their eyes, I live in the normal flow of time. I am the only one who is not aware of this… …”

“After I realized it, the flow of time in my senses became normal. At the same time, I also understood a truth, ██████████████████ .”

“The only thing I’m glad about in this terrible thing is that I haven’t forgotten anyone else – the time before I didn’t record it, and the sixty-one years since I started writing the diary, add up to the time I spent in Avalon Nearly a hundred years ago…”

“Nearly a hundred years…a hundred years…”

“I finally understand why I miss other people so much… I really miss them, really miss them… Mom and Dad, Ella, Hermione, Daisy, Stephanie, Ha Leigh, Neville, Ron, Professor McGonagall, Professor Flitwick…”

A long string of words followed, and everyone Sean knew was deeply depressed, worried about forgetting, and trying to miss it.

“I have not forgotten anyone. I miss them deeply. This is the only thing I am grateful for.”

“The funny thing is, this has also become a source of despair for me.”

“Nearly a hundred years ago, my promises have long been turned into ashes… They may have long been turned into a pile of loess, a withered flower, a rotten tree, a stagnant lake, a brand new grave… ”

“I did nothing.”

The parchment was wet with large tears, blurring the words on it into hazy and sad ink balls, stubbornly and feebly sticking to it.

Shaun turned to a new page with trembling hands. He didn’t even realize that at some point, his face was already covered with tears.

“The sixty-first year…the twelfth day…”

“I tried to deconstruct the authority of the God of Time because I had some experience – the **** I hunted should be related to alchemy, and I deconstructed something from the part of his dead authority. .”

“Since I can deconstruct His authority, then I should also be able to deconstruct my own authority.”

“So much wasted time has only brought me one thing – the magic that accumulates over time.”

“I didn’t even realize that I was able to kill that **** because I accumulated enough magic power – the authority of the God of Time has an unexpectedly powerful effect in accumulating magic power.”

“But when I understood it, I thought of this. I want to deconstruct my own authority, and then use my huge magic power to do something.”


“I don’t know if the above paragraph can be revealed, but it is neither important nor unimportant to the overall situation, because this is what all Sean Wallop must face.”

“Knowing it earlier may be a good thing, but it may also turn into a bad thing, because I don’t have confidence myself.”

“But I still have to do it.”

“One of the things should be recorded – the journey to the stars gave me a hint, but it also became an obstacle for me. I was exposed to the eyes of those ancient ones prematurely, so when I did When something happens, they will definitely try their best to hinder me. If there is anything wrong, it is their doing.”

“Up to now, I still have many doubts that have not been solved, and my promise has still not been fulfilled…I began to doubt one thing, ███████████████ ███.”

“But these are not important, no one can stop me.”

“Just like what I wrote, the authority of the God of Time is not as powerful as I imagined, because the gods are essentially just higher-level magical creatures. All wizards have their original bloodline, and the gods are just and The origin is closer, and I have decided that I will no longer call gods by him. They are not worthy, and neither am I.”


“In the sixty-third year, this time, I accurately realized the passage of time, and I was also very clear about what I had done during this period. This is probably good news. However, if I do what I want to do, If the matter is leaked, the whole world will probably attack.”

“I finally deconstructed the authority of the God of Time, and what I want to do has been prepared for a long time.”

“I don’t regret it, I just feel ashamed. Haha, people like me can be ashamed, it’s really interesting… But let me be this evil person. This is what I should do and what I want to do. ”

“I paid the price, so…”

“I want to drag the whole world into trouble.”

The content on the parchment stopped abruptly, leaving only the shocking words.

“I want to drag the whole world into trouble…”

Shaun’s throat twitched several times quickly. He raised his head and looked into the distance, dazed for a long time.

After a moment, his eyes became firm and determined again, and even the ferocious look in them was not concealed.

This is indeed something I can do… Sean laughed.

In this case, we have done it, so let’s continue to do it…

Because, Sean has realized why there are so many annihilation timelines.

He understood that the owner of the diary, the Sean who became the God of Time, was the so-called “first” Sean Wallop.

All timelines are constantly being born because of some of his actions…

This can explain why there are so many unreasonable annihilation timelines.

This is a passing from Sean to Sean, and now, the baton is in his hands.

No, that’s not appropriate to say… The baton has always been in the hands of Sean Wallop, he just hasn’t recalled more things yet.

“It seems that I am the only one who can do such a thing.” Sean smiled calmly.

He took another look at the passage in the diary that was blurred by the rules of the world, and then immediately adjusted his mentality to the best.

There is no point in immersing myself in the mystery of the unknown, because I will face it eventually, right?

What I want to do is to solve the questions I left behind… In the long relay, maybe the questions can be pieced together into an answer?

The trial at Soul Return Peak, this is the current focus…

Shaun put the diary back on the table. He was not going to touch the things here.

However, just as he was about to leave, a suspicious sound came out of his mouth.


The last two pages of the diary look wrong.

He had just flipped through the entire diary and made sure there was no additional content at the back. However, now that he had put it on the table, he keenly caught the strangeness of the last two pages.


Shaun frowned and walked over, squinting and observing the last two pages.

After a while, a needle-like magic power spread from the gap between his fingers and penetrated into the tiny gap inside.

“There’s also a mezzanine…” Sean’s eyes lit up.

Only short words exist on the paper that is folded in a special way.

“Before I left, I divided a little bit of time authority to stay. Only this thing can safely cross the branches of time – I hid it above my residence, remember to take it away, it should be OK Offer some help.”

As expected of me…

Shaun closed the diary and walked out of the residence.

Donia was waiting in the yard. She squatted on the ground and carefully irrigated the flowers and trees with clear water.

Seeing Sean appear, she ran up happily, with expectation in her eyes: “Have you found your memories?”

Shaun nodded after hesitating for a moment.

Donia’s eyes lit up, she pursed her lips, not hiding her enthusiasm at all: “Then, did you remember me?! Sean! I am Doniya!”

Shaun’s eyes dimmed a bit. He wanted to answer that he had remembered it, but there was a force deep in his heart that prevented him from telling the answer that Donya expected.

He can’t take responsibility for the time being…

Sometimes, silence is the best answer. Seeing Sean hesitate in place, Donya understood.

Her eyes suddenly turned red.

However, before Sean could say a few words of comfort, she lowered her head and wiped it vigorously with her arm.

Looking up again, she said with a stubborn face: “Then when you remember, come back to me.”

For the first time, Sean was speechless in front of a girl. He really didn’t know what to say.

Doniya took a deep breath: “You should have something to do, right?”

“Yeah.” Sean nodded.

The guardian fairy of Avalon turned around and left without looking back: “Then go do your thing, I’m going back to the swamp.”


The beautiful woman did not look back. Instead, she scolded you fiercely: “I don’t want to care about you now, how dare you forget me! I will remember this grudge! I still have things to do, you go do yours Something!”

Her steps paused: “Then, then…come back to me when you remember.”

Donia went away, and her figure disappeared into the clouds.

Sean sighed, shook his head, and then threw the realization upward.

The sky in Avalon seems to have no end, and Sean doesn’t know where he is now. The sun is shining brightly here, but there is no sun in the sky.

He flew up and stood on the roof, then flew deeper.

At first, the surroundings were still blue and bright, but as Sean flew higher and higher, the surroundings began to gradually become darker. Raindrops started falling, followed by lightning and storms.

With Sean’s current spell level, a thunderstorm alone will not have any impact on him.

However, as he went deeper, Sean noticed that the surrounding time, space, and his senses were becoming distorted.

“Is it the influence of the God of Time’s division of authority? Or is it the danger of Avalon itself?”

Shawn did not hesitate, dodging the incoming thunder and lightning and heavy rain, and continued flying towards the center.

Finally, he saw… no, his vision had actually been swallowed up.

However, Sean can sense that there are many things waiting for him ahead.

That’s it…

Then, a voice sounded.


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