Self-cultivation of the Exorcist Chapter 679: People in desperate situation


Inside the world.

James and Tequel were still trembling.

Du Wei stood in front of them, staring at the two sarcophagi without saying a word.

“Your Excellency Du Wei, are we really going to die here?”

“Is there no other way for you to take us out?”

James and Tequel are miserable.

The former is a person with a strong sense of justice, has never done anything bad, and has been dealing with evil spirits all his life.

But he lost a hand.

The same goes for Tequel.

And he lost a kidney.

How pitiful, how pitiful.

At this moment, he was still thinking: “Your Excellency Matthew, Your Excellency the Duke seems to have no way out, I can only pray to you, now that Twilight Clock is completely over, I am your most loyal Subordinate, you must save me.”

Tequel still doesn’t know how far his Lord Matthew has traveled.

After all, in Matthew’s eyes, Mu Zhong is really finished.

Not to mention that Tequel might still be alive.

Because, maybe even Matthew didn’t know that Tequel and James took his place in the sarcophagus.

But actually.

This is a bit different from what Du Wei thought.

Matthew should have appeared in the oil painting instead of returning directly to reality.


This may be a bit of a problem.


Du Wei’s eyes changed.

He reached out and grabbed something out of the air, and pulled the envelope out violently.


The shadow spread wildly, a pair of blood-red eyes opened, the black shadow biting Mapa’s pen, almost collapsed.

Its outline is left with only the edges.

Almost transparent.

【Master, save Brother Heiying, it is about to die. 】

Maybe the envelope and the shadow have been in love for a long time. As soon as it came out, it immediately called for Du Wei to save the shadow.

Of course it is impossible for Du Wei to let Sombra die because of this.

He immediately reached out to grab Mapa’s pen, but as soon as he grabbed it, his whole body seemed to be electrified, and he twitched immediately.

This devil’s pen seems to have its own will.

It is evil and chaotic.

It gave Du Wei a bad feeling, as if he couldn’t control it at all.

Fortunately, he resisted for Sombra.

Also, Freddy also popped out of Sombra’s head, screaming exaggeratedly: “Almost, almost brother Heiying and I died, this pen, this pen is alive !”

Besides, Tequel and James were stunned.

Among them, Tequel’s complexion suddenly changed.

Because he knew that there was indeed something related to the Demon God in the Twilight Bell Church.

But that thing has always been in Matthew’s hands.


Tiquel couldn’t help but said: “Your Excellency Du Wei, your subordinates, did you steal this pen?”

James was also shocked.

He knew before that there was an evil spirit in Du Wei’s house, and he had seen the shadow with his own eyes.

Now, there are not only black shadows around Du Wei, but also a few other things that don’t look like anything good. Could it be…

Could it be that the saint, the incarnation of justice, whom the church has always considered, has been feeding evil spirits?

If so.

The Du Wei in front of him probably fooled everyone.

He is not the embodiment of justice at all.

On the contrary, it is the ruler of evil spirits, the manifestation of evil!

James has faith.


He also knew very clearly that Du Wei had saved him more than once, and that he, an old friend of the church, had never done anything bad.

On the contrary, they have been contending with the evil spirits.

Thus, James could only comfort himself: “He is using evil to counteract evil, at most the means are extreme, and there is no stain.”

If you think about it this way, you can just accept it.

However, Du Wei didn’t have time to pay attention to James and Tequel. His body kept shaking, and every piece of skin and every pore was seeping blood.

In the blink of an eye, his whole body was covered in blood.

At this time, on the back of Du Wei’s right hand, the pattern of the pointer appeared immediately as if stimulated.

In the pitch-black night sky of the heavy rain, one eye looms, and a pointer is still turning inside.

This time, the demon **** Lamer came earlier than Du Wei imagined.

And, as soon as it appeared, the rain stopped rapidly.

Seeing this, Du Wei gritted his teeth and said, “Envelope, open the oil painting.”

How dare you hesitate to open the envelope, and immediately opened the oil painting.

In an instant, everyone present, including Sombra, Pennywise, and Freddy, all entered the school inside the oil painting.

The huge eye is condescending, looking down coldly.

It appears to be irritated.


The pattern of the pointer rotates for a moment.

But then, something weird happened.

The two sarcophagi that were opened on the ground closed automatically, and there was a sound of thud, thump, thud in the sarcophagus.

It seems that there is some strange existence inside, knocking.

Originally, Lamer’s power was supposed to reverse the flow of time in this inner world, or destroy everything, but when the knocking sound in the sarcophagus sounded, it unexpectedly maintained a moment of calm.

Inside the oil painting.

James and Tequel looked at the school in front of them and a sarcophagus in the square, and couldn’t help but exclaimed.

“This… this is where the two of us have been before.”

“How come…”

Their voices were terrified.

Even, the look in Du Wei’s eyes became weird. Could it be that the one in front of him was the one who caused all this?

Du Wei ignored them.

His right hand firmly held Mapa’s pen, and kept using a small amount of strength in an attempt to control the pen.

In my mind, there are countless illusions, as well as strange whispers.

The illusion is full of strange things.

Some seem to be in human form, while others seem to be cities, and they seem to be the evolution of civilization.

Eventually, the vision formed a book.

While the whisper is not like human speech, it is completely incomprehensible, just like the whisper of the devil, revealing the depravity and dark trap.

But Du Wei has long been used to it.

He maintained his sanity, the self-destructive eye was bleeding, while the left eye was gleaming with viciousness.

The most terrifying thing is that a person is cruel enough to himself.

Du Wei is that kind of person.

“I don’t care if you are still alive or not, as long as you fall into my hands, you have no right to resist.”

Such words are usually said by the evil spirit Du Wei.

At this moment, Du Wei dared to say that because he had enough confidence.

The right hand turned to the left, and the left hand immediately grasped Mapa’s pen and activated his new ability of turning evil spirits.

It’s just that nothing happened.

Du Wei’s new ability is not enough to check and balance Mapa’s pen, otherwise, he might be able to directly make friends with Solomon’s Seventy-two Pillars Demon God.

If everyone is friends, why fight?

It’s just that Mapa’s pen was somewhat affected, at least its resistance stopped for a while.

This gave Du Wei a chance to breathe.

He kicked open the coffin lid of the sarcophagus, and jumped in with Mapa’s pen.

Sombra and the envelope, as well as Freddy and Pennywise, entered together.

If Du Wei dies, they die too.

If one of them can be sacrificed to make Du Wei survive, then they probably won’t refuse.

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